JOM Volume 26, Number 2, 2011 Editorial
thomolecular pioneer, Dr. Richard Kunin, in
When are patients going to be told
his article discussing the value of manganese
the truth about their psychiatric
and niacin for drug-induced dyskinesias:
Among the countless mentally unwell not seem to comprehend the disorder or em-
patients whom I currently manage, I have one pathize with the incredible suffering of the
case that weighs heavily on my mind. The pa-
patient. Imagine the alienation such patients
tient is a very pleasant 25-year old male* with experience in relation to their peers, who
pronounced tardive dystonia. During his first can only interpret these indescribable move-
year of college (sometime in 2004), my patient ments as manifestations of madness. But the
began to withdraw from life, slowly losing unkindest cut of all is to find that this dis-
contact with his friends and family. He also order is commonly diagnosed as anxiety or
became agitated, requiring little sleep, and his hysteria by physicians and psychiatrists.”1
thoughts and therefore his behaviours be-
came increasingly more bizarre to his fellow discuss honestly with their patients all the
students and diminishing pool of friends. He potential risks and expected benefits from
was eventually admitted to a nearby hospital the medications they prescribe. There is an
and was given a diagnosis of schizoaffective emerging body of literature that advocates
disorder. He was prescribed two mg daily of a drug-centered model of drug action, as
risperidone (Risperdal) to manage both the opposed to the outdated disease-centered
psychotic symptoms and agitation. Within model that espouses psychiatric medications
about ten days his condition stabilized and as correcting some known and well validated
he was discharged back into the community disease process.2 In the drug-centered model,
with a referral to an outpatient psychiatrist it is recommended that psychiatrists inform
and instructions to attend an outpatient pro-
their patients that psychiatric drugs are psy-
choactive, and “…induce complex, varied, of-
ten unpredictable physical and mental states
done, he developed frequent episodes of facial that patients typically experience as global,
grimacing and painful upper body contrac-
rather than distinct therapeutic effects and
tures, characterized by having his shoulders side effects.”2 Patients should be told that
being temporarily fixed into a shrugged po-
these drug-induced altered states might be
sition with concomitant tensing of the neck useful, for some altered states might sup-
muscles. At the present time, the facial gri-
macing (tardive dyskinesia) has lessened, but disorders; and that these altered states might
his painful upper body contractures (tardive be harmful, for some altered states might in-
dystonia) involving the upper trapezius and duce unwanted or even unexpected physical
anterior cervical muscles, occur constantly. and/or mental manifestations.
The patient has these dystonic episodes nu-
merous times throughout the day. They have immediate stability induced by psychiatric
drugs during acute crises and/or life-threat-
wanted attention from his coworkers and ening situations, I am more in favour of their
clients, which has become very distressing gradual discontinuation once the acute cri-
ses have passed. Patients should be told that
When this patient has questioned the the majority of psychotropic medications
value of his medication with several psychia-
produce a vast array of global psychoactive
trists, each one has told him that the medi-
effects (i.e., sedation, psychomotor slowing,
cation is necessary for stability but not much activation, and altered sense perception),
else. This is alarming but not so surprising. which are often associated with negative out-
This patient’s unfortunate reality reminds comes.3 The ideal is to immediately place all
patients on orthomolecular treatment dur-
Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine Vol 26, No. 2, 2011
ing the acute period, so that once psychiatric
problem is most evident in the treatment of
schizophrenia. In this issue, we have a ‘tour de
treatments can ensure ongoing stability, and
force’ article from scientist extraordinaire, Dr.
Christine Mil er, who has written an exquisite-
ly up-to-date, comprehensive, and progressive
thomolecular treatments are not associated
article on genes and nutrition interactions as
with negative global psychoactive effects,
they pertain to schizophrenia. From reading
and support rather than alter the proper
her article, one can easily feel her passionate
functioning of the brain by supplying it with
naturally-occurring substances it has been
cal minutiae of schizophrenia with the hope
designed to require. Psychiatric medications
of facilitating a better understanding of, and
are not normally found in the human body,
perhaps new alternative (i.e., orthomolecular)
and cannot correct for genetic defects (i.e.,
treatment solutions to, the status quo. Her
defective enzyme/coenzyme reactions), nor
sincere commitment to schizophrenia is very
compensate for increased individual needs of
apparent in the concluding paragraph of her
specific orthomolecules, nor can they offset
article in which she mentions with sanguinity
deficiencies of orthomolecules within the ce-
“…there is ample reason to pursue nutritional
rebrospinal fluid or other tissues of the body.
therapies in schizophrenia” juxtaposed with
To further illustrate my concerns, I offer an
her concerns about current psychiatric op-
excerpt from Breggin’s book, Brain Disabling
tions since “…neuroleptics have potent side
effects that prohibit even a near-normal level
“The brain does not welcome psychiatric
medications as nutrients. Instead, the brain
Dr. Miller’s article champions a greater
reacts against them as toxic agents and at-
optimism about the future of orthomolecu-
tempts to overcome their disruptive impact.
lar medicine, a future where patients’ lives
For example, when Prozac induces an excess
are enriched and not harmed by psychiatric
of serotonin in the synaptic cleft, the brain
treatments, because the prescribed treat-
compensates by reducing the output of sero-
ments are “orthomolecular,” and are thus safe
tonin at the nerve endings, by reducing the
number of receptors in the synapse that can
receive the serotonin, and by increasing the
capacity of the transport system to remove
serotonin from the synapse. Similarly, when
antipsychotic drugs such as Risperdal, Zy-
prexa, or Haldol reduce reactivity in the do-
paminergic system, the brain compensates,
producing hyperactivity in the same system
by increasing the number and sensitivity of
changed to protect the confidentiality of this
dopamine receptors. All of these compensa-
tory reactions create new abnormalities in
brain function, sometimes causing irrevers-
ible disorders, such as antipsychotic drug-
1. Kunin RA: Manganese and niacin in the treat-
ment of drug-induced dyskinesias. Orthomol Psy-
My clinical experience has revealed that
2. Moncrieff J, Cohen D: How do psychiatric drugs
most patients are not educated about the dan-
work? BMJ, 2009; 338: 1535-1537.
gerous and often life-changing effects that
3. Jacobs D, Cohen D: What is really known about
might result from taking psychiatric medica-
the psychological alterations produced by psychi-
tions. Patients are usual y told that there are
atric drugs? Int J Risk Safety Med, 1999;12:37-47.
no viable options, other than standard psychi-
4. Breggin PR: Brain-Disabling Treatments in Psy-chiatry. 2nd edition. New York. Springer Publish-
atric care, for their mental health issues. This
COMITÉ VOOR PREVENTIE EN BESCHERMING OP HET WERK Zitting van 21 november 2011 – 13h30 VH/102/2011 Aanwezigen Personeelsafgevaardigden Werkgeversafgevaardigden Preventiedienst UZ Brussel Gasten Verspreiding: • Effectieve en plaatsvervangende leden Dagorde: 1. Goedkeuren van de notulen van de vergadering van 17/10/2011. 2. Stralingsgeïndu
Yaws in the periurban settlements of Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea HOPE worldwide (PNG), Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea Yaws is a re-emerging disease in Papua New Guinea. A resurgence of yaws is documented in the periurban settlements around Port Moresby. A total of 494 cases were identified from April 2000 to September 2001. The age distribution ranged from 2 years to adult (median