C:\documents and settings\gillian\my documents\council minutes\council min 14 march 2011.pdf


Cllr Terry Brooker- Vice Chairman in the Chair Cllr. Jeff Baldwin Cllr. Barrie BlundellCllr. Karen GrosvenorCllr. Christine Halliday IN ATTENDANCE: Clerk, District Cllr Gary Williamson, 10 parishioners, Cllr. Granger London Borough of Bromley.
It was RESOLVED to accept late business under Amenities & Highways, item 10.8 bus stop in Station Road
APOLOGIES were received and accepted from Cllr. Taylor who was unwell.
Councillors signed the Attendance Register

RESOLVED: The Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 14 February 2011 were Approved and
Signed as a True Record.

RESOLVED: That the Accounts as itemised be paid
Proposed by Cllr. Halliday, seconded by Cllr. Blundell and carried unanimously
4.1 To resolve payment of the following accounts received prior to the Council meeting on 14 March 2011 Payments include VAT where relevant.
CQ3098ARCO, cleaning materials Pavilion/Parish Room CQ3099Liberty Femcare annual payment P.Room CQ101 Abbey Flooring- Pavilion floor work second 50% CQ102 Peter Wilson, tiling kitchen Pavilion CQ103 Mrs V Herbert, repayment Pavilion hire CQ106 Hanburywood Ltd - Pavilion skirting board CQ107 Clerk’s expenses incurred while carrying out her duties: Mileage: 7 x meetings Pavilion @ 3; 3 x Dunbrik depot @ 10; 3 x bank @ 11;1 x Acro @ 8; 1 x Homebase @ 8 = 100 £ 40.00 CQ109 Revenue & Customs PAYE 4th quarter CQ111 Mrs King Scott, ClerkCQ110 Miss Turner, Cleaner TOTAL PAYMENTS as at 14 March 2011 £8074.57
The cheques were signed at the close of business by Cllrs. Baldwin, Blundell and Grosvenor
KALC Planning Training Day - Cllr. Grosvenor
V1028 Halstead Concert Band, Pavilion (Inv 80) V1031 Knockholt Parish Council, 1/3 payment freighter service RESOLVED: The Minutes of the Finance Committee Meeting held on Thursday 3 March 2011 were Approved and
Signed as a True Record with one correction, delete £3120.10 insert £2964.10

Finance Chairman’s Report
Cllr. Blundell recommended to Council that if the insurance claim is settled by the end of the financial year Council should
accept the quotation from Came & Company and enter into a three year agreement with a premium of £2964.10
Cllr. Blundell recommended to Council that if the insurance claim is not settled by the end of the financial year Council
should accept the quotation from Zurich Municipal Insurance for a one year term with a premium of £4239.57.
The recommendations were Resolved
District Cllr. Williamson will attend the meeting of the Joint Transportation Board.
Police incident report for February - 9 crimes 1 x burglary dwelling; 5 x Thefts from motor vehicles; 1 theft of motor vehicles; 1 x attempted theft from motor vehicle; 1 attempted robbery Skip lorry movements and condition of car parkSoutheastern has sent two letters of apology for not responding to Council’s letters and are looking into the problems with thecar park. Clerk has a photograph to send showing skip vehicles parked in the car park plus empty parking spaces due to this.
Mr Fallon MP has contacted the Environment Agency about skip movements and they in turn have contacted the Clerk aftervisiting site. Permitted skip vehicle movements 7.30am - 6pm Monday - Friday and 7.30am - 1pm Saturday.
Norwood, Church Road. Permission was granted for the removal of one chimney and planning conditions are very robust as the property is within theConservation Area.
Beldam Haw is to be closed for two days from 4 April for patching prior to resurfaced from 1 June for 6 days; road closure7am - 7pm. - road closure. The Clerk will contact KCC to ensure residents are advised. Old London Road between A224 London Road and Watercroft Road will be closed for work 3 May for 2 days 7am - 7pm.
Newsletter contents.
Content was discussed; it was agreed to add to these, Clear Up Day poster competition with the school; green gym; mothersplay area consultation for rides; fly tipping; black sacks and dog fouling.
Election: Reminder that nomination papers must be in between 28 March and midday 4 April. AllotmentsLetter will be sent out to residents by SDC on Wednesday 16 March advising they must vacate of land.
Documentation concerning the matter had been circulated to all councillors.
The Joint Transportation Board is to meet on Tuesday 15 March and this matter is an agenda item.
SDC is recommending that the previous parking measures put forward in 2009 be implemented.
It was agreed that Council would provide District Cllr. Williamson and County Cllr. Parry with its thoughts on the
Considerable discussion was held on this subject.
The Chairman adjourned the meeting four times which totalled approximately 20 minutes to permit parishioners and DistrictCllr. Williamson and Bromley Borough Cllr. Granger to speak. The points noted by Council was that provision for a car park as requested by Kent Police was not viable. The station parkingis now high-lighted as a crime and traffic hot-spot by Kent Police. Permit parking and the implementation of camera were also discussed.
Councillors put forward suggestions and a proposal was made by Cllr. Blundell.
Cllr Blundell proposed;
A single yellow line with time restriction should be installed from Watercroft Road, along London Road past Cadlocks Hill,
continuing along Sevenoaks Road up to the A21 (opposite side to Knockholt Station); that the side of Sevenoaks Road where
the station is situated should not be yellow lined or marked up for payment parking but should remain a free parking area.
This was seconded by Cllr Baldwin and carried unanimously.
Cllr. Halliday proposed;
The motion should also include that these measures are monitored for displacement and further measures installed as
necessary, seconded by Cllr. Baldwin and carried unanimously.
It was Resolved that these motions should be sent to the JTB via District Cllr. Williamson and County Cllr. Parry.
Mr Butler had responded to Council’s letter which had been circulated.
21.25 SO70.1 The Chairman adjourned the meeting21.30 The Chairman reconvened the meeting It was Resolved that the Clerk should write to Mr Butler requesting that the fence repairs or replacement should be carried
out as soon as possible. Cllrs. Baldwin and Grosvenor will attend the next dog training session. The Clerk will request the
date in advance.
9.1 RESOLVED: The Minutes of the Planning Committee Meeting held on Monday 14 February 2011 were Approved
and Signed as a True Record
SE/10/03512/FUL BEAUMONT, OTFORD LANE, TN14 7EQ - noted
Erection of replacement dwelling (re-submission to application SE/09/01617/FUL)
Appeal Hearing
APP/G2245/A/11/2146212/WF SE/11/00011 ROSEWOOD, STONEHOUSE LANE, TN14 7HN - noted
Replacement dwelling (re-submission of planning application SE/10/02924/FUL
Will be determined by written representation.
Tree Preservation Order
Order placed on two beech trees at Rosewood, Stonehouse Road, Halstead dated 3 March 2011. - noted
Meeting Sevenoaks District Council Core Strategy, LDF & The Localism Bill Adoption of the Local Development Framework Core Strategy. The Document is available to view at libraries and on the SDC website. Anyone aggrieved by the adoption must make anapplication not later 21 April. Cllr. Grosvenor made a detailed report of the meeting. The Presentation given by Mr Alan Dyer, Senior Planning Policy Manager had been circulated to councillors.
21.38 SO70.1 The Chairman adjourned the meeting21.40 The Chairman reconvened the meeting AMENITIES & HIGHWAYS COMMITTEE
RESOLVED: The Minutes of the Amenities & Highways Committee Meeting held on Thursday 3 March 2011 were
Approved and Signed as a True Record.

Amenities & Highways Chairman’s ReportThe Committee had visited the Children’s play area and agreed that the bench should be replaced. The Clerk is looking intothe cost of purchased a recycled bench. The benches on the Recreation Ground also require treatment. The play area and netball court require power washing to remove moss. Quotes will be obtained. Replacement of toddler swing seats in play area and shims.
Cllr. Baldwin proposed that the quotation from Wicksteed Leisure for replacing shims £7.00, 2 x toddler cradle seats
£196.00, labour £160 for a total £363.00 should be accept, seconded by Cllr. Halliday and carried unanimously.
It was Resolved that the quotation in the sum of £363.00 from Wicksteed Leisure to supply and carry out work be accepted.
Halstead Gardens Open
It was Resolved that the plant stall and charity gazabo can be positioned on the Village Green Church Road on 5/6 June.
Traffic calming Letter from Ms Stigger had been circulated.
Council discussed the matter and expressed understand for the problems mentioned in Ms Stigger’s letter.
It was Resolved that the Clerk should write to Ms Stigger explaining the conditions linked to traffic calming including the
introduction of electric lighting.
It was Resolved that the Clerk should write to Ward Homes with a reminder that the footways and grass verges will need
reinstatement when the development is completed: the letter also to mention the speed of vehicles particularly cement lorries.
Fields in Trust - Queen Elizabeth II Playing Fields -deferred to the April Parish Council Meeting
Village Clear Up Day
It was Resolved that this will be held on Saturday 9 April assemble at 9.30am at the Pavilion.
Bus Stop in Station Road
The Chairman adjourned the meeting twice for parishioners to speak. Mrs Bowen who is directly affected by the bus stop had
already spoken on this in parishioners’ question time at the start of the meeting.
Council discussed the matter and agreed that the bus stop should not have been re-activated without consulting with the
neighbours and advising Council as a matter of courtesy, which is normal practice.
Mr Daniel Washington, Bus Stop Planning Officer Kent County Council has offered to meet with Council. He agrees he
should have consulted the neighbours.
It was Resolved that members of the Amenities & Highways Committee will meet with Daniel Washington on Wednesday 16
March, 9.30am on site. Mr & Mrs Bowen are invited.
PCSO POWERS - deferred to the April Parish Council meeting
It was Resolved to hold the Annual Parish Meeting on Wednesday 6 April at 7.30pm in the Pavilion.
Sevenoaks Town Mayor is hosting a St George’s Day Gala Evening at the Stag Art Centre. Tickets cost £10. DATE OF THE NEXT MEETING OF THE PARISH COUNCIL Monday 11 April 2011 in the Pavilion, Station Road. .
The meeting closed at 22.10

Source: http://www.halsteadparish.org.uk/Council_Min__14_March_2011.pdf


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