Microsoft word - a solitary brain lesion in a patient with aids.doc
Miranda has been a challenge to care for since you first met her in 1993. At that point
she was a 36 year-old woman with 4 children ages 2-12. Her third child, a 4 year-old
son, was also HIV-infected. Miranda had been diagnosed with HIV in 1989 when
pregnant with this child. The father of her 3 children died of AIDS in 1990. Miranda
met and had her fourth child with another HIV-infected man and they both came to you
for care. Miranda kept her appointments and was always in good spirits. She rarely
complained and took good care of all of her children. She is a woman of very strong
faith and once came in to tell you that over the previous weekend she had been saved in a
religious festival and she no longer had HIV. She was thrilled about this. You asked if
she would still come to see you and she said she definitely would. She reported that
although saved, she would nonetheless continue her retrovir and her ongoing care with
Miranda was treated with the serial monotherapy and combination treatment that so
many patients were offered in the early and mid-1990s: retrovir, didanosine, stavudine
and eventually a saquinavir-based antiretroviral cocktail. She would agree to all of your
instructions but frequently missed, ran out of or simply did not take the medications
prescribed. Her counts slowly deteriorated, she developed diabetes and neuropathy. She
went to another clinic for a couple of years and returned in 1999 having sequentially been
placed on and taken off of most medications available to treat HIV. When you saw her in
1999 she was in the hospital with ascending paralysis. She was diagnosed with an axonal
variant of Guillain-Barre syndrome and successfully treated with intravenous
immunoglobulin (IVIG). Physical therapy got her walking again and she came back to
your office for ongoing care of her HIV. Her CD4 cell count was 76/mmm and her viral
load was 87,000 copies/ml. Her sugar was poorly controlled, her renal function was
borderline. The father of her fourth child was dead and Miranda was living with a new
boyfriend, an HIV-negative man who did not want to practice safer sex.
You gave Miranda a new antiretroviral regimen, treated her neuropathy and her
diabetes, kept her involved with neurology and physical therapy and most of all, assigned
a dedicated nursing case manager who checked in on her frequently to ensure adherence
and continuity. Her numbers improved steadily and for nearly a year her viral load was
<400 copies/ml before slowly starting to rise again. With a genotype available another
antiretroviral regimen was prescribed. The success of the new regimen was short-lived.
Miranda, as usual, presented with few, if any complaints. She was generally cheerful and
always had a positive attitude. Her pattern of adherence was little changed, however.
She rarely knew the names of her medications and although she could read, it often
seemed she didn’t read. At least not the instructions on the medication bottles. “That
was 2 times a day? Oh I only take it once.” “That’s supposed to be three pills at a time? I
take one three times a day.” “Oh I stopped taking the green pill, the bottle was empty.”
Her religion continued to play an important role in her life. At one point when speaking
to her about it she told you that she fasted one day a week, medication included. You
tried to reinforce the need for consistent adherence. She cheerfully told you she always
did what you advised. Her disease progressed.
In the late spring of 2002, Miranda came to your office complaining of dizziness,
unsteady gait and a headache. These symptoms had begun within the last several weeks
and were worsening. She had fallen twice at home. In your office she was afebrile, there
was no stiff neck or photophobia. The baseline numbness of her feet and lower legs was
unchanged. She had some loss of dexterity of her hands and her gait was uneven and
wide-based. Her exam was otherwise unremarkable. Her labs showed a glucose of 180
and creatinine of 1.5. Her white blood cell count was normal as were her chemistries.
Miranda’s CD4 cell count was 44/mmm and her viral load was 91,000 copies/ml. She
reported taking most of her medications but had stopped taking bactrim 6 months prior
because “that pill was too big.” She had forgotten to tell you. Her antibody titer to
Toxoplasma was IgG positive. An admission chest x-ray was negative. Her recent PPD
had been negative. A non-contrast computed tomogram (CT) of the head was read as
normal. An MRI of the head revealed a 1.8 cm enhancing mass in the left mid-cerebellar
vermis with prominent surrounding enhancement consistent with edema. There was no
evidence of herniation or bleeding. She was seen by the neurosurgery service and begun
on a course of sulfadiazine and pyramethamine for empiric treatment of Toxoplasmic
On empiric therapy for TE Miranda did not initially improve but her symptoms did
not worsen. After 7 days of treatment she remained afebrile. In her second week in the
hospital she reported decrease in both her headaches and her dizziness. A repeat MRI
done at 14 days was unchanged. With continued clinical improvement Miranda was
discharged home on continued therapy. She missed 2 appointments for repeat MRI and
did not have a repeat scan until 6 weeks after initial presentation. This scan showed
marked improvement in the size of the lesion and surrounding edema. While in the
hospital Miranda had been started on another antiretroviral regimen (recycling previous
medications). With aggressive home care support she stayed on this regimen in the
weeks and months after her discharge. Her headaches and dizziness resolved completely
and with documented improvement in her CD4 cell count and her viral load, the
numbness in her feet and legs also improved.
You felt glad that Miranda had improved and her brain lesion had responded so well
to therapy for TE. This opportunistic infection, like so many others, has decreased in
incidence in recent years among your AIDS patients. The decline in incidence of
opportunistic infections such as Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia (PCP), systemic
Cytomegalovirus (CMV) and disseminated Mycobacterium avium complex (MAC) has
been well-documented since the use of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) has
become widespread [1,2,3]. Other AIDS-related conditions that were previously without
cure such as Kaposi's sarcoma, Cryptosporidiosis or progressive multifocal
leukoencephalopathy (PML) can resolve completely on effective antiretroviral therapy
[4,5,6]. The post-HAART era has seen a significant decrease in the incidence of
neurologic diseases such as HIV dementia, cryptococcal meningitis and lymphoma [7].
Incidence rates of toxoplasmosis have also declined in this period. A MACS cohort
study noted the incidence of CNS toxoplasmosis among gay men in the 1990-1992 period
was 5.4 cases per 1000 person-years. In the 1996-1998 period that incidence was 2.2
cases/1000 person-years [7]. Despite this decreased incidence in the post-HAART era,
Miranda’s case demonstrates what can happen to patients in the absence of effective
Resistance against Toxoplasmosis gondii requires an intact immune system producing
a complicated network of molecules. Gamma interferon is crucial to this network and is
produced by T cells in response to a number of factors. T cell destruction results in a loss
of gamma interferon production and reduction in natural resistance. This and a lack of
adequate prophylaxis renders one vulnerable to reactivation of what is one of the most
common latent infections in humans [8]. Toxoplasmic encephalitis remains a very real
Focal brain lesions in patients with AIDS can be caused by a variety of infectious and
noninfectious etiologies. Toxoplasmic encephalitis (TE) and primary CNS lymphoma
(PCNSL) are at the top of a list that also includes tuberculomas, cryptococcomas,
bacterial abcesses, PML, other neoplasms, viruses such as HSV or CMV and vascular
disorders. In the United States, 10%-40% of adults with AIDS are IgG seropositive for
toxoplasmosis, indicating latent infection. In the late 1980s, before bactrim was
recognized to prophylax against TE as well as PCP, toxoplasmosis developed in up to
one third of AIDS patients with latent Toxoplasma [9]. Outside the U.S., 25%-50% of
AIDS patients who are seropositive for Toxoplasma will develope TE [10,11]
Toxoplasmosis gondii is an intracellular parasite with worldwide distribution. Rates
of antibody seropositivity are dependent upon geographic location and socioeconomic
status. Over 90% of adults in France and Central America are seropositive for antibodies
to Toxoplasmosis [12]. New infections can be acquired in three ways: by ingestion of
Toxoplasma oocysts in cat feces that contaminates the soil, from ingestion of
undercooked meat containing Toxoplasma cysts or transplacentally. Transplacental
infection occurs when the mother is infected during pregnancy; seropositivity of a latent
infection poses no risk. Rates of Toxoplasma infection during pregnancy in the United
States (among immunocompetent women) are .1%-.8% [13].
CNS toxoplasmosis in AIDS patients in the United States is nearly always a
reactivation disease. Primary infection in this country is unusual but less so in other
parts of the world. In 1991 a study done in France demonstrated a 5.5% seroconversion
rate during a median observation period of 28 months [14]. Worldwide, Toxoplasmosis
gondii in AIDS patients most commonly presents as encephalitis but it has been
documented in multiple organ systems including the eye, heart, lungs and GI tract [15].
Toxoplasmic encephalitis can present with a whole spectrum of symptoms of CNS
dysfunction. Symptoms can be focal, nonfocal, insidious or sudden in onset,
accompanied or not by fever and or malaise. The signs and symptoms of TE reflect both
the multifocal nature of the disease and the results of the accompanying edema,
hemorrhage and inflammation. Miranda presented with headache, dizziness and ataxia
and had a single lesion in the cerebellar vermis on MRI surronded by edema. Other
patients present with specific focal abnormalities such as hemiparesis, hemiplegia, focal
seizures, aphasia or cranial nerve deficits. Nonfocal signs may include generalized
weakness, psychosis, confusion, grand mal seizures or coma. TE may be difficult to
distinguish from HIV dementia in a patient with AIDS who presents with global
cognitive impairment [16]. A retrospective analysis of 115 patients with CNS
toxoplasmosis published in 1992 reported that more than 50% of patients presented with
headache or confusion and nearly 70% presented with some focal neurological sign.
Forty-seven percent of patients presented with fever. In this study more that 40% of
patients presented with an abnormal level of consciousness [17].
In an adult with AIDS, toxoplasmosis is the most common cause of an intracerebral
lesion [18, 19]. Treatment for TE is often started based on a presumed diagnosis. MRI
has improved the diagnosis of TE as 80% of cases will present with multiple lesions on
MRI scanning [20]. In contrast, patients with PCNSL more often will have a single
lesion on MRI. PCNSL lesions are frequently seen in the white matter proximal to the
lateral ventricles. A patient with TE virtually always has a positive antibody titer. A
1992 study reported that as many as 16% of cases of CNS toxoplasmosis were
seronegative for IgG on immunofluorescence assay but subsequent assays use the more
sensitive ELISA technique and as a result it is felt that a seronegative patient is highly
CSF studies should be performed on patients with headache, fevers, mental status
changes and/or meningeal signs. In patients with TE the CSF may be entirely normal.
Positive DNA for toxoplasmosis found by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in the CSF
may be a remnant from a latent infection and does not determine a diagnosis of active
Thallium-201 single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) testing has
been used to help support or discard a diagnosis of CNS toxoplasmosis in the case where
a patient has a single brain lesion on MRI and is seropositive for toxoplasma antibodies.
In this case a negative SPECT supports a diagnosis of TE. PCNSL in most cases will
yield a positive SPECT study. This test, combined with a positive CSF Epstein-Barr
virus PCR, is enough to warrant treatment for PCNSL with radiation therapy [21].
Stereotactic brain biopsy has been used to establish a diagnosis in patients with focal
brain lesions and AIDS. The indications for brain biopsy in AIDS patients were
reviewed and published in 1997 by the American Academy of Neurology [22]. Large
lesions with mass effect threatening herniation, brain lesions in an HIV-infected child or
single lesions with negative toxoplasmosis serologies were all situations warranting
biopsy. Therapy for TE was recommended for all cases of focal brain lesion with
positive toxoplasma serologies. Worsening clinical picture or progression
radiographically indicate a need for biopsy. Special attention is paid to patients treated
with corticosteroids alone as clinical improvement in the absence of radiographic
improvement of the lesion itself may occur [21]. A review of 246 brain biopsies in AIDS
patients published in 2000 revealed that 98% of biopsies yielded abnormal tissue and in
one third of cases the tissue diagnosis was different from the pre-operative diagnosis [23].
Brain biopsy in patients with AIDS does not have a higher complication rate than brain
biopsy performed on immunocompetent patients.
TE can be effectively treated. First line treatment consists of a loading dose of
pyrimethamine at 100-200 mg followed by a maintenance dose of 50-100 mg/day in
combination with sulfadiazine at a dose of 4-8mg/day. Patients require maintenance
therapy but, as with other opportunistic infections such as MAC and CMV, patients with
sustained response to HAART and stable immune reconstitution, may be able to
successfully discontinue their maintenance therapy. An alternative to sulfadiazine is
clindamycin, whether PO or IV. Other choices can include azithromycin, clarithromycin
and atovaquone. Pyramethamine should be given with folinic acid to avoid the bone
Most patients will respond to treatment in 5-14 days. Radiographic improvement is
usually seen by 3 weeks. Clinical deterioration is seen as an indication of treatment
failure and need for biopsy. There may actually be radiographic worsening in the
presence of clinical improvement. Superficial lesions tend to clear more rapidly on
scanning. Deeper lesions may take up to 6 months to clear entirely [24, 25].
Miranda responded well to therapy and her lesion improved markedly on MRI. Given
her vast experience with antiretroviral therapy it is uncertain that her immune function
will ever improve enough to be safely taken off anti-toxoplasmosis medication.
Unfortunately, in a patient whose adherence is already problematic, the addition of more
medication is burdensome. You will keep your nursing case managers on the case and
continue to encourage the patient to take her medications.
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