
2003(平成 15 年)
Original Articles
1) Site-specific arrhythmogenesis in patients with Brugada syndrome.
Morita H, Fukushima-Kusano K, Nagase S, Takenaka-Morita S, Nishii N, Kakishita M,
Nakamura K, Emori T, Matsubara H, Ohe T.
J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol. 2003 Apr;14(4):373-9.
2) Risk stratification for asymptomatic patients with Brugada syndrome.
Morita H, Takenaka-Morita S, Fukushima-Kusano K, Kobayashi M, Nagase S,Kakishita
M, Nakamura K, Emori T, Matsubara H, Ohe T.
Circ J. 2003 Apr;67(4):312-6.
3) Epinephrine unmasks latent mutation carriers with LQT1 form of congenital
long-QT syndrome.
Shimizu W*, Noda T*, Takaki H*, Kurita T*, Nagaya N*, Satomi K*, Suyama K*, Aihara N*,
Kamakura S*, Sunagawa K*, Echigo S*, Nakamura K, Ohe T, Towbin JA*, Napolitano C*, Priori SG*.
J Am Coll Cardiol. 2003 Feb 19;41(4):633-42.
4) Investigation of the optimal treatment strategy for atrial fibrillation in Japan.
Yamashita T*, Ogawa S*, Aizawa Y*, Atarashi H*, Inoue H*, Ohe T, Okumura K*, Kato T*,
Kamakura S*, Kumagai K*, Kurachi Y*, Kodama I*, Koretsune Y*, Saikawa T*, Sakurai M*, Sugi K*, Nakaya H*, Nakayama T*, Hirai M*, Fukatani M*, Mitamura H*, Yamazaki T*.
Circ J. 2003 Sep;67(9):738-41.
5) Ventricular arrhythmia induced by sodium channel blocker in patients with
Brugada syndrome.
Morita H, Morita ST, Nagase S, Banba K, Nishii N, Tani Y, Watanabe A, Nakamura K,
Kusano-Fukushima K, Emori T, Matsubara H, Hina K*, Kita T*, Ohe T.
J Am Coll Cardiol. 2003;42:1624-1631.
6) Living-donor lobar lung transplantation for various lung diseases.
Date H*, Aoe M*, Nagahiro I*, Sano Y*, Andou A*, Matsubara H, Goto K*, Tedoriya T*,
Shimizu N*.
J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2003 Aug;126(2):476-81.
7) The Pressor Effect of Electroacupuncture on Hemorrhagic Hypotension.
Syuu Y*, Matsubara H, Hosogi S, Suga H*.
Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. 2003 Dec;285(6):R1446-52.
8) Direct evidence for increased hydroxyl radicals in angiotenisn II-induced cardiac
hypertrophy through angioteisin II type 1a receptor.
Kakishita M, Nakamura K, Asanuma M*, Morita H, Saito H, Kusano K, Nakamura Y,
Emori T, Matsubara H, Sugaya T*, Ogawa N*, Ohe T.
J Cardiovasc Pharm. 2003; 42(Suppl.1): S67-S70.
9) Tissue factor expression in atrial endothelia associated with nonvalvular atrial
fibrillation: possible involvement in intracardiac thrombogenesis.
Nakamura Y, Nakamura K, Fukushima-Kusano K, Ohta K, Matsubara H, Hamuro T*,
Yutani C*, Ohe T.
Thromb Res. 2003 Sep;111(3):137-42.
10) An X-ray diffraction study on contraction of rat papillary muscle with different
Okuyama H*, Yagi N*, Toyota H*, Araki J*, Shimizu J*, Iribe G*, Nakamura K, Mohri S*,
Kakishita M, Hashimoto K, Morimoto T*, Tsujioka K*, Kajiya F*, Suga H*.
Adv Exp Med Biol.2003;538:533-9.
Case Reports
1) Clusters of ventricular fibrillation in a patient with an implantable cardioverter
difibrillator treated with amiodarone.
Emori T, Ohta K, Kusano K, Morita H, Matsubara H, Sano S*, Ohe T.
Circ J. 2003 Feb;67(2):163-5.

Source: http://cardio.icn.jp/a/04/2003.pdf

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