"C" - Pdf Medic Finder:

A-08 most questioned expenses

Health Care Reimbursement Account Most Questioned Expenses IRS regulations periodically change, affecting the eligibility should only be used as a guide for determining eligible of certain expenses in Flexible Spending Account Plans. The expenses under the Health Care Reimbursement following will assist you in making your elections for the Account, as there are several exceptions, but

International perspectives on the future of work, cardiff business school

International Perspectives on the Future of Work The International Perspectives on the Future of Work conference provided a platform for experts on mediation from Australia, Canada, Ireland, Great Britain, New Zealand, Northern Ireland, South Africa, and the USA to share and discuss approaches to mediation in the workplace. The event, hosted by Cardiff Business School, was attended not on

Microsoft word - juryrapport-publieksreacties-bibliotheek++.doc

Juryverslag architectenselectie Bibliotheek++ Utrecht Al eeuwenlang is het Utrechtse Smakkelaarsveld een kruispunt van wegen, een plek van passanten. In de Gouden eeuw werd hier, ter hoogte van de toenmalige Catharijnepoort, de Leidse Vaart aangelegd. De nieuwe vaarroute was een onderdeel van het uitbreidingsplan van Hendrik Moreelse. Mede dankzij nieuwe jaagpaden betekende deze nieuwe vaarweg een


Wireless alarm unit for T-Print G0841W, G0841MW Instruction for use Instruction for use of wireless alarm unit Device works as a remote display of temperature recorder G0841W or G0841MW (further only „recorder“). Recorder is primarily designed for installation on semi-trailer of a truck. Thanks to wireless connection alarm unit enables comfortable monitoring of recorder state in a

Microsoft word - 4 28th september 2012 v2

We have managed to survive the wet weather and are hoping for a drier weekend! The children have made an excellent start to the school year, with all our pupils and staff working really hard and playing their part fully to help us to continue moving forward as a school. Start of the School Day We would just like to remind parents of the arrangements at t


NAME YOUR TEAM CONTEST Ontario Pro Soccer, LLC "Name the Team" Contest OFFICIAL RULES NO PURCHASE NECESSARY TO ENTER OR WIN. The object of the "Name the Team" contest ("Contest") is to submit a name for a professional indoor soccer team in Ontario, California ("Team Name"). Ontario Pro Soccer, LLC ownership and management ("Judges") will e

Microsoft word - audiovisual en francia-2006.doc

“Canales de Comercialización del Cine Chileno en Francia” Industria Cinematográfica Francesa: Tradición en Cinematografía de Vanguardia. El cine francés tiene una larga tradición, que comienza con la fundación de la fotografía en movimiento a fines del siglo XIX, y los primeros films de los hermanos Lumière. Autores como Georges Méliès, Abel Gance, Jean Cocteau, Jean


VEILIGHEIDSINFORMATIEBLAD C0007-C0003 1. Identificatie van het produkt en van de maatschappij : PROSEED. Chemische omschrijving van de aktieve : Thiram : Tetramethylthiuram disulfide (IUPAC)stof(fen)Safariweg 553605 MA Maarssen NederlandTel. + 31 346 290 600Fax + 31 346 290 601E-mail: info@certiseurope.nl: Nederlands : Certis Carechem24 meertalig 24 uur bereikbaar tel.nr. voornood

Cadillac oral and maxillofacial surgeons health history form

K.A. STEGMANN, D.D.S. • W.L. OLSEN, D.D.S. • C.H. FOUNTAIN, D.D.S. • D.C. MADION, D.D.S., M.D. Today's Date __________________ NAME ______________________________________________________ Circle any of the following whO REfERRED yOu tO OuR OfficE? ____________________________NickNAME (if any) ____________________________________________ which pertain to you: DENtiSt’S NAME ___


PLEASE RETURN TO: WINTER (September 1 - May 31) SUMMER (June 1 - August 31) 302 Main Street, Milburn, NJ 07041 700 Churchill Street, Pittsfield, MA 01201 TO BE COMPLETED BY LICENSED PHYSICIAN To Physicians and Their Staff: This person is an employee at Camp Winadu in Pittsfield, Massachusetts . The job includes physical activity and requires the individual to be outside i

Produits ménager mars 2014x

LDS SERVICES- Rue des Etangs - BP21 - 76340 - Blangy-sur-Bresle Tel:(0)9 64 22 05 39/ Fax:(0)2 35 94 64 55/ Mob:(0)6 07 46 80 12/ ldsservices@orange.fr Bon de Commande Mars 2014 livraisons a partir de début Avril FOURNITURES HYGIENE & ENTRETIEN 1 24(8 x 3) Rouleaux essuie tout double feuille bonne qualité 122 24(2x12) Rouleaux papier toilette bonne qualité blanc dou

Documento-guÍa para a constituciÓn dunha asociaciÓn de tipo xeral (de fins asistenciais, de veciÑos, de pais de alumnos, culturais, recreativas, etc,…)

Asociación Cultural Chuza! CAPÍTULO I DA ASOCIACIÓN EN XERAL Artigo 1º 1.-Procédese a crea-los estatutos da asociación denominada “ASOCIACIÓN CULTURAL CHUZA!” . 2.-A asociación rexerase polos devanditos estatutos, pola Lei orgánica 1/2002, do 22 de marzo, reguladora do dereito de asociacións e pola demais lexislación existente en materia de asociacións que lle sexa ap


Marcin KOSTRZEWA*, Mohamed BAKAR*, Jowita SZYMAÑSKA*, Zbigniew PAWELEC** Marcin KOSTRZEWA*, Mohamed BAKAR*, Jowita SZYMAÑSKA*, Zbigniew PAWELEC*** Politechnika Radomska, Katedra Technologii Materia³ów Organicznych, Radom** Instytut Technologii Eksploatacji PIB, RadomW³aœciwoœci mechaniczne i termiczne kompozytów na bazie ¿ywicy epoksydowejzmodyfikowanej nanocz¹stkami Streszczenie.


Vitamina D O termo “vitamina D”, usualmente se refere a duas moléculas distintas, a vitamina D2(ergocalciferol)e a vitamina D3(colecalciferol), estruturalmente similares aos hormônios esteroidais clássicos, como o estradiol e o cortisol. A vitamina D é bastante conhecida pela sua função no desenvolvimento e na manutenção do tecido ósseo, bem como pela manutenção da homeostase


NORMA DE CONTABILIDAD Nº 7 VALUACION DE INVERSIONES PERMANENTES VISTO: El trabajo de la comisión de Principios de Contabilidad de este consejo, y CONSIDERANDO: Que es necesario establecer normas para la valuación de las inversiones permanentes SE DECIDE: 1.- 1.1. La valuación por parte de las empresas tenedoras de las inversiones permanentes en sociedades sobre las


Boletín Oficial de Canarias núm. 184, miércoles 20 de septiembre de 2006 I. Disposiciones generales La Orden de 9 de junio de 2006 ha aprobado elModelo 600, de autoliquidación del Impuesto sobre Consejería de Economía Transmisiones Patrimoniales y Actos Jurídicos Do- y Hacienda cumentados, estableciendo su Disposición Final Se-gunda que, no obstante la entrada en vigor de la ci-


JOM Volume 26, Number 2, 2011 Editorial thomolecular pioneer, Dr. Richard Kunin, in When are patients going to be told his article discussing the value of manganese the truth about their psychiatric and niacin for drug-induced dyskinesias: medications? Among the countless mentally unwell not seem to comprehend the disorder or em-patients whom I currently manage, I have one pat

C u r r i c u l u m v i t a e

O ffice Suite 417 – 1011 Glenmore Trail SW Calgary, AB T2V 4R6 Fax: 403-252-0243 Home Unit 5, 237 – 25th Avenue SW Place of Birth: Penticton, British Columbia, Canada A W A R D S a n d A C H I E V E M E N T S Society for Urodynamics and Female Urology Annual Meeting Atlanta, GA: May, 2000. Dysfunctional voiding in females. Carlson, KV and Nitti VW Department of Urology, Dalhousie


Office of the Contractor-General Public Body Contract Awards (J$250,000 to J$3,999,999.99 in Value) Quarterly Contract Awards (QCA) Report QCA Report submitted to the Contractor General pursuant to Section 4(2)(a) and 4(3) of the Contractor-General Act COMPLETE ONLY AFTER READING INSTRUCTIONS IN APPENDIX B . SELECT APPLICABLE PRINT RANGE BEFORE PRINTING SECTION 1 (1) Name of Report


Solving POMDPs by Searching the Space of Finite Policies Nicolas Meuleau , Kee-Eung Kim , Leslie Pack Kaelbling and Anthony R. Cassandra Computer Science Dept, Box 1910, Brown University, Providence, RI 02912-1210 Abstract storeable in a finite machine). Knowing that any policyis representable as a (possibly infinite) state automaton,the first constraint we would want to impose on


Concurrent Session Program Saturday 14 March 2009 9.00 to 10.30 am Session 1: Complementary Medicine and Disease Prevention Venue: Lazenby 9.00 to 9.30 am Genome health nutrigenomics and nutrigenetics: nutritional prevention of DNA damage at the population and individual level: 9.30 to 10.00 am Lipoic acid as an anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective drug for 10.00


Rite Aid Corporation v. Ellen R. Levy-Gray, No. 61, September Term, 2005. UNIFORM COMMERCIAL CODE – EXPRESS WARRANTIES Petitioner sought rev iew of an adverse jur y verdict for bre ach of ex press wa rranty based on apackage insert that it generated and provided with a prescription pharmaceutical, doxycycline,directing the respondent to “take with food or milk if upset stomach occurs.”


Fiche d’information sur les médicaments anti-rétroviraux KALETRA® (Lopinavir/ritonavir) - inhibiteur de protéase Version : 1 Date de mise à jour : Septembre 2009 Rédacteur Validateur Nom / prénom Fonction NOM DU PRODUIT ET CARACTERISTIQUES KALETRA (Lopinavir/Ritonavir) : Inhibiteur de protéase (IP) Capsules dosées à 133 milligrammes de Lopinavir et 33 m

S 3 a toxicokinetics: a guidance for assessing systemic exposure in toxicology studies

ICH Topic S 3 A Toxicokinetics: A Guidance for Assessing Systemic Exposure in Toxicology Studies NOTE FOR GUIDANCE ON TOXICOKINETICS: A GUIDANCE FOR ASSESSING SYSTEMIC EXPOSURE IN TOXICOLOGY STUDIES 7 Westferry Circus, Canary Wharf, London, E14 4HB, UK Tel. (44-20) 74 18 85 75 Fax (44-20) 75 23 70 40 E-mail: mail@emea.eu.int http://www.emea.eu.int EMEA 2006 Reproduction


“I was about 50 meters away when it blew up. The blast knocked me off my feet and into the side of a Humvee. I must have blacked out for a minute or two, but when I came to there was nothing left of the vehicle. No remnants; just char and a crater.” When 28-year-old Christopher Harmon was discharged on May 26,2006, after eight years in the Marine Corps, he had a chestful of dec-oration

Msds: material safety data sheet for cartridges for power devices (t-sas-ptldmsd08)

CARTRIDGES POWER DEVICES - MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET PAGE 1 OF 6 I. PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Company: Address: 5956 W. Las Positas Blvd. Pleasanton, CA 94588 Product Name: Cartridges For Power Devices Product Description: Powertool Loaded Round Emergency Contact No.: 1-800-535-5053 USA 1-352-323-3500 International Manufacturer: Olin


The secret to getting a deep and relaxing sleep By Chris Watts-Motion Dynamics Using sleep to help you extend your life Good sleep strategies are essential to deep, restorative sleep. By learning and trying out a variety of healthy sleep-promoting techniques, you can discover your personal prescription to a good night’s rest. The key is to experiment. What works for some might not


Excerpt taken from Depression Thirty-year old Kate had been feeling increasingly depressed. She had consulted a psychiatrist who told her (in an echo of my own case) she had a “chemical imbalance.” She was prescribed Zoloft and when small doses didn’t help her mood, she was increased to maximum dose. This high dose upset Kate, who mentioned she felt uncomfortable taking medication

Microsoft word - journal of drugs in dermatology _2_.doc

Advances in the topical treatment of acne and rosacea From: Journal of Drugs in Dermatology | Date: 9/1/2004 | Author: Ceilley, Roger I. Acne and rosacea are common skin diseases which may present similarly and both involve inflammation. Both can result in significant cosmetic impairment and lead to quality of life decrements if not optimally treated. The conventional approach for both d


Anti-Doping-Regelwerk der Olympischen Bewegung Anhang A Liste der Gruppen verbotener Wirkstoffe und verbotenen Methoden 2003 1. Januar 2003 I. Gruppen verbotener Wirkstoffe zurück A. Stimulanzien Verbotene Wirkstoffe der Gruppe A.a schließen folgende Beispiele mit ihren L- und D-Isomeren ein: Amiphenazol, Amphetamine, Bromantan, Carphedon, Cocain, Coffein*, Ephedrine**


Soft X-ray Emission and Lithium Production in Cen X-4 duringShin-ichiro Fujimoto,1 Ryuichi Matsuba,2 and Kenzo Arai,31 Department of Electronic Control, Kumamoto National College of Technology,2659-2 Suya, Koshi, Kumamoto 861-1102, Japan2 Institute for e-Learning Development, Kumamoto University, Kumamoto 860-8555, Japan3 Department of Physics, Kumamoto University, Kumamoto 860-8555, Japan E

Universidad autónoma de yucatán // des 425

DIRECCIÓN DE FORTALECIMIENTO INSTITUCIONAL REPORTE FINAL: SEGUIMIENTO DE PROYECTOS PIFI 31MSU0098J Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán Ejercicio Fiscal 2009 Proyecto P/PIFI-2009-31MSU0098J-16 Incremento de la capacidad académica y de la competitividad académica de la licenciatura de la Facultad de Química de la UADY. 1.- Valoración General del avance o cumplimiento del pr


Nous vous prions de bien vouloir remplir ce QUESTIONNAIRE Quand partez-vous ? :Pour combien de temps résiderez-vous à l'étranger ? :Que type de voyage allez-vous faire (biffez les mentions inutiles) :Hébergement (biffez les mentions inutiles) : hôtel - conditions primitives - dans famille - Autres : …. Allez-vous faire des activités spéciales (biffez les mentions inutiles) : plong

Microsoft word - digital slides submission guidelines 2004.doc

CAPA 2013 Annual Digital Competition Rules and Guidelines The CAPA 2013 Annual Digital Competition is open to CAPA Individual and Family members in good standing ONLY, who are permanent Canadian residents, at the close of the competition! All submissions will be automatically validated against our Membership database. All entries must be submitted electronically no later than Midnight (P


The following is a list of commonly prescribed drugs covered under the EmblemHealth pharmacy program. To obtain the complete formulary, please visit www.emblemhealth.com . The list is not all inclusive and does not guarantee coverage. We encourage you to ask your doctor to prescribe generic drugs whenever appropriate. PLEASE NOTE: Drugs listed on this document may become non-Preferred if a g


Self-medication with vaginal antifungal drugs: physicians’ experiences and women’s utilization patterns Sinikka Sihvoa,b, Riitta Ahonenc, Heli Mikanderc and Elina Hemminkia Sihvo S, Ahonen R, Mikander H and Hemminki E. Self-medication with vaginal antifungal drugs: physicians’ experiences and women’s utilization patterns. Family Practice 2000; 17: 145–149. Background. In man


The following is a list of the most commonly prescribed drugs. It represents an abbreviatedversion of the drug list (formulary) that is at the core of your prescription-drug benefit plan. The list is not all-inclusive and does not guarantee coverage. In addition to using this list,you are encouraged to ask your doctor to prescribe generic drugs whenever appropriate. PLEASE NOTE: Brand-name drugs

Malattie dell’orecchio esterno

MALATTIE DELL’ORECCHIO ESTERNO CONDOTTO UDITIVO ESTERNO Il CUE esercita una funzione di protezione contro la penetrazione nell’orecchio di corpi estranei e contro le infezioni. Tale funzione è essenzialmente legata a: Caratteristiche anatomiche: la presenza del trago che ripara il meato; la relativa ristrettezza del canale; le sue due curvature, l’una nel piano frontale, l’alt

Responsabilidad de los funcionarios publicos

RESPONSABILIDAD DE LOS FUNCIONARIOS PÚBLICOS La palabra responsabilidad proviene del latín RESPONDERE, que se refiere a la capacidad de una persona para responder de los hechos propios. Conforme a la doctrina el término responsabilidad significa la sujeción de una persona que vulnera el deber de conducta impuesto en interés de otro sujeto a la obligación de reparar el daño producid


MELHORAR A QUALIDADE E PROMOVER A IMPARCIALIDADE DA ADMINISTRAÇÃO PÚBLICA Esta troca de experiências com colegas da mesma área, pelo facto de decorrer em vésperas da minha aposentação, tem um significado especial para mim. Gostaria de aproveitar esta oportunidade para falar um pouco sobre o meu trabalho e sobre as funções e o papel do Gabinete do Ombudsman (Office of The Ombud

Basi usa-nato nel mondo. cosa fanno.

Movimento d'Amore San Juan Diego Maria Santissima, Nostra Signora di Guadalupe Trasposizione della Tilma sul Planisfero di Brown MONOS - Divisione Ricerche Scientifiche e Umanistiche che assume la forma di una conchiglia . BASI U.S.A. IN ITALIA, IN EUROPA ED IN MEDIO ORIENTE a cura di Movimento d'Amore San Juan Diego MONOS - Divisione Ricerche Scientifiche e Umani

Staff at calderdale and huddersfield nhs trust are exploring th

NEWS RELEASE NO SMOKING DAY – MARCH 10, 2004 Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS Trust are supporting the national campaign ‘NoSmoking Day’ on March 10 to try and encourage people to kick the habit. The Specialist Tobacco Advisers in Huddersfield are taking part in the nationalawareness day, by having a stand in the main entrance of the Huddersfield RoyalInfirmary and inviting staff and p

Microsoft word - appendix c_schoharie species.rtf

Appendix C: Biodiversity of the Upper Schoharie Creek Prepared by the NYSDEC Hudson River Estuary Program, February 2007 Predicted Terrestrial Vertebrate Species (source: Hudson River Valley GAP) Terrestrial, vertebrate species that are predicted to occur within the watershed based upon presumed associations of species with habitats. See the HRV-Gap Analysis Project report to view predicted

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TC1(C8orf4) is upregulated by IL-1b/TNF-a and enhancesproliferation of human follicular dendritic cellsYoungmi Kima,1, Jungtae Kima,1, Juhee Parka, Seunghyun Banga, Yusun Junga,Jongseon Choeb, Kyuyoung Songc, Inchul Leed,*a Asan Institute for Life Sciences, University of Ulsan, College of Medicine, Seoul 138-736, Republic of Koreab Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Kangwon National U

The source of vomiting in the emerald tree boa (corallus caninus)

(c) Graham P. Oxtoby 2007/2008 Journal of the British Herpetological Society 2008 THE OCCURRENCE OF PSITTACOSIS IN THE EMERALD TREE BOA ( CORALLUS CANINUS ) OF SOUTH AMERICA GRAHAM P. OXTOBY [Abstract] Corallus caninus – the emerald tree boa of South America – is renowned for the many difficulties it may present whilst kept in captivity. The problems which may o


New cold medicine rules to take effect Meth ingredient to be tracked electronically; pharmacist vexed By ESTELLE GWINN, The Columbian/Murrow News Service OLYMPIA — A new electronic tracking system for certain over-the-counter cold medicines will go into effect Oct. 15, though a Vancouver-based pharmacy director fears it could be more time-consuming than filling a prescription. The Wash


2003 (平成 15 年) Original Articles 1) Site-specific arrhythmogenesis in patients with Brugada syndrome. Morita H, Fukushima-Kusano K, Nagase S, Takenaka-Morita S, Nishii N, Kakishita M, Nakamura K, Emori T, Matsubara H, Ohe T. J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol. 2003 Apr;14(4):373-9. 2) Risk stratification for asymptomatic patients with Brugada syndrome. Morita H,

Curriculum vitae

Pablo Perel Personal Particulars Birth date: November 4, 1967 Nationality: Argentine Professional Experience: 2011-present: Coordinator Centre for Global Non Communicable Diseases, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine. 2011-present: Senior Clinical Lecturer, Nutrition and Population Health Intervention Research Department, Epidemiology and Population Health Faculty, L

Interim guidelines for management of suspected

Interim Guidelines for Management of Suspected Staphylococcus aureus Skin and Soft Tissue Infections* Clinical presentation Risk factors associated with MRSA History of MRSA infection, colonization History (within past 12 months) of: hospitalization, surgery, long term care residence, indwelling catheter or medical device; dialysis, renal failure, diabetes, or Close cont

Lista emergenza palestina aggiornata 13 gennaio 2009

Aiuti Umanitari Striscia di Gaza Aggregated budget Balances donations 19.542.909 9.776.394 9.766.516 Medical & First aid *** 6.695.220 SUPPLIES CAPITAL EXPENSES TRANSPORTATION &STORAGE PERSONNEL COMMUNICATION Water & electricity administration 7.680 OTHER Admin costs Unspecified cash donations Other pledges Comments to

Microsoft word - espaço para saúde_v5_n2_p28-34.doc


Pain consult

MEDICAL HISTORY INFORMATION 1) PATIENT INFORMATION: TODAY’S DATE NAME_________________________________________BIRTHDATE:____________________________ ADDRESS: _____________________________________CITY:___________________________________ PROV/POSTAL CODE_____________________________PH:________________WK:________________ EMAIL____________________________________PAYMENT: PL

Co-operative governance

CO-OPERATIVE GOVERNANCE A Summary of the Code of Best Practices for Co-operatives INTRODUCTION The main pillars of the Good Governance are transparency, accountability, risk management and contro l . Though the Co-operatives Act 2005 and the Co-operatives (Amendment) Act 2006 have made provisions for greater transparency and accountability at the level of co-operative societies,


FROM : SUZANNE I. FELIX, Executive DirectorSUBJECT : TRAINING PROGRAM ON "THE COMPLIANCE FUNCTION IN BANKS: COMPLIANCE RESPONSIBILITY IS EVERY BANKER'S JOURNEY" 19th Floor, PS Bank Center, Paseo de Roxas, Makati City--------------------------------------------------------------------------------In response to our members' request (per the results of our Feb. 5, 2010 survey on preferre


Code rural et de la pêche maritime Livre II : Santé publique vétérinaire et protection des végétaux Contrat type applicable aux transports publics routiers d'animaux vivants. Article Annexe I à l'article D212-78 1. Objet et domaine d'application du contrat. Le présent contrat a pour objet le transport en régime intérieur, par un transporteur public routier,d'animaux vivants


Romances del 1 al 150: en color negro, expolio de Maria Murante Romances del 151 al 166: en color azul, expolio de Claudia Vallone Romances del 167 al 199: en color verde, expolio de Lara Campagna Romances del 200 al 250: en color negro, expolio de Maria Murante Romances del 251 al 255: en color verde, expolio de Lara Campagna Romances del 256 al 268: en color negro, expolio de Maria Murante


T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S QUALIFICATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 MATERIALS REVIEWED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Slo assessment: spring 2009

SLO Assessment: fall 2010 Assessment of program level SLO (Paramedic Program): # 4- Applies knowledge to analysis of specific problems. EMS 150: Patient Assessment There were five (5) questions pre-selected from the final written examination for the assessment of this outcome. The questions were scenario-based and required the student to “weed out” distracting information, organiz


Bio. 317 – Sept. 26, 2013 Principles of Ecology Lab Constructing a Life Table for a Human Population Objectives: We will use mortality and survivorship data to construct life tables and to compute vital statistics of a human population. Introduction: A summary of mortality, survivorship and expectation of further life, by age, is called a life table. The most straightforward type of life t


Pflanzenhormone und hormonartig wirkende Heilpflanzen 43 Frauenkräuterportraits von A bis Z Alant — Sonnenkraft für die Wechseljahre Angelika — Die Lichtbringerin für Bauch und Seele Arnika — Erste Hilfe bei Geburtsblutungen Bärentraube — Ein pflanzliches Antibiotikum bei Zystitis Bärwurz — Die Kraftwurzel für die Gebärmutter Basilikum — Fördert Hingabe und Empfängnis

Microsoft word - millard on tobacco and lung cancer transcript.doc

Tips and Tools for Smoking Cessation by Dr. Mark Millard, Baylor University Dr. West: Hello and welcome. My name is Jack West, and I’m a Medical Oncologist in Seattle, Washington and the President and CEO of GRACE, the Global Resource for Advancing Cancer Education. We’ll continue with the second part of our webinar program with Dr. Mark Millard, Medical Director of the Baylo


STUDENT SAFETY SHEETS Humans as the subject of investigation (3) including tasting, eating & drinking and chemicals on the skin See also CLEAPSS Student Safety Sheets 3, 6 and 7. Investigations Hazardous chemicals may be placed on the skin during evaporation tests or when t investigating perspiration. Where possible, it is safest to use substances which are chemicals ar

Cardiology associates

Dennis L. Brooks, M.D. Siegfried O. Storz, M.D., F.A.C.C. Jeffrey C. Brackett, M.D., F.A.C.C. George D. Mitchell, M.D., F.A.C.C. Alon A. Steinberg, M.D., F.A.C.C. Shaun T. Patel, .M.D., F.A.C.C. Douglas S. Wilkinson, M.D., F.A.C.C. PRACTICE LIMITED TO CARDIOLOGY Patient Preparations for Myocardial Perfusion Studies Patient: _____________________________________ Location: 1701 Solar Dr

Microsoft word - informatieboekje medicatie bij eetstoornissen 2012 11.doc

Medicatie in de behandeling van eetstoornissen Voor meer informatie over Curium-LUMC, kijk op onze website: Medicatie en omgeving Alle medicijnen die invloed hebben op de hersenen, kunnen de rijvaardigheid beïnvloeden. Dat geldt dus ook voor olanzapine en fluoxetine. Je moet dus voorzichtig zijn met autorijden, maar ook een fietser of bestuurder van een brommer of snorfiets m


DRAFT COPY Allergy Research Group® Newsletter April 2003L o n g - t e rm , L ow-intensity Warfarin (Coumadin) T h e ra pyHighly Effective Method of Preventing Recurrent Ve n o u sT h r o m b o e m b o l i s m : Can Nattokinase Play a Role? See page 2New England Journal of Medicine, April 10th, 2003. In This Issue NEJM: Low-Dose Warfarin Dr. Ralph Holsworth on the use of Coumadin

Bonvesin_scriptura rubra.pdf

Bonvesin de la Riva Libro de le tre scritture Testo di riferimento: Le opere volgari di Bonvesin de la Riva , a cura di G. Contini, Roma, Società Filologica Romana, 1941. De scriptura rubra De la scrigiura rossa quilò sì segu’a dire, Dra passion de Criste a ki ‘n plasess odire, La qual per nu cativi ge plaqu’de sostenire: Quest en parol mirabile da planz e da stremire. Qui


Form 13-3e Academic Year 2013-14 Drug-Testing Consent − NCAA Division II Sign and return to your director of athletics. Due date: In sports in which the Association conducts year-round drug testing, at the time your intercollegiate squad first reports for practice or the first day of competition (whichever date occurs first). Required by: NCAA Constitution and N

Curriculum vitae

Dr. Manuel Revilla Amores Formación académica: Licenciado en Medicina y Cirugía. Universidad de Alcalá de Henares, Facultad de Medicina, Alcalá de Henares 1989. Certificado acreditativo de Médico en Medicina General de la CEE (5-12-94). Tesina de Licenciatura. Universidad de Alcalá de Henares, Facultad de Medicina, Alcalá de Henares 1991.(Sobresaliente por unanimidad) Do


02_972959 ftoc.qxd 1/31/05 3:37 PM Page vii Contents Introduction * xvi PART 1: KEY INFORMATION FOR UNDERSTANDING AND MANAGING ADHD Section 1.1: Understanding Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder * 3 Definitions and Descriptions of ADHD * 3 Behavioral Characteristics of ADHD * 4 The Predominantly Inattentive Type of ADHD * 4 The Predominantly Hyperactive-Impulsi

Important: this practice guideline applies to care provided to all individuals within the rochester area, including those who are members of a rochester area managed care plan

Approach to Adult Patient Unable to Maintain Nutrition ____________________________________________________________ ______________________ □ Weight Change □ Body Mass Index □ Lab Tests: albumin, prealbumin, cholesterol, lymphocyte count □ Hydration Status (skin turgor, heart rate, BUN/creatinine) □ Urine Output □ Other: _______________________________________________________________


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Department of Justice GlaxoSmithKline to Plead Guilty & Pay $750 Million to Resolve Criminal and Civil Liability Regarding Manufacturing Deficiencies at Puerto Rico Plant BOSTON – SB Pharmco Puerto Rico Inc., a subsidiary of GlaxoSmithKline, PLC (GSK), has agreed to plead guilty to charges relating to the manufacture and distribution of certain a


Remember the Side Effects of Haloperidol: A Case Report G. F. ALVAREZ, G. A. SKOWRONSKI Department of Intensive Care, The St George Hospital, Kogarah, NEW SOUTH WALES ABSTRACT An eighteen-year-old man who had a laminectomy and subtotal excision of a lipomyelomeningocele, received a single dose of haloperidol for post-operative pain and agitation. The patient suffered an acute dystonic

Clinical use of diuretics

CME Renal Medicine on therapy in renal disease. Arch Intern Med 1981; 141 :1039–41. Richard S, Jothy S. A prospective study on Liam Plant MB MRCPI FRCPE, Consultant the impact of the renal biopsy in clinicalRenal Physician, Department of Renal management. Clin Nephrol 1986; 26 :217–21. 5 Cohen AH, Nast CC, Adler SG, Kopple JD. Medicine, Cork University Hospital, Cork, Clinica

Comunicado_170 - rede

Suplementação fosfatada parabovinos de corte em camposnaturais da Serra do Sudeste,Rio Grande do Suldiferentes regiões fisiográficas e estações doproduções de bovinos de corte e ovinos sãovariações estacionais na produção e naqualidade nutritiva da forragem, nas diferentesconstituem, mais ou menos, 60% da área totalépocas do ano (REIS, 2005; REIS et al., 2008;do Estado. Os í

Daliah saper - bio - cssl presenter

CSSL FACULTY BIOGRAPHY Da l ia h Sap e r Principal Daliah Saper is a member of the Illinois Bar and both the General Bar and Trial Bar of the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois. She has handledand is national tv, radio, and in several publications including: Fox News, CNBC, ABC News, The Chicago Tribune, WGN Radio, NPR, and a slew of smaller websites. She

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411: Verplegen van kinderen en jeugdigen Extra praktijksituaties 411 11 Sanna heeft astma Het bestuderen van deze praktijksituatie en de bijbehorende vragen en opdrachten levert een bijdrage aan het behalen van de volgende eindtermen: 411-01.1-4, 411-02.1-2, 411-03.1-2, 411-03.5, 411-04.1, 411-05 en 411-06. Het is zaterdagmiddag, het regent buiten en Sanna ligt een beetje vervee

Hutchison china meditech (“chi-med”) (aim: hcm)

AstraZeneca tries to plug development gap with two Asian deals 21 December 2011 Sukaina Virji Following on from announcing two major pipeline disappointments yesterday, AstraZeneca has signed development deals with two Asian companies in a bid to bolster its early-stage clinical portfolio. Chi-Med and AstraZeneca have entered a global deal to co-develop a novel cancer treatment, while A


Cell Communication CHAPTER 11 unicate? igeria com municate? Cell Signaling Anima  Secreting local regulators (growth factors, neurotransmitters) Long distance (hormones) 3 Stages of Cell Signaling: 1. Reception: Detection of a signal molecule (ligand) coming from outside the cell2. Transduction: Convert signal to a form that can bring about a cellular response 3 Stages of


Journal of Eastern Christian Studies 58(1-2), 85-104. doi: 10.2143/JECS.58.1.2017737© 2006 by Journal of Eastern Christian Studies. All rights reserved. Since the fall of the Soviet Union in1991 the Baltic region underwentimportant changes, some for the betterand some for the worse. Sometimes eye-catching but more often less pretentiousTallinn, Riga and Vilnius considerably. interesting subje

Tenscope limited - terms and conditions

CodingIsFun™ – Terms and Conditions Definitions (a) “The Agreement ” means these terms and conditions and the appended privacy policy. (b) “The Company ” is TenScope Limited, a company registered in England, company number 06656008, with its registered office at 136 Pinner Road, Northwood, Middlesex, HA6 1BP, United Kingdom or its successors in title under the Agreeme


Emad Mohammad Masuadi, M.Sc. Instructor Statistics College of Business & Economics Academic Background M.Sc. , IRBID, JORDAN, STATISTICS, --N/A-- B.Sc. Yarmouk University, IRBID, JORDAN, Statistics (Computer minor), 1993 Work Experience Academic Experience Instructor, UAE University (August, 2006 - Present). Lecturer of statistics at the department of statistics. Am


Surgical Instructions Please Read These Instructions Before Your Surgery The staff at Columbia Shores OB/GYN (Columbia Shores Comprehensive OB/GYN, PLLC) is committed to ensuring that your post-operative experience is as comfortable as possible. Please do not hesitate to call the office for any questions after surgery. Any questions regarding your surgery or post-operative recovery should

Microsoft word - pm_epidemiology_of_malaria.doc

Singh, N.; Shukla, M.M.; Sharma, V.P.: Epidemiology of Malaria in Pregnancy in Central India. Bulletin of the World Health Organization. 1999, 77(7).p.567-572. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Epidemiology of Malaria in Pregnancy in Central India Analysis of three years of data from a malaria clinic operated by

Bando bellini2005

ministero per i beni e regione siciliana comune Di le attività culturali ass. reg. turismo caltanissetta sport e spettacolo ASSOCIAZIONE AMICI DELLA MUSICA 44° CONCORSO INTERNAZIONALE «VINCENZO BELLINI» PER CANTANTI LIRICI FOR OPERA SINGERS - POUR CHANTEURS LYRIQUES 1 - 6 DICEMBRE 2013 Ministero dei Beni e delle Attività Culturali Musica dal

7 cf und inhalation

Zerstörte Lungen sind das Hauptproblem der meisten CF-Betroffenen. Die Inhalation von Medikamenten stel t einen wirksamen und effizienten Weg dar, Lungenschäden vorzubeugen und zu bekämpfen, weil die Medikamente in hoher Konzentration genau dorthin gelangen, wo sie gebraucht werden, ohne dass der restliche Körper damit überschwemmt wird. Der/die Betroffene muss dadurch weniger Nebenwirkungen


PPD – Search strategies CINAHL Plus with Full Text 1941-December 2012 MH Depression+ OR MH Depression, Postpartum "selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor" MH Fluoxetine OR fluoxetine OR MH Olanzapine-Fluoxetine MH Sertraline Hydrochloride OR sertraline MH Desvenlafaxine Succinate OR desvenlafaxine "noradrenergic and specific serotonergic reuptake inhibitor" (MH "Du

Microsoft word - poison ivy guide

POISON IVY SURVIVAL GUIDE Beware of poison ivy -- it's not just a summer problem and you don't even have to touch it directly to get it. In most people, poison ivy shows up as a rash consisting of small bumps, blisters or swelling. The rash might appear in streaks, reflecting how you brushed by the plant or its oil, called urushiol . Unfortunately, for some people who are highly sensiti


April 23, Stage 8: Yangyang - Chuncheon 145.9km Tobias Erler (Ger) Tabriz Petrochemical Team Aurélien Passeron (Fra) Geumsan Ginseng Asia Chan Jae Jang (Kor) Korea Selection Team Alessandro Bazzana (Ita) Team Type 1 - Sanofi Aventis Mohamad Adiq Husainie Othman (Mas) Malaysia National Sergio Hernandez (USA) Jelly Belly p/b Kenda Shinichi Fukushima (Jpn) Terengganu Cycling Team Muradjan

Poetry map.pdf

A Poetry Map for LSJ Bruce Fraser Greek Lexicon Project Faculty of Classics, University of Cambridge 2003 (revised 2007) Table of contents Introduction When using the Greek-English Lexicon of Liddell-Scott-Jones (LSJ), readers face theproblem that many citations of the early Greek poets are to editions which are out of printand have been superseded by works which give diffe


CAMBRIAN SCHOOL DISTRICT GOVERNING BOARD OF TRUSTEES MINUTES OF REGULAR BOARD MEETING CLOSED SESSION AGENDA Closed Session The Board convened in Closed Session at 6:34 p.m. to discuss the following: 1.1 Negotiations with Cambrian District Teachers’ Association and California School Employees’ Assoc., Local 641 Public Employee Evaluation – Superintendent (Govt Code 54957)


ANAIS DO II ENCONTRO INTERNACIONAL DE HISTÓRIA COLONIAL. Mneme – Revista de Humanidades. UFRN. Caicó (RN), v. 9. n. 24, Set/out. 2008. ISSN 1518-3394. Disponível em www.cerescaico.ufrn.br/mneme/anais MEMÓRIA E RELIGIOSIDADE MARRANA NA BAHIA COLONIAL. Professora Adjunta da Universidade do Estado da Bahia. O comportamento secreto dos portugueses e brasileiros ficou conhecido na

Microsoft word - addendum 2 to 063-07.doc

The following changes to the bid documents, as specified by this addendum, are as follows: The following is a listing of the questions obtained from prospective bidders before, during, and after the scheduled pre-bid conference and site visit. The deadline for questions was Friday, October 19, 2007. When multiple vendors asked essentially the same question, it has been phrased herein to capture


Seventh International Conference on “Enterprise in Transition” ENTREPRENEURIAL CHARACTERISTICS OF CROATIAN EXPORTERS Mirna Leko-Šimić Phone: ++385 31 224 400; Fax: ++ 385 31 211 604 Jasna Horvat Phone: ++385 31 224 400; Fax: ++ 385 31 211 604 Josipa Forjan Phone: ++385 31 224 400; Fax: ++385 31 211 604 Key words: international business, statistical analysis, in

Reisprogramma 1400

CHRISTENEN VOOR ISRAËL 14001 JERUZALEM EN DE WOESTIJN 3 april – 10 april 2014 reisleiding: Bert van den Burg Deze bijzondere reis begint met enkele dagen in Jeruzalem, de eeuwige ongedeelde hoofdstad van Israël. Een bezoek en verblijf in deze bijzondere stad mag in geen enkele Israëlreis ontbreken. Even kenmerkend als Jeruzalem is voor Israël is de Negev woestijn voor het Joodse

Microsoft word - travelers first aid kit_11.03.06.doc

Traveler's First Aid Kit A personal first aid kit is an efficient way to prepare for unexpected emergencies, both while traveling and at home. A standard kit canbe purchased at most pharmacies and department stores or you may wish to design a specialized first aid kit that meets your ownparticular needs. A tote bag is a convenient way to store all of the supplies in your kit. It allows enough r


C ITY C O UNC IL MINUTES SEPTEMB ER 3, 2013 T he meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. Persons present were Paul Hoff, Bert Kinzler and Marilyn Olson. Jim Erpelding and Rick Jacobson were absent. Also present were Anna Kiser and Anita Guests were: Matt Dreschel, Richard Pachel, Dave and Linda Lerfald, Stan & Betty Klug, Michelle Jevne, Greg Blum, Susan Barrett and T ed T rochman.

Halton district school board

HALTON DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD Secondary Teachers EMPLOYEE GROUP CUSTOMIZER Effective Date: September 1 , 2005 Important: Keep this Schedule with your Employee Benefit Plan Booklet. EMPLOYEE LIFE INSURANCE BENEFIT Classification Basic *subject to a Maximum of $450,000. Notes: • Your Employee Life Insurance will terminate at age 65, upon retir

Wr report 2/00 (eng)

alcohol. The disulfiram reaction manifestsnutritional status. Some modification in itself by headaches, nausea, vomiting, chestinteractions could increase or decrease drugaction and/or contribute to dietary deficienciesassociations will minimize or avoid such is of particular importance in the managementof patients receiving medications. The chronicuse of drugs requires close monitoring of

Edison research template

Medigene’s decision to expand its clinical programme for RhuDex in primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC) should result in a more meaningful outcome than would have been possible under previous plans. Although the revised Phase II study wil now not start until H114 (previously a Phase IIa was to start in Q113), we believe the delay should be worth it in the long run, making RhuDex a more valuable


Forum Vers un diagnostic stratégique 10 septembre 2013 Une économie diversifiée, créatrice de richesses et d’emplois L’Abitibi-Témiscamingue ne doit pas oublier les entraves qui la menacent. Éléments clés issus du diagnostic Constats Faible marché intérieur // Éloignement // Rareté de la main-d’œuvre et de logements // Dépendance économique env

Microsoft word - giovannini paolo curriculum.doc

F O R M A T O E U R O P E O P E R I L C U R R I C U L U M INFORMAZIONI PERSONALI PAOLO GIOVANNINI N. 40, VIA DAMIANI, 29122 PIACENZA 0523/456810 3356388158 giovanninipaolo61@virgilio.it Nazionalità ITALIA 17.02.1961 PIACENZA ESPERIENZA LAVORATIVA • Date (da – a) DAL 01.06.2012 AD OGGI • Nome indirizzo del datore di lavoro UNIONE VALNURE VALCHERO


Manejo Reproductivo en Perras y Gatas Ejercicio Liberal. Agroveterinaria Don Quijote – Veterinaria Cassinoni. Depto. Reproducción Animal. Facultad de Veterinaria. Universidad de la República. En los últimos años, el conocimiento sobre la fisiología reproductiva de perras y gatas se ha incrementado notablemente. Este crecimiento se ha dado debido al aumento de los animales de intere


HEALTH HISTORY Name ______________________________________________ Date _____________________________ Date of last health care exam: ________________What was this exam for?_________________________ Have you been hospitalized in the last 5 years? (Please circle) If yes, reason:__________________________________________________________________________ Are you currently receiving care?

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Charlene Kramer Email:chkramer2002@yahoo.com Cell #:989-553-4441 Career Portfolio:www.chkramer.net SUMMARY OF QUALIFICATIONS Experienced in support staffing and management in many fast paced industries such as construction, marketing and healthcare just to name a few. A self-motivated individual, who is reliable and eager to accept new and challenging roles and responsibilities as needed

Microsoft word - declaraciÓn de principios del centre barcelonÈs de cultura espirita

Centre Barcelonès de Cultura Espirita  Actividades del CBCE durante sus 25 años Año 1977 28 de mayo : Tiene lugar en Barcelona el primer acto público espiritista, después de 40 años de silencio impuesto por la etapa de la dictadura franquista. El orador brasileño, Divaldo Pereira Franco habló por primera vez en nuestra ciudad de “Parapsicología y Reencarnación” ant

Data base archivio comunità dell'evançon

Data Base Archivio Comunità Dell'EvançonAUTOSUFFOFFERTE DITTE DI TRASPORTO PER SOGGIORNI Data Base Archivio Comunità Dell'EvançonRENDICONTI ORARI PER CALCOLO RETTE ANZIANIData Base Archivio Comunità Dell'EvançonPERFEZIONAMENTO PARCHI GIARDINI AREE VERDIINTERVENTI PER RASSEGNE BOVINE BATTAILLES Data Base Archivio Comunità Dell'EvançonData Base Archivio Comunità Dell'EvançonData B

Microsoft word - 07_whats new in diabetes_h halapy.doc

Antihyperglycemic Medications Trade Name Mechanism of Action A1C Reductions 1. Dosage reduction for renal dysfunction approved in the US only – CrCl 30-50mL/min use 50mg once daily, CrCl<30mL/min 2. Dosage reduction for renal dysfunction approved in the US only – CrCL <50mL/min use 2.5mg once daily. Dosage reduction if patient is taking on a strong CYP 450 3A4/5 inhi

Preliminary technical data sheet

Momentive Performance Materials 1139-12-109A Product Description Key Features and Typical Benefits 1139-12-109A is a fluorosilicone elastomer that may be used for a variety of fuel and solvent Typical Product Data Press cure 15 minutes @ 142°C (287°F), Post cure 4 hours @ 204°C (400°F) Catalyst: 2,4 dichloro benzoyl peroxide (Perkadox™ PD-50) Physical


Es war ein langer steiniger Weg von der 1.erfolgreichen experimentellen Nierentransplan- tation (NTX) unter Verwendung von Xenografts, ausgeführt vom Wiener Emerich Ullman (1902) bis zur heutigen Form der klinischen Allotransplantation. Sie stellt heute, auf Grund der besseren Rehabilitation bei gleichzeitiger Sicherheit, die bevorzugte Therapie des chroni- schen Nierenversagens dar. Garanten

Medication administration

PREVENTION OF MEDICAL ERRORS Description of Course Designed to inform medical professionals about the widespread problem of medical errors. It was developed to comply with Senate Bill 1558 Section 60 enacted in 2001 that states that all healthcare practitioners complete a two hour continuing education course covering prevention of medical errors. Objectives At the completion of this

19001_manual prova titulos.indd

PROVA AO TÍTULO DE ESPECIALISTA EM ACUPUNTURA- TEAC/2009 01- Em acupuntura, o resultado do tratamento em muito depende da correta combinação de pontos locais e pontos à distância. Assinale abaixo qual o conjunto de pontos é mais indicado no tratamento das disfunções de acordo com o trajeto dos meridianos. a) Para a região frontal- Pontos à distância: TA 5, VB41; locais: VB8, VB6

Microsoft word - ref005 011909 icecream-sorbet ingredients.doc

ICE CREAM, SORBET AND YOGURT Ingredient Statements SWEET CREAM ICE CREAM (Cream, Nonfat Milk, Milk, Sugar, Corn Syrup, Guar Gum, AMARETTO Cellulose Gum, Carrageenan, Mono & Diglycerides, Polysorbate 80, and Annatto Extract), ICE CREAM AMARETTO (Water, Propylene Glycol, Artificial Flavor) SWEET CREAM ICE CREAM (Cream, Nonfat Milk, Milk, Sugar, Corn Syrup, Guar Gum, Cellulo

Microsoft word - miralaxregprep.docx

Gennaro A. Daniels, MD Garner P. Johnson, MD, FACS, FASCRS Brian F. Steckel, MD w w w . c d c r s a . c o m Nora L. Yip, MD, FACS, FASCRS MIRALAX / DULCOLAX / GATORADE BOWEL PREP PURCHASE AT THE PHARMACY: ◊ 2 Dulcolax Tablets ◊ One bottle (238 gram) of MiraLax ◊ 64 ounces of any clear liquid of your choice (except red or purple) . Most people ◊ Please fil

Late life depression

depression Depression affects more than 34 million people of all ages eachyear. However, symptoms of depression may often be overlookedand go untreated when they overlap with other physical health conditions or life events that commonly occur as people age. Late-onset depression refers to depression occurring for the firsttime in an older person (after age 65). While depression is not a


cambells mushroom soup hungry Jack boxed mashed potatoes water, mushrooms, cream (milk), vegetable oil potato flakes ( sodium bisulfite , bha and citric acid ( corn, cottonseed, canola and/or soybean ), added to protect color and flavor), contains 2% or modified food starch , contains less than 2 % of: less of: monoglycerides , partially hydrogenated bleached enriched flo

Microsoft word - carador sep monthly final.doc

GSO Capital Partners International LLP Carador Plc (the “Fund” or “the Company”) September 20081 Fund Performance2: Monthly LTM Total Price/Net Dividend Inception 5 Carador Price +0.00% 23.55% -11.89% -13.72% -10.12% +7.75% Carador NAV General Commentary Fund performance NAV decreased to [64.98]c in September due to the quarterl

Microsoft word - afghanistan child abuse - media - newest to oldest

'People should know what is going on there'; Former soldier Travis Schouten is still fighting to protect Afghan boys from what he calls systemic sexual abuse, writes David Pugliese. The Ottawa Citizen Mon Sep 21 2009 Page: A1 / FRONT Section: News Byline: David Pugliese Source: The Ottawa Citizen Travis Schouten lives with the image of the rape of an Afghan boy at a Canadian base

Microsoft word - document.doc


Microsoft word - cmh-03-253 exp-20121231 final-20120215 epigastric hernia - post-operative instructions.doc

Y our child had repair of an epigastric hernia. White tape (steri-strips) and/or a glue-like In addition to the sedation, your child either received a local anesthetic placed in the incision(s) or a caudal anesthetic block by the anesthesia team. This local effect should last 4 to 6 hours. Should pain occur, you may give your child non-prescription acetaminophen (Tylenol®) or ibuprofen (Advi

Microsoft word - chemotherapy

Christy Lee Fenton NURSG 1013 Pharmacology Instructor: Betty Sue Hinkson, MSN September 20, 2012 Module 4, Chemotherapy 1. S tate the activity in normal cell growth cycles by completing the following table: Cell resting state (ATI immune system tutorial). Cells remain in this phase or return to the cell Cell prepares for DNA synthesis (ATI immune system tutorial). This stage lasts 15-


KARNS deals Nov. 6-12, 2013 Cafe Escape, Green Mountain, Tully’s or Kellogg’s Cereals: Cocoa Krispies, Rice Truvia Sweetener, 40-count Swiss Miss K-Cups Krispies (reg. and gluten-free), Corn Flakes, Crispix, Raisin Bran (cinn. almond, Use $2 off one Cafe Escape K-Cup pack from crunch, reg. and Omega-3) OR use $1 off one Swiss Miss K-Cup pack from Use $1 off thre

Microsoft word - post-op laser instructions.doc

CENTER FOR FACIAL, ORAL & IMPLANT SURGERY Post-Op Laser Resurfacing Instructions Immediately after surgery: The skin of the face will be very pink or red and may have small areas of bleeding. The skin will ooze clear or strawberry colored fluid. Petrolatum ointment (Vaseline) will be applied immediately after surgery and should be left undisturbed until the next morning when you co


Inventory Listing for "Itch". Click on the "Buy Now" link to purchase an item. • Lot of 198 Trial-Size Neosporin Eczema Anti Itch and Daily Moisturizing Cream ($9.99) - • Antifungal Cream Miconazole Nitrate 2% Antifungal for athlete's Foot & Jock Itch ($9.99• Numark NS6 4-Channel Digital DJ Controller and Mixer w/ Serato Itch Software ($405.00) - • Rare Vintage Ny


Application of treatment and disposal methods 9 Application of treatment and disposal methods tohealth-care waste categoriesSuitable treatment and disposal methods for the different categories ofhealth-care waste are summarized in Table 9.1 and discussed in moredetail in this chapter. Infectious waste and sharps Within the limitations mentioned in the relevant sections, almost all thetr

Microsoft word - document

For Immediate Release: April 12, 2012 WALTZ INTO SPRING WITH “SPRING IN VIENNA” WINTER PARK – Vienna has been home to some of the world’s most important composers and has inspired some of the greatest works in Western musical history. The Bach Festival Society of Winter Park concludes its 2011–2012 Season with “Spring in Vienna,” featuring music that captures the

Il cardiopatico dal dentista

Testo elaborato dagli Odontostomatologi dott. G De Polo* e G. Dal Broi ** (09/2007) Prima di addentrarci nel processo di informazione e/o formazione dell’Utente/Paziente, allo scopo di chiarire dubbi e lacune sull’argomento, giova ribadire che deve essere rivolta grande attenzione alle condizioni di igiene orale dei Soggetti a rischio di problema cardiaco. E’ noto che una scadent


THIS CIRCULAR IS IMPORTANT AND REQUIRES YOUR IMMEDIATE ATTENTION If you are in any doubt about this circular or as to the action to be taken, you should consult your stockbroker or other registered dealer in securities, bank manager, solicitor, professional accountant or other professional adviser. If you have sold or transferred all your shares in Chen Hsong Holdings Limited , you should


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Microsoft word - dossier de consultation.doc

MAPA : FOURNITURE DE MEDICAMENTS Article I – Objet du marché Le marché concerne la fourniture de médicaments. Le marché est passé selon la procédure adaptée (Art. 28 du Code des Marchés Publics). Le marché est composé de 205 lots. Les variantes sont admises et la durée du marché est de un an. Le présent marché est soumis au cahier des clauses administratives générale


Protocol used by Liang in Bear Lab - UNC at Chapel Hill Polyclonal antibody affinity purification The protocol is specific for Coronin 1B polyclonal antibody affinity purification, andthe purified antibody was named as 4245.Exp . Rabbits were immu-nized with a GST fusion protein containing the human Coronin 1B C-terminal region(394-489 amino acids) by Covance. Serum was affinity purifie

Cours céphalées.pdf

CEPHALEES Eléments déterminants pour le diagnostic Mode de début - brutal (en qq secondes ou minutes) - rapidement progressif (qq heures à qq jours) - lentement progressif (qq semaines à mois) Mode évolutif - aigu (qq heures/jours) - subaigu - chronique (plusieurs mois/années) Signes associés - interrogatoire - examen complet (avec prise de TA) Céphalées aiguës (


Groupe Hospitalier Pitié-Salpêtrière - Charles Foix Le début du suivi des sujets séropositifs en France Le point de vue de la direction des hôpitaux François Bourdillon Ancien responsable de la mission sida de la direction des hôpitaux devenue DGOS 20 ans de la première publication de la FHDH-ANRS CO4 14 septembre 2012 - Paris Groupe Hospita

Word pro - intercessions 11 december 2011 pdf

INTERCESSIONS 11 December 2011 CHRIST CHURCH, VIENNA Third Sunday of Advent THE NATIONS OF THE WORLD: Cape Verde, The Gambia, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau and Senegal DIOCESAN CALENDAR: Archdeacon of the Eastern Archdeaconry, 714 89 00 (office)Vocations to the ministry and ordinands in training PRAYER CONCERNS: Those living in places of conflict, esp. children CHRIST CHURCH


Computers in Biology and Medicine 37 (2007) 1511 – 1521A knowledge based method for the medical question answering problemRafael M. Terol∗, Patricio Martínez-Barco, Manuel Palomar Department of Software and Computing Systems, The University of Alicante, San Vicente del Raspeig Road, Alicante, Spain Received 16 March 2006; received in revised form 22 January 2007; accepted 24 January 2

Microsoft word - cidadao.rtf

O NASCIMENTO DO CIDADÃO DIFERENTE: PROGNÓSTICO OU JULGAMENTO Universidade de Santo Amaro - INTRODUÇÃO E OBJETIVOS O nascimento de bebês em condições que exigem a intervenção de profissionais da saúde são bastante comuns. No entanto, quando a condição, como no caso das anomalias congênitas, indica o desenvolvimento de deficiência, impedimento ou desvantage


STATION 1: Scalars and Vectors 1. Write SCALAR or VECTOR for each quantity. Remember, vectors have a direction and 2. Igor leaves his house and walks 1500 meters west to go to CVS. He reaches CVS but decides instead to go to Rite Aid so he turns around and walks 2,500 meters east to get to Rite Aid. It takes him 1,500 seconds to get to Rite Aid after leaving his house. What was Igor’s av

Mision comercial de ropa de la india

MISION COMERCIAL DE FARMACOS DE LA INDIA El 8 de marzo visitará Chile una delegación de alto nivel de Pharmexcil de la India compuesto por 30 Laboratorios fabricantes y exportadores de Productos Fármacos de ese país. En esta ocasión, se realizarán reuniones de negocios con empresarios nacionales el jueves 8 de marzo en el Hotel Crowne Plaza (Av. Libertador Bdo. O'Higgins 136, Santiag

Paediatric committee (pdco): meeting report 18-20 april 201

Monthly report Paediatric Committee (PDCO) 18-20 April 2011 Opinions on paediatric investigation plans The Paediatric Committee (PDCO) adopted opinions agreeing paediatric investigation plans (PIPs) for the following medicines: Octocog alfa (recombinant coagulation factor VIII), from Bayer Schering Pharma AG, in the therapeutic area of haematology-hemostaseology; Human normal immuno


Repetitive strain injury Maurits van Tulder, Antti Malmivaara, Bart Koes Repetitive strain injury remains a controversial topic. The term repetitive strain injury includes specifi c disorders such Lancet 2007; 369: 1815–22 as carpal tunnel syndrome, cubital tunnel syndrome, Guyon canal syndrome, lateral epicondylitis, and tendonitis of Institute for Research in the wrist or hand. Th

Nuclear power

WAGRAMER STRASSE 5, P.O. BOX 100, A-1400 VIENNA, AUSTRIATELEPHONE: (+43 1) 2600, FACSIMILE: (+43 1) 26007, TELEX: 112645 ATOM A, E-MAIL: Official.Mail@iaea.org, INTERNET: http://www.iaea.orgThe Secretariat of the International Atomic Energy Agency presents its compliments tothe Ministries of Foreign Affairs of Member States of the Agency and has the honour to requestthat they draw the attenti


Comprehensive Alpaca Record & Evaluation (CARE) Compiled by Laura Coussens, Kissin' Coussens Alpacas (KCA), 2000 The CARE checklist is for recording pertinent information, including strengths andweaknesses, for the purpose of buying, selling and breeding alpacas. Theassistance of a qualified veterinarian is required to safely and accurately completethis evaluation. Related animals m

Microsoft powerpoint - eikev.ppt [compatibility mode]

Thought of the Week This week's parashah speaks extensively of the praises of EretzYisrael. R' Chaim Palagi z"l (1788-1868; chief rabbi of Izmir,Turkey) writes: The sefer Reishit Chochmah [quoting the midrashKohelet Rabbah] notes that Tanach uses similar terminology todescribe the human body and the earth. This is because, just as aperson's limbs and organs differ in their qualities,

2013-14 west virginia university

• Withdrawal from the University for the semester Apply for Academic Leave of Absence WVU offers undergraduate students in good standing, as defined by WVU’s uniform suspension policy, and not subject to disciplinary action theopportunity to request an academic leave of absence. The academic leave of absence is designed for the student who wishes to be away from his orher academic endeavors


‘Doing family’ in transnational marriages: Second generation women’s attachment to work Marjan Nadim Institute for Social Research Pb 3233 Elisenberg, 0208 Oslo, Norway Work in progress – please do not quote without permission from the author. The children of the 1960s and 70s labour migrants to Europe tend to marry spouses from their parents’ country of origin, a

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Price List Consultation Initial consultation (up to 60 minutes) includes pelvic ultrasound scan (if required) Initial consultation (up to 60 minutes) with a pelvic ultrasound scan and a Semen Analysis Follow up consultation (up to 30 minutes) Follow up consultation (after more than 1 year. Includes a scan and a semen analysis) IVF/ICSI & IUI outcome review (within 3 months)

Microsoft word - vacancy advertisement for executive assistant.rtf

CENTRAL BOARD OF SECONDARY EDUCATION (An autonomous organization under the Union Ministry of Human Resource Development, GOI) SHIKSHA KENDRA, 2, COMMUNITY CENTRE, PREET VIHAR, DELHI-110301 Online applications are invited from the eligible candidates for filling up the post of Executive Assistant in the CBSE, the details of which is given hereunder:-   Note : The management reser


National Filariasis Elimination Program Filariasis is a major parasitic infection, which continues to be a public health problem in the Philippines. It was first discovered in the Philippines in 1907 by foreign workers. Consolidated field reports showed a prevalence rate of 9.7% per 1000 population in 1998. It is the second leading cause of permanent and long-term disability. The disease affec

Microsoft word - 83-vingi6.1-final version.doc

Canadian Multidisciplinary Road Safety Conference  ‐ Montreal 2013   ATTENTION DEFICIT HYPERACTIVITY DISORDER, ALCOHOL, DRUGS AND DRIVING: POPULATION-BASED EXAMINATION IN A CANADIAN SAMPLE Evelyn Vingilis, Western University Robert E. Mann, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health Patricia Erickson, University of Toronto Maggie Toplak, York University Umesh J

Lfp print head warranty terms

PF-O3 & PF-04 Print Head Warranty Terms & Conditions The Canon companies listed beneath these warranty terms warrant the print head of the PF- O3 and PF-04 series (“Print Head”) sold in the EEA and Switzerland to be in good working order under normal use and service during the warranty period. In the event that a Print Head is found to be defective within the warranty period,

HipertensiÓn pulmonar

HIPERTENSIÓN PULMONAR Martín Pedro Moya Resumen Hipertensión pulmonar (HP) es una severa y devastadora enfermedad. La secuencia de los cambios histológicos la podemos observar en la hipertrofia del músculo liso de las paredes arteriales, en la proliferación de la íntima, la trombosis in situ, la oclusión de los pequeños vasos y la formación de lesiones plexiforme

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NOVELOS THERAPEUTICS CLOSES $2 MILLION PRIVATE PLACEMENT Initiates Build-out of Manufacturing Facility for I-124-CLR1404 (LIGHT) MADISON, Wisc. (November 5, 2012) – Novelos Therapeutics, Inc. (OTCQX: NVLT) , a pharmaceutical company developing novel drugs for the treatment and diagnosis of cancer, today announced the closing of a private placement of equity securities to an affi

Senza titolo 2

MEDEA, Cherubini (1760-1842) (Presso la reggia di Creonte, in vista del mare a Corinto. Ancorata al fondo e la nave Argo)Quando già corona Amor i vostri sospir, Sugli occhi ancor vi sta si profonda tristezza?Su, venite a gioir della nostra allegrezza:Sul lieto patrio suol verrà compagna al sol,La rea vision crudel scordar farà l'Imene!Amor d'un cor fedel ben può sanar le pene. Imene


Radiology Vet Consulting Final Report for Exam: 785380 Patient ID: Patient Name: Birthdate: Hospital Name: CVUES 306 - 608 Fairway Ave. Victoria, BC V9B2R5 250-889-6813 Doctor Name: Date of Exam: Confirmation Date: Consult Type: US, SIG: DOB: 19990623, Age: 13 Y, Sex: F ALTERED, Wt: 4.13 kg, Breed: Tabby DSH, Species: FELINE, Images: 26, Case Details: Grade 3/6

Microsoft word - cp misoprostol.doc

Déclencher l’accouchement au misoprostol (Cytotec) sans informer les femmes ni rechercher leur consentement : est-ce une bonne pratique? Le misoprostol (Cytotec) est un médicament anti-ulcéreux dont un des effets secondaires est de déclencher l’accouchement. Il n’a pas d’autorisation de mise sur le marché (AMM) pour cette indication. En France, la HAS indique en 2008(1) que

Microsoft word - tendancesete.doc

Les tendances de l’été Par Pierre Pelletier*www.contrepointphilosophique.chRubrique Humorales12 mars 2006 Il y a, en spiritualité comme en tout, des choses in et des choses out . Le baptême est encore largement in ; les eulogies, aux funérailles, sont tout ce qu’il y a de plus in aussi.… alors que, curieusement, la messe est plutôt out . Out les prêtres


PUBLISHED No. 12-2188 E.D., a minor by and through her mother and next friend; DENISE DARCY, PFIZER, INC.; ROERIG, a division of Pfizer, Inc.; GREENSTONE, LLC, f/k/a Greenstone Ltd., No. 12-2189 J.C., a minor by and through his mother and next friend; MICHELLE COOK, PFIZER, INC.; ROERIG, a division of Pfizer, Inc.; GREENSTONE, LLC, f/k/a Greenstone Ltd., No. 12-2190 D.B.,

Microsoft word - module 8.doc

PHARMACOLOGY REVIEW INTRODUCTION This module is not intended as a substitution for a medication or drug handbook, but rather as a brief, overall review of medications. We strongly encourage you to acquire a current medication manual or handbook and to consult a current Physician’s Desk Reference or pharmacology text, when working in the clinical setting to identify specific dosages, us


Fotografia Observances Revelações do M Sergio Mota 18 Atrium A fotografia representa uma espécie de visualidade primeira, Menos é mais que, quase submersa durante séculos no terreno daTudo o que passa pelo crivo de sua objetiva ganha a possibi-oralidade e da escrita, remontou, muito recentemente, à superfí-lidade de esconder um instante revelador, como s


W o m e n ’ s H e a l t h S p e c i a l i s t s MEDICATIONS IN PREGNANCY While some medications are considered safe to take during pregnancy, the effects of other medications on your unborn baby are unknown. Therefore, it is very important to pay special attention to medications you take while you are pregnant, especially dur-ing the first trimester, a crucial time of development for your


NOTABLE CANCER CENTER MEMBER Stewart Goldman, MD MD, Associate Professor of Pediatrics at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, loves team endeavors. Selecting the medical center environment as his home field, he thrives on the multidisciplinary approach needed to deliver the best care for children with brain tumors. “It’s the ultimate team challenge,” he explains.


hours of onset of illness. Thus, prompt diagnosis of influenza viral infections may aid physicians in undertaking appropriate preventative and therapeutic intervention. For Detection of Resistance to Influenza Neuraminidase Inhibitors Influenza types A and B virus possess surface glycoproteins with neuraminidase activity, which hydrolyzes substrates that contain alpha-ketosidically link

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Beers’ Criteria for Potentially Inappropriate By: Sheila L. Molony MS, APRN WHY: Recently published studies confirm that inappropriate medication use remains a serious problem for the elderly.1,2,3Increased nursing awareness of high-risk medications enables attentive monitoring for adverse effects and facilitatescollaborative efforts between nurses, primary care providers and pharmacists


RECOMENDACIÓN POSTOPERATORIAS PARA BYPASS GASTRICO PAUTAS DE ALIMENTACIÓN. Es muy importante que siga el plan nutricional (dieta) que le ha entregado la nutricionista para evitar molestias gástricas, proteger la integridad del saco gástrico grapado y suturado. El programa nutricional está compuesto por cuatro etapas a fin de reiniciar gradualmente su estomago a las comidas de consi


British Journal of Anaesthesia 102 (4): 503–5 (2009)Intraoperative cardiac arrest in acquired long QT syndromeDepartment of Anaesthetics, William Harvey Hospital, Kennington Road, Ashford, Kent TN24 8NU, UKA healthy female sustained a life-threatening arrhythmia and cardiac arrest while undergoingroutine surgery under general anaesthesia. Resuscitation was prolonged but successful, with aco


W01 Introduction to search methods for health economics studies Exercise: Identifying economic evaluations using HEED Imagine you are conducting a Cochrane review of Pioglitazone for type 2 diabetes mellitus. You have decided to incorporate evidence on resource use, costs and cost-effectiveness into the review, and therefore wish to search for relevant economic Read the background information

Microsoft word - student bodiespres.doc

Student Bodies: Dance Pedagogy and the Soma I was asked to write a chapter on the body in dance education. In contemplating such a task, the first question I asked myself was “How does one write a literature review on something like the body in dance education?” There are many bodies of literature on the topic. Any literature review on this theme will surely be limited. Additionally, I was


SEXUALIDAD Y EVANGELIO Sesión del miércoles 12 de agosto de 2009 CENTRO TEOLÓGICO MANUEL LARRAÍN Asisten Cristián Barría, Pablo Concha, Carolina Correa, Carolina Del Río, Alejandra Lustig,Caridad Merino, Carmen Reyes, Mike Van Treek, Fernando Verdugo y Samuel Yáñez. Texto de lectura previa HÉRITIER, F, Masculino / Femenino II. Disolver la jerarquía, FCE, 2007, 209-226. La antrop


Emergency Medical Information GENERAL INFORMATION Full Name of Child ____________________________________ Nickname ____________________ Date of Birth_________ M / FParent(s)/guardian(s) _________________________________ Daytime Phone _________________ Cell Phone ________________Parent(s)/guardian(s) _________________________________ Daytime Phone_________________ Cell Phone ________________Stre

File://a:\miscellaneous products\in progress\cardiovascular\tar

A recent jury trial verdict may have created supply issues for the generic fixed-dosed combination of trandolapril/verapamil hydrochloride ER. In order to help prevent disruption in therapy, Abbott wants to make you aware that their branded TARKA (trandolapril/verapamil hydrochloride ER) is available with no supply issues in all four dosage strengths. How this change affects patients


HY-TEK's MEET MANAGER 3.0 - 10:28 AM 7/25/2011 Page 1 GRPA State Class "A" Swim Meet - 7/22/2011 to 7/23/2011 Results - 2011 GRPA Class "A" Swimming Championships Event 1 Girls 7-8 50 Yard Freestyle Prelim Time Finals Time Preliminaries Event 2 Boys 7-8 50 Yard Freestyle Prelim Time Finals Time Preliminaries HY-TEK's MEET MANAGER 3.0 - 10:28 AM 7/2

In the supreme court, state of wyoming

IN THE SUPREME COURT, STATE OF WYOMING 2014 WY 16 OCTOBER TERM, A.D. 2013 January 28, 2014 MARK S. HICKS, administrator and personal representative of the ESTATE OF JOHNNA R. HICKS, Appellant (Plaintiff) S-13-0107 TUENIS D. ZONDAG, M.D., and CENTRAL WYOMING NEUROSURGERY, LLC, Appellees (Defendants). Appeal from the District Court of Natrona County The Honora

Microsoft word - bellinatomigräne.doc

Migräne Wortbedeutung: Das Wort Migräne wurde aus dem französichen „la migraine“ übernommen. Im italienischen sagt man emicrania. Der Ursprung liegt in der griechischen Sprache „Hemikranie“. Hemi bedeutet halb und kranie ist der Wortteil von Schädel. Da der Schmerz zu Beginn eines Anfalls meist halbseitig auftritt und erst im weiteren Verlauf sich auf den ganzen Kopf ausbre

Nota bene-- c:\ipsa\2005\program.txt job

International Literature-and-Psychology ConferenceParticipants will need to purchase lunch tickets on arrival, 120 for the four-day package. Lunches will be at the Conference Center. The city of Córdoba will pro-vide folders with tourist and practical information. Evening reception sponsored by Department of Filosofia y Letras at the Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universitad de Córdoba,

Many thanks…

Visit our temple website at Purim Jacquie Dyrke and her daughter, Lisa, will be hosting our upcoming Purim dinner (on Friday, March 6). They will be serving a vegetarian pasta dish and would like the rest of us to bring salads. Jacquie already has the desserts assigned. Thanks Jacquie and Lisa! Congregational Meeting & Schedule Changes Refer to the schedule later in this newslett



Escuela nacional de medicina y homeopatÍa

Vol. 74; No. 638. Septiembre-octubre 2005. Editorial Propulsora de Homeopatía. EFECTO BACTERICIDA DE LAS TINTURAS; CALENDULA OFF. Y ECHINACEA ANGUSTIFOLIA EN EL STREPTOCOCCUS MUTANS. M. en C. Marisol Pezet Valdez, C.D. María Ernestina Moctezuma Lechuga, M. en C. Jessica García Vivas, M. en C. José Tomás Hernández Méndez. Como sabemos, la placa dentobacteriana (PDB)

Effect of feeding glyphosate-tolerant (roundup-ready events ga21 or nk603) corn compared with reference hybrids on feedlot steer performance and carcass characteristics

Effect of feeding glyphosate-tolerant (Roundup-Ready events GA21 or nk603) corn compared with reference hybrids on feedlot steer performance and carcass characteristics1 G. E. Erickson*2, N. D. Robbins†, J. J. Simon*, L. L. Berger†3 T. J. Klopfenstein*, E. P. Stanisiewski‡, and G. F. Hartnell‡ *Department of Animal Science, University of Nebraska, Lincoln 68583-0908;†Depar

Microsoft word - surgical_prophylaxis_antibiotic_recommendations_for_adult_patients.doc

NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital Sites: All Centers Medication Use Manual: Guideline Page 1 of 8 ___________________________________________________________ SURGICAL PROPHYLAXIS: ANTIBIOTIC RECOMMENDATIONS FOR ADULT PATIENTS GUIDELINE: Antibiotics are administered prior to surgical procedures to prevent surgical site PURPOSE: 1. To provide antibiotic recommendations for


#4 LAS INICIATIVAS DE ESPAÑA Y MÉXICO PARA COMBATIR TERRORISMO COMPRENSIÓN ORAL 1. Antes de escuchar : a) ¿Ha escuchado usted del movimiento zapatista en México o del grupo juvenil Haïka en España?Utilice el vocabulario siguiente para escribir una definición de ellos: Grupo juvenil – País Vasco español – "cachorros de ETA" – dirigir y fiscalizar – banda

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Technical Co-sponsors: IEEE Hong Kong Section Robotics and Automation/Control Systems Joint Chapter Systems, Man, & Cybernetics Chapter Signal Processing Chapter SEMINAR SERIES ON COMPLEX SYSTEMS, NETWORKS, CONTROL AND CHAOS PIN-AP: an epigenetic synthetic “toggle switch” Dr. Giulia Cuccato TIGEM, Telethon Institute of Genetics and Medicine, Naples, Italy Date and Time: Mon


The Australian May 20, 2004 US trade deal raises prescriptions By Peter Mitchell in Los Angeles THE free trade agreement with the United States would lead toAustralians paying 30 per cent more for prescription drugs, a leadingAmerican academic warned today. Kevin Outterson, a law professor at the University of West Virginia andan expert on international drug pricing, believes Australia receive

Microsoft word - mums memo rev-1.doc

Mum’s Memo Welcome to expectancy! As your time for delivery approaches, many things are on your mind. Baby clothes,basinettes and buggies are in your head or already waiting in the nursery. Please don’t forget that this is also the time to pay special attention to yourself and to the needs of your changing body. A few things top the list during your antenatal period: • Vitamin suppleme


Phase III Randomized Trial Comparing Docetaxel in Combination with Doxorubicin and Cyclophosphamide (TAC) Versus Doxorubicin and Cyclophosphamide Followed by Docetaxel (AC → T) in Her-2/neu Negative Early Breast Cancer Patients 1069 with Positive Axillary Lymph Nodes: Interim Analysis of the BCIRG 005 Study Eierma

Microsoft word - nanuli-doreuli-eng.doc

Levetiracetam and piracetam provide inhibitory action on epileptiform discharges in CA-1 Biology Department, Iv. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, University str., 0143 Tbilisi, Georgia Epilepsy is one of the most common serious neurological disorders affecting, approximately 1% of the world population. Despite of the great variety of antiepileptic drugs, they are effective in only about


Cellulite localizzata alla regione laterale delle cosce Caso: C. B. a. 16 Patologia: cellulite 1°-2° regione laterale cosce la paziente giunge alla mia osservazione nell'ottobre u.s., richie-dendo consulenza per problemi legati ad inestetismo da cellulitelocalizzata alla regione laterale delle cosce. Lamenta problematica antiestetica. Nome: C.B. Clinicamente alla regione laterale del


SIGMA-ALDRICH MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Date Printed: 09/18/2008 Date Updated: 06/26/2008 Version 1.5 Section 1 - Product and Company Information Product Name AMPICILLIN SODIUM SALT Product Number A9518 Brand SIAL Company Sigma-Aldrich Address 3050 Spruce Street SAINT LOUIS MO 63103 US Technical Phone: 800-325-5832 Fax: 800-325-5052 Emergency Phone: 314-776-6555 Section 2 - Composition/Informati


A Short, One-Pot Synthesis of Bupropion (Wellbutrin, Zyban)Adapted by R. Minard from a procedure by Daniel M. Perrine,* Jason T. Ross, Stephen J. Nervi, and Richard H. Zimmerman, Department ofChemistry, Loyola College, Baltimore, MD, J. Chem. Ed ., Nov. 2000 , 1479-1481 Introduction: Bupropion, 3b , the hydrochloride salt of (±)-2-(t-butyl-amino)-3-chloropropiophenone, has a unique phar

Estudios cursados :

Dr. Marcelo A. Peche Médico egresado de la U.N.B.A (Matrícula Nacional: 95.039. Matrícula Provincial: 3627) Especialista en Gastroenterología . Título otorgado por la Escuela de Graduados de la Sociedad Argentina de Gastroenterología (S.A.G.E).- Fellow en Endoscopía Digestiva diagnóstica y terapéutica . Gastroentrology Unit. Haddassah University Hospital, Jerusalén – Israe

Microsoft word - instructions for completing the trespass enforcement request form.docx

Instructions for Completing the Trespass Enforcement Request Form The FROM section:  YOUR Name: YOUR name should be listed here; not your business name, property management company name, HOA name or any other name. This name must be the person responsible for the property and the name must be the same throughout the form.  Mailing Address: The address you get your mail at. P


ABSTRACT MICs of 6 fluoroquinolones as well as minocycline and cefotaxime against 46 clinical isolates of Vibrio vulnificus were determined by the agar dilution method. All had good antibacterial activities against all isolates with MIC90s varying between 0.03 and 0.06 µg/ml. MIC90 of lomefloxacin, on the other hand, was 0.12 (g/ml. Time-kill studies were conducted with these agents aga

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ICE CREAM, SORBET AND YOGURT Ingredient Statements SWEET CREAM ICE CREAM (Cream, Nonfat Milk, Milk, Whey, Sugar, Corn Syrup, Guar Gum, Cel ulose AMARETTO Gum, Carrageenan, Mono & Diglycerides, Polysorbate 80, and Annatto Extract), AMARETTO (Water, ICE CREAM SWEET CREAM ICE CREAM (Cream, Nonfat Milk, Milk, Whey, Sugar, Corn Syrup, Guar Gum, Cel ulose ICE CREAM Gum, Carr


Curriculum Vitae del Dott. Antonino Vadala’ Dati anagrafici: Vadalà Antonino, Nato a Melito Porto Salvo (RC) il 15/04/1969, residente a Reggio Calabria ,Via Reggio Campi I Tronco 45 , email: Formazione e studio: 1987: Diploma maturità scientifica presso Liceo Scientifico Leonardo da Vinci di Reggio Calabria 11/07/94 : Laurea in Medicina e Chirurgi


ANNUAIRE REGIONAL DU RESEAU RECHERCHE Identité du laboratoire : Laboratoire de traitement de l’information médicale LaTIM Lieu d’implantation : CHRU de Brest Coordonnées : 5 avenue Foch 29609 Brest Site internet : www.latim-univ-brest.fr Adresse courriel : Christian.roux@telecom-bretagne.eu Eric.stindel@univ-brest.fr Directeur : Christian ROUX (jusque f


Natural Remedies To Manage Environmental Allergies Do you love the spring but hate The Conventional Approach: how it makes you feel? Are Antihistamines & Nasal Sprays itchy eyes, dizziness, asthma/difficulty breathing, sinus problems/headaches, tional medicine offers a variety of pre-counter (OTC) or prescription allergy tions, all of which have potential side medications

Subversive faith - via transformativa

Via Transformativa Lesson: Exodus 16:4-22 ( The Message ) Imagine yourself in front of your house or apartment, all your stuff – clothes, books, computers, toys, art, family memorabilia, even fixtures like toilets and lamps -- gathered behind you in piles. Standing in front of you, facing you, is a family living on the global mean of $2/day. Or starving on that $2/day. They have no acc


Alex Kentsis, MD, PhD Assistant Member, Molecular Pharmacology & Chemistry Program, Sloan-Kettering Institute Attending Physician, Department of Pediatrics, Memorial Hospital Assistant Professor, Weill Medical College of Cornell University Opportunity Type: Research Technician Location: Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY Job Description: We seek a highly mo

Animal behaviour

ANIMAL BEHAVIOUR, 2002, 63, 000–000 doi:10.1006/anbe.2002.3046, available online at http://www.idealibrary.com on Family, sex and testosterone effects on garter snake behaviour RICHARD B. KING Department of Biological Sciences, Northern Illinois University, DeKalb (Received 7 August 2000; initial acceptance 17 October 2000; final acceptance 7 December 2001; MS. number: A8850R) To bette


• aumenta el deseo sexual de un hombre • protege a un hombre o a su pareja de enfermedades de transmisión Lea esta información importante antes de comenzar a tomar CIALIS y cada sexual, incluyendo el VIH. Consulte a su proveedor de atención médica vez que renueve su receta. Podría haber información nueva. También puede acerca de las maneras para protegerse contra las

Microsoft word - confidential hormone evaluation.doc

d ess:________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Alle Please describe the allergic reaction you experienced and when it oc


Privacy Enhancing Technologies for the Internet III:David R. Cheriton School of Computer Science Introduction In 1997 with Wagner and Brewer, and again in 2002, we looked at the then-current state ofprivacy-enhancing technologies (PETs) for the Internet. [27, 26] Now, in 2007, we take a third look. Technologies to help users maintain their privacy online are as important today as ever before


Firmato un protocol o d’intesa con la Provincia di Firenze e le amministrazioni di Empoli, Vinci e Capraia e LimiteTerzo ponte sull’Arno. Se ne parla da anni. Il Sindaco cassa di espansione. Molte quindi le complessità qualifi cazione del territorio e lo rende senza dubbio di Montelupo ha spesso espresso l’urgenz


The amazing story of how 200 year old results in the the-ory of numbers form the security basis for billions of dol-lars in internet commercial transactions today. Verbatim copying and redistribution of this document ispermitted in any medium provided this notice and thecopyright notice are preserved. “Tenure track position in mathematics at the assistant orassociate professor level. Strong pr

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Step Therapy/Prior Authorization Criteria Drug (For Commercial Members): ActoplusMet XR, Avandia, Avandamet, Avandaryl, Duetact, Fortamet, Glumetza, Invokana, Kazano, Kombiglyze XR, Nesina, Onglyza, Oseni Drug (For Freedom Formulary Members): ActoplusMet XR, Duetact, Invokana, Kazano, Nesina, Oseni P&T Reviewed: 3/08, 6/08, 9/08, 9/09, 9/10, 12/11, 10/13 Last Revised: 9/08, 12/

Primeras páginas del libro políticas de comunicações. um estudo comparado: brasil, espanha, estados unidos, méxico e venezuela. isbn: 978-84-15544-24-

O que faz de um laboratório, um laboratório? O imaginário do senso comum remete a pipetas, tubos de ensaio, forte cheiro de reagentes químicos, fumaça saindo de experimentos que mudam de cor e, eventualmente, até explodem. Pode remeter também a jalecos brancos, à assepsia de ambientes que não podem ser contaminados por agentes externos. Em uma versão repaginada, o laboratório pode se

Rehabilitación de las funciones ejecutivas en caso de patología cerebral

Las funciones ejecutivas han sido definidas como las capacidades para transformar los pensamientos en acción. Las mismas hacen alusión a una amplia variedad de organización, categorización, planificación, abstracción, fluidez verbal y autorregulación del comportamiento. En este artículo se presenta una revisión actualizada de las existen en la actualidad para rehabilitar los resul

Microsoft word - bethany _f10_.doc

China Reformed Theological Seminary Syllabus for Pentateuch Fall 2010 Course Description Origins, rivalry, escape, menus, complaining, grace, mission—these are some of the topics that the Pentateuch discusses. This course examines the contents and theology of the Pentateuch. For this reason, it has to do with beginnings: the beginning of the world, the beginning of sin, and t

Microsoft powerpoint - milan ccic handout notcutt handout

The Practical Use of Cannabinoids in the Dr Willy Notcutt, FRCA, FFPMRCA James Paget Hospital GREAT YARMOUTH, Norfolk, UK william.notcutt@jpaget.nhs.uk • The endocannabinoid system is a therapeutic target yet to be properly explored for pain management • Cannabinoids are a new medicine to clinicians– New role, effects, benefits, side-effectsBut…• Many of our patient


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Reserapport från Bali Caroline Zachau, sjuksköterskestudent, termin 5 För några dagar sedan kom jag hem från mitt stora äventyr på Bali i Indonesien. Jag läser till sjuksköterska på Göteborgs universitet, Sahlgrenska akademin och var på Bali som student i 5 veckor. Jag fick se och uppleva otroligt mycket, så det var verkligen ett minne för livet! Jag rekommenderar alla som har


Poster Abstract Session: 51. C. difficile Diagnostics Presenters: Increased Clostridium difficile (CD) Detection and Decreased Empiric Treatment/Ancillary Testing after switch from Toxin A/B Immunoassy to PCR for Diagnosis of CD Infection LAURIE LABUSZEWSKI, PHARMD 1, URVASHI THAKKAR, PHARMD2, STUART JOHNSON, MD, FIDSA3, PAUL SCHRECKENBERGER, PHD1 and JORGE PARADA, MD, MPH1; 1Loyol


TABLE OF CONTENT TABLE OF CONTENT INTRODUCTION . 1 1.1 Homeostasis . 11.2 The family of MYC genes. 1 1.3 The structure of the c-MYC protein and c-MYC isoforms . 2 1.3.1 The amino-terminal domain (NTD) of c-MYC. 4 1.3.2 The central region of c-MYC . 5 1.3.3 The carboxy-terminal domain (CTD) of c-MYC . 5 1.4 The function of c-MYC as a transcription factor . 6 1.4.1 Activation of tran

Tms durability (9b)

Summary and Comment | TMS in Psychiatry Fall, 2013 Patients with MDD treated with rTMS still improved after 6 months Geoffrey Grammer MD reviewing Janicak PG, Nahas Z, Lisanby SH, Solvason HB Brain Stimul. 2010 Oct Conclusion In patients pharmacotherapy-resistant MDD who received rTMS, after 6 months, 10% of patients relapsed, and if they did experience clinical worsening, the v


INFORME TECNICO BROMEFLOX ® Producto : BROMEFLOX ® contiene en su formula por cada adición de más Fluor logre una mayor eficacia Combinación de un antibiótico con un muco lítico b ) Mecanismo Acción : indicado para el tratamiento de infecciones aviares causadas por bacterias Gram. positivas , Las quinolonas y fluorquinolonas tienen su sitio de acción en la

Children’s academy of fine arts, inc

Children’s Academy of Fine Arts, Inc. (CAFA) PARENTAL/GUARDIAN CONSENT AND MEDICAL AUTHORIZATION Name of Child/Youth:_____________________________________________ Grade ______ Age_____ Address: _____________________________________________________________________________ Street/Apt Number City Zip Code Daytime Phone Number: _________________ Evening Phone Number: _________________ As the Pa

Microsoft word - fundamentalismos2.doc

Fundamentalismos, derechos humanos y violencia contra las “Toda la vida de las mujeres, desde la infancia hasta la vejez, está ensombrecida por la violencia, como amenaza o como realidad” Marcela Lagarde Es difícil, en el contexto de las sociedades contemporáneas, que alguien medianamente informado pueda negar la existencia de la violencia contra las mujeres como un fenó


Office Use Only LifePath Hospice 2014 Camp Circle of Love Application CAMPER INFORMATION (Please print and complete in entirety) Name: PARENT/ GUARDIAN INFORMATION Name: (1) Person to Contact in Case of Emergency and Phone #: (Do not leave blank) OTHER HOUSEHOLD MEMBERS (siblings, grandparents, etc.) Relationship to Child Attending Camp This Year?


HERBCLIP FILE: • St. John’s wort ( Hypericum perforatum ) •Depression St. John’s Wort Review Chavez M.L. and P.I. Chavez. Saint John’s Wort. Hospital Pharmacy, 1997, Vol. 32, pp. 1621-1632. St. John’s Wort ( Hypericum perforatum L.) is a shrubby, aggressive, perennial weed that belongs to the family Hypericaceae . It blooms between June and September and the h


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giunta regionale – 9^ legislatura S.Va.M.A.   VALUTAZIONE  SANITARIA NOME: DATA DI NASCITA:|__|__| |__|__| |__|__|__|__| SEDE DI VALUTAZIONE: DATA:|__|__| |__|__| |__|__|__|__| CENNI ANAMNESTICI - PROBLEMI CRONICI IN ATTO: TRATTAMENTI IN ATTO: IMPEGNO SANITARIO Scompenso cardiaco in classe 3-4 NYHA con necessità di monitoraggio frequente del bilancio i



Order approving treatment

KITSAP COUNTY DISTRICT COURT, STATE OF WASHINGTON ORDER APPROVING TREATMENT PLAN, SETTING CONDITIONS AND ACCEPTING DEFENDANT FOR DEFERRED PROSECUTION THIS MATTER having come on for hearing on the ______ day of________________________, 20_____; the defendant, appearing in person represented by____________________________________; the plaintiff being represented by the Kitsap Co

Microsoft word - cool tlk pts inter final 8-28-08.docx

MANDATORY COUNTRY OF ORIGIN LABELING—INTERIM FINAL RULE For Meat, Perishable Agricultural Commodities, Peanuts, Macadamia Nuts, Pecans, and Ginseng Implementation Timeframes The interim final rule will become effective September 30, 2008, as directed by the statute. The requirements of this rule do not apply to covered commodities produced or packaged before September 30, 2008. Beca

Microsoft word - 16 notes.doc

Chapter 16 Notes The Reproductive System A. Function – to produce offspring B. Primary sex organs – gonads produce gametes (exocrine) and secrete sex hormones (endocrine) a. produce eggs b. secrete progesterone and estrogens C. Accessory Organs – all others (ducts, glands, and external genitalia) D. Sex hormones 1. Development and function of reproductive organs, behaviors, and dr


Een kwart eeuw wiegendood in Nederland De incidentie van wiegendood is in ons land vanaf oktoberde statistiek van doodsoorzaken van het CBS. De preva-1987 sterk afgenomen, parallel aan de bestrijding van delenties van risicofactoren bij wiegendoodkinderen (0–23gewoonte om zuigelingen op hun buik te laten slapen. maanden) en in de algemene bevolking bij zuigelingen vanSinds 1987 zijn mee

Al c

Le reazioni indesiderate da farmaci Tutti noi impieghiamo farmaci per curare le patologie acute o croniche che ci affliggono o per alleviare sintomi sgradevoli che si presentano in diverse occasioni. Tuttavia è importante ricordare che i farmaci, oltre agli effetti benefici documentati ed attesi che posseggono, causano effetti generalmente definiti come secondari e causati dalla int

Microsoft word - linee guida efns per il trattamento della cefalea a grappolo _def_

EFNS TASK FORCE ARTICLE Linee Guida EFNS per il trattamento della cefalea a grappolo e delle altre cefalee autonomico-trigeminali A. Maya, M. Leoneb, J. Áfrac, M. Linded, P. S. Sándore, S. Eversf and P. J. Goadsby aDepartment of Systems Neuroscience, University of Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany; bIstituto Neurologico Carlo Besta, Milan, Italy; cNational Institute of Neurosurgery, Budape


Cutting Edge: Our weekly analysis of marketing news 2 February 2011 Welcome to The Chartered Institute of Marketing’s weekly analysis of the most usefull marketing news for CIM and CAM members Quick links s to sections Global and Stardoll Network among girls aged between eight and 18, reveals that a quarter of 16 to Advertising Watch out - ASA has more powers mo

Acute and chronic effects of diphenhydramine and sertraline mixtures in ceriodaphnia dubia

Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Vol. 32, No. 12, pp. xx–xx, 2013ACUTE AND CHRONIC EFFECTS OF DIPHENHYDRAMINE ANDSERTRALINE MIXTURES IN CERIODAPHNIA DUBIAERIC W. GOOLSBY,y CHASE M. MASON,z JAMES T. WOJCIK,y ALEX M. JORDAN,y and MARSHA C. BLACK*yyDepartment of Environmental Health Science, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia, USAzDepartment of Plant Biology, University of Georgia


Defense Logistics Agency’s Year 2000 Program Managing Organization-Wide Conversion and Compliance Sarah J. Reed Defense Logistics Agency System Design Center The Defense Logistics Agency considers the year 2000 (Y2K) problem mission-critical, and we have treated itas such in planning and executing the largest maintenance effort we have undertaken. The agency kicked offa formal Y2K pr


Zorg na beroerte blijft hier achter bij buitenland 4 juli 2009 | Het Financieele Dagblad Door: Elgersma, K. Het artikel van Elsbeth Reitsma en Albert Hagedoorn over de sterk versnipperde zorg bij de aanpak van beroerten (CVA's) is me recht uit het hart gegrepen (FD 22 juni). Op basis van de ervaring van meer dan acht jaar na de zware CVA van onze zoon Pieter (27) durf ik nog een stap verder


MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET BLEND PM 8020 (9704) 1. CHEMICAL PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION EMERGENCY TELEPHONE NUMBERS (FOR EMERGENCIES INVOLVING CHEMICAL SPILLS OR RELEASE)Toronto, ON (416) 226-6117 Montreal, QC (514) 861-1211 Winnipeg, MB (204) 943-8827Edmonton, AB (780) 424-1754 Calgary, AB (403) 263-8660 Vancouver, BC (604) 685-5036 WHMIS Classification / Symbol: READ




What are cold sores? Cold sores are annoying, small, painful blisters on the lips and nearby skin, including in the nose and mouth. They usually appear when you are sick or stressed. They are also called fever blisters. How do they occur? Cold sores are caused by the herpes simplex virus. This virus also causes genital herpes. The fluid in the blisters contains live virus. The virus in th

(microsoft word - annonce-date-tests-g\351n\351ral-2011)

COLLEGE & LYCEE PRIVES MORVAN ENSEIGNEMENT SECONDAIRE GENERAL LAÏC POUR SOURDS ET MALENTENDANTS Ou ELEVES A TROUBLES DU LANGAGE Aude de Saint-Loup, Directrice 68, rue de la Chaussée d'Antin 75009 PARIS Tél. Fax. TESTS D’ENTREE Les tests d’entrée collectifs pour la rentrée 2011 auront lieu le vendredi 1er avril 2011 . Nous tenons compt

Microsoft word - agenda 22 a 2808.doc

UNIDADE LAPA Não haverá sessões em virtude Semana de 22 a 28/08/2005 da realização da Semana Temática “Loucura e Estigma”. UNIDADE ITAQUERA 25/08 – Quinta-feira – 14h UNIDADES ITAQUERA E LAPA UNIDADE SANTO AMARO RAPSÓDIA EM AGOSTO Grupos de Orientação Profissional Laboratório de Raciocínio Lógico O Serviço de Psicologia oferece o

Pii: s0306-4530(99)00025-6

Psychoneuroendocrinology 24 (1999) 727 – 741Two weeks of transdermal estradiol treatmentin postmenopausal elderly women and its effecton memory and mood: verbal memory changesare associated with the treatment inducedOliver T. Wolf a,b,c, Brigitte M. Kudielka a,Dirk H. Hellhammer a, Sonja To¨rber a, Bruce S. McEwen b,a Center for Psychobiological and Psychosomatic Research , Uni 6 e


Cornerstone Family Health Associates Most people who get acne start having it in the early teen years. This is when the oil glands in the body start making more oil (sebum). Some people also have too many “sticky” skin cells. In people with acne, these cells mix with the oil and plug up the hair follicles on the skin surface. These plugs trap bacteria in the follicles, which can cause the f

Eanm procedure guideline for treatment of refractory metastatic bone pain

Eur J Nucl Med Mol ImagingDOI 10.1007/s00259-008-0841-yEANM procedure guideline for treatment of refractorymetastatic bone painLisa Bodei & Marnix Lam & Carlo Chiesa & Glenn Flux &Boudewijn Brans & Arturo Chiti &Francesco Giammarilethe use of bone-seeking radiopharmaceuticals. The purpose ofIntroduction Bone pain is a common symptom of meta-this guideline is to assist


CASE 0:08-cv-05743-JRT Document 196 Filed 03/04/11 Page 1 of 18 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT DISTRICT OF MINNESOTA MEMORANDUM OPINION AND ORDER DENYING DEFENDANT’S MOTION FOR JUDGMENT AS A MATTER OF LAW Mikal C. Watts, WATTS LAW FIRM, LLP , 555 North Carancahua, Suite 1400, Corpus Christi, TX 78478; Ronald S. Goldser, ZIMMERMAN REED, PLLP , 651 Nicollet Mall, Suite


A R T I G O D E R E V I S Ã O Orlistat e sibutramina: bons coadjuvantes para perda e manutenção de peso? Orlistat and sibutramine: good aid for loss and maintenance of weight? Orlistat y sibutramina: buena ayuda para la pérdida y el mantenimiento del peso? Renata costa Fortes¹, Norma Gonzaga Guimarães², Adriana Haack³, Andréia Araujo Lima Torres4, Kênia Mara Baiocchi Carval


INJECTABLE METHOTREXATE Methotrexate is an anti-neoplastic or chemotherapeutic agent used primarily in the treatment of cancer. Methotrexate has immunosuppressive properties and is often used to treat a number on non-cancer related disorders. It is important to note that regardless of the indication for Methotrexate, it is still considered to be a chemotherapeutic agent, and must be regarde

Le quotidien, ausgabe: 157, vom: 08.07.201

Créé personnellement pour: Sandra Mariani FOOTBALL SPORTS 31 Elfsborg Le Fola sort de sa première campagne européenne depuis 1973 la tête bien haute. championne de Suède dans quelques mois, il a décroché un nul plus que mérité. Problème derrière le genou pour Souto petites journées, a réalisé des miracles. Le meneur de jeu cap-verdien du Fola, Ronny Souto, était déjà

Credit for internship instructions

Center for Student Professional Development (CSPD) Credit for Internship/Cooperative Education Process Qualifications: • Credits = 45 minimum (Transfer students must have also completed 1 semester at Temple before applying) • The student must register for the course during drop/add period, therefore, the internship must begin shortly before (or shortly after) the drop/add period. S

Microsoft word - cv.doc

CURRICULUM VITAE BIRTHPLACE AND DATE : BUSINESS ADDRESS : HOME ADDRESS : MARRIED : DEGREES : 1970 Ph.D. Pennsylvania State University, Zoology/Genetics 1967 M.A. San Diego State University, Biology 1963 B.S. University of California at Davis, Biology SPECIAL TRAINING : Lung disorders in Hermansky-Pudlak mice—Roswell Park Microinjection Techniques, Marine Biol

Nobel laureate prof

Nobel Laureate Prof. Ferid Murad Hired as Honorary Chair Prof. of Asia Univ. Today, Nobel Laureate Professor Ferid Murad was presented the title of Honorary Chair Professor of Asia University. Following the ceremony, Professor Murad presented the speech about continuing researching new drugs curing brain cancers and diarrhea. He hopes that such research would be helpful for theworld

Patient info intermittent claudication

INTERMITTENT CLAUDICATION A Patient Information Sheet The information provided in this patient information sheet is not a substitute for specialist medical advice or treatment. Christchurch Vascular Group recommends consultation with your family doctor or vascular specialist. What is intermittent claudication? Intermittent claudication is pain in the leg brought on by walking, and is ca


Modeling and Simulation Supports Competitive Product Profile Assessment and In-Licensing Decision for Diabetes Compound Modeling Strategy Provided Sponsor Timely and Compelling Support for Positive Efficacy Signal of In-Licensing Candidate, Helping to Secure $23 Million Financing Round and Advance Compound to Phase IIB Background: A specialty pharmaceutical company was seeking to

Présentation powerpoint

The GSK France Decision of March 2007 Outline of the presentation 2. Predation Test 3. Application of the test A brief history of the case • July 2000: Flavelab refers the case to CC, asks for interim measures • November 2000: CC does not grant interim measures • December 2001: Flavelab goes bankrupt • April 2002: Flavelab acquired by Panpharma – 2003

Microsoft word - 07 05-09-11 pain.doc

And so it was that.pain. My husband had his cancerous voice box removed in November 2006. In April 2009 he had a related cancer removed under his jaw and the site was then treated with radiotherapy. Between the surgery and the start of radiotherapy we were linked with a Macmillan District Nurse who was a liaison with our GP and had many practical ideas which she had the experience and abi

Enhancing the safety of medical suction through innovative technology | february 2008 | rt for decision makers in respiratory care

Issue Stories Enhancing the Safety of Medical Suction Through Innovative Technology by Patricia Carroll, RN, BC, CEN, RRT, MS Vacuum regulators sold in North America require occlusion of the tube before setting or changing vacuum levels, but clinicians often are not aware of this requirement or skip this step when pressed for time. Medical suction is an essential part of clinica


Clinical Psychology Review 26 (2006) 17 – 31The empirical status of cognitive-behavioral therapy:Andrew C. Butler a,*, Jason E. Chapman b, Evan M. Forman c, Aaron T. Beck aa University of Pennsylvania and the Beck Institute for Cognitive Therapy and Research, United Statesb Medical University of South Carolina, United StatesReceived 20 September 2004; received in revised form 7 June 2

Colonoscopy preparation instructions

COLONOSCOPY PREPARATION INSTRUCTIONS You have been scheduled for a Colonoscopy. This is an examination of your large intestine (colon). A long flexible tube (colonoscope) will be inserted into your rectum and passed through your colon. Your colon will be examined in detail. Additional procedures may be performed such as taking tissue samples (biopsies) and removing polyps. Please read all the


Activities You have 12 cubes, each with sides 1 cm long. How many different cuboids can youmake using all the cubes for each one?Two are shown here, but these are essentially the same, and could be described as3 × 2 × 2 cuboids. There are 3 other different cuboids that can be made from 12How many different cuboids can you make using:Without drawing them or using cubes, decide how many dif


Original- und Übersichtsarbeiten ó Schwerpunkt: Kontroversen in der Kardiologie óó Pro & Contra: Therapie des Vorhofflimmerns Die Ablationstherapie wird der neue Goldstandard LARS LICKFETT, BONN1 Abstract óóóó Vorhofflimmern ist die häufigste anhaltende Herzrhythmus- störung. Die Prävalenz, die in der Gesamtbevölkerung bei 0,4—1% óó Die Indikation zu den Sinusrh


Apesar do progresso dos meios de diagnóstico e de tratamento, a litíase continua sendo uma das causas mais freqüentes de consulta urológica A formação de cálculos urinários é devida à precipitação e cristalização de sais da urina quando ocorre supersaturação urinária e/ou diminuição dos inibidores da cristalização Inibidores da cristalização ➪

Microsoft word - apstat_chap5_quizreview.doc

Chapter 5 Quiz Review November 19, 2008 Answer questions on another sheet of paper. 1. Canada requires that cars be equipped with “daytime running lights,” headlights that automatically come on at a low level when the car is started. Many manufacturers are now equipping cars sold in the United States with running lights. Will running lights reduce accidents by making cars more visible?

Microsoft word - beschermingsmaatregelen_fr.doc

Concerne: Mesures de protection pour les services de secours et de police Etat de la situation La menace d’une épidémie de grippe aviaire est réelle et l’Agence Fédérale pour la Sécurité de la Chaîne alimentaire a déjà, en vue de la prévenir, pris diverses mesures, notamment en ce qui concerne le ramassage des oiseaux morts. Bon nombre de services de secours et de police ont t

Handbook medications

Commonly used for schizophrenia and bipolar Dizziness, drowsiness, weakness, upset stomach, headache, anxiety, insomnia, disorder; can be used for other conditions as Headaches, diarrhea, decreased appetite, constipation, nervousness, insomnia, restlessness, dry mouth, and unpleasant taste in the mouth; Increases the heart rate, nervousness, dizziness and elevated blood pressure; Headache, d

Lithium saftey information

BATTERY ALERT - WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW SERIOUS SAFETY HAZARD! LITHIUM BATTERIES ALL Lithium batteries are classified as “Hazardous”. There is a serious safety issue concerning the use, and particularly the transporting of batteriesconstructed with re-chargeable lithium ion cells. New regulations specific to the transportationof lithium ion rechargeable cells and batteries that are


Open tension-free Lichtenstein repair of inguinal hernia:use of fibrin glue versus sutures for mesh fixationP. Negro • F. Basile • A. Brescia • G. M. Buonanno • G. Campanelli • S. Canonico •M. Cavalli • G. Corrado • G. Coscarella • N. Di Lorenzo • E. Falletto • L. Fei •M. Francucci • C. Fronticelli Baldelli • A. L. Gaspari • E. Gianetta • A. Marvaso •P. Palumbo

Microsoft word - cagp newsletter - french translations-fr.doc

Le citalopram est-il le médicament de première intention pour traiter la dépression de fin de vie? Le trouble dépressif majeur et les symptômes dépressifs chez les personnes âgées sont parmi les problèmes cliniques courants rencontrés par les gérontopsychiatres. Un essai récent mené dans le monde réel et portant sur l’efficacité des antidépresseurs pour traiter la dépression ma

Microsoft word - concurso dia de la aeronautica nacional.doc

CONCURSO DIA DE LA AERONAUTICA NACIONAL El Radio Club de la Dirección General de Aeronáutica Civil, CE3RAC, invita a participar en el concurso radial en conmemoración al Primer Cruce de la Cordillera de Los Andes realizado por el Tte. Dagoberto Godoy Fuentealba, el día 12 de diciembre de 1918. BASES DEL CONCURSO PARTICIPANTES  Estaciones chilenas y extranjeras con licencia de


Indian J GastroenterolDOI 10.1007/s12664-011-0146-0Effect of bovine colostrum-based food supplementin the treatment of HIV-associated diarrhea in NorthernUganda: a randomized controlled trialF. O. Kaducu & S. A. Okia & G. Upenytho & L. Elfstrand &C.-H. FlorénReceived: 23 November 2010 / Accepted: 10 November 2011# Indian Society of Gastroenterology 2011stool frequency was


Cero 5455 Tres actores suben a la escena para volver a contar las historias que todos hemos escuchado algu-na vez durante las últimas décadas. Sus voces se multiplican, se transforman y cobran vida en lapiel de nueve personajes que entran a la escena para mostrarnos las diferentes caras del flagelodel sida. Huracán García, Claribel, La Bolero, Lola, La Señora con Cartera Chanel, Tito, Vini

Microsoft word - perchlorate and thyroid final ehp 20sept2006 v46_clean.doc

Benjamin C. Blount, James L. Pirkle, John D. Osterloh, Liza Valentin-Blasini and Kathleen L. Caldwell doi:10.1289/ehp.9466 (available at http://dx.doi.org/) Online 5 October 2006 National Institutes of Health U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Urinary Perchlorate and Thyroid Hormone Levels in Adolescent and Adult Men and Benjamin C. Blount1,2, James L. Pirkle1, John D.


Vedische offers, die teruggaan op de rituelen van de Arya, worden incidenteel nog uitgevoerd. Een van die offers is het somaritueel. Soma is het sap van een plant. De plant wordt onder een houten kar geperst en de soma geofferd aan Indra, de god van regen en donder. Het sap gaat in een vuur op een vogelvormig altaar. Het wordt ook gedronken. Soma heeft een stimulerende werking. Het doffe geluid v


JOBNAME: cno 25#1 2005 PAGE: 1 OUTPUT: Fri February 11 20:34:45 2005lww/cno/94412/WNO160361Prod #: WNO160361Howard D. Pomeranz, MD, PhD and Abdhish R. Bhavsar, MDAbstract: Seven patients, aged between 50 and 69 years,had typical features of nonarteritic anterior ischemic opticThe medical records of seven patients in whomneuropathy (NAION) within 36 hours after ingestion ofNAION developed sub

Microsoft word - apha presentations_2013_rev.docx

Listing of Faculty, Student, and Alumni Presentations 141st Annual Meeting & Expo November 2 - 6, 2013 Boston, Massachusetts Monday, November 4, 2013 292140 - Ethical issues encountered when researching mother-to-child transmission of HIV through breastfeeding: The touro Ethiopia breastmilk study Lucy Thairu, MS, PhD, Public Health Program, Touro University

Royal free hospital shared care guidelines

Shared Care Guideline TACROLIMUS (Prograf , Adoport , Tacni , Vivadex , Advagraf ) in Renal Transplants Prepared by Caroline Ashley, Lead Renal Pharmacist, Royal Free Hospital, In agreement with NHS North Central London (Camden Borough), July 2011, review June 2013. SHARED CARE CRITERIA Patients will have been stabilised, receiving a therapeutic dose of a specified


Six sessions of sprint interval training increases muscle oxidative potential and cycle endurance capacity in humans Kirsten A. Burgomaster, Scott C. Hughes, George J. F. Heigenhauser, Suzanne N. Bradwell and Martin J. Gibala 98:1985-1990, 2005. First published 10 February 2005; J Appl Physiol doi:10.1152/japplphysiol.01095.2004 You might find this additional info useful. This article

Microsoft word - folhascaidas

Fonte: GARRET, Almeida. Folhas caídas . 2 ed. Mem-Martins : Europa-América. Texto proveniente de: A Biblioteca Virtual do Estudante Brasileiro <http://www.bibvirt.futuro.usp.br> A Escola do Futuro da Universidade de São Paulo Permitido o uso apenas para fins educacionais. Texto-base digitalizado por: Paula Marçal Este material pode ser redistribuído livremente, desde que

Color laserjet 5550 series environmental profile

HP Color LaserJet 5550 (Q3713A): 51.8 kg, 57.7 x 70.4 x 64 cm HP Color LaserJet 5550n (Q3714A): 51.8 kg, 57.7 x 70.4 x 64 cm HP Color LaserJet 5550dn (Q3715A): 51.8 kg, 57.7 x 70.4 x 64 cm HP Color LaserJet 5550dtn (Q3716A): 111 kg, 63 x 71.8 x 83.3 cm HP Color LaserJet 5550hdn (Q3717A): 141 kg, 63 x 71.8 x 109.7 cm (*weight without print cartridges or image drums) This product conforms to the

Microsoft word - handouts.by.section.polypharmacy.doc

(1) Polypharmacy has multiple definitions: the concurrent use of multiple medications, prescribing more medication than clinically indicated, a medical regimen that includes at least 1 unnecessary medication or the use of 5 or more medications.1 A 2003 survey of over 17,000 Medicare recipients >65 years old showed:2 o 46% of seniors take 5 or more medications daily o 73% of seniors with chro


Pour traitement anti-inflammatoire : Celebrex (célécoxib)La Sun Life du Canada, compagnie d’assurance-vie, membre du groupe Financière Sun Life, s’engage à respecter la confidentialité des renseignements qui vous concernent. 1 | Important – À lire attentivement Veuillez noter que le fait de remplir le présent formulaire ne garantit pas que la demande sera acceptée. Il doit


“CLOUD COMPUTING: il percorso obbligato” Martedì 2 novembre 2010 - ore 17 Università degli Studi di Torino - Aula Magna – Rettorato Relatore: Vittorio Viarengo Oggi i clienti dei servizi IT hanno di fronte una realtà piena di sfide. Private cloud e cloud computing promettono un sistema di fornitura di servizi IT più agile e orientato al cliente. Vittorio ci porterà in u


Scientific Programming 13 (2005) 277–298Interpreting the data: Parallel analysis withSawzallRob Pike, Sean Dorward, Robert Griesemer and Sean Quinlan Google, Inc. CA, USA Abstract Very large data sets often have a flat but regular structure and span multiple disks and machines. Examples include telephone call records, network logs, and web document repositories. These large data sets are no

Aok 11 tender round: stada takes top active ingredients

Corporate News AOK 11 tender round: STADA takes top active ingredients Awards for omeprazole, risperidone, simvastatin and mirtazapine, among others Bad Vilbel, February 5, 2013 – Following 18 awards in the tenth tender round of the Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse (AOK) in the middle of January, Germany's largest association of statutory health insurance organizations has now once a

Gem document

Autoedizione ristampa maggio 2011 — www.cherini.eu Le notizie delle efferatezze senza eguali e delle stragi che arrivano dalla Bosnia nella guerra aperta da Serbi eCroati richiamano alla memoria luttuosi fatti avvenutianche nel passato, di cui gli “Slavi del sud” si sono piùvolte macchiati distinguendosi, quando si scatenano, persanguinarietà e crudeltà d’ogni genere e rivelando

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