Es ist nicht klar, wie groß die Rolle von Antibiotika in den Wettbewerbsbeziehungen zwischen Mikroorganismen unter natürlichen Bedingungen ist. Zelman vaxman glaubte, dass diese Rolle minimal ist, Antibiotika werden nicht anders als in reinen Kulturen auf reichen Umgebungen gebildet. Anschließend wurde jedoch festgestellt, dass bei vielen Produzenten die Aktivität der antibiotikasynthese in Gegenwart anderer Arten oder spezifischer Produkte Ihres Stoffwechsels zunimmt.
March 2013 TB - Action Time!
between the 2 populations is possible to a
situation. We have always tried to present
degree but very difficult and very costly as
balanced arguments so that you can clearly
badgers access cattle grazing at will and
see what the options are as the science and
facts appear. The time has come to perhaps
farms do achieve some control like this but
We have at present 2 connected infection
the risk is always there, and likely to get
cycles, one in the cattle population and a
reservoir of infection in the wildlife –
controlling TB are therefore complex but
the aim must involve: - Controlling the disease in cattle
Cattle – a programme for developing a
the various stages in its development have
available at the moment is the 100 year old
BCG vaccine and the development of tests
This may all sound feasible but what does
and field applications to make sure we can
this mean in practice. Firstly for the cattle
test cattle without confusing vaccine from
1. Eradicate the disease in cattle. We have
not be
the tools to do this, but this will only
available till 2023at the earliest.
work long-term if reinfection from the wildlife cycle can be stopped
Badgers – again the only vaccine candidate
available is the BCG vaccine and this is
only licensed for injection only at present.
The costs of doing this are horrendous – the
vaccinate 1400 badgers in the designated
control area at a cost of £662 per badger for
only the first year. Even if this gets more
efficient in subsequent years the prospects
Options for the wildlife infection cycle: -
for vaccination over a useful period of say
because we have no method of eradicating the disease in animals we
disease has allowed it to spread further into
2. Vaccinate badgers to reduce the level of
previously clean areas and as a consequence
infection in this population. This would
option available to us today other than a
cull of whole badger populations in certain
The horse passport must be presented
key areas of the country where the risk is
high. So let’s get down to it or this disease
will go absolutely nowhere for the next 20
Only enough drugs to treat a specific
animal for a specific treatment period will be dispensed.
The reports of this disease this year show it
problems in sheep and a significant health
Dry Weather and Spring?
and production problem in cattle. In the last
A few reminders if the weather is going to
newsletter we outlined the change in policy
change we may get cattle out to grass and
licenses for use in cattle potentially producing milk without full withdrawal Lungworm – Huskvac with 2 doses at 4
weeks apart. Calculate the expected turnout
Triclabendazole – “Fasinex 240”. It is
date and the first dose should be 6 weeks
before this. Always put vaccinated cattle
out onto routine calf permanent pastures to
try and make sure vaccination is boosted by
Albendazole – Albex, Albenil. At the
Leptospirosis – This disease spreads best in
the spring with wet spring grazing. Boost
Blackleg – This disease is getting more
effective against adult fluke so at certain
times of the year it will only be partially
in housed cattle, possibly because of soil
contamination in the feed. The vaccine is
We are looking at the cost of products and
very effective and as we have said before
what we are going to stock for dairy cows.
specific withdrawal period at some time but until then we cannot use this product for dry
Training Courses DIY AI course – We are aiming to run a Phenylbutazone – “Bute”
becoming proficient and fully licensed for
DIY artificial insemination techniques. The
horse meat we need to remind horse clients
that they cannot use this product on horses
unless their passport has been annotated
Lameness Course – Session 2 the practical
that the animal is prohibited from going
on-farm trimming skill will be on 25th and
into the food chain. To be sure that this is
session 1 will be invited to attend one of
this drug is prescribed at the surgery: -
these but there could be places for others
without being directly authorised by a veterinary surgeon
Phone Large Animal Desk – 01452 543999 Text - 07836 317319
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FURTHER REVELATIONS by C.Lovell. INTRODUCTION. Most of the information in this paper has not been easy to obtain, and much of it is sensitive. In most casesthe sources of information have been indicated by a code; refer to the last sheet for the bibliography andcodes. All statements have been made in good faith, but it is possible that some of the reference books arenow out of date, or that