Nobel laureate prof

Nobel Laureate Prof. Ferid Murad Hired as Honorary Chair Prof. of Asia Univ.
Today, Nobel Laureate Professor Ferid Murad was presented the title of Honorary Chair Professor of Asia University. Following the ceremony, Professor Murad presented the speech about continuing researching new drugs curing brain cancers and diarrhea. He hopes that such research would be helpful for the world and jokingly mentions winning another Nobel Prize. According to H. J. Chang, President of Asia University, Professor Murad would come to Asia University for lectures twice a year—at least a week of each visit. In addition to teaching and lectures, Professor Murad would also instruct teachers and students with their research. Professor Ferid Murad wins 1998 Nobel Laureate of Physiology and Medicine for his discovery concerning nitric oxide as a signaling molecule in the cardiovascular system. Nitric Oxide is related to many diseases mechanisms, such as high-blood pressure, heart hypertrophy, etc. His research inspired the invention of Viagra, thus Professor Murad is also called “Father of Viagra.” Professor Mruad introduced the history of Nobel Prize, saying that for hundreds of years the award of Nobel Prize has been the focus of the world. People give the highest credit to winners of Nobel Prize in Physics, Chemistry, Medicine, Literature, Peace, and Economics. Currently 180 winners alive with average age of 80 meet every 10 years. Through explaining the history, Professor Murad hopes young people would be more interested in science research. Professor H. L. Lin, Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering, and Assistant Professor Henry J. Tsai, Department o Healthcare Administration asked Professor Murad how to become “Father of Viagra” and what the new research ways are. Professor Murad replied that while nitric oxide was first found as a signaling molecule in the cardiovascular system and used for lower blood pressure, he later realized that nitric oxide is also helpful for erectile dysfunction, later on developing into Viagra. As for new research projects, Professor Murad mentioned working on new drugs for diarrhea since children in the third world often die from such disease. Professor Murad emphasized the importance of finding answers from simple experiments, like working out crossword puzzles. For possible aftermaths after taking Chinese medicine, Professor Murad suggests that starting research from heavy metal pollutions might be helpful in finding out answers. T. J. Lin, a junior at the Department of International Business, commented that she was honored to see and talk with Professor Murad. While Asia University often invites international lecturers for speech, with Professor Murad’s upcoming lectures at Asia University, she believes these experiences would broaden students’ views and get students more interested in


Msfa ems committee meeting

Meeting was called to order at 1300 hours by Chair Bill Dousa. He thanked Kensington Volunteer Fire Company for hosting the meeting and lunch. Chair report – The safety subcommittee (no red lights and siren) has met several times and is moving forward. There is a presentation that is being worked on for the Ambulance Safety Committee later this month. A draft standard is being worked on for dis

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Speech Technology to Provide Access to Digital Grupo TLATOA (CENTIA), Universidad de las Américas-Puebla Sta. Catarina Mártir, Cholula, Pue., MEXICO Abstract . Thanks to the advances in today’s technology in terms of processing speed of computers, storage space and the management of sound and video devices, speech technology is a reality in almost any kind of computerized system. Spe

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