Cutting Edge: Our weekly analysis of marketing news
2 February 2011 Welcome to The Chartered Institute of Marketing’s weekly analysis of the most usefull marketing news for CIM and CAM members Quick links s to sections
Global and Stardoll Network among girls aged
between eight and 18, reveals that a quarter of 16 to
Advertising Watch out - ASA has more powers
mobile phone, while 19% regularly post updates on
The Advertising Standards Authority has launched a
social networks via their phone. More than a quarter
campaign to promote the fact that it has an extended
of girls also use the internet for over four hours a
online remit. From 1 March it will be responsible for
day. The conclusion is that marketers should
regulating marketing on company websites and
combine media channels to benefit from this
warns that communication on company website
multitasking audience. Other results from the survey
social media has to be ‘legal, decent, honest and
Marketing Week, 27 January 2011, pp24-26 New Media Age, 27 January 2011, p10 Customer satisfaction Agencies Increased satisfaction llevels Having the right chemistry
According to the Institute of Customer Service,
Publicis Groupe has agreed to acquire diigital
customer satisfaction in the UK is on the increase.
agency Chemistry for £14.45m. The price is
Its UK Customer Satisfaction Index, released this
reflected in the belief that Chemistry has a fairly
week, indicates that the overall satisfaction score
unique offering as a ‘strategically thinking diigital
has risen over the last year. But it is the food
agency’. Chemistry also boasts Unilever, Diag
retailers that registered the highest score (81) out of
the 13 sectors that were surveyed. Although Waitrose and Marks & Spencer rather predictably
Campaign, 28 January 2011, p3
emerged at the top of the food retailer satisfaction
league, Iceland managed to achieve third place.
Brands and branding Bad data on apps
average lower than the cross-industry average.
In its Mobile-Savvy Shoppers study, data standa
More figures are provided, including the average for
organisation GS1 UK claims that data about brands
on third party apps is wrong in 20% of cases, while
The Grocer, 29 January 2011, pp36-39
only 9% of products have the correct descriptions. Unilever, Tesco and Sainsbury’s have also warned that bad data on mobile applications is damaging
Direct marketing A move towards direct According to a report by Martin Hayward, a former Marketing Week, 27 January 2011, p6
towards direct marketing in the next few years. He
claims that availability of data and insight has
Young girls multitask
If you think your daughter is unusual in spending
communications, which means that “in reality, all
most of her time on her mobile phone, be assured
marketing is becoming direct marketing”. Although
that you are not alone. Joint research from Carat
direct marketing used to be considered rather
Don’t forget, reading this publication can
Cutting Edge: Our weekly analysis of marketing news
‘unglamorous’, now all marketers will need to
all change on 1 March, when product placement will
undertake the targeting, measurement and fast
be allowed on UK TV (see also under Television)
research skills used by direct marketers.
Campaign, 28 January 2011, p10, 26 January 2011 Marketing Clamping down on silent calls Marketing to men
Yesterday (1 February) new Ofcom rules came into
A new report from Saatchi & Saatchi claims that
force, which mean that consumers should no longer
marketers are not connecting well with male
be subjected to repeated silent calls from the same
shoppers. Although more men are shopping than
company. Ofcom has told telemarketers to comply
ever before, 40% of them do not feel welcome in
with the rules or receive fines of up to £2m.
stores. Smaller shops, such as The Perfume Shop,
Previously the maximum fine was £50,000 which
claim to be less intimidating than the beauty area of
Ofcom believes was not high enough. It has issued
larger stores; in fact more than 40% of its perfume
guidelines to the call centre industry on the use of
sales are made to men. Some retailers are
automated dialling equipment. (See also Cutting
beginning to think more creatively about how they
Edge 26 January on telemarketing as an important
can appeal to men and many shops have clearly
defined men’s areas. But as long as men can find, 31 January 2011
what they want it may not matter that the
advertising, such as that of Boots’ ‘here come the
Tropicana goes to the doorstep
girls’ ad, is targeted solely at women.
Tropicana is to embark on its first-ever doorstep
Marketing, 26 January 2011, pp24-25
sampling campaign in conjunction with Royal Mail.
Two small bottles of Tropicana orange juice will be
Experiential marketing
delivered to 250,000 households across the UK over
Experiential and field marketing have vast scope in
the next three months. The bottles will bear
terms of location and can take place when
messages such as ‘The week ends. The weekend
consumers are at their most receptive to brand
messaging. The downside is that the experiential
The Grocer, 29 January 2011, p29
event is not necessarily located close to the point of
sale. The dilemma is whether to demonstrate the
product wherever you are, then to try to persuade
Broadband advertising review
the consumer to visit the point of sale, or conduct
The Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) has
experiential activity in close proximity to where the
indicated that a review into ‘misleading’ claims in
consumer can purchase the product. The pros and
broadband ads is to take place. The ASA will
investigate whether broadband provider ads are
Promotional Marketing, January 2011, pp14-15
claiming to provide internet speeds that ISPs cannot
deliver. The objective is “to provide better clarity for
Market research Defining opinion Campaign, 28 January 2011, p8
Those who collect data for polls make the
assumption that opinions on political or social issues
Too many Daves?
can be gleaned by simply asking questions and
UKTV channel Dave may have to change its name
recording the answers. The trouble is that many
following a legal ruling. The TV channel, which
respondents have not considered the available
launched in 2007, recently made a trademark
information on the subject carefully and have not
application which was rejected by the European
formed a firm opinion prior to interview. A traditional
Union after being opposed by Dave, the branding
poll however, counts all answers as having the same
consultancy. The latter is owned by marketing
validity. Qualitative research also puts the same
communications agency Engine and was founded
pressure on respondents to express a view. This
paper explores the possibility of using large-scale ‘e-, 31 January 2011
Delphi’ polling methods, giving large samples of
voters simple questions on broad topics. The views
X-Factor promotions in breach of law
are then given back to the respondents to rate and
Ofcom has ruled that the X Factor, which is shown
on ITV, was in breach of the broadcasting code last
International Journal of Market Research, Vol 53 (1), pp25-39
year for promoting music singles. The code states
that ‘products and services must not be promoted in
Public relations
programmes’. X Factor Presenter Dermot O’Leary
Celebrity chef reputations
suggested that viewers could download singles by
A PRWeek/One Poll survey has shown that Jamie
guest artists Diana Vickers and Michael Bublé
Oliver is the most popular celebrity chef, with 67%
during two episodes of the show. This will of course
believing he has the greatest desire to change the food industry. In contrast Gordon Ramsay has the
Copyright 2011 The Chartered Institute of Marketing Cutting Edge: Our weekly analysis of marketing news
better position to carry out these schemes than
respondents, despite the perception that he makes
many building firms because they have the
the best TV programmes (35%). But it seems that
necessary expertise. In particular British Gas is
celebrity chefs are not brilliant at brand
seeing increased demand for energy efficiency
endorsement, with 66% of those surveyed indicating
schemes. Some in the construction industry are
that if a celebrity endorsed a supermarket it would
concerned that energy and utility companies are
training their workforces in the area of retrofit and
PR Week, 28 January 2011, pp24-25
then moving into what would previously have been
the domain of the construction industry.
Sponsorship Construction News, 27 January 2011, p16 Orange sponsors UEFA Industry gets a jail break
Championships in a deal covering 11 countries. The
What better way to promote the architectural
two parties will launch co-branded mobile apps
profession than through film? Or maybe not; it
containing content related to the tournament.
depends on what role the architect is cast in.
Orange logos will also be placed on the Euro 2012
Following the release of a film about Norman Foster,
pages of UEFA’s website. The tournament takes
this article takes a look at mainly fictional architects
place in Poland and the Ukraine next year.
as depicted through movies. The recent ‘mind-bending’ Inception makes architects look ‘cool’. But
New Media Age, 27 January 2011, p11
the one that most people remember is Towering Inferno, starring Paul Newman as the
Heineken sponsors 2012
Heineken is to be the official beer provider of the
Building, 28 January 2011, pp34-37
London 2012 Olympics, despite rumours that Locog was likely to sign up a British drinks brand. This
means that Heineken will be able to supply alcohol –
Construction continues to be in recession
mainly to hospitality outlets – and will have
Figures from the Office of National Statistics have
marketing rights at the Games. Heineken previously
revealed that construction output fell by 3.3% in the
had a sponsorship deal with the British Olympic
fourth quarter of 2010, which is the largest drop
Association for the 2004 Athens games. In addition it
since the height of the recession in 2009. Further
is a sponsor of the UEFA Champions League
research by analysts Hewes & Associates indicates
football, and the rugby union Heineken Cup. (See
that the industry will not return to growth until 2014
and forecasts a fall in output of 3.5% this year. The report also says that Government cuts will put an, 31 January 2010
end to any recovery. Public spending accounted for 65% of the growth reported in 2010.
Building, 28 January 2011, p12
and forestry Facing up to countryside education
Comedian Bill Bailey has been recruited by the
EA knows how to play the game
Farming and Countryside Education (FACE) charity
Electronic Arts, based in California, is one of the
for its first ad campaign. The charity aims to educate
largest video game developers in the world.
children about where food originates. The ads show
Although it expects its employees to work long
Mr Bailey in the countryside with a group of inner-
hours, it also believes in making them feel at home:
city school children, who will be told where various
they have a library stocked with games, movies
books and magazines; they can bring their pets into
Marketing, 26 January 2011, p3
work; they can test out games in home-like
environments and there is a theatre for family film
Yorkshire farmers in peas offering
nights. These are just some of the many perks
A co-operative of 40 Yorkshire pea farmers calling
designed to keep the workforce happy…and at work.
itself the Swaythorpe Growers, is to launch the first
Bloomberg Businessweek, 24-30 January 2011, pp108-109
regional frozen pea brand. In the first instance the
farmers are hoping to sell through regional retailers
A sense of responsibility
and are not looking at national distribution until later,
PR firm Edelman asked members of the ‘informed
when they will competing with the likes of Birds Eye.
public’ what they thought of American economist
The Grocer, 29 January 2011, p34
Milton Friedman’s statement that ‘the social responsibility of business is to increase profits’. The
country that agreed most with Friedman’s assertion was the United Arab Emirates (84%). This was
Utilities compete in sustainable work
followed by Japan – a country associated with
The construction industry is facing major competition
‘stakeholder capitalism’ – and Sweden, with 60% of
from utilities firms for low-carbon energy work or
people agreeing. Britain scored only 43% and the
‘retrofit’ schemes. Utilities companies are often in a
US 56%, which suggests that corporate social
Copyright 2011 The Chartered Institute of Marketing Cutting Edge: Our weekly analysis of marketing news
responsibility may be gaining a serious foothold in
The Prostate Cancer Charity and online bookmaker
Betfair. He aims to raise awareness of the disease
The Economist, 29 January-4 February 2011, p61 Third Sector, 1 February 2011, p7 Before you write that business plan… Most business plans do not raise money and many
fail. This is partly because the opportunities may be
Peppa Pig does to America
flawed, but more importantly because they focus on
The best-selling pre-school toy last year was Peppa
the entrepreneur rather than being customer-
Pig, which overtook Thomas the Tank Engine for the
focused. Here the author advocates the use of a
first time, and reached record merchandising sales
‘customer-driven feasibility study’ to guide the
of £200m. Now Peppa is being taken to the US in an
assessment of the idea before the business plan is
agreement with Nick Jr, the largest children’s TV
written. The structure of the feasibility study is set
channel in the country. If successful, one small pig
could achieve $1bn in merchandising sales in its first
Business Strategy Review, Vol 21 (4), pp92-93 The Daily Telegraph, 25 January 2011, B3 Promotional marketing Mulberry reaches out globally
New research by fast.MAP has revealed that the
Luxury brand Mulberry has reported that sales at
people who respond best to promotions linked to
stores rose by 70% in the six weeks to 15 January,
charities are those aged between 18 and 44: 40% of
while wholesale orders increased by 104% for spring
consumers in this age group have changed their
2011. It seems that despite the recession,
shopping behaviour as a result of a promotion. This
consumers can still afford to buy upmarket bags.
figure declines in the older age groups of 55 plus,
Analysts believe that the Mulberry brand now has a
which are the groups that charities traditionally
global presence and its products are appealing to a
target. It is important however, that charities have
synergy with the brands that they are partnering
Retail Week, 28 January 2011, p11
with, and that the charity is relevant to the consumer
Nintendo goes 3D Promotional Marketing, January 2011, pp8-9
At the end of March Nintendo will begin selling the
Nintendo 3DS in the US. This is the first portable
Volunteers declining in numbers
gaming console to give 3D images without the need
The latest Citizens Survey from the Communities
for special glasses. Popularity of the DS and Wii
and Local Government department reveals that the
console, which use handheld controls, has fallen
percentage of people who volunteer has fallen every
since last April and Nintendo could do with a boost
year since 2005. Thirty-eight percent of respondents
in the face of fierce competition from Sony, Sharp,
to the survey had volunteered at least once during
LG and Apple. Nintendo hopes to introduce
the last 12 months, compared with 44% in 2005.
Hollywood movies and content on the 3DS at some
Third Sector, 1 February 2011, p4 Marie Curie apps for appeal Bloomberg Businessweek, 24-30 January 2011, pp38-39
Marie Curie Cancer Care is to launch its first TV ads and smartphone apps, as it gets ready for its ‘Great
Daffodil Appeal’, its biggest fund-raising event of the
year. The charity aims to recruit more donation
There is general disagreement as to the best way to
collectors, over and above its usual supporters who
measure consumer-price inflation. The Economist’s
are mainly women aged forty and over, and to
‘Big Mac’ index might help as a way of deciding
increase people’s awareness of where their
whether currencies are under or over-valued.
McDonald’s Big Mac provides a consumer-price
Marketing, 26 January 2011, p7
basket since it consists of food, materials, wages
and rent. Last year’s prices for a Big Mac have been
Save the Children seeks inspiration
compared with those of ten years ago. The index
Save the Children’s latest campaign, called ‘No
reveals that in China the price of a burger rose by an
Child Born to Die’, features a group of young
annual average of 3.7%, while the officially reported
children watching clips of inspirational figures, such
inflation rate was only 2.3%. This might be because
as Nelson Mandela, Albert Einstein and Muhammad
food prices have risen faster than other prices. Yet
Ali and is narrated by Helena Bonham Carter.
in Russia and Indonesia Big Mac prices have risen a
Campaign, 28 January 2011, p5
lot less than the official price index, so perhaps
those governments were over-stating their inflation!
Darth Vader helps prostate charity The Economist, 29 January 2011-4 February 2011, p70
Actor Dave Prowse who played Darth Vader in Star Wars, is helping to promote a partnership between
Copyright 2011 The Chartered Institute of Marketing Cutting Edge: Our weekly analysis of marketing news
open 30 stores this year and will also sell the ranges
Retail Week, 28 January 2011, p5 Npower design fits the bill Npower is providing its customers with easy-to- understand bills in order to differentiate itself from its
competitors in the energy market. The bills feature
Oyster card in contactless payment.
feedback from consumer groups Which? and
MasterCard is sponsoring Transport for London’s
Consumer Focus. In addition Npower’s new TV ads
Oyster card ‘wallets’ this year. The deal will include
are focusing on the new bill design, which the
six million branded wallets and forms part of
company claims is a unique angle for marketing in
MasterCard’s promotion for its contactless payment
Marketing Week, 27 January 2011, p5 Marketing, 26 January 2011, p4 Taqa to raise brand awareness .enter the iDebit card
You’ve probably never heard of the Abu Dhabi
Shoppers who own one of Apple’s new iPads or
National Energy Company, Taqa, but it is in fact the
iPhones will be able to use them to pay for items at
sixth largest independent power producer in the
the checkout without using a pin number. The
world with a portfolio worth $23.4bn. It has just
devices contain a mobile payment feature, allowing
recruited corporate comms consultancy Capital MSL
the person to simply pass the device over the
to undertake its global corporate communications,
terminal to pay for goods. It is possible that Apple
investor relations and brand development.
will decide to subsidise payment terminals in shops
PR Week, 28 January 2011, p9
in order to compete with MasterCard and Visa.
The Daily Telegraph, 26 January 2011, p1 New JP Morgan ad pops up Greening the supply chain
Investment bank JP Morgan has a new campaign in
Companies are using all sorts of methods to give
the US comprising an animated film in the style of a
their supply chains the necessary eco-credentials. In
pop-up book. The ad seeks to show how many
France, for example, Pernod Ricard uses river
homes and businesses the bank has saved since
barges, not trucks, to carry its Mumm and Perrier-
Jouet Champagne to Le Havre, where it is shipped out. However, there are challenges for brands that
Campaign, 28 January 2011, p6
are produced locally yet need to transport their goods to global markets on time and in good
condition. It tends to be the FMCG brands that are paying heed to environmental pressures because of
consumer awareness and pressure from the
Get adventurous – have a gin
Hendrick’s, the gin brand, is to put on a number of
The Financial Times, 26 January 2011, p4
‘Afternoon Tea with a Legend of Adventure’ events in London, Edinburgh, New York and Madrid. Here
people will be able to meet adventurers such as round-the-world yachtsman Chay Blyth, who is due
Facebook shop opens claims to be the first brand in Europe to
Marketing, 26 January 2011, p10
open a Facebook shop where people can buy
clothes without leaving the social network site. The
Heineken refreshing the parts etc…
Two of Heineken’s beer brands’, Dos Equis and Sol,
Marketing Week, 27 January 2011, p5
and cider brand Strongbow may be made into global
brands to offset any weakening in the European
LK uses real people
market. Strongbow is a well-known brand in the UK,
Fashion retailer LK Bennett says it is using ‘real
having launched some notable ad campaigns, but it
women’, rather than airbrushed models, in its latest
isn’t sold in the Americas or other European
campaign. The ads show four women, all with
countries. However, Heineken is placing the greatest
busy careers, who were chosen following a
emphasis on its main beer brand, Heineken, which
accounts for 25% of sales. Its new ad campaign,
Marketing, 26 January 2011, p1
launched in December, achieved more than four
million online hits over a four week period.
Boux Avenue The Daily Telegraph, 27 January 2011, B3
Theo Paphitis of Dragon’s Den fame has released
the first pictures of the ranges – Vintage Garden
Removing the daily grind
Party and Burlesque Boudoir – which are available
Douwe Egberts is launching ground coffee tablets
at his new lingerie chain Boux Avenue. He intends to
called Aromettes. They work by dissolving in boiling
Copyright 2011 The Chartered Institute of Marketing Cutting Edge: Our weekly analysis of marketing news
water and are suitable for use in filter machines and
cafetières. Aromettes are targeted at the one in four instant coffee drinkers in the UK who consider
ground coffee to be ‘too difficult to make’.
Alternative campaigns The Grocer, 29 January 2011, p26
The campaigns for and against the alternative vote
(AV) electoral system are under way. The NOtoAV
campaigners, who want to keep the ‘first past the
Cocoa up in price
post’ system, will be distributing six million leaflets
The Côte d’Ivoire produces 34% of the world’s
telling you that AV is used for elections in only three
cocoa, which is currently in high demand by
countries. Meanwhile the Yes! To Fairer Votes
chocolatiers as Easter approaches. Unfortunately
campaigners want AV to be introduced and are
the price has shot up following a disputed
getting their supporters to target the general public
presidential election. Alasanne Ouattara, the
election winner, has asked for a ban on exports of
Marketing, 26 January 2011, p4
the cocoa crop as he tries to get the incumbent
How Government PR is looking The Economist, 29 January-4 February 2011, p7
The Government communications operation was
restructured by David Cameron’s director of
Saucy Guinness
communications Andy Coulson before he resigned
Heinz and Diageo have got together to create the
from his post. The new structure merges the
HP Guinness Sauce, a stout-flavoured sauce. It
Number 10 and Cabinet Office comms division,
aims to appeal to ‘scratch’ cooks as well as those
leaving seven units. Theses are: the No 10 Press
Office; Deputy Prime Minister and Political Reform;
The Grocer, 29 January 2011, p28
Government Reform and Efficiency; National
Blueberry grows in popularity
Government Campaigns; Digital Communications;
Blueberries have become the second favourite fresh
berry in the UK, after overtaking raspberries. Last
PR Week, 28 January 2011, p1
year shoppers bought 11.4% more blueberries in volume terms than they did in 2009. This is
attributed to supermarket promotions and weather
Eli Lilly – a model of innovation
conditions, which have adversely affected other
This case study of Eli Lilly, one of the biggest
types of berries. The best-selling berry continues to
pharmaceutical companies in the world, describes
how it lost its exclusive patent protection for Prozac,
The Grocer, 29 January 2011, p34
a drug that accounted for around a third of annual
sales. The company struggled to find a solution to its
problems until two employees came up with the idea
Can Ocado corner the market?
of an internet-based problem-solving forum. Eli Lilly
Ocado is launching a dedicated microsite, called Pet
set up InnoCentive, an independent company based
Corner, for its pet supplies. It will put all its food and
on the forum. It meant that anyone could feed ideas
non-food pet products on this site, which also offers
into the forum but the company only had to pay for
pet advice as well as links with the main Ocado site.
solutions that worked, thus reducing R&D costs.
In addition to the mainstream brands, the site will
This helped it to create new drugs, such as Cialis, a
stock niche products, such as Lily’s Kitchen organic
rival to Viagra. Other pharmaceutical companies
Retail Week, 28 January 2011, p4 The Financial Times, 27 January 2011, p17 How to say with flowers Approaches to health care
This year there is plenty of help for men who are
The debate over UK health care goes on as the
unsure of what to do for Valentine’s Day. The
government tries to control costs, but the subject
Flowers and Plants Association has produced a
tends to arouse strong public opinion. This article
‘man’s guide’ to buying flowers. It provides men with
looks at the health systems in a group of developed
tips on buying flowers for Valentine’s Day, which
nations – the UK, France, Singapore, Japan and the
includes the advice not to purchase flowers from
US – and identifies a variety of approaches. In the
supermarkets. (See also under Retailing)
UK, for example, the NHS has set up nine regional
The Grocer, 29 January 2011, p34
NHS Innovation Centres, which are dedicated to finding new and innovative methods of delivering
Business Strategy Review, Vol 21 (4), pp18-25 Copyright 2011 The Chartered Institute of Marketing Cutting Edge: Our weekly analysis of marketing news Motorola uses new devices to fight back Coal mining on the rise
Motorola is launching two innovative devices this
Coal has become unfashionable in rich countries
year, which seem to be attracting some attention.
because of air quality and carbon emissions, but in
The Xoom is the first tablet to be powered by the
other areas of the world demand has never been
Android 3.0 Honeycomb operating system, while the
greater. In fact the International Energy Agency
Atrix smartphone claims to be ‘the world’s most
(IEA) estimates that world consumption of coal will
powerful smartphone’ because it has a dual-core
increase by a fifth in the next 25 years, while the
processor. Since 2004, when it launched the Razr
price is likely to peak at $170 a tonne in 2012. This
camera phone, Motorola has been overtaken by
is good for the mining industry, particularly
other manufacturers such as Apple which has
companies in Asia. Indonesia is the biggest exporter
proved faster at getting innovative products to
to China because of its location and the fact that its
market. Motorola has a 4.3% share of handsets in
coal is of high quality. Australia, South Africa and
Marketing Week, 27 January 2011, p10 The Economist, 29 January-4 February 2011, pp62-63 Skype goes to school Copper prices lead to industry consolidation
After noticing a trend for Skype to be used to
Prices for copper have risen by 28% over the last 12
connect with other schools and experts around the
months. This is sparking off a chain of mergers and
world, the company has decided to launch a
acquisitions amongst mining companies. One such
community site, Made By Many. It targets the
example is Symterra, a Canadian copper producer,
education sector and aims to encourage teachers to
which will be formed by the impending merger of
use Skype in the classroom, The website asks
Inmet and Lundin, two Canadian mining companies.
teachers to provide details for its directory so that
The new company hopes to produce 500,000 metric
other teachers can get in touch with them.
New Media Age, 27 January 2011, p6 Bloomberg Businessweek, 24-30 January 2011, p25 Nokia takes profit knock
Nokia, the world’s largest phone manufacturer, has reported a fall in profits for the third consecutive
quarter. Although overall net sales have risen, its
Kindle books overtake paperbacks
mobile handsets and services have experienced
In the last quarter of 2010 sales of e-books overtook
zero growth and pre-tax profits have fallen by 22%
those of paperback books on Amazon. Amazon is
to €833m. Nokia is struggling to compete in the
selling 155 Kindle books for every 100 paperbacks,
although sales of paperback books are also on the increase. Last July Amazon announced that sales of
The Guardian, 28 January 2011, p34
e-books had exceeded those of hardback books and predicted that by the second quarter of this year
paperbacks would also be overtaken. This means
FA tackles behaviour
that the growth in e-books is occurring faster than
The Football Association has launched a campaign
to try to stamp out bad behaviour from supporters, 28 January 2011
and players. It has created a ‘club’ called Respect
FC and promises to donate £1 to grassroots football
Gaming tactics to attract loyalty Marketing, 26 January 2011, p7
In the US a new type of business consultant has
risen out of the need for websites to be revitalised
Industry should respond to digital travellers
and to attract more page views. One such outfit is
The travel industry is increasing its digital activity in
Bunchball, which helps to give websites a much
response to rising consumer use of both mobile and
needed makeover by giving them certain attributes
social media. These days 37% of British adults
of video games. If visitors to the site perform
undertake their holiday research online, while 26%
particular tasks, such as posting comments or
make bookings online. TripAdvisor has four million
emailing links to friends, they can earn points or
monthly users via mobile devices, while British
badges. Bunchball has already tackled more than 50
Airways reports that 30,000 of its Executive Club
sites, including NBC and Playboy. It and other game
passengers used mobile-enabled boarding passes
consultancies can charge up to $10,000 a month by
in the three months since the service launched. This
using video game tactics to increase customer
rise in digital activity creates a significant opportunity
Bloomberg Businessweek, 24-30 January 2011, pp35-36 New Media Age, 27 January 2011, pp19-22 Copyright 2011 The Chartered Institute of Marketing Cutting Edge: Our weekly analysis of marketing news Internet
industry: falling circulations; an aging demographic
Is cyber stalking.
who read the print version; and the frequency with
Consumers may be starting to feel that advertisers
which people buy papers. The implications for
are becoming too intrusive. With behavioural
advertisers, agencies and publishers are discussed.
targeting and retargeting this is fast becoming a form
InPublishing, January-February 2011, pp22-23
of virtual stalking warns Andrew Walmsley. In the
US the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB)
Social media
promotes the Advertising Option Icon, which
Quora – the next thing in social networks?
displays a link that discloses how data is used and
Is Quora going to be the next big social networking
allows people to opt out of behavioural targeting.
phenomenon? It was founded by former Facebook
Marketing, 26 January 2011, p12
employees in 2009 and was made available to the
public last year. The site lets users ask questions,
.of concern to consumers?
answer questions posted by other people and follow
The Institute of Practitioners in Advertising (IPA) has
questions. Other users can vote on whether they like
added its twopenny-worth to the debate by calling
or dislike the answer and if enough people dislike it,
for research into consumer attitudes on ad
the answer disappears. But brands had better watch
retargeting and to establish best practice. There is
out, since an answer could have a negative impact
anecdotal evidence that people are uncomfortable
on the brand. Conversely a good answer could push
about ads ‘following them around the web’.
the brand to the top of the pile. Here are five ways in
New Media Age, 27 January 2011, p6 New Media Age, 27 January 2011, pp20-23 Magazines Predictive behavioural targeting ISBA guide
Dennis Publishing, publisher of Auto Express, Car
Yesterday the ISBA published a social media guide
Buyer, Evo and The Week, is to start using
for British advertisers to help them make the best
predictive behavioural targeting. This works by
use of the channel. It provides an overview of the
asking readers to complete surveys on the
social media marketplace and the strategies
publisher’s site. These aim to collect information
advertisers can use to position the channel within
about readers’ buying intentions over the next 12
their marketing strategies. It also covers
months and often ask for their brand preferences.
engagement, planning and digital measurements.
The information is used, together with click-patterns, 27 January 2011
and behavioural data, to form models and build user
segments. Dennis is just one of a number of
companies that have been using this process to
TV ad spend to grow
increase the value of their audiences to advertisers.
Forecasts for TV advertising spend this year are
New Media Age, 27 January 2011, p8
looking optimistic: spend for the first quarter of 2011
is predicted to be around 7%, with monthly
Print edition of Sugar closes
increases of 6%, 12% and 3% for the first three
Publisher Hachette Filipacchi is closing its print
months. The second quarter is also expected to start
magazine Sugar, which targets the teenage market,
well, with growth of 6% in April, due partly to the
after finding out that most of its teenage audience
had migrated online. It will instead concentrate on, 31 January 2011
the digital edition. Over the last ten years the teen
magazine market has shrunk by 75%, because
Promoting product placement
teenagers prefer to spend their time on mobiles and
ITV Creative is creating a TV campaign for all the
online and expect to receive content for free.
commercial TV broadcasters, to communicate the fact that product placement will be allowed in UK
New Media Age, 27 January 2011, p10
programmes from 28 February. The ads will be
shown in commercial breaks across ITV, Channel 4,
Sky and UKTV channels. Ofcom has specified that
The state of newspaper advertising
broadcasters must run an audience awareness
Online content is undoubtedly growing as a
campaign to inform viewers about the new product
proportion of media consumption. However, in the
placement logo, which it will unveil in February.
latest Deloitte State of the Media Democracy report
Campaign, 28 January 2011, p1
49% of respondents said that they heed print
advertising in newspapers and magazines more than they do advertising on the internet. In fact 66%
TV viewing figures
of respondents claimed to read their favourite
According to the trade body Thinkbox, the average
newspapers in print, an increase on the 60% who
UK TV viewer watched four hours and two minutes
said so two years ago, while just 26% read their
of TV a day last year. This represents a record figure
favourite newspaper online. But these findings tend
and an increase of 63% on the previous year. But
to hide the underlying problems for the newspaper
these figures are unlikely to be exceeded in the future since linear viewing will be affected by the
Copyright 2011 The Chartered Institute of Marketing Cutting Edge: Our weekly analysis of marketing news
various on-demand services. Last year’s figures
Superdrug enters loyalty arena
meant that viewing of ads at normal speed rose to
This year sees the launch of Superdrug’s first loyalty
46 per day, up by 5.9% compared with 2009.
programme. Superdrug is owned by retail group AS
Campaign, 28 January 2011, p5
Watson, which has 9,000 health and beauty stores worldwide and already runs a number of loyalty
schemes. It aims to compete with Boots which has been operating its Advantage Card scheme since
Paper milk bottles
Martin Myers of Suffolk has invented the
Marketing Week, 27 January 2011, p4
GreenBottle, a bottle inspired by the papier-mâché
technique. It looks a lot like the two-litre plastic milk
Mobile success
bottles that you see in supermarkets, but consists of
During the first half of the year both ASOS and John
a paper shell with a plastic lining to keep the milk
Lewis will be launching transactional mobile apps.
fresh. Once it has been used the lining can be
ASOS’ mobile revenues reached £1m in the UK
discarded and the outer material can be recycled up
during December, double that expected, while John
to seven times, compared with plastic bottles that
Lewis has experienced a 50% increase in mobile
can only be recycled once. The bottle is being
traffic since the launch of its mobile site in October.
It is estimated that the mobile commerce sector will
The Observer, 30 January 2011, p13 New Media Age, 27 January 2011, pp1-3 7Up simplifies 7Up, the lemon-lime soft drink, has created a new logo and packaging to reflect its ‘simpler is better’
brand message. The new logo, which has become
Open innovation
larger and bolder to make it more visible on the
Here the author argues that open innovation – the
shelves, is being introduced this month. The
idea that companies should organise their innovation
packaging also places emphasis on the ingredients,
to be more open with a flow of information into and
out of the organisation – works differently in service, 31 January 2011
businesses than in product and technology innovation businesses. Service customers are
involved in a process that repeats itself, resulting in a customer experience, while few companies have
Supermarkets welcome shopers through WiFi
R&D in their services business. However, some
O2 is creating a free, nationwide WiFi network,
open innovation concepts can be used in service
which will be accessible to everyone, including
innovation. Amazon, for example, has brought the
people in supermarkets. As the customer enters the
‘outside in’ through allowing customer reviews and
shop and connects to the network, the supermarket
third party sellers on its site. One way in which
can send them a welcome message together with
service companies can migrate towards open
news of any special offers. The WiFi hotspots are to
innovation is by working closely with their customers
be managed through partnerships with 15,000
MIT Sloan Management Review, Vol 52 (2), pp85-90 The Grocer, 29 January 2011, p8 Visionary strategy It’s a man campaign
Vision Express is to stop using its ‘eyeballs’ ads and
Ann Summers hopes to attract male customers into
logo and will instead use a cross-shaped motif to
its shops before Valentine’s Day by renaming four of
emphasise the ‘x’ in its name. The new marketing
its main stores ‘Man Summers’. The stores will have
strategy places the emphasis on how the optician is
live models of various shapes and sizes wearing
able to help consumers with the line ‘We’ll see you
Ann Summers’ lingerie, so that men can judge bra
sizes. Promotional ‘man cabs’ will also pick up male
Marketing, 26 January 2011, p3
shoppers and transport them to the stores. All this activity is accompanied by what is described as a
Making a spectacle of oneself Specsavers’ new TV ad shows a short-sighted Retail Week, 28 January 2011, p1
young woman meeting her partner at a train station,
John Lewis launches beauty salons
only to find that she has embraced the wrong man
John Lewis is to open beauty salons in two of its
because the two men are both wearing beige suits.
stores, which will offer treatments such as facials,
Campaign, 28 January 2011, p5
manicures and threading. This follows the news that
Tesco is to open beauty salons in some of its stores.
Jeeves 10th anniversary campaign Marketing, 26 January 2011, p11
This article analyses the success of Ask Jeeves’
10th anniversary campaign last year, which involved
posting the top ten most unanswerable questions
Copyright 2011 The Chartered Institute of Marketing Cutting Edge: Our weekly analysis of marketing news
on its website. The campaign generated an average
seems that from previously having had a simple
daily click-through rate of 10%, double the usual
choice between the full service or the budget airline,
rate. Within four weeks the campaign had 5,400
the air passenger will be presented with an
answers posted on the site and 45,000 visitors to the
core site, while the Jeeves Twitter feed doubled its
The Economist, 29 January-4 February 2011, p60 PR Week, 28 January 2011, pp12-13 Disaggregate This term was first used in 1828 in a scientific Lexus adopts Kylie
context. It was later used in the 1980s as an
Lexus, the Japanese car brand, is targeting the
expression in strategy consulting and business
younger driver by using Kylie Minogue in its latest
modelling. It referred to the separating out of the
advertising. The new campaign promotes the CT
organisation into ‘discrete’ operations that had
200h, a hybrid hatchback and the first Lexus luxury
become subsumed within the business. The
compact model. Lexus will also be the headline
expression has since been employed in ecommerce
and is often associated with terms such as
Marketing, 26 January 2011, p1
‘unbundling’, ‘outsourcing’ and the ‘divestment of
core business’. It is also a useful word to slip into conversation, should you be short of business
Screen hopping jazzes up ads
Honda’s new ads for its Jazz model use ‘screen
Business Life, February 2011, p6
hopping’ technology. This means that viewers can interact with a TV ad by transferring characters in the ad to their mobile handset’s screen in real time.
They can then play with the interactive features of
Emerald, a leading publisher of management
the characters. Even though the viewer may not
research, is featuring two journals a week which are
seek to buy a new car straight away, this will help to
free to access. This week’s selection consists ofJournal of Asia Business Studies and International Marketing Week, 27 January 2011, p5 Journal of Lean Six Sigma. If you click on the
following link and the journal title, it will take you to a
Virgin clicks with what works best
table of contents where you can access some of the
Virgin Atlantic is developing an online ‘best click’
issues. Next week’s journals are: Equality, Diversity
attribution model, rather than placing all its emphasis
and Inclusion and International Journal of Logistics
on the ‘last click’ approach. The technology, from
tracking specialist Tagman, monitors all online
marketing activity. This provides data on which sites are providing the most value, helps to attribute sales
accurately and to reward the right site. It also helps in understanding which campaigns and marketing
New Media Age, 27 January 2011, p8
Written by The Chartered Institute of Marketing’s
Budget airlines are changing
The European low-cost airline market used to be
Copyright 2010 The Chartered Institute of Marketing
high-growth and offered an uncomplicated, no-frills,
service model, but now the market is slowing.
Ryanair, the market leader, is expecting growth to
The views expressed in Cutting Edge are not
decline from 14% in 2009-2010 to 6% by 2013. To
necessarily those of The Chartered Institute of
address this trend it plans to focus less on
increasing its traffic numbers and instead intends to
charge its passengers more. EasyJet is also transforming its offerings by improving cabin service
and allowing passengers to opt for priority boarding.
Other budget airlines are following their example. It
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Restaurant Support Officer for McDonald's US West
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Copyright 2011 The Chartered Institute of Marketing
Journal of Hospital Infection (2005) 59, 159–162High frequency of Candida parapsilosis on thehands of healthy hostsL.A. Bonassolia, M. Bertolia, T.I.E. Svidzinskib,*aUniversidade Estadual de Maringa´, Hospital Universita´rio Regional de Maringa´, Parana´, BrazilbUniversidade Estadual de Maringa´, Departamento de Ana´lises Clı´nicas, Laborato´rio de Micologia Clı´nica,Avenida Colomb
Adviezen kinderpsychiaters genegeerd door CVZ In de slepende kwestie rond de vergoeding van medicatie voor de behandeling van kinderen met ADHD wordt de ernst van dit probleem en het belang van een goede behandeling voor kind en maatschappij voortdurend onderschat. Noodkreten van ouders en argumenten van deskundigen worden in deze zaak volkomen genegeerd door minister Hoogervorst van VWS. E