MCA/WACS Record of achievements 8th May 2008 up to 23rd July 2008 - Early Recovery ( built already 339 new Traditional Houses 12` x 15` & 50 more are at next project, 200 kg clothing ) - Education ( arrange scholarships for Middle & 10th Standard students, supply of Exercise Books to Primary Students ) - Food ( 237 Tonnes Rice - ( 72 Tonnes B1 Rich under milled from 9.7.08 on ), 1040 kg cooking Salt, 1080 vegetarian Meals. - Health ( provision of Amoxicillin and 4 other drugs, in a big amounts to Zibyigone Village due to a health problem among the whole village there, transfer patients to Twante Clinic and Hospital, transfer Patients to Yangon Clinic, arranged German and Myanmar Drs ( Dr Zigran, Dr Khun Zaw Naing ) to the villages for treatment during our trips. - Water Sanitation ( provided 300 ltr of 3% Cholrine, Water Quality test a Zibyigone Village Group, arrange now 60 kg of Micro Pur Waterpurification Tablets, which we like to use in Labutta Region as Twante Water is in general good ) - Nutrition ( B1 Rich Rice, B1 tablets as Suplement for Pregnant Woman, Project with UNICEF on B1 rich rice, Presentation for Nutrition Cluster on B1 Rich Rice - Under Milled by MCA/WACS at Nargis hit Region - Yangon Division ) - Agriculture ( We are arranging a 10 Tonnes fertilizer donation for Farmers in Delta Region in need ) With the best RGDS , yours Oliver E Soe Thet President Myanmar Chefs Association WACS Member - Yangon 22.7.08 Union of Myanmar Villages taken care by MCA/WACS at the Ground Opposite of Twante City - Canal 1.) Mya Gon Village 520 families 2.) Mya Kan Thar 310 families ( as quarter if Twante but otherside of canal ) Zibyigone Village Group: 3.) Zibyigone Village 921 families 4.) Ma Die Village 160 families 5.) Sar Mi Gone Village 92 families 6.) Nat Sin Chaung Village 70 families 7.) Bant Bwe Chaung Village 64 families 8.) Aung Zay Thi Village 79 families Ka Yin Chaung Village Group: 9.) Min Baw Tan Village 98 families 10.) Thaung Thit Village 104 families 11.) Kyun Bat Village 120 families 12.) Min Baw Su Village 100 families 13.) Ka Yin Chaung Village 284 families 14.) Ah Lay Su Village 98 families 15.) Thaung Gyi Village 96 families Ah Ga Tan Village Group: 16.) Ah Ga Tan North Village 17.) Ah Ga Tan South Village ( together ) 109 families 17.) Thein Zaw Oo Village 89 families 18.) Sar Phyu Su Village 82 families 19.) Pun Hlaing Wa Village 167 families 20.) Pyin Air Village 21.) Twante Village part 360 people 22.) Ah La Kan Village At a total of 3563 families & around 17.000 people in need of aid New Villages requested to receive also aid: Ga Let Ya Me Village Group 23.) Ga Let Ya Me Village 165 families 24.) Ma Di Village 231 families 25.) Seat Kyi Village 187 families 26.) Htaw Ku Village 174 families 27.) Kyaun Ter Kyi Village 230 families 28.) Ah Dorn Village 400 families All new villages - 1287 families & around 6435 people Ah Lal Chaung Village Group 29.) Ah Lal Kyaung Ka lay - 903 people / 175 families 30.) Ah Lal Chaung - 530 people / 114 families 31.) Nyaung Lan - 378 people / 169 families 32.) Than Lyatt Soon - 206 people / 43 families 33.) Htaw Kuu - 485 people / 98 families 34.) Nyet Paw Su - 911 people / 181 families
Total : 3413 people / 955 families With best RGDS further info will come soon from us, yours
Oliver E Soe Thet President Myanmar Chefs Association Member of WACS ( INGO ) Yangon 22.7.08 Union of Myanmar In Germany under: Help for developing Countries e.V. “ Action Myanmar Dr med. Werner Heller – Germany;
As suggested by us at the past Nutrition cluster and well received there, we started now “ under milling “ of rice to ensure natural Vitamin B1 in all from us donated rice, ( a step which would make sense and benefit all Myanmar people there, if all other key player in the region, as Save the Children, Care and World Vision would also adopt from 15.7.08 this essential as well cost saving step. ( rice is at lower purchasing cost, as well medical B1 treatments are not or less necessary in future, people stay independent from future Aid Programs ) To ensure a healthy Food Supply by WFP to the Nargis Vicitims there ( Yangon Division under the modified Food – Cash program which starts on 15.7.08 ).
CONTENCIOSO ADMINISTRATIVO TEORIA DE LA NULIDAD DEL ACTO ADMINISTRATIVO Magistrada Adriana Cabezut Uribe* Magistrada de la Primera Sala Regional del Noroeste ABSTRACT : El Estado lleva a cabo sus fines a través de acciones que realiza la Administración Pública; en la actualidad, estas acciones se han multiplicado ya que el Estado ha adquirido injerencia en un sinnúmero de activida
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