Es ist nicht klar, wie groß die Rolle von Antibiotika in den Wettbewerbsbeziehungen zwischen Mikroorganismen unter natürlichen Bedingungen ist. Zelman vaxman glaubte, dass diese Rolle minimal ist, Antibiotika werden nicht anders als in reinen Kulturen auf reichen Umgebungen gebildet. Anschließend wurde jedoch festgestellt, dass bei vielen Produzenten die Aktivität der antibiotikasynthese in Gegenwart anderer Arten oder spezifischer Produkte Ihres Stoffwechsels zunimmt.
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Contents Introduction * xvi PART 1: KEY INFORMATION FOR UNDERSTANDING AND MANAGING ADHD Section 1.1: Understanding Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder * 3
Definitions and Descriptions of ADHD * 3 Behavioral Characteristics of ADHD * 4 The Predominantly Inattentive Type of ADHD * 4 The Predominantly Hyperactive-Impulsive Type of ADHD * 6 Positive Traits and Characteristics Common in Many Children, Teens, and Adults
with ADHD * 9
Girls with Attention-Deficit Disorders * 9 ADHD and the “Executive Functions” * 10 ADHD “Look Alikes” * 11 ADHD and Co-Existing (or Associated) Disorders * 12 Statistics and Risk Factors * 13 What Is Currently Known About ADHD * 14 What May Be the Causes of ADHD * 17 What Is Not Known About ADHD * 20 ADHD and the Impact on the Family * 20 Section 1.2: Making the Diagnosis: A Comprehensive Evaluation for ADHD * 23
The Components of a Comprehensive Evaluation for ADHD * 24 Who Is Qualified to Evaluate a Child for ADHD? * 26 COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL Section 1.3: Multimodal Treatments for ADHD * 29
Management Strategies * 29 AAP Guidelines and Additional Points * 32 A Word About Alternative and Unproven Treatments * 33 Section 1.4: Medication Treatment and Management * 35
Psychostimulant (Stimulant) Medications * 35 Antidepressants * 38 Atomoxetine (Strattera™) * 39 Other Medical Treatments * 39 What Teachers and Parents Need to Know If a Child/Teen Is on Medication * 39 vii
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viii * Contents
Advice for Parents * 41 Interview with Mike * 42 Section 1.5: Do’s and Don’ts for Teachers and Parents * 43
Advice for Teachers * 43 Advice for Parents * 44 Interview with Spencer’s Mother * 47 Interview with Steve * 47 Section 1.6: Critical Factors in the Success of Students with ADHD * 49
Interview with Joe * 54 Section 1.7: ADHD and Social Skills Interventions * 55
Skill Deficits Versus Performance Deficits * 55 Interventions for Social Skills Problems * 56 School Interventions * 57 Child Social Skills Interventions * 59 Parent Interventions * 61 Summer Treatment Programs * 62 Section 1.8: ADHD in Preschool and Kindergarten * 63
Parent Concerns and Recommendations * 64 Preschool and Kindergarten Classroom Strategies for Success * 65 Creating the Climate for Success * 66 Management Techniques in Kindergarten * 68 What Else Is Important? * 70 What to Do About . . . * 72 Section 1.9: ADHD in Middle School and High School * 75
What All Adolescents Need * 76 The Value of Mentorship * 76 Dan’s Story * 77 The Core Symptoms of ADHD During Adolescence * 78 How Parents Can Help * 79 Why Can’t They “Act Their Age”? * 79 School Supports * 80 Exemplary Model Program for Students with ADHD (The ADHD Zero Point
Program) * 81
Looping in Middle School * 83 Student Support Teams * 84 Warning Signs of Trouble in Middle School and High School * 84 Warning Signs of Learning Disabilities in Secondary School Children * 85 Interview with Joe * 85
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Contents * ix Part 1: General References * 87 Part 1: Recommended Resources * 93 PART 2: MANAGING THE CHALLENGE OF ADHD BEHAVIORS Section 2.1: Classroom Management and Positive Discipline Practices * 97
Common Triggers or Antecedents to Misbehavior * 98 Classroom Management Tips * 99 Addressing Student Misbehavior * 109 Possible Corrective Consequences * 110 Interview with Brad * 113 Section 2.2: Preventing or Minimizing Behavior Problems During Transitions and Less Structured Times * 115
Some Ways to Help * 115 Section 2.3: Individualized Behavior Management, Interventions, and Supports * 119
Understanding the ABCs of Behavior * 119 Target Behaviors * 120 Goal Sheets * 121 Home Notes and Daily Report Cards * 121 Chart Moves * 126 Contracts * 126 Token Economy or Token Programs * 127 Response Costs * 127 Self-Monitoring * 129 Rewards * 130 Strategies to Aid Calming and Avoid Escalation of Problems * 130 Tips for Dealing with “Challenging” or “Difficult” Kids * 132 What Is an FBA? * 133 What Is a BIP? * 135 Guiding Questions for Behavioral Issues * 136 Section 2.4: Strategies to Increase Listening, Following Directions, and Compliance * 139
Tips for Teachers and Parents * 139 Compliance Training * 143 Section 2.5: Attention!! Strategies for Engaging, Maintaining, and Regulating Students’ Attention * 145
Getting and Focusing Students’ Attention * 145 Maintaining Students’ Attention Through Active Participation * 147 Questioning Techniques to Increase Student Response Opportunities * 149
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x * Contents
Keeping Students On-Task During Seatwork * 153 Tips for Helping Inattentive, Distractible Students * 154 Self-Monitoring Attention and Listening Levels (Self-Regulatory Techniques) * 155 Part 2: General References * 159 Part 2: Recommended Resources * 161 PART 3: INSTRUCTIONAL AND ACADEMIC STRATEGIES AND SUPPORTS Section 3.1: Reaching Students Through Differentiated Instruction * 165
What Differentiation Means * 165 What Can Be Differentiated? * 167 Flexible Grouping * 167 Multiple Intelligences * 167 Layered Curriculum * 169 Interview with Bob * 169 Section 3.2: Multisensory Instruction * 171
Multisensory Strategies for Learning Multiplication Tables * 172 Multisensory Spelling Strategies and Activities * 175 Instructional Suggestions for Teachers * 177 Accommodations and Modifications * 178 Interview with Brita * 179 Section 3.3: Reaching Students Through Their Learning Styles and Multiple Intelligences * 181
Learning Styles * 182 Environmental Adaptations and Accommodations * 186 Multiple Intelligences * 190 Student Learning Style/Interest Interview * 191 Interview with Amy * 193 Section 3.4: The Advantages of Cooperative Learning for Students with ADHD * 195
The Five Elements of Cooperative Learning * 196 Getting Started with Group Work * 197 Structuring to Achieve Positive Interdependence * 197 Teaching Social Skills Through Cooperative Learning * 198 Section 3.5: Organization, Time Management, and Study Skills * 207
What Teachers and Parents Can Do to Help Build Organization Skills * 208 What Teachers and Parents Can Do to Help with Time Management * 212
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Contents * xi Section 3.6: Learning Strategies and Study Skills * 223
Learning Strategies * 223 Study Skills * 227 Interview with Susan * 231 Section 3.7: Writing and Reading Challenges for Students with ADHD * 233
Why Writing Is Such a Struggle for Students with ADHD * 233 Common Reading Difficulties in Children and Teens with Attention-Deficit
Disorders * 235
Reading Disabilities/Dyslexia * 237 What Research Tells Us About Learning to Read and Reading Difficulties * 237 What Is Known About Effective Intervention for Struggling Readers * 239 Section 3.8: Written Language Strategies, Accommodations, and Interventions: Pre-Planning/Organizing, Handwriting, Assistive Technology * 241
Strategies to Help with Planning/Organizing (Pre-Writing) * 241 Strategies for Improving Fine Motor, Handwriting, Written Organization,
and Legibility * 245
Strategies for Bypassing and Accommodating Writing Difficulties * 248 Section 3.9: Strategies for Building Written Expression and Editing Skills * 253
Written Expression—Strategies and Support * 253 More Instructional Recommendations * 256 Help with Editing Strategies and Other Tips * 257 Section 3.10: Reading Strategies and Interventions: Building Decoding Skills, Vocabulary, and Fluency * 261
The Reading Process: What Good Readers Do * 261 Strategies for Building Word Recognition, Reading Vocabulary, and Fluency * 262 Independent Reading * 266 Oral Reading Strategies * 266 Vocabulary Enhancement * 267 Reading Tips and Strategies for Parents * 268 Research-Based Reading Intervention Programs * 269 Interview with Malinda * 271 Section 3.11: Reading Comprehension Strategies and Interventions * 273
Pre-Reading Strategies * 273 During-the Reading Strategies * 274 After-Reading Strategies * 275 Graphic Organizers (Graphic Outlines or Graphic Aids) * 275 Other Reading Comprehension/Meaning-Making Strategies * 276
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xii * Contents
Other Active Reading/Discussion Formats * 279 Book Projects/Activities * 282 Interview with John * 283 Section 3.12: Mathematics: Challenges and Strategies * 285
Math Difficulties Associated with ADHD * 285 Math Strategies and Interventions * 287 National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) Standards * 292 Part 3: General References * 299 Part 3: Recommended Resources * 309 PART 4: PERSONAL STORIES AND CASE STUDIES Section 4.1: A Parent’s Story: What Every Teacher and Clinician Needs to Hear * 313
A Parent’s Story * 313 Section 4.2: Case Studies and Interventions (Adam and Vincent) * 327
Adam (Twelve Years Old, Seventh-Grade Student) * 328 Vincent (Seventeen Years Old, High School Senior) * 338 PART 5: COLLABORATIVE EFFORTS AND SCHOOL RESPONSIBILITIES IN HELPING CHILDREN WITH ADHD Section 5.1: Teaming for Success: Communication, Collaboration, and Mutual Support * 361
The Necessity of a Team Approach * 361 The Parents’ Role in the Collaborative Team Process * 362 The Educators’ Role in the Collaborative Team Process * 367 The Clinicians’ Role in the Collaborative Team Process * 370 Cultural Sensitivity and Its Impact on Effective Communication and
Collaboration * 370
Final Thoughts on Home/School Collaboration * 371 Section 5.2: The Role of the School’s Multidisciplinary Team * 373
The Student Support Team (SST) Process * 373 If You Suspect a Student Has ADHD * 378 The School’s Role and Responsibilities in the Diagnosis of ADHD * 380 School-Based Assessment for ADHD * 381 Section 5.3: School Documentation and Communication with Medical Providers and Others * 385
Communication with Physicians * 385 Communication Between Schools * 389 Communication with Community Health Providers/Organizations * 391 Teacher Documentation * 394
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Contents * xiii Section 5.4: Educational Laws and Rights of Students with ADHD * 395
Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA) * 395 Section 504 * 398 Which One May Be Better for a Student with ADHD—A 504 Plan or an IEP? * 400 Disciplining Students with Disabilities Under Special Education Law * 400 The Reauthorization of IDEA * 403 IDEA 2004 * 404 No Child Left Behind (NCLB) * 404 Section 5.5: Innovative Collaborative Programs for Helping Children with ADHD * 407
The Utah Model—Intermountain Health Care’s (IHC’s) Care Management System
for ADHD * 408
Project for Attention Related Disorder (PARD) of San Diego, California * 411 OU Pediatrics/Kendall Whittier Elementary—Collaborative Model of Care in
Tulsa, Oklahoma * 414
Insights from Dr. Donald Hamilton, OU Pediatrics * 416 More Innovative Programs and Projects for Improving the Lives of Those with
ADHD * 417 Part 5: General References * 419 Part 5: Recommended Resources * 421 PART 6: ADDITIONAL SUPPORTS AND STRATEGIES Section 6.1: Stress Reduction, Relaxation Strategies, Leisure Activities, and Exercise * 425
Fun and Laughter * 425 Breathing Techniques * 425 Yoga and Slow Movement Exercises * 426 Visualization and Guided Imagery * 427 Music * 428 Leisure Activities, Recreation, and Hobbies * 429 Exercise and Sports * 429 Section 6.2: Music for Relaxation, Transitions, Energizing, and Visualization * 431
Music for a Calming Effect * 432 Music for Moving from Here to There * 433 Music for Transitional Times * 433 Effect of Music on Mood * 434 Interview with Bruce * 435 Part 6: General References * 437 Part 6: Recommended Resources * 439
Introducing. A brand new product catagory: ageLOC Vitality Dr. David Allan, D.C. (310) 773-1993 What is ageLOC Vitality? As we age, our bodies’ ability to effectively generate and utilize energy can decline, robbing us of youthful vitality. ageLOC Vitality improves the three dimensions of vitality—physical vigor, mental acuity, and sexual desire—by
Mas só descobri que, além de não saber que aspecto eu tinha agora, eu jamais soubera. As fotos antigas não ajudaram. Como todas as boas fotos, elas escondiam a verdade. “Um livro criativo e impossível de largar, com questões sérias sobre a ausência de profundi- dade num mundo cor-de-rosa. Egan tem inteligência de sobra. E sentimento também.” “Um livro que indu