Too busy to have an hr out of your work day? Try our “Revive” Bliss out with this deep flowing full body massage designed massage. A combination of deep tissue and swedish massage to release tension from your head to your toes. The treatment to relieve tension in the neck, back and shoulders.
includes an aromatic foot compress and quality essential oils.
Float away with this soothing and rhythmical massage treat- This luxurious foot treatment is a pressure point massage based ment that utilizes warm volcanic stones to create the deepest on the ancient principle that reflex areas on the feet when thermo-therapeutic healing. The stones penetrate muscle tissue stimulated, will result in deep relaxation and create positive to induce deep relaxation allowing you to drift off and release healing energies throughout the body. You will relieve stress, improve circulation and decrease pain leaving you feeling REMEDIAL/DEEP TISSUE/SPORTS &
Relieve the tension and discomfort that pregnancy places on This strong, deep massage is designed to ease sore muscles the body due to carrying the extra weight. Pregnancy massage NATUROPATHY OR NUTRITION CONSULTATION
and alleviate physical and mental fatigue with a flow that still helps reduce fluid retention, headaches, relieve constipation, A one-to-one consultation with one of our highly qualified nu- lets you relax and enjoy some well deserved time out.
gas and heartburn and improves general relaxation and tritional therapists can make a big difference to symptoms that energy. A nurturing treatment to support the mum to be through you may have been suffering for years.
Whether you have a specific sports injury or are sore from each stage of pregnancy. Treat yourself to a bit of me-time! exercise we can tailor your massage just for you.
Revive Sydney nutritional therapists will take a comprehen- sive patient history and may use biochemical and other types of clinical assessment to formulate a treatment plan. In addi- LYMPHATIC DRAINAGE MASSAGE
tion to dietary and nutritional advice, recommendations may MYOTHERAPY
Lymphatic drainage massage uses very light strokes to include guidance on natural detoxification, methods to sup- An advanced manual therapy that incorporates Remedial help reduce swelling and inflammation following surgical port digestion and absorption, procedures to promote colon Massage, Trigger point therapy and dry needling to treat procedures. This speeds up the healing process post surgery health, and also the avoidance of ingestion or inhalation of so you can get back to being yourself again. Initial Consultation - $120 / Follow up consultation - $70 SPRAY TANNING
Want to look like you have just been on a holiday to the Bahamas? Black Magic 100% certified Organic spray contains a base of Aloe Vera and Green Tea extract. Look amazing with our quick drying, odourless tan. Get the perfect BOOK ONLINE at
1/29-31 Lachlan St Waterloo Sydney NSW 2017 It is not recommended to use waxing as a hair removal method if you have used Retin-A in the last 3 months or HEALTH FUND REBATES
All our therapists hold health fund provider numbers for all health funds that cover the modalities that they are trained in. However, it is your responsibility to ensure the level of cover offers rebates and covers the modality the therapist is qualified in. See website for CANCELLATION POLICY
We understand that cancellation of appointments will arise from time to time, but ask that you respect that payment from these appointments is how therapists maintain their livelihood. In order to refill the allocated appointment time, we require 24 hours notice for cancellations or rescheduling of appointments. Less than 24 hours notice will result in the full fee payable to ensure that we can continue to run our business in a professional manner.


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4.7 Tagging with electronic tags Conventional tagging experiments can be very useful for describing gross patterns of population movement (i.e. the location at release and capture), but the method is not able to provide information at fine temporal scales (i.e. where the fish went between release and recapture) or any detailed information about the behaviour of individuals. Also, populatio

Ed Harris – My Story Diagnosis and Early Symptoms I was diagnosed with CREST syndrome in January of 1990, but had initial symptoms for several years before diagnosis. My approach from the onset has been to read everything I could find on the disease and decide on my own course of treatment. (I had to change physicians before I could find one who was willing to let me take charge of my

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