Microsoft word - 8211p.doc

Noninstructional Operations – Series 8000
Nutrition and Food Services – 8211P

Peninsula School District will encourage, promote and teach healthy living habits for all students. These procedures will encompass nutrition and food and beverage sales for all schools and all students, grades K-12. NUTRITION STANDARDS FOR FOOD AND BEVERAGE SALES AND OFFERINGS:
Peninsula School District believes that food and beverages provided at school should promote healthy eating among students and teach positive eating behaviors that should be maintained throughout life. The district further believes that proper nutrition will support students being ready to learn while at school. The importance of proper nutrition and physical activity to lifelong good health will be demonstrated and taught to students through food served in the school setting as well as through appropriate classroom instruction. These nutrition standards for food and beverages sold in schools will be observed by all schools. Standards for food and beverages:
All food and/or beverages sold by any group, club or vendor to students before, during and immediately after the regular instructional school day, in district schools and facilities, will meet the following nutrition standards unless otherwise regulated by the United States Dept. of Agriculture (USDA). The district shall offer meals in compliance with all USDA and State regulations as applicable to the National School Lunch and School Breakfast programs. The portion size for main dishes will not exceed the size of similar items provided as part of the school lunch program. Fruits and vegetable products must be available when snacks, sweets or side dishes are sold. These products can be fresh, dried, frozen or canned. Foods of Minimal Nutritional Value (FMNV)
These foods are recognized by the USDA as providing little to no health benefit and/or to cause nutritional detriments to students. Therefore, these items will not be offered anytime during the instructional school day. FMNV in general includes soda/pop, chewing gum, candy coated popcorn, and certain types of candies made predominantly from sweeteners or artificial sweeteners, such as hard candy, jellies and gums, marshmallow candies, fondants, licorice and spun candies. Water will be offered at a competitive price whenever other beverages are offered. Drinks that contain sugar but that are not FMNV, such as juice and Snapple will be offered in no greater than 20 fluid ounce portions. Sports drinks, such as Gatorade and Power-ade that contain electrolytes, shall be caffeine free with no more than 18 grams of carbohydrates per 8 fluid ounces. Caffeine shall be limited to high school campuses only. Products with caffeine must also contain dairy products and be limited to 12 ounces. Espresso type drinks must contain dairy products and will be limited to no more than two ounces of espresso. Fat Content: No more than 40% of calories may be derived from fat, with the exception of nuts, seeds and cheese. Sugar Content: No more than 40% total weight from sugar will be allowed, with the exception of fresh, dried or canned fruits & vegetables. Additionally, snacks should be limited in portion size and should not exceed 400 total calories. Deviations from the Nutrition Standards
After-school, weekend events: The nutrition standards do not apply to food and beverages provided at after-school functions such as art, drama, music and athletic events. However, healthy options are highly encouraged. Food sold to raise funds: When a fund-raising event involves food that will be consumed on campus, during the regular instructional school day, the food must meet all nutrition standards. Staff Lounges: Principals may choose to allow a vending machine in staff lounges that deviates from these standards, as long as students have no access to the machine or to its contents. Schools are highly encouraged to provide healthy options whenever possible. Classroom parties and events: Teachers are encouraged to promote healthy eating at these events. However, nutrition standards need not apply to food brought in for occasional celebrations. This exception only includes foods that are donated for special classroom celebrations and not sold to students. Note that this food must be commercially produced and not home-made. An ingredient list should be provided to the classroom teacher. Staff and administrators are encouraged to consider physical activity and community involvement when planning special events. The district is encouraged to invite parent and community involvement in encouraging wellness for our students. Food as rewards: As part of our nutrition education policy, teachers and administrators are discouraged from offering food or candy as a reward for students. Policy Oversight
The district recognizes that this policy should be periodically reviewed to ensure it is up to date and that it provides for the best learning environment possible for our students. The district shall ensure that the policy is reviewed yearly by an appropriate group of district and community members. Additionally, the superintendent or designee shall ensure that all interested parties are updated and informed of the policy annually or as needed to ensure clear understanding and compliance by all stake-holders.


Microsoft word - equity 31.03.2011.doc

KBC Equity Fund Utilities Teilfonds der belgischen Bevek Dieses Dokument ist ausschließlich für Marketingzwecke in Deutschland und Österreich bestimmt Anlagepolitik Der Teilfonds wird aktiv verwaltet; Ziel ist es, mindestens 75% der Vermögenswerte in Aktien von Versorgungsunternehmen anzulegen, bei denen alle Voraussetzungen für ein kurz- bis mittelfristi


ANTIMICROBIANOS: TABLA DE DOSIS EN NEONATOLOGIA Dosis ( mg/kg/dosis ) e intervalos de administración ( hrs ) ANTIBIÓTICO Peso <1200 g 1200-2000 g > 2000 g >45 SEM EG Observaciones Edad 0-7 días >7 días 0-7 días >7 días > 1 MES Encefalitis herpética : 20 c/ 8 Aciclovir Varicela: 10 c/ 8 Varicela

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