Es ist nicht klar, wie groß die Rolle von Antibiotika in den Wettbewerbsbeziehungen zwischen Mikroorganismen unter natürlichen Bedingungen ist. Zelman vaxman glaubte, dass diese Rolle minimal ist, Antibiotika werden nicht anders als in reinen Kulturen auf reichen Umgebungen gebildet. Anschließend wurde jedoch festgestellt, dass bei vielen Produzenten die Aktivität der antibiotikasynthese in Gegenwart anderer Arten oder spezifischer Produkte Ihres Stoffwechsels zunimmt.
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OBJECTIVE : To achieve expertise in Pharmaceutical Sciences research especially in the area
of invitro-invivo studies in herbal and existing drug in experimental clinical pharmacology.
Designation Institution Duration QUALIFICATIONS S.No Course Institution University/ Board AREA OF RESEARCH INTEREST
Evaluation of various Herbal extracts, isolated compounds, synthetic drugs, Poly herbal
formulations and existing drug by using different animal models. Also bioavailability and
During post-graduate studies carried out research project on structure activity relationship
of N-Alkyl homologues of lamotrigine in K.M. College of Pharmacy, Madurai,
Tamilnadu affiliated to The Tamilnadu Dr M.G.R. Medical University, Chennai.
Ph.D (Faculty of Pharmacy) thesis entitled, ‘Design and evaluation of poly herbal
formulation for lithiasis’ under the guidance of Prof. M. Nagarajan, Professor in
Pharmaceutics K.M. College of Pharmacy, Madurai, Tamilnadu affiliated to The
Tamilnadu Dr M.G.R. Medical University, Chennai.
1. Association of Pharmaceutical Teachers of India (APTI).LM-276
Master in Pharmacy (Pharmacology) research Projects
1. Modulatory effect of Noni formulation on ethylene glycol induced nephrolithiasis, 2007,
2. Effect of Noni A herbal formulation against paracetamol induced hepatoxicity in albino
3. Evaluation of anti-lithiatic activity of tribulus terrestris linn on ethylene glycol induced
urolithiasis in albino rats, 2007, Umeshkumar gilhotra
4. Evaluation of Anti-tumour activity of alstonia scholaris (l) RBr on dalton’s lymphoma
ascites and ehrlich ascites carcinoma in mice, Jegan 2008
5. Antitumour activity of jasminum augustifolium linn on dalton’s ascetic lymphoma in
6. Evaluation of gastroprotective and free radical scavenging activities of leaves of alstonia
scholaris linn in rats, K.Ravikumar, 2008
7. Hypolipidemic activity of pterocarpus marsupium roxib on triton WR 1339 induced
hyperlipideamic rats, K.D.Umar farook, 2009
8. Evaluation of antilithiatic effect of hygrophila auriculata heine, pedalium murex linn and
9. Human DPP-IV enzymes as a diagonsric marker in diabetic patients, Anil kumar
10. Antitumour activity of vitex negundo linn ehrlich ascites carcinoma and dalton’s
lymphoma ascites in mice, Durkesh ramdas dewade, 2009
11. Antidiabetic, antioxidant activity of type II, a herbal drug in alloxan induced diabetes
12. Neuropharmacological profile of ‘Stress calm’ – A herbal formulation, N.Paramasivam,
13. Antitumour activity of drosera burmannii vehl on dalton’s lymphoma ascites and elrlich
ascites carcinoma in mice, Mayakrishnan, 2011
14. Evaluation of antilithiatic activity of kalanchoe pinnata (lan) pers. Rotula aquatica lour
and their combination against 1% ethylene glycol treated rats, Titus D. Samuel, 2011
15. Anti hyperglycemic effect of hydro-alcoholic extract of hygrophila auriculata in
experimental diabetes and their effect on key metabolic enzymes involved in
16. Protective effect of selective cox-2 inhibitor etoricoxib and co-enzyme Q10 against
MPTP induced striatal lesions in rats, Anand, 2011
17. Phytochemical analysis and cardioprotective activity of plumbago zeylanica linn in
isoproterenol provoked oxidative myocardial injury in albino wistar rats, Siva venkat,
18. Cardioprotective effect of terminalia bellerica roxb on isoproterenol induced myocardial
19. Hepatoprotective activity of plumbargo zeylanica linn against D-Galactosamin induced
oxidation stress in rats, Preetha peter, 2012
• I evaluated Ph.D thesis for Kannur University, Kerala.
• Presently guiding 03 students to obtain Ph.D.
• I had been appointed as external practical examiner by Tamilnadu Dr.MGR
Medical University Chennai. Tamilnadu, JSS University in Mysore, Kerala
University of Health Sciences in Thrissur, Kerala.
• I had served as theory paper evaluator of B.Pharm and M.Pharm for Tamilnadu
Dr.MGR Medical University and BDS for Kerala University of Health Sciences
• I am a question paper setter for B.Pharm and M.Pharm examination for
Tamilnadu Dr.MGR Medical University, JSS University, Mysore and SRM
• Associated in the research work of discovery of new lead molecules for cancer
• Attended short term Quality Improvement Programme on “Modern trends in
pharmaceutical chemistry” at JSS University, Ooty.
S.No University Approved as Ph.D. Co-Guide
1 The Tamilnadu Dr.MGR Medical University,
: S/o.C.Natarajan,5-1-14, Natchatra nagar,
Madurai,Tamil Nadu, 625017, South India.
1. Dr.A.J.M.Christina,M.Pharm,Ph.D. 2. Dr.C Uma Maheshwara Reddy,M.Pharm,Ph.D. 3. Dr.N.Narayanan, M.Pharm,Ph.D. REFERRED JOURNAL PUBLICATIONS
1. Kulathuran Pillai.K , Narayanan.N, Chidambaranathan.N, Mohamed Halith.M,
Jayaprakash.S. Antitumor activity of ethanolic extract of cnidoscolus chayamansa
mcvaugh against dalton’s ascitic lymphoma in mice. International Journal of Pharmacy
and Pharmaceutical Sciences. Vol 4, Suppl 4, 2012.
2. K.Kulathuran Pillai, N.Chidambaranathan, M.Mohamed Halith, S.Jayaprakash,
N.Narayanan. Hepatoprotective Activity of CNIDOSCOLUS CHAYAMANSA against
Isoniazid and Rifampicin-induced Toxicity in wistar Rats.Research Journal of
Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences.2012.Vol.3(2):577-585.
3. K.Kulathuran pillai, N.Chidambaranathan, M.Mohamed halith, S.Jayaprakash,
N.Narayanan. Anti-Hyperglycemic effect of alcoholic extracts of Cnidoscolus
chayamansa in experimental diabetes and their effects on key metabolic enzymes
involved in carbohydrate metabolism. International Journal of Research in pharmacy and
4. K.Kulathuran pillai, N.Chidambaranathan, M.Mohamed halith, S.Jayaprakash,
N.Narayanan. Hypolipidemic activity of ethanolic extracts of leaves of Cnidoscolus
chayamansa in hyperlipidemic models of wistar albino rats. Acta Chimica and
Pharmaceutica indica. 2012, 2(1), 24-31.
5. P.V. Ajmire, N. Chidambaranathan, D.R. Dewade, M.B. Narkhede, A.E. Wagh. Effect
of boerhaavia diffusa against dimethylnitrosamine induced liver cirrhosis. International
Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 3(5), 2011:366-370.
6. R. Rajesh, K. Chitra , Padmaa M. Paarakh , N. Chidambaranathan. Anticancer activity
of aerial Parts of Aerva lanata Linn Juss ex Schult against Dalton’s Ascitic Lymphoma.
European Journal of Integrative Medicine 3 (2011) e245–e250
7. Dewade D.R, Christina A.J.M., Chidambaranathan N., Bhajipale N.S., Tekade N.P,
Antitumor Activity of Vitex negundo Linn. Against Dalton’s Ascitic Lymphoma,
International Journal of PharmTech Research Vol.2, No.2, pp 1101-1104, April-June
8. J.Ramamoorthy, S.Venkataraman, R.Meera, A.J.M.Christina, N.Chidambaranathan,
P.Devi, SatkarPrasad. Physio- Phytochemical screening and Diuretic activity of leaves of
Pavetta indica Linn, J. Pharm. Sci. & Res. Vol.2 (8), 2010, 506-512.
9. J.Ramamoorthy, S.Venkataraman, R.Meera, Bhojraj T.Satpute, N.Chidambaranathan,
P.Devi. Phytochemical investigation and anticonvulsant activity of leaves of tinospora
cordifolia miers. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences.2010,2(2):522-527.
10. J.Ramamoorthy, S.Venkataraman, R.Meera, N.Chidambaranathan, P.Devi. Phyto-
physico chemical investigation, Anti-inflammatory and Anti-microbial Activities of
Pollianthes tuberosa Linn. Research J Pharm. And tech.2009, 2(4):443-447.
11. P.Muthumani, R.Meera, Pratesh, N.Chidambaranathan, P.Devi and B.Kameswari.
schiff’bases.Research J Pharm. And tech.2009,2(4):443-448.
12. P.Muthumani,R.Meera,Pratesh,N.Chidambaranathan,P.Devi
Synthesis and biological screening of some novel 4-Thiazolidinone derivatives. Asian J
13. K Mohamed Saleem TS, Christina AJM, Chidambaranathan N, Ravi V, Gauthaman K.
Hepatoprotective activity of Annona squamosa Linn. On experimental animal model
International Journal of Applied Research in Natural Products, 2008, Vol. 1(3), pp. 1-7.
14. K.G.Prasanth, V.Sankar, G.Geetha, A.J.M.Christina and N.Chidambaranathan.
Investigation on Hepetoprotective Activity of Pandanus fasicularis Root. Hamdard
15. A.J.M.Christina, G.R.Saraswathy, S.J.HeisonRobert, R.Kothai, N.Chidambaranathan,
G.Nalini, R.L.Therasal. Inhibition of CCL4-induced liver fibrosis by Piper longumN.Chidambaranathan.
Anticarcinogenic activity of Leptadenia reticulate against Dalton’s Ascitic Lymphoma.
Iranian Journal of Pharmacology and therapeutics.2007, 6(2):133-135.
17. A.J.M. Christina, S.E.Godwin, N.Chidambaranathan, L.S.Sathya Priya and
M.Ramasamy. Modulating effect of root extract of Asparagus racemosus against
ethanol induced liver damage in Rats. Hamdard Medicus 2004; Vol. XLVII, 1 : 39-41.
18. A.J.M. Christina, Preeja G.Pillai, N.Chidambaranathan and S.Jerry Heison Robert.
Modulating Effect of Cyperus rotundus Linn on ethanol induced liver damage. Hamdard
19. A.J.M. Christina, D.Gladwin Joseph, M.Packia lakshmi, R.Kothai, S.Jerry Heison
Robert, N.Chidambaranathan, M.Ramasamy. Anticarcinogenic Activity of Withania somnifera Dunal against Dalton’s Ascitic Lymphoma. Journal of Ethnopharmacology
N.Chidambaranathan, P.Muthumani. Effect of Indigofera aspalathoides against
Dalton’s ascitic lymphoma. Fitoterapia 2003; 74: 280-283.
The quarterly newsletter of the American Medical Writers AssociationDelaware Valley Chapter Mixer at the Mutter Museum: • Tuesday, September 17 —“Mixer September 17 J oin us on Tuesday, September 17 for a Mixer/Networking Meeting • Wednesday, December 4 — at the Mutter Museum of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Located in Center City, Philadelphia, the Mutter M
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