Es ist nicht klar, wie groß die Rolle von Antibiotika in den Wettbewerbsbeziehungen zwischen Mikroorganismen unter natürlichen Bedingungen ist. Zelman vaxman glaubte, dass diese Rolle minimal ist, Antibiotika werden nicht anders als in reinen Kulturen auf reichen Umgebungen gebildet. Anschließend wurde jedoch festgestellt, dass bei vielen Produzenten die Aktivität der antibiotikasynthese in Gegenwart anderer Arten oder spezifischer Produkte Ihres Stoffwechsels zunimmt.
The source of vomiting in the emerald tree boa (corallus caninus)
(c) Graham P. Oxtoby 2007/2008 Journal of the British Herpetological Society 2008 THE OCCURRENCE OFPSITTACOSISIN THE EMERALD TREE BOA (CORALLUS CANINUS) OF SOUTH AMERICA
GRAHAM P. OXTOBY [Abstract] Corallus caninus – the emerald tree boa of South America – is renowned for the many difficulties it may present whilst kept in captivity. The problems which may occur vary from stress-related symptoms and the refusal to feed and endoparasitic diseases (worm infestations and infections caused by flagellate colonies in the intestines), to the vomiting of prey, also known as ‘regurgitation’. Corallus caninus – the emerald tree boad of S. America (Photo by author). Swan & Weidner [2002] describe this chronic condition as the Emerald Vomiting Syndrome or EVS. This vomiting or regurgitation of prey has often been attributed to stress-related factors or imbalances between humidity and temperatures in the captive environment. As rightly pointed out in a publication by Swan & Weidner [2002], the term 'regurgitation' is perhaps not an appropriate way to describe these symptoms since regurgitation is usually referred to as a condition in which animals store food in a crop or in their esophagus for later retrieval in order to feed their offspring. This is seen, for example, in numerous species of bird. Vomiting, on the other hand, is a term generally used to describe the abrupt involuntary evacuation of the contents of the stomache after the break-down process of food mass in the stomache has begun, as is typically the case in specimens of Corallus caninus exhibiting symptoms the Emerald Vomiting Syndrome [EVS].
(c) Graham P. Oxtoby 2007/2008 Journal of the British Herpetological Society 2008
Further studies under clinically defined laboratory
Many claim that this syndrome – EVS - is generally
conditions with the use of sampled specimens will be
caused by stress or in part by the imbalance of
required in order to assert these assumptions; these
humidity and temperature in the captive environment
were conditions which could not be provided by Swan
of Corallus caninus. However, recent studies, amongst
& Weidner [2002] at the time their own studies were
others by Swan & Weidner [2002], suggest that the
undertaken. Even so, their claims may have great
symptoms are only manifest in captive specimens of
significance and therefore warrant further scientific
the emerald tree boa that orginate from exporting
investigation by specialists in this field.
locations where birds (in particular parrots) are kept
for later exportation and introduction into the
international pet trade. Swan & Weidner mention this
Psittacosis is a common and potentially serious disease
in their paper [2002] in which they also describe
occurring in avians, mammals and humans. The
disease is not fully understood and there is still a lot to
be learned about the condition. The causal organism,
After conducting studies in captive caught specimens
Chlamydia psittaci, has recently been renamed
of Corallus caninus, Swan and Weidner [2002] suspect
Chlamydophia psittaci and is found in a wide variety of
that the organism known as Chlamydophia psittaci is
(tropical) birds, but may also occur in mammals,
the cause of this condition. The authors also state that
including humans causing serious illness.
their findings are by no means based on true ‘scientific’
This species of organism is now sub-divided into many
subspecies, each affecting a different animal. For
example, the type which will affect cats produces an
The same applies to this current paper. It is merely a
eye-infection called conjunctivitis or blepharitis
collection and summary of data and information
(inflammation/infection of the eyelids). In sheep, the
widely available in literature on this subject, but, at the
disease is said to result in premature abortion and in
same time, poses the important question regarding
humans, it has been established that this disease will
whether EVS is, in fact, a manifest form of Psittacosis
most probbaly cause atypical pneumonia. The
organism producing a genital/venereal disease in
humans has now been classified as a separate genus:
in Corallus caninus, the emerald tree boa of S.
America, or that regurgitation (EVS) can be attributed
to a much wider spectrum of disorders (both phyisical
The generic term for the disease produced by
and environmental) in Corallus caninus.
Chlamydophia psittaci affecting all species – both avian
and mammalian - is chlamydiosis. When this disease is
The studies conducted by Swan & Weidner revealed
exhibited in avians, it is called ornithosis. When
that, whilst a certain percentage of specimens collected
exhibited specifically in psittacine birds, it is
for the pet trade exhibited symptoms of Psittacosis
designated as psittacosis, a designation also used to
(also known as the Parrot Disease), others did not.
describe the disease occurring in mammals, including
They attribute this to the fact that some wild-caught
specimens of Corallus caninsus are housed in close
proximity to numerous species of tropical bird, for example parrots, before being exported and introduced into the international pet trade. In their article, reference is made to a trapper who kept specimens of Corallus caninus segregated from avians whilst awaiting exportation and that it was found that the disease did not occur in those specimens. Specimens of Corallus caninus which were not housed
in close proximity to birds whilst awaiting exportation,
were not affected by this disease and did not exhibit
Fluorescent antibodies associated with infection by
the characteristic symptoms of Psittacosis or EVS.Chlamydia psittaci, 40X. Courtesy of Dr. Jean
The disease was observed only in specimens that had
Sander & Merck Veterinary Manual
been kept in close proximity to avians after capture.
Other species susceptible to this disease include red-
The organism itself is unusual in that it possesses
tailed boa constrictors and anacondas collected for the
certain characteristics of both bacteria and viruses. It is
relatively large and also highly sensitive to antibiotics.
It resembles viruses in that it can only develop and
(c) Graham P. Oxtoby 2007/2008 Journal of the British Herpetological Society 2008
multiply within the cells of its host. The damage is
compounds. The conventional fumigation of
caused by the rupture and further destruction of these
quarantine confinements with the use of formaldehyde
cells and the release of toxins into the host’s biologic
gas (formalin and potassium permanganate) has
system. Chlamydia appear to infect and multiply in
proven to be highly effective against this organism,
most cell-types, thus resulting in a widely variable
provided that surfaces have first been adequately
The natural occurrence of this infection is world-wide and it has been estimated that 1% of all wild birds are infected and therefore also act as carriers. Many avians can retain the organism in their bodies in a latent state without immediately showing signs of the disease - these birds are carriers and are a persistent risk to other birds and other animals susceptible to the disease. It appears that the infection or disease is most
predominant when external stress-related factors
occur, i.e. capture, loss of food sources, change of
Elementary bodies associated with infection of
habitat, transportation, quarantine and relocation. The
Chlamydia psittaci, 100X. Courtesy of Dr. Jean
disease is therefore most commonly observed after
Sander & Merck Veterinary Manual
recent capture, relocation and importation into the pet
trade, particularly in avians. This is also the time when
In Corallus caninus, it is said to cause the destruction
most wild caught animals are stressed, thus resulting in
of HCl-producing cells needed for the break-down of
the weakening of their natural biologic resistance.
This brings the current discussion to the points made
The organism is also able to survive outside the host
by Swan & Weidner [2002], where the authors explain
for approximately one month if protected by cell
the dangers which may exist when other species are
debris and protein material (i.e. droppings, nasal
held in confinements in close proximity to infected
discharge etc.). An important aspect of control of the
avians in their countries of origin or during and after
disease is therefore cleanliness and disinfection to
transit, such as is the case in wild-caught Corallus
remove such debris from confinements in which the
caninus (the emerald tree boa) collected in particular
in Guyana, Surinam and other regions of S. America.
These are regions where avians are also collected for
Members of the Chlamydiaceae are so-called nomotile,
exportation and introduction into the international pet
gram-negative, obligate intracellular organisms that
possess a unique developmental cycle consisting of
metabolically inactive infectious elementary bodies
When kept in confinements awaiting further
(EBs) and metabolically active, but non-infectious
transportation, carriers of Chlamydophila produce
reticulate bodies (RBs). Chlamydiae, on the other
droppings containing the organisms. Avians and other
hand, replicate in the cytoplasm of host cells within an
animals are often kept in close proximity with each
endosomalvacuole which appears under light
other in these conditions and due to the extremely
microscopy as an intercellular inclusion (see image
contagious nature of the disease are therefore highly
susceptible to the organism and resulting infection.
The disease may therefore spread very rapidly.
Chlamydophia psittaci is considered a dangerous
Contracting is generally by airborne contact with
organism to handle under laboratory conditions. For
inhaled fecal dust from dried feces or droppings. The
many years it was a major cause of laboratory-
incubation period (the time between the moment of
contracted infections. It generally resulted from
contracting the organism to the manifestation of clear
exposure to and the use of aerosols. The stability of the
clinical signs) however, is extremely variable and can
organism in a laboratory environment is also
be confusing when attempts are made to determine the
considered to be a potential danger, also to humans.
exact source and cause of the infection.
Disinfectants found to be highly effective against this
The organism may also reside in the host in a latent state, only to be triggered at a later stage under stress-
benzalkonium chloride and formaline-based
(c) Graham P. Oxtoby 2007/2008 Journal of the British Herpetological Society 2008
related conditions (e.g. relocation, transport, new
weight and appetite, diarrhoea, vomiting and
confinement) to produce clinical signs. In the latter
sometimes respiratory symptoms. These are only the
case, the onset triggered by these stress factors and
may therefore also occur long after the animals have
been exported and been placed in their new homes
The symptoms observed in EVD in Corallus caninus
(e.g. at the location of the new owner).
are very similar, but in EVS vomiting predominates
(24-72 hours after ingestion of prey), together with the
The minimum incubation period documented to date
refusal to eat and gradual dehydration. There is also a
is 10 days, although ongoing studies suggest that this
marked weight loss due to continued or prolonged
period may vary from between 10-45 days. The
inappetance and vomiting after feeding and the well-
maximum period may be from between 9-18 months
being of the specimen affected rapidly diminishes.
when in its latent state, i.e. long after exportation of the
Proper clinical diagnosis of the disease is difficult since
animals to other countries and into the pet trade, or at
may of these same symptoms may also arise in
reptilians as a result of stress and infections by other
endoparasitic infections (including Cryptosporidiosis)
This means that regulated quarantine periods have
and not all of these signs may be present at any one
little or no bearing on the recognition of the infection
time. Systemic infections which may also produce
or the time of onset of the infection. Animals may be
many of the same symptoms include e.g. infections
infected by the organism, but show no clinical signs
cause by flagellates and worms, the common cold in
throughout prolonged periods of quarantine exceeding
reptilians and the initial stages of secondary pneumonia
3-6 months. This also makes it very difficult to
resulting from loss of biologic resistance etc. which, in
determine the actual source or time of the infection.
many cases, may be purely stress-related.
Outbreaks of the disease may therefore occur in
populations of apparently healthy animals that have
As pointed out by Kolins & White: ‘The classic
previously shown no clinical signs of the disease for
presentation of Cryptosporidium serpentis infection in
months or even years. From this, it follows that,
the snake is an animal which regurgitates its meal
contrary to popular belief, avians brought into a
within four days or less of ingestion. This regurgitation
country and subjected to relatively long periods of
occurs because of decreased gastric lumen size and
quarantine (3-6 months) cannot be guaranteed to be
mucosal irritation. Since the diameter of the stomach
free from psittacosis. In the UK, for example, the
has often increased, a noticeable swelling can be
quarantine period for imported birds is 35 days, i.e. it
visualized and palpated in the mid-body region. The
ends 6-10 days before the probable maximum period
snake may or may not be anorexic, depending on how
of incubation of the organism is reached, not including
far the disease has progressed. Often, a mucoid
those specimens in which the organism may reside in a
latent state. In many countries therefore, regulated minimum periods of quarantine are most probably
It is important to differentiate Cryptosporidiosis from
ineffective for the purpose of recognising the
other causes of regurgitation and gastritis. Suboptimal
temperatures, inappropriate prey size, stress, and
foreign body obstructions are other potential causes of
In an attempt to control psittacosis, in the US many
regurgitation. Hibernation associated necrotizing
quarantine stations administer the board-spectrum
gastroenteritis, parasitism from other protozoa and
anitibiotic Tetracycline to avians during their stay. This
nematodes, viruses, Salmonella and other bacteria can
is regulated by US law, but is not the case in many
all cause similar signs, but the gastric swelling is
other countries such as the UK and other EU member
pathognomonic for Cryptosporidiosis.’
states. Although some importers in the UK will administer Tetracycline as a preventive measure, they
are not obliged to do so. In addition, the use of
From this, it follows that not all symptoms seen in
Tetracycline does not reliably eliminate the disease or
psittacosis can be attributed to the presence of
Chlamydophia psittaci, which makes any positive
diagnosis based upon symptoms alone far from conclusive.Any accurate diagnosis must therefore be
supported by further clinical laboratory tests,
Clinical signs are many and variable. They depend
otherwise the assumption that these symptoms are
largely on the species involved. Some animals, like cats,
caused by Chlamydophia psittaci may only be
are reported to develop serious eye infections like
considered as speculative. In many cases, blood
conjunctivitis or blepharitis (inflammation of the
samples will only demonstrate antibodies, which only
conjunctiva and swollen eye-lids). In avians and
means that the reptile has been exposed to
reptilians the symptoms most predominant are: loss of
chlamydophila at some time. That in itself would
(c) Graham P. Oxtoby 2007/2008 Journal of the British Herpetological Society 2008 support the theory by Swan & Weidner [2002] that the
too late or mistaken for other conditions which exhibit
organism must have been contracted during its stay in
similar symptoms, or if the infection has been present
confinements in close proximity to avians before,
Erythromycin is a macrolide antibiotic that has an
In order to be of any relevance, blood tests would need
antimicrobial spectrum similar to or slightly wider
to be repeated 10-14 days later for the results to be
than that of penicillin and has proven to be highly
suggestive of recent infection. The organism can be
effective in the treatment of acute outbreaks of
identified in blood samples only during the
multiplication stage of the organism and because this
period is only limited, negative results would not
According to Swan & Weidner [2002] 'The apparent
always implicate that the specimen does not have the
successful dose used for gastric Chlamydophilal
disease. The most effective means of diagnosing the
infection in emerald tree boas is 25mg/kg orally, daily
infection in Corallus caninus would be a post-mortem
(autopsy) examination of the carcas or immediate
examination and laboratory analysis based upon
Treatment for shorter periods of 5-10 days will often
cultures of the organism collected from fresh feces or
produce a rapid clinical improvement, but the reptile
will not be cured and relapses may occur. The
antibiotic only acts on organisms when they are
Typical signs would be similar to those found in other
growing and multiplying, and since the Chlamydophia
septic infections: inflammation of the stomache and
can exist dormant (i.e. in a latent state) in cells for
destruction of the stomache lining cell structures,
some time, the drug will be useless during these
enlargement of the spleen and liver and inflammation
of the membranes of the air sacs, heart and
peritoneum, i.e. the transparent membrane that lines
Additionally, the prolonged use of antibiotic can itself
pose problems of imbalance of the normal intestinal
flora, producing diarrhoea and malabsorption
There are other tests available for detecting
conditions, or secondary infection by opportunist
Chlamydophila antigen in feces, e.g. ELISA (Enzyme
fungi or yeasts. There may also be some immuno-
Linked Immunosorbent Assay), which provides
suppressive effects to the drug and it can be difficult to
quicker results on samples that contain the organism.
maintain therapeutically effective levels of the
Other tests developed for testing for the presence of
tetracycline within the cells. Tetracycline also reacts
this organism include Latex Agglutination (L.A. ) and
with calcium in the diet to limit its absorption, so diets
Direct Flourescent Antibody (F.A. ). However, PCR
with high calcium levels in animals undergoing
technology using Chlamydophia psittaci- specific DNA
treatment with the drug should be avoided.
probes has proven to be the most effective method of
Doxycycline is available as 'Vibramycin syrup' and is
administered orally. This is probably preferable for
single, handleable specimens of Corallus caninus. It
The treatment of psittacosis may not be as simple as it
may be administered by means of a catheter inserted
may seem. The drug of choice in avians and reptilians
into the esophagus. Since this technique involves
is one of the Tetracycline group, to which the
handling and therefore stressing the reptile at regular
Chlamydial organism is sensitive. Doxycycline is a
intervals, this may sometimes be impractical since it
semi-synthetic tetracycline clinically developed in the
may also contribute to additional stress. Injectable
early 1960s by Pfizer Inc. and also marketed under the
forms of the drug are also available but may cause
brand name Vibramycin. Vibramycin received FDA
irreparable muscle damage when administered over a
approval in 1967, becoming Pfizer's first once-a-day
longer period. Injectable forms are therefore not
broad-spectrum antibiotic. Other brand names
include: Monodox, Periostat, Vibra-Tabs, Doryx,
Currently, there has been success in the treatment of
psittacosis using the newer quinolone antibiotics, such
The drug needs to be administered according to a
as enrofloxacin, also marketed under the name Baytril.
regime which will produce an effective dose for a
This drug is more palatable and stable in the drinking
sufficient period of time. Provided that a precise
water, and in its injectable form it is less likely to
diagnosis is made quickly enough, treatment with
Tetracycline or Erythromycin will usually produce a
tetracyclines. It appears also that cure rates may be
rapid response, but not if the condition is diagnosed
obtained in 14-21 days. Baytril is widely available as an effective antibiotic for use in reptiles.
(c) Graham P. Oxtoby 2007/2008 Journal of the British Herpetological Society 2008
The present author’s own findings seem to suggest that
However, there is evidence to suggest that apparent
the breakdown of prey in the stomache of Corallus
'cures' using any of these drugs described above are in
caninus takes longer than is generally assumed. In a
fact only clinical improvements and do not produce a
collection of recently imported wild-caught Guyana
long-term sustainable cure of the infection and full
specimens, only one of the 10 specimens exhibited
elimination of the organism. Additionally, execessive
symptoms similar to those seen in psittacosis by
or prolonged doses of these drugs in Corallus caninus
vomiting prey 48-72 hours after being fed. The prey
may, in many cases, prove to be fatal and should
vomited was found to be more or less fully intact and
therefore be administered with great caution and care -
had not, after 72 hours, been substantially reduced by
It was recorded that this vomiting occurred only after
If EVS is in fact attributed to the presence of
excessive spraying and misting in the confinement had
psittacosis, other complications may occur in Corallus
occurred. It did not affect other specimens kept and
caninus, as explained by Swan & Weidner [2002].
cared for under exactly the same conditions and
Since the infection, if left untreated for a longer period
obtained from the same source in Guyana. On other
of time, has a highly destructive effect on the cells walls
occasions, this same individual would readily accept prey and produce healthy looking feces days after,
of the stomache in Corallus caninus, this may result,
without bone remnants present in the feces.
over time, in the permanent loss of HCl producing
stomache cells. These HCl-producing cells are needed
Perhaps in this case, the vomiting may be attributed to
during the first stages of food processing in the
stress-related factors or increased sensitivity of the
stomache of the snake, i.e. for the conversion of prey
individual to the abrupt and relatively high degree of
into a ‘slush’-like mass which is normally processed
humidity caused by spraying. The specimen was not
further along the alimentary tract (small intestines) before feces are produced.
clinically diagnosed as having psittacosis and no
treatment with antibiotics had yet been initiated after
This would account for the bone remnants found in
the symptoms were observed. Analysis of the feces proved negative for worm and flagellate infections [the
excretions of feces by Corallus caninus as reported by
specimen had recently been treated preventively for
Swan & Weidner [2002], where food masses have not
been full processed during this initial ‘slushing stage’
in the stomache. The ‘slushed food mass’ is the result of the effects of the break-down effect of HCl-
producing cells in the stomache during the first few
Whether we are dealing here with EVS or psittacosis,
days following acceptance and presence of prey in the
or even Cryptosporidiosis, it is most probably
stomache. The destructive effect of psittacosis causes
recommendable to carry out the following preventive
permanent, irreparable damage to these HCl-
treatment of specimens of wild-caught specimens of
producing cells which are essential for the initial
Corallus caninus when signs similar to those presented
in psittacosis are observed. This preventive treatment
would merely have the purpose of alleviating
If this breakdown is not possible or substantially
symptoms in an attempt to combat any possible
impaired, prey accepted and taken by Corallus caninus
infection by Chlamydophia psittaci. Whether it is
cannot physically continue down the alimentary tract
effective or not depends on the underlying cause.
and is therefore vomited up as a result. Therefore, until
Obviously, if symptoms diminish considerably or
a positive diagnosis is obtained, specimens of Corallus
disappear after treatment with an antibiotic like
caninus should preferably be fed smaller meals in
Baytril, there would be reason to suggest that an
order to allow for the possible destruction of cell tissue
infection was the probable cause, but not necessarily
and loss of HCl-prducing cells in the lining of the
caused by psittacosis. If symptoms persist after
stomache. If the destruction of cell tissue is severe,
treatment with an antibiotic, this would then suggest
over time this will inevitabaly lead to the death of the
that other causes for the symptoms are present and
snake (in which case euthanasia may be considered).
should therefore be investigated (e.g. flagellate
However, if the destruction of HCl-producing cells is
infections, worms, stress-related causes). In order to
halted at a relatively early stage of the infection (by
rule out infections by worms and/or flagellates, the
effective therapy), the remaining HCl-producing cells
recommended treatment would be as follows:
would enable the snake to survive the infection,
A - treatment (following analysis of feces or
preventively) of worm infestations by administering
(c) Graham P. Oxtoby 2007/2008 Journal of the British Herpetological Society 2008 Panacur (or similarly effective drug) to eliminate the
storage and transport, whilst these animals await
possiblity of worm infections as the underlying cause;
exportation and introduction into the collections of
private breeders, herpetologists and zoos.
B – treatment of flagellate infections (either
preventively or following positive results of feces
analyses) by administering Flagyl (or similar drug) to
eliminate a flagellate infection as the underlying cause.
(This treatment should only be performed on the basis
C – the oral administration of Baytril as a preventive
measure, following the above regime in order to assist
in elimination or alleviation of EVS in Corallus CONCLUSION
In summary, therefore, it may be concluded that
psittacosis is a disease that has long been recognised,
but is yet still not fully understood. Many symptoms
observed in EVS show great similarity with the signs
most predominant in psittacosis for which there is, to
date, no known long-term cure. Preventive treatment
Jacobson, Elliott R., DVM, PhD Jorge Orós, DVM Sylvia J.
with an effective antibiotic from the tetracycline group
Tucker, BS David P. Pollock, BS Karen L. Kelley Robert J.
of drugs seems to be the only remaining option in such
Munn, MS Brad A. Lock , DVM Ayalew Mergia, PhD Janet K.
cases, unless a positive diagnosis for psittacosis is
Yamamoto , PhD , Partial characterization of retroviruses
made. Even then, the prognosis for specimens of
from boid snakes with inclusion body disease, American
Corallus caninus exhibiting these symptoms fro
Journal of Veterinary Research, February 2001, Vol. 62, No. 2,
Pages 217-224 Jackson, Kate., Nathan J. Kley, Nathan J., & Brainerd,
Elizabeth L., How snakes eat snakes: the biomechanical
Until further scientific studies are conducted under
challenges of ophiophagy for the California kingsnake,
controlled laboratory conditions, any assumptions that
Lampropeltis getula californiae, Department of Zoology,
EVS in Corallus caninus should be attributed to
psittacosis may therefore only be considered as
Jones, Alan K., Understanding Psittacosis (Parrot Fever)
speculative. Cryptosporidiosis caused by
Kolins, D., & White, M. Randy, 1996, Cryptosporidiosis in Cryptosporidium serpentis must also be ruled out.Oxtoby, G. P., Observations on Anorexia in African pythons, Journal of the British Herpetological Society [June, 1986]
However, due to the severity of the condition and the
Satie, Andréa & Karasaw, M., (incl. Reinaldo José da Silva,
high mortality rate observed in indivdual specimens of
Luciene Maura Mascarini, Thoma Henrque Barrella*, Carlos
Corallus caninus (and to some extent in e.g. Boa. c.
Albertode Magalhães Lopes*, Occurrence of Cryptosporidiumconstrictor and Eunectes notaeus) captured for the pet
trade, further comprehensive scientific investigation is
in Crotalus durissus terrificus (Serpentes,Viperidae) in Brazil
Swan & Weidner, 2002, The Source of Vomiting in the
Emerald Tree Boa (Corallus caninus)
It is important to differentiate psittacosis and
The Merck Veterinary Manual Cryptosporidiosis from other causes of regurgitation
and gastritis. Suboptimal temperatures, inappropriate
prey size, stress, endoparasitic infections (caused by
flagellates and worms) as well as foreign body obstructions in the alimentary tract are other potential causes of regurgitation. Additionally, strict hygiene, disinfection, longer periods of quarantine and isolation of all newly captured specimens of Corallus caninus are of paramount importance in controlling the disease, as is the segregation of avians from other wild-caught species in their countries of origin during and after
Plio-Pleistocene mammalian biochronology of Russia: theory and practice. HPS-01 General contributions to stratigraphy Search Abstracts Author Index Plio-Pleistocene mammalian biochronology of Russia: theory and practice Symposia Programmes Alexey Tesakov, Geological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences (Russian Federation) Sponsors Eleonora Vangengeim, Geological Inst
Information Bulletin best@buchi Parallel Synthesis - Reductive Amination of Aldehyde Group Parallel optimisation of reductive amination of substitutedfurane-2-aldehydes to 2-dialkylaminofuranes (4 x 24 sam-ples) by using the BÜCHI Syncore Reactor with its Filtra-tion Unit. The reaction itself, drying and evaporation of or- ganic extracts are accelerated by u