Credit for internship instructions

Center for Student Professional Development (CSPD) Credit for Internship/Cooperative Education Process Qualifications:
• Credits = 45 minimum (Transfer students must have also completed 1 semester at Temple before applying) • The student must register for the course during drop/add period, therefore, the internship must begin shortly before (or shortly after) the drop/add period. Step 1: Meet above qualifications?
YES…go to Step 2
NO…explore again when you meet the qualifications
Step 2: Is your major?
YES…go to Step 3
NO…see CSPD, 134 Alter Hall, ext. 1-2371 to discuss ECON 3581 option
If internship is “approved” by CSPD , you will receive a form to take to your Academic Advisor to determine how this internship fits into your academic program and for approval to register for the course Step 3: What is the nature of the internship/co-op? Is it related to your major?
YES…go to step 4
NO…see CSPD, 134 Alter Hall, ext. 1-2371 to discuss ECON 3581 option
If internship is “approved” you will receive a form to take to your Academic Advisor to determine how this internship fits into your academic program and for approval to register for the course Step 4: Have you done an internship before?
YES…is this the same internship? To receive credit for a 2nd internship, the internship must:
be a new internship with a different employer be a completely different internship with a different manager if it is the same employer • NO…see the appropriate staff (below) to:
o see if the internship qualifies for credit (Department contact) o see how it fits into the academic program and to register (Academic Advising) Department
Approval for Credit
Gary Blau, Alter Hall 349, Fox Advising office: Speakman Hall 101 (main) or West Hall 112 (Ambler Samuel Hodge, Alter Hall 464, Fox Advising office: Speakman Hall 101 (main) or West Hall 112 (Ambler) The instructor for the course: Marketing 3581 (see Joseph Allegra, Speakman Hall 210, R B Drennan, Alter Hall 628, Mittie Davis, Alter Hall 601, Note: Maximum # of credits a student can earn for completing two separate and distinct internships equals 6
credits (3 credits per internship during different semesters) Center for Student Professional Development (CSPD) Credit for Internship/Cooperative Education Qualifications:
• Credits = 45 minimum (Transfer students must have also completed one semester at Temple before
• The student must register for the course during drop/add period, therefore, the internship must begin shortly before (or shortly after) the drop/add period.
Note: Maximum # of credits a student can earn for completing two separate and distinct internships = 6
credits (3 credits per internship during different semesters)
For CSPD to verify the legitimacy of the internship/co-op for students taking Econ 3581, the following is
_____ Formal internship position description/information on company letterhead
_____ Company contact information for possible questions about the internship responsibilities
_____ Job description has been reviewed to confirm that the internship opportunity provides
the student with professional industry experience Student’s Name: _______________________________ Semester: _____________________________________ I have spoken with the above student and verify that the internship meets the criteria for taking the ECON 3581 course. _____________________________________________ Please take this form to the Fox Advising Office
Speakman Hall 101 (Main Campus) or West Hall 112 (Ambler)
to register for the ECON 3581 course


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