Word pro - intercessions 11 december 2011 pdf

INTERCESSIONS 11 December 2011
Third Sunday of Advent
Cape Verde, The Gambia, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau and Senegal
Archdeacon of the Eastern Archdeaconry, 714 89 00 (office) Vocations to the ministry and ordinands in training PRAYER CONCERNS:
Those living in places of conflict, esp. children
For the Casa Ioana, Bucharest; Prison visitors at Christ Church
in every age you prepare a way that leads to you, in the appointed time through Jesus Christ your Son and today through your Holy Spirit working in all those The way is prepared that leads to you .
Readings for 18 December 2011, Fourth Sunday of Advent:
2 Samuel 7.1-11, 16; Romans 16.25-end; Luke 1.26-38
This week the church commemorates Lucy, Martyr, on 13 December. Lucy
Third Sunday of Advent
was a native of Syracuse in Sicily and as a young Christian gave away her 11 December 2011
goods to the poor. She was betrayed to the authorities and put to death for herfaith in the year 304. The name Lucy means Light and as her feastday fell inDecember, she became associated with the one true Light who was coming asthe redeemer of the world, the Light that would lighten the nations, the Lightthat would banish darkness and let the eyes of all behold the Truth incarnate.
Six O’clock service tonight
Dates for your Diaries
Dec. 14 730pm Brassissimo Concert (see below) Services this week
Jan. 11 630pm Reading Group ‘The Iliad’ Services at Christmas
----------------------------------------------------- Wednesday
Christ Church Shop
Salesianergasse 20, 1030 Wien
Sunday 11 December Third Advent
tel. 718 46 34
The shop will be closed 19 Dec. to 9 Jan. 2012.
Please note that we cannot accept any donations
for the shop until the New Year.
The Revd Aileen Hackl is travelling to Mondsee -------------------------------------------------------------- this weekend to conduct a wedding blessing.
Christmas Cards in aid of Christ Church on sale
-------------------------------------------------------------- in the church centre at €7 for ten cards.
Christmas Carol Sing-along this afternoon at 4pm
New Religious books left over from the Bazaar
in aid of the Casa Ioana, Bucharest. Mince pies and mulled wine will be served after the sing-along in Jennie Ratcliffe will be selling goods from the
Flyers of the Advent and Christmas services
bazaar bakestall after the singalong this afternoon
--------------------------------------------------------------- and next Sunday after the 10am service.
Children's Nativity 18 December: dress rehearsal
-------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- on Saturday 17 December from 15.00-17.00 in the Bishop Geoffrey’s Christmas message can be
Please place your prayer requests in the box at the
back of church. The prayer ministry team will collect -------------------------------------------------------------- www.europe.anglican.org.
the requests on Sunday and pray at home during the Brassissimo concert on 14 December at 730pm -
week. Each request is treated confidentially.
tickets (Adults €15, children €7) and further The winter edition of the European Anglican
----------------------------------------------------------------------- information from Sean Nield 0664 7652727.
together with the Diocesan prayer diary January to Sunday morning bible study in the crypt from
--------------------------------------------------------------- June 2012 has arrived. Copies available at the back 900 to 940am. During Advent we are looking at The Musikschule Landstrasse is giving an
of church. Also available on the Diocesan website.
‘Four Weeks of Four Things in Advent’, led by the Advent Concert on 15 December at 6pm. Director: --------------------------------------------------------------- Richard Lammimann. Everyone welcome.
The prison visiting team are holding a Christmas
--------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------- party on 19 December at the Josefstadt prison for Bishop Geoffrey will be coming to Vienna in May
the group of prisoners they visit there.
2012; if there are any candidates for confirmation -------------------------------------------------------------- please let the chaplain know and register with the Please take a look at the new church website:
Church Centre, Salesianergasse 24.

Source: http://www.christchurchvienna.at/sites/default/files/20111211_wrap.pdf

Programm_promonicawest 08_italienisch

IX Incontro internazionale dei Suonatori di armonica a bocca 5 – 8 Giugno 2008, nella regione „10vorGraz“ (all’ovest della Capitale della Cultura : Graz) www.promonica-west.at oppure www.harmonikazentrum.at Contatti: 0043 / 664 / 9135850 oppure info@10vorgraz.at PROGRAMMA (si riservano cambiamenti): Giovedì, 5 Giugno 2008 Dalle ore 14 in poi | Trattoria - St. Bartholomäer Kirc

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