Es ist nicht klar, wie groß die Rolle von Antibiotika in den Wettbewerbsbeziehungen zwischen Mikroorganismen unter natürlichen Bedingungen ist. Zelman vaxman glaubte, dass diese Rolle minimal ist, Antibiotika werden nicht anders als in reinen Kulturen auf reichen Umgebungen gebildet. Anschließend wurde jedoch festgestellt, dass bei vielen Produzenten die Aktivität der antibiotikasynthese in Gegenwart anderer Arten oder spezifischer Produkte Ihres Stoffwechsels zunimmt.

Microsoft word - backpacking high sierras may 2014.doc

The University of Texas at Austin
Division of Recreational Sports
Outdoor Recreation Program

Backpacking & Whitewater Rafting - Yosemite National Park

May 15 – 23, 2014



Prices reflect the UT student and RecSports member/non-member prices and do not include airfare to and from San Jose, California. Thorough research has revealed that individuals can make more affordable travel arrangements than we can as a group. Payment in ful or a deposit in the amount of $150 is required to reserve your space. Refunds wil be issued, less a $50 administrative fee for those participants who cancel by 5:00pm Friday April 25, 2014. Please read our cancel ation/refund policy careful y before registering.
Dates & Times:
Pre-Trip Meeting:

Pre-Trip Location:
Outdoor Center located in Gregory Gym 2.104 Trip Departs:
2:00pm – Thursday May 15, 2014 – San Jose’ International Airport (SJC) Trip Returns:
2:00pm (approximate time) – Friday May 23, 2014 – San Jose’ International Airport (SJC) Cancellation Date:

Travel Information:

The “Backpacking the High Sierras” adventure trip wil begin and end at the main baggage terminal at the San Jose
International Airport located near downtown San Jose, California. All participants are expected to arrive at the San Jose
Airport no later than 2:00pm on Thursday May 15th, 2014. Anyone arriving prior to this date and time are responsible for al
of their expenses including lodging, transportation, and food. For your return flight on Friday May 23, 2014 it is
recommended that you book an afternoon departure time in order to give us time to get everyone back to the airport,
because we wil have a 2+ hour drive to San Jose that morning.
Currently some airlines fly direct non-stop to San Jose from Austin for around $375. Look through the Sunday travel section
of newspapers and the web for deals. Ask around with your family if anyone has airline miles or incentives you can use to keep
your flight cost cheaper.
NOTE: DO NOT book your flight to San Jose until this trip has met the minimum registration requirement of 6 participants.
Registrations wil be confirmed no later than the April 25th cancel ation date, giving you more than 2 weeks in advance to book
your flights. We wil contact you if the trip meets the registration minimum prior to April 25th.
What to Expect:
“I have seen persons of emotional temperament stand with tearful eyes, spel bound and dumb with awe, as they got their first view of the Yosemite Val ey from Inspiration Point, overwhelmed in the sudden presence of the unspeakable, stupendous – Galen Clark, guardian of the Yosemite Grant Yosemite National Park, one of the first wilderness parks in the United States is best known for its waterfal s. Most people visiting Yosemite gaze upon the 2,425-foot Yosemite Fal s (the tallest waterfall in North America) however within it’s nearly 1,200 square miles, you can find deep val eys, grand meadows, ancient giant sequoias, a vast wilderness area, and much more. The landscapes and features of Yosemite National Park inspire awe and wonder in the forces that have created such majesty. Geologists, hydrologists, and geographers investigate and document landscapes to get a sense of the ecosystem as a whole that reaches from below 3,000 feet to over 13,000 feet in elevation. The scenery, resulting from the interaction of glaciers and the underlying rocks, was the basis for Yosemite's preservation as a national park. The University of California – Merced wil be assisting us with our trip logistics and travel. Joining our backcountry trip wil be a Yosemite Ranger who wil serve as an interpretive guide and assistant leader, providing insight into the natural and cultural history of the Yosemite Valley. This unique opportunity wil make our experience even more memorable as we explore one of the most storied wilderness areas in the world.
Due to the EXTREME and DEMANDING nature of this trip ALL participants who register will be required to complete an
interview with the Outdoor Recreation Coordinator to evaluate their level of preparedness for this trip. (If you are not
approved to go on this trip you will receive a complete refund.) The Outdoor Recreation Coordinator will contact you to

set up an interview time that works best for you.
Details: Participants on this adventure wil need to be prepared and flexible for circumstances that may require us to augment our itinerary on the go. The weather in Yosemite in Mid-May can be extremely dynamic. This time of year you can expect warm 70-degree weather or snowstorms. Al participants must have adequate cold weather gear for highland backcountry travel for over 7,000 ft. elevation. Our itinerary and trail wil be determined largely in part by weather and trail conditions. Al attempts wil be made to ensure that a quality and moderately challenging backcountry itinerary are put together, however circumstances out of our control could force us to change the projected itinerary below. Participants MUST be ready for one of the most inspiring and physical y chal enging backpacking adventures in North America. Participants must be able to meet this minimum set of physical fitness benchmarks: Run 3 miles continuously without stopping Be comfortable carrying 40+ pound backpack over rough terrain for 5 – 8 miles a day Have a tolerance for pain and exhaustion Own adequate rain/snow gear for backpacking at elevation A good fitness level is REQUIRED for this trip. The RecSports and Outdoor Recreation Program staffs are not qualified to evaluate your fitness level so you must evaluate your fitness level as appropriate for this trip. If you are unsure of your physical
condition you should consult with a physician before the trip. Please be aware that the RecSports Fitness/Wel ness Program
offers personal training and fitness assessments if you need assistance in preparing for this trip.
The nature of a group expedition requires the ful cooperation of every participant with the trip leaders and other members of
the group. Humor, flexibility, involvement, and an open mind to new experiences wil create a rewarding experience for al .
Day One:
Day Seven
Day Eight:
Day Two:
Day Three - Six:
Day Nine:
*Indicates meals that are to be paid by participant LOGISTICS NOTE: This itinerary is subject to change due to hazardous conditions at the national park, weather, or other unforeseen circumstances. Please understand that in the event of an itinerary change “backup” activities are planned and alternate locations are accounted for. What to Bring:
*The fol owing list is meant to assist you in determining what equipment you wil need to bring. Trip guides wil review this list at the pre-trip meeting and wil make changes and suggestions as needed.  Eating utensils (spoon, travel mug, bowl or plate  1 pair tennis/light weight shoes (old tennis  2 plastic water bottles or Hydration Pack (labeled  Rain gear (jacket with hood and pants)  Light weight synthetic long underwear top and  Heavy weight synthetic long underwear top and  Toiletry items (sunscreen, bug spray, chapstick,
 2 pair comfortable non-binding shorts (quick
Outdoor Recreation Program Will Provide:
 Transportation, camping, and lodging logistics for trip. Transportation from San Jose Airport to al destinations and back.  Food: Breakfast May 16th – Breakfast May 22st, Lunch May 22nd.  Internal Frame Backpack  Sleeping bag and pad  Cooking equipment: stoves, cook sets, utensils, etc…  All group gear: Tents, water filters, food canisters
Refunds, Cancellations and Transfers:
(a) Cancel ation dates vary for each trip. (b) Transfers may be made to another available activity at ful value if done before the cancel ation date. No transfers wil be (c) Recreational Sports reserves the right to cancel the trip due to insufficient registrations, inclement weather or other unforeseeable circumstances. If such a cancellation is necessary, the participant may choose between transferring to another available activity or being issued a full refund. (d) All refund checks wil be mailed by the University Accounting Office to the address shown on the participant’s registration form. Refunds take approximately 4-6 weeks to process. (e) If for any reason you decide not to go on the trip the morning of the trip departure or if you are running late please

Insurance and Required Forms:

The University of Texas at Austin and the Division of Recreational Sports cannot be held responsible for any injury, property
loss or damaged equipment while participating in an Outdoor Recreation Program activity. Al participants must be covered
by medical insurance. For UT students - A $5.00 per day charge will be added to the cost of the trip for those students who
cannot provide proof of current medical coverage at the time of registration. You wil not be permitted to participate if we
have not received payment for this insurance or a copy of your insurance card prior to the trip departure.
You wil be required to complete a medical authorization form, a release and indemnification agreement, and a participant
information sheet. Al forms must be turned in to the Programs office upon trip registration. Forms are available online or
may be picked up from the Programs Office or the Outdoor Center. Completed forms may be faxed, mailed or delivered to the
Programs Office.
The Fine Print:
The Outdoor Recreation Program staff makes every effort to provide you with an enjoyable trip. You wil assume the responsibility for many decisions affecting yourself during the activity; however, the guides have final authority and wil not hesitate to dismiss those whose conduct is detrimental to them, the group or the activity site. Participants should be aware that outdoor activities could be physically demanding with inherent elements of risk and danger beyond our control. These risks include, but are not limited to the potential for accidents or il ness while traveling to and from the activity sites, or while participating in activities in rugged mountain, wilderness and river terrain. While we do not assume liability for personal injury or death, every effort is made to minimize these risks.

Parking on campus during the week after 5:00pm and on weekends is mostly unrestricted. However, to park in the lot adjacent to Gregory requires a UT permit at all times. Please check the parking restriction signs before parking. Penalties are
excessive and campus police monitor the parking lots heavily. The Outdoor Recreation Program is not responsible for
parking tickets issued.


In the event of inclement weather, do not assume the trip is or will be cancel ed. The Outdoor Recreation Program will make
that decision based on the weather report obtained for the area the activity is planned for and regardless of current
conditions in Austin. You wil be contacted if the trip is cancel ed or if the departure time has changed. Please show up and
assume the trip wil go if you haven’t heard otherwise from our staff prior to the trip departure.
Physical Fitness:

All trips require varying degrees of physical fitness. We are not qualified to evaluate your fitness level so you must evaluate
your fitness level as appropriate for any given trip. If you are unsure of your physical condition you should consult with a
physician before the trip.
Important Phone Numbers:
Programs Office

Rental Center



Treat yourself to a comfortable and affordable beauty treatment that can brighten up your whole appearance and give you confidence. Words by Mo Shine With so many people going for whiter than In less than an hour, I felt that I had achieved white teeth today, I was feeling that I should exactly what I wanted – natural looking white, try and get back the nice smile I had many

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