2013-14 west virginia university

• Withdrawal from the University for the semester Apply for Academic Leave of Absence
WVU offers undergraduate students in good standing, as defined by WVU’s uniform suspension policy, and not subject to disciplinary action theopportunity to request an academic leave of absence. The academic leave of absence is designed for the student who wishes to be away from his orher academic endeavors at WVU for one or more semesters but intends to return at a later date. Leave of absence status must be requested beforethe beginning of the semester for which the leave is desired. The academic records of students on an academic leave of absence remain in an activestatus. While on an academic leave of absence, the student retains the right to use certain campus facilities such as the Study Skills Center andCareer Services. When a student decides to return to WVU after his or her academic leave of absence, application fees are waived. An overall gradepoint average of 2.0 on all work attempted while on leave combined with the WVU grade point average is acceptable. While on an academic leave ofabsence, the student will receive communications from WVU.
Other leaves of absence, such as medical, bereavement, or military leave, may be granted during the semester. Please refer to the Office of theUniversity Registrar’s website (http://registrar.wvu.edu/forms) for more information.
Apply for Military Credit/Leave
Awarding Course Credit to Students Called to Serve in the Military (Updated July 28, 2010)
1. Students who withdraw from the University for military service up to and including the 12th week of the semester will receive a full refund of their fees and be administratively withdrawn from their classes. No course grades or credit will be awarded.
2. Students who leave the University for military service after the 12th week of the semester should work with the designated contact person in their home college (usually the academic associate/assistant dean). The student may also contact the Office of the University Registrar (304-293-5355).
The contact person will assist the student in reviewing the student’s eligibility for credit for their courses on a course-by course basis with theinstructors.
3. The contact person will work with the student’s instructors to gather grade information for the student. If the course is not in the student’s home college, the contact person can work with his/her counterpart in the appropriate college. Several outcomes are possible: A. If the course is substantially complete and the student has done passing work, the student should receive the grade earned at that time. It is anticipated that this would be the outcome in the majority of the courses. NOTE: Students who receive orders with suffcient advance
notice are expected to notify their professors of their upcoming deployment date and meet with their professors to come to
an agreement on what regular course assignments they can reasonably complete prior to the deployment date (the details of
this arrangement should be included in a contract initialed by both the instructor and the student; contracts must be placed in
the student’s file). Students should not be penalized for not completing assignments, quizzes, tests, or exams due after their
deployment date.

B. If a critical competency has yet to be covered in a competency-based course, the instructor should award a grade of "I" and work with the student to develop a plan to complete that critical part of the course. To alleviate confusion at a later date, the plan should be in writing andsigned by both the instructor and the student. Students called to active duty for a relatively short duration that includes exam week mayarrange for an "I" with provision to make up the final exam after completing the period of duty.
C. If the student chooses to withdraw from the course. the contact person will work with the appropriate University office to provide an Leave for Military Drill
Many students at West Virginia University choose to serve in the military while pursuing their degrees. West Virginia University is a "Veteran Friendly"institution and recognizes its obligations to our students who serve in the military. Although there is a University expectation that all students will attendall of their classes, the choice to serve in the military where two week training sessions may be mandatory should not negatively impede academicprogress. The following section outlines the appropriate steps to follow should you miss class due to call ups for military service training during asemester. A typical call up is 1-2 weeks.
If you are a student with the potential for being called to military training during the course of the semester or academic year, we recommend thatyou review the syllabi for specific attendance policies for each course prior to the beginning of every semester. In addition, we strongly encourageyou to meet with or have substantial email contact with all of your course professors and/or instructors no later than the Monday of the first week ofclass in order to address the class attendance policy and the impact a short-term military leave will have on your ability to succeed in the class for thesemester. Any agreements between you and your professors should be agreed upon by the end of the first week of class. Share this information withyour academic advisor so the appropriate notes are made in DegreeWorks.
In the rare case that an unresolved issue arises due to absences from a course because of military obligation, the West Virginia University process forfinal grade appeal is outlined under the "Final Grade Appeal Procedures" in the West Virginia University Undergraduate Catalog.
In the spirit of WVU, faculty make every effort to allow students who are members of the Armed forces to make up test and assignments that may bemissed during the semester if it can be proven that the student was called up for military training and if missing the coursework will not irreversiblyimpact the students’ ability to master the subject matter in question within the terms of the semester.
Order a Transcript
Official Transcripts
Students can order official transcripts through their MIX account at any time or go to http://registrar.wvu.edu/transcripts. All orders require a valid e-mailaddress and a credit/debit card which will be charged by e-Pay West Virginia once the transcript request has been entered and a confirmation number isprovided.
Before ordering a transcript, students should log on to their MIX account to ensure that all grades and degree(s) have been posted. Transcript requestsare processed immediately. They are not held for posting of final grades and/or degrees.
All financial obligations to West Virginia University must be cleared before transcripts can be released. Transcripts may not be picked up by anotherparty unless the student has given written authorization with the request. The designated person will be expected to show a picture I.D. before obtainingthe transcript.
A West Virginia University transcript is a complete record of a student’s enrollment at WVU. This includes all undergraduate, graduate, and professionalcourses. Partial transcripts are not available.
Withdrawal form the University for the Semester
Withdrawal Policy
There are two types of withdrawals: withdrawal from individual courses for which a student has registered and a complete withdrawal from theUniversity. Deadlines for withdrawals for each semester are available at: http://registrar.wvu.edu/current_students/withdrawal_policies. If students followall established University procedures and withdraw before the published deadline, they will receive a W on their transcript. The grade point averageis not affected in any way by this mark. If formal withdrawal procedures are not executed by the student, a failing grade/s will be recorded. It is thestudent’s responsibility to see that all forms are properly executed and delivered to the appropriate authorities for recording.
Withdrawal/Drop From Individual Classes
Students may drop individual classes within a term based on established deadlines. These deadlines are posted on the Office of the UniversityRegistrar’s website. Students, with the help of their academic advisors, are responsible for determining: • If their course load would be reduced below the minimum requirement set by their program • If their course load would be reduced below the minimum hours required to qualify for a graduate assistantship, financial aid, or international full-time • If the course to be dropped is a co-requisite for another course the student is taking or a prerequisite for a course required the following semester.
The student may be required to drop the co-requisite course or asked to take a substitute course the following semester.
Withdrawal From All Classes for the Term
Students may withdraw from WVU for the term in which they are enrolled at anytime before the last day of classes of the term on which regular classesare scheduled to meet. Students will receive grades of W in all classes for that term.
1. To withdraw from all classes through the last day to drop a class with a W, a student would log on to their MIX account and drop their classes 2. To withdraw from the term after the last day to drop a class with a W, you may do any of the following: A. Visit the Office of the University Registrar.
B. Send an e-mail from your MIX Account only to registrar@mail.wvu.edu. Please include: ii Last four digits of your student identification number C. Mail a request to: Office of University Registrar, West Virginia University, P.O. Box 6878, Morgantown, WV 26506. Please Include: D. Fax a request to: (304) 293-8991. Please include: Important Notice: Financial aid recipients who withdraw from all classes before sixty percent of the term is completed may be required to return a
portion of any financial aid that was received for the term. Students who do not receive at least one passing grade for classes in a term must provide
documentation which verifies continued participation in educational activities. If documentation cannot be provided, those students are considered to
have informally withdrawn from WVU prior to sixty percent of the term and may be required to return a portion of any financial aid which was received.
This review and return of financial aid is done in accordance with federal regulations.
Re-Enrollment After Withdrawal
After a student withdraws from WVU in two consecutive semesters (excluding summer sessions), a student may not register for further work withoutapproval of the dean of the college or school in which the student wants to register. Enrollment is subject to conditions set by that dean. In the case of ageneral studies major, the student must seek approval from the director of the University College.
Declare a Minor
Students declare minors once they enter their major fields of study. The following steps should be followed to assure that completion of a minor isappropriately recognized and posted to the student’s transcript: 1. A student interested in completing a minor (or minors) works with his or her major advisor to incorporate minor requirements into schedule planning. Students are welcome to consult with advisors in the minor department. Students who wish to complete a minor in music, women’sstudies, leadership studies, or ROTC must work directly with advisors for those programs.
2. Complete an Academic Status Update Form with their advisor.
3. When completing the Application for Graduation, the student indicates the minor(s) for which certification is requested.
4. The student’s major advisor/major college advisement office certifies that all minor requirements have been completed and reports both major and minor certifications to the Office of the University Registrar on the Tentative Graduation form. Women’s studies and music minors are certified bythose programs.
Note: Minors are only awarded at the time of the conferral of a baccalaureate degree.
File a Final Grade Appeal
Final Grade Appeal Procedures (Not Involving Charges of Academic Dishonesty),
including Dismissal from an Academic Program

Students have the right to appeal final course grades which they believe reflect a capricious, arbitrary, or prejudiced academic evaluation, or reflectdiscrimination based on race, sex, age, handicap, veteran status, religion or creed, sexual orientation, color, or national origin. The grade appealed shallremain in effect until the appeal procedure is completed or the problem resolved. This procedure provides a mechanism whereby a student may appeala failing grade or a grade low enough to cause the student to be dismissed from some program or to require the repetition of a course. Grade appealsthat do not meet this classification are not precluded.
Step 1 - The student shall discuss the complaint with the instructor involved prior to the mid-semester of the succeeding regular semester, whether
the student is enrolled or not. If the two parties are unable to resolve the matter satisfactorily, if the instructor is not available, or if the nature of the
complaint makes discussion with the instructor inappropriate, the student shall notify the chairperson of the instructor’s department or division (or, if
none, the dean). The chairperson or dean shall assume the role of an informal facilitator and assist in their resolution attempts. If the problem is not
resolved within five academic days from when the complaint is first lodged, the student may proceed directly to Step 2.
Step 2 - The student must prepare and sign a document that states the facts constituting the basis for the appeal within five academic days from
when the original complaint was lodged
. Copies of this document shall be given to the instructor and to the instructor’s chairperson (or, if none, to the
dean). If, within five academic days of receipt of the student’s signed document, the chairperson does not resolve the problem to the satisfaction of
the student, the student will forward the complaint to the instructor’s dean (see Step 3).
Step 3 - Within five academic days of receipt of the complaint, the instructor’s dean shall make a determination regarding the grade, making any
recommendation for a grade change to the instructor involved. If the instructor involved does not act on the dean’s recommendation, or if the student
disagrees with the decision of the dean, the dean will refer the case to a representative committee, appointed by the dean, for final resolution. This
committee shall consist of three or more faculty members, including at least one person outside the instructor’s department.
1. Upon receiving an appeal, the committee will notify in writing the involved faculty member of the grade challenge that shall include a statement of the facts and evidence to be presented by the student.
2. The committee shall provide to the faculty member involved and the student making the appeal written notification of their right to appear at a hearing to be held before the department, college, or school representative committee, together with the notice of the date, time, and place of thehearing.
3. The administrative procedure is not adversarial in nature; the formal rules of evidence do not apply.
4. The final decision of this committee shall be forwarded to the instructor and to the dean involved. If the decision requires a change of grade, the instructor shall take action in accordance with the committee’s decision.
5. If the instructor does not act within five academic days, the dean shall make any necessary grade adjustment.
6. In the case of grade appeals, the dean functions as the president’s designee; therefore, implementation of this decision shall end the appeal

Source: http://catalog.wvu.edu/undergraduate/coursecreditstermsclassification/how_do_i_/undergraduate_how_do_i_.pdf


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