New global opportunities

opportunities and develop a plan for your Febreze was rebranded as a post-cleaningreward and now turns over one billion Dig Your Well Before You Are Thirsty: The only networking book you will ever need, When Arista Records introduced radio
to OutKast’s Hey Ya! in 2003, listeners disingenuous. The author delivers a solid weren’t interested. People like songs that mix of advice and action to help build an are familiar and Hey Ya! was too unusual.
favourite book from the trip was The Power of Habit by the New York Times popular artists such as Christina Aguilera examines business habits – both good and tucked into The Godfather by Mario bad – and uses four different companies significantly, and Hey Ya! is still stuck in holds its share of leadership profiles.
Issues like managing multiple businesses, As Starbucks planned its growth
book called The World is Flat 3.0: A brief history of the 21st century. It is by feel familiar to every business leader – even if Vito and Michael aren’t exactly institutional habits for baristas, called the bestselling work, The World is Flat. In it he sketches out the fast-paced changes of the 21st century in a global economy.
How to make Facebook work
employee) satisfaction sky rocketed.
Alcoa, a poorly performing aluminium
conglomerate, hired Paul O’Neill as CEO in 1987 hoping he would boost revenue.
attempting to use it as a sales vehicle.
Incidentally, if you are interested in books channel. In other words, instead of using that challenge the way you think about the cautiousness, and by the time he retired in world, try Business Model Generation: A handbook for visionaries, game changers Contents - April 2012
Febreze is a lovely story. Launched in
1993 as an odour-killing product it was a disrupt your industry. You will learn how to think about your business in new ways, it to boost sales, you should be using it to personal or fun tossed up now and again.
business then here are three that I adore.
pinning ‘to do’ lists), (a to invite interaction. Create updates that steps and, as the name says, take action).
Get your customers to like you. It is
critical to get your potential leads to like Are you engaged?
times of the day and tailor your postings them further. In all likelihood, less than 1% of your Facebook fans will ever return than to text-only status updates, so tell people who visit your website and to keep weekends, that’s the time to reach fans and establishing trust; plus it will offer a Launchrock is a free service designed to
Keeping your sales and marketing on
special deals. Incorporate sign-up forms, calls to action and links to your website that support lead generation. If you want to see a really good Facebook page, visit earn incentives for spreading the word via having to handle day-to-day minutia. Here items: a ‘can’t miss’ orange arrow, an are a few tips to help you break the cycle: Intercom. When people register on your
up for a free account and an invitation to Make a list of things you need to stop
Integrate leads. Integrate your leads by
sharing content like eBooks, white papers Start tracking your time. Your goal is to
the last time they visited. Then, you can material itself versus sales-driven ‘sign up the next time they come to the site.
Who are your top five customers right
Punchtab. Punchtab’s loyalty program
Create a contest or sweepstake. This is a
allows you to reward people for coming to Take 30 minutes twice a week to shoot
social networks. I am afraid to say that it and post a personal video message to your is only applicable to those with US-based businesses but it can’t be long before the concept is rolled out here in the UK.
Olark. This service makes it easy to add
leads. The video should always be shorter that forms limited companies on behalf of than five minutes; write a brief dialogue pasting in a line of code, go to your Olark before you start, to clarify your thoughts, offering a free company formation service appear and link it to an instant-messaging Understand the algorithm. Facebook
Respond to ten written letters every
buries boring content, using an algorithm appears in newsfeeds. So it is essential to sense as it is an excellent way to improve Have you tried out Genbook?
your finger on the pulse of your business.
Incidentally, if you are looking for useful while out training and be unable to speak.
As far as I know, Sheex is not yet
hospitals. The organisation, a complex of Actually, I am sure I have mentioned this sheets can trap heat and disrupt sleep.
service before since I have been visiting offers low-cost, high-quality specialised the site on and off for the last couple of polyester and spandex, are designed to be care in a largely impoverished country of 1.2 billion people. By thinking differently into their website, Facebook page or blog: number of patients it treats to the millions the button links to a customised, real-time for whom it provides insurance – and by thinking a lot like the world’s largest retailer – the hospital group is able to company is not yet exporting overseas.
If you are looking for clever new
start-up incarnation (we are talking back Here you will find all sorts of nifty ideas, than £1,500, a third or less what it costs elsewhere in India and a fraction of what dish rack using pencil stubs and a cutting looking stereo speakers using petrol cans The second idea is Bridgestone’s Airless therapists and other one-person operations My favourite franchises
businesses have since joined the platform.
As regular readers will know, I spend ages looking at different franchises either with come up with a tyre that didn’t need air? A couple of import/export ideas
Two companies have been working on it.
Here are a couple of products I have seen on my travels that I believe have potential winning the race. And what a race it is.
Wintercheck Factory Julian Pocket
Over $160 billion are spent every year on Scarf. This weird product appeals to me.
massive potential, this has to be it.
don’t. And, I suppose, the same is true for men with regard to ‘man bags’. Instead, Finally, a big concept that is more about why not use this pocket scarf? It has two cigarettes and keys to sunglasses. You will Check out something called Road ID.
take the pledge and then buy and sell gear recommends including vital statistics and Think big
pieces so far. Smart consumption is built customer target group is sportspeople and I do love entrepreneurs who think big.
Here are three really interesting concepts environmental initiatives for the company.
exports and imports by around 10% year-on- year, starting in 2012 to further improve its fourth quarter of 2011 compared to the same international balance of payments. According period in 2010, according to figures from the import–export bulletin for April 2012. This official statistics office. The office said that month we’ve got useful information from measures designed to achieve this, including exports of products and services in the last an export tax rebate policy, boosting trade quarter of 2011 went up by 7.5% year on year, hotspots China and Brazil – and details of a while imports fell by just 1%. Meanwhile, site you could find invaluable for building increase imports and promote trade balance, Bulgaria’s GDP rose 1.7% to reach US$53.5bn improve import policies, build more platforms in 2011, according to the latest estimate from the Bulgarian National Statistical Institute (NSI). The economic improvement was mainly manufacturing, new and high technologies, Brazil Economy Grows Yet Again… and
due to growth in the industrial and service energy conservation, environmental protection More Expected This Year
Brazil is continuing its progress towards Both Slovakia and Bulgaria are EU members, China is currently the world’s biggest exporter becoming one of the world’s largest trading making importing and exporting easier for (a status it achieved in 2009) and the second economies – and a trading partner importers those located in other member countries.
and exporters can’t afford to ignore any more – with the news that GDP growth reached 2.7% in 2011. Although far smaller than the Useful Resource: LinkedIn
Georgia to Have Free Trade Area with EU
7.5% growth in 2010, this is still impressive Next Year?
considering the world slump. In money terms, The World Traders’ Club already has a group GDP amounted to a massive US$2.3 trillion, A new country could be opening up for trade according to the official statistics agency the opportunities. Georgia expects to have a free join. But beyond that, LinkedIn offers a great trade agreement (FTA) with the EU within the way of finding import–export contacts. It lets import–exporters is the fact exports rose 4.5% Mikheil Saakashvili, announced recently that preliminary negotiations have begun, saying, “We have opened free trade talks with the LinkedIn started out in the living room of co- European Union and it is realistic that we will Mantega, the Brazilian finance minister, said complete it next year. It is realistic for Georgia operates the world’s largest professional as a result of stimulus measures Brazil’s aim is to have a deep and comprehensive free trade network on the Internet with more than 100 agreement with the European Union from next million members in over 200 countries and year.” He added that Georgia is also hoping to According to the IGBE, the best-performing start negotiations for an FTA with the US members are currently located outside of the sectors at the moment include agriculture shortly. The president said that he expects the agreement to create more jobs for Georgians, LinkedIn every week, at a rate equivalent to a together with industry, construction, utilities, solving the country’s unemployment problem, professional joining the site faster than one services and retail – Brazilian families’ consumption rose for the eighth consecutive Factfile: Georgia is located in the Caucasus region of Eurasia – often thought of as being present colleagues and classmates quickly.
the ‘crossroads’ of West Asia and Eastern LinkedIn makes staying in touch simple.
China’s Ambitious Plans to Increase
Europe. It has borders with the Black Sea, Imports and Exports
Russia, Turkey, Armenia and Azerbaijan. The Prompted by concerns that China’s economic More Help with Import–Exporting
announced plans to increase the volume of Eastern European Economies Looking
with further opportunities for international very small part of our service in helping you traders likely to be created as a result.
If you’re looking for new European trading start and run a successful import–export opportunities then it could be worth looking business. If you need more help or information In a report delivered at the annual session of east – if recent economic growth figures are on the products Wade World Trade has for you, the National People’s Congress (NPC), China’s anything to go by. Slovakia and Bulgaria have including our famous courses, our website is top legislature, Premier Wen Jiabao said that both reported healthy rises in GDP in recent open 24/7 – call in and visit us anytime at China aims to increase the volume of total UK BUSINESS NEWS
those with profits not exceeding £300,000 a year already only have to pay 20%.
Economic growth or recession?
Patent Box is a reduced level of corporation similar types of intellectual property. It will introduce a lower rate of 10%. Small firms that have patented a product will be able to benefit from this, and sectors likely those who said they’re not investing more warns that the UK economy is still facing new loan initiative. Under a one-year pilot Interestingly, while 55% of US businesses, quarters of contraction. This contradicts 18 and 24 will be able to apply to borrow becoming increasingly important, only 32% between £5,000 and £10,000 to back their contract from the start of the year, taking looking for third parties to administer the scheme, with the Prince’s Trust being one double their French counterparts’.
Looking ahead, the BCC predicts that theeconomy would grow by just 0.6% during Mary Portas’ High Street plans get
Perhaps the biggest Budget disappointment government go-ahead
for small firms was that George Osbornedid not announce any reduction in March Budget – for business?
business rates, the tax firms have to pay accepted “virtually all” 28 recommendations on their property. Instead, business rates from Mary Portas in its bid to rejuvenate the UK’s High Streets. These will include Budget that could greatly affect the UK’s manage High Streets. It has also unveiled things that the chancellor didn’t alter have small firms struggling with the high price schemes and cutting back on red tape.
of petrol and diesel. Instead, fuel dutywill continue to go up by 3p in August.
firms is how they have to calculate their National Loan Guarantee Scheme
with sales of up to £77,000 per year will back to life, a National Markets’ Day to be allowed to change their accountingfrom the established accrual method to a introduction of a new bank lending scheme – announced a day before the Budget.
centres and several other initiatives.
of money they have actually received,rather than total orders, as under the Ms Portas said she wished yet more action current accrual-based system, and will be had been taken. “Naturally I would have hugely beneficial for small firms, as they liked greater central intervention in critical will no longer have to pay tax on received available outside the initiative. Barclays, orders for which they have yet to be paid.
Scotland have so far signed up, and firms continue to fight for these,” she said. She was, however, pleased to see the start of a three million firms being able to benefit.
available because the government is toguarantee £20bn of the banks’ borrowing, Resurgence in confidence for UK
importers and exporters
Insurance, first announced in last year’s Customer service given more emphasis
conditions, according to the latest data from the International Trade Monitor (ITM).
businesses have caught on to the fact that Confidence levels are now at their highest keeping the customer happy is increasingly important. According to research by small of importers and exporters feel confident business software firm Sage, 53% of firms about current international trade conditions this change does not affect small firms, as increase of 9% from the previous quarter, services the North-West has to offer.
IFEX 2012
leading the way with a rise from 0.12% in 40% last quarter. Moreover, 58% feel that performance with insolvency rates falling from 0.20% in 2011 to 0.10% in 2012.
stabilised or improved over the last sixmonths, an improvement of 11%.
increase in insolvencies. The sector had a higher rate of insolvencies during February than any other. Of the UK’s five biggest industries – business services, building and construction, property, IT, and leisure The Commercial Vehicle Show 2012
international aspect of their business will positive sign for the government in light Government works to reduce red tape
double UK exports to £1 trillion by 2020.
consultation process to remove unnecessaryand obsolete red tape from the retail and UK postal rates rocket
regulations to be covered were introduced selling opportunity for the entire UK road Royal Mail is to increase prices in order transport and logistics industry. Whether to “safeguard the UK’s universal postal particular product. While these regulations for operator or supplier, it is the leading service”, saying that the service is at “severe risk”. A first-class stamp will rise they are not flexible enough to deal with London Pet Show
(up by 39%) from the 30th April 2012.
The price leap is, in percentage terms, the subject to a price cap, meaning that they cords posed a strangulation risk to small cannot rise above 55p, but this figure will Index (CPI) over the next seven years.
exotics, it’s the perfect opportunity to safety in all children’s garments and not machines will see rises of 5p from 39p to 44p for first-class mail and an increase in postage rates from 28p to 31p for second- while protecting customer safety, is a win Business Midlands
New small-business finance app for
regulation in place,” said Norman Lamb, from businesses, the public and voluntary it unites all sectors of business and is theonly marketing medium that brings the DATES FOR YOUR DIARY
buyer, seller and products together at the Majesty’s Revenue & Customs) to make Business North West 2012
The 50+ Show, London
available from the App Store on iPhone andiPod touch and at range of activities and features, including, or director looking to take your business UK insolvencies rise in February
to the next level, this is the perfect event free health checks, crafts zone, teach-in CONSUMER
Housing Society, Zanarkhil, North Pahartali, taste and its beautiful greenish colour. We are ● Food & Drink
supermarket chains and distributors. Contact: Nutria SA, 10 Kodrou CANNED & FROZEN PRODUCTS
FOOD & FOOD PRODUCTS wanted for resale.
Contact: Alice Wang, L & W Foods, 1550 Tel: +30 210 3249085. Fax: +30 210 3213518. SEA FOOD We are seeking to purchase large
Knowles Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90063-1607, WE PRODUCE APPROX 2 TONNES OF
quantities of red spiny lobsters and western PURE BUSH HONEY in Western Australia, it is
polution free, no pesticides being used around FOOD & FOOD PRODUCTS required by
this area. Contact: Giddy Honey, 8/93 Cook Av, potters avenue, providence RI, United States, import distributor. Contact: Louis Wu, W & T Hillarys, Western Australia 6026, Australia, Seafood, 29 Monroe St, New York, NY 10002, FOOD & FOOD PRODUCTS required by
import distributor. Contact: Mr Degaile, Sodimer brand - Spring Roll Pastry. We are a leading MANUFACTURER OF DESSICATED
manufacturer of frozen food specializing in COCONUT, cocunut fibre, trading of fruits,
spring rolls, samosa, roll paratha, crepes, dim spices, plantation and exporting fresh flowers sum (dumplings) and Japanese Raman etc.
etc. www. Contact: Mr Raja Sekar, LOOKING FOR IMPORTERS: GRAPES,
Viv Group, Puthoor, Pozihikkarai, PO, Nagercoil PEARS, CITRUS all varieties. This company
handles various fresh fruit varieties and have a close working relationship with respected local JELLO, CREAM CARAMEL, CUSTARD
producers and trusted suppliers. Contact: POWDER and pudding, ready soup, creme
Hanlie Ichse, HM Global Trading Exports, West FOOD STUFFS, CEREAL, OILS ETC.
Chantilly, cake flour mixtures, Turkish deserts, dough baking powder, etc. manufacturer.
AGRILINK GHANA LTD are exporters of crude
Contact: Mirey Elmofti, USER Food Consumer BULK QUANTITIES OF CASHEW KERNELS
and refined palm oil, virgin coconut oil (VCO), FROM INDIA India based import/export agent
organic coconuit oil (OCO) and refined coconut seeks agents and buyers from Middle East, oil (RCO), palm keral oil and palm kernel shell, Japan, EU, Australia, Canada, New Zealand soybean oil, cocoa shell. We are looking for EXPORTERS FROM AUSTRALIA of late lane
buyers. Contact: Agrilink Ghana Ltd, POBox navels and valencia, class 1 and composite AK7, Akwatia, Eastern Region, Accra, Ghaha grades available. Contact: Australian Citrus, ORGANIC AND NON ORGANIC NUTS.
Manufacturer and processor of peanut butter, roasts salts grinds all varieties of nuts including FOOD & FOOD PRODUCTS required by
import distributor. Contact: Jarmo Nikurautio, waver manufacturer. Our water product was walnuts, hazelnuts, brazils, etc. Contact: Oz United Exporters Corp Ltd, PL 1238, FIN-96101 Nuts Australia Pty Ltd, 6 Industry Drive, Tweed Rovaniemi, Finland, Tel: +358 16 3422753. Contact: LOOKING FOR IMPORTERS: RICE, SUGAR.
137061, South Korea, Fax: +822 60818221. EXPORTER OF CASTOR OIL, NEEM OIL,
We are sourcing agents and exporters of many LOOKING FOR IMPORTERS: NATURAL
fresh vegetables and fruits and ready made items. We can supply rice, irri rice and sugar, WEIGHT LOSS, ENERGY AND NUTRITION.
cane sugar, cooking oils, fruit juices and many New and exciting chocolate drink mix called Shree Varadharaj International Export, 6/13A, "Lean Snack", 100 natural, tastes good in both Ram Set Nager First Street, Thorapadi, Vellore Contact: Yusuf water and chilled black coffee or iced tea.
Noorani, Yan Associates, North Nazimabad, PEANUTS FROM INDIA. Exporters of peanuts
red colour. Contact: Model - Town, Bhatindia, Tel: +1 781 344 1107. Fax: +1 781 341 1439. LOOKING FOR IMPORTERS: DRIED FRUITS.
Turkish dried figs (whole, cubed, paste) and Recommended for all those you are concerned raisins (whole, paste) both retail trade and about keeping even levels of energy throughout McConnells ice cream, a super premium ice industry (bakery, bicuit, breakfast cereal, the day, feel tired and want to look their best, cream rivalling Haagen Daz and Ben & Jerries.
are concerned about their lifestyle balance and We are now looking for new partners to help us Contact: Alp Besikci, want to maintain physical strength. www.
distribute our products to new channels in our Izmir Fig Packers Ltd, Karakuyu Yolu, Torbali, existing markets in S E Asia, and new ones in Pragnesh Shah, Asterism Healthcare Plus Inc., Latin America, Europe, Middle East, China, Tel: +90 232 8662862. Fax: +90 232 8662872. India and Indonesia. Contact: McConnell's Ice WE SELL ALL TYPES OF SUGAR: refined
sugar Grade A - IC&UMSA 45, Cane sugar - MINERAL WATER FROM HUNGARY &
AUSTRIA. High quality still and with gas natural
mineral water. Contact: Szilvia Berki, SB Intern MERCHANT EXPORTER OF RICE, PULSES, Contact: Gajendra Kumar, Ltd, Holland Park Gardens, London, W4 8EA, fresh fruits and vegetable and fashion items Allied Trade & Exports, Sector- 53, Gurgaon, such as gold and silver jewelry. Contact: Mr K R Haryana 122001, India, Tel: +91 1244 146116. IMPORTER OF MINERAL WATER, MILK,
Balaji Varshan, Sri Sivasakthi Impex Pvt Ltd, WE ARE EXPORTERS OF: rice, spices, fresh
WINE ETC., please contact us with price offer.
fruits and vegetables, dried fruits. Contact: Riaz Benidon Incorp SARL, No. 15 B Market Center SUPPLY OF FRESH POTATOES. We are
exporter of potatoes, seafoods - fish maws, MANUFACTURER OF OLIVE OIL. Nutria's
shark fins, etc. and used marine equipment.
olive oil, either extra vigrin or pure, is 100% RAW COFFEE BEAN ARABICA and Robusta
Contact: Engr Nur Mohammed, Nr Marine & from Brazil. Each 20' container carry 320 of General Services, Road-2, Plot-10, Nandan distinguished for its smooth aroma, unique 60kg raw coffee bean bags. Contact: Salvardor Bahia Brasil, 5th Floor, 85 Jermyn Street, WE OFFER QUALITY PRODUCTS for
Maharashtra, India, Tel: +91 20 24269888. unrepresented area. We have a range of more WE ARE AN IMPORT EXPORT COMPANY
DRIED GINGER. We have good quality dried
than 150 products inclusive of tab/cap/liq/inj/e/e representing coffee factories, producers from drops/oit/protein powder. Contact: Mr Shailesh Brazil for Cafe Dicasa Coffee. Contact: Weskey Marubly General Venture Nigeria Ltd, Kano Bhara;, Sac Pharmaceuticals, 335 1st Floor Bratfitch, Komkreat, r. Santino Freire no 722 WE EXPORT WORLD WIDE spices,
19035140, Portugal, Tel: +55 18 32235377. AUSTRALIAN TROPICAL FRUIT WINES
handicrafts etc. Contact: Mr K Neelakantan, mango, lychee, plum, passionfruit, strawberry, COSMETICS
chilli and lime, mulberry port, mango port manufacturer. Contact: Australian Fruit Wines, LOOKING FOR IMPORTERS: for all kinds of
58 Reservoir Road, Cairns, Queensland 4870, Tel: +91 9950038099. Fax: +91 44 43838114. beauty instruments. Contact: Nasir Ali, Allah Wale Beauty & Surgical, Adalat Ghara Road, DRINKS – ALCOHOLIC
Excellent quality of Extra-virgin olive oil mineral water etc. for import/export. Contact: (EVOO)acidity of : 0.1%,0.2%, 0.4% ,0.5% and Eric Zuma, Esipho Import & Exportg Agent, 0.7% which is currently being exported to 28 ARGAN OIL/MOROCCAN OIL Producers of
countries. We give you the flexibility of essential fatty acids which fights against drying MANUFACTURER OF OUZO, BRANDY,
service for your label.Please reply for a and the loss of elasticity which encourage the quotation and any more information. Contact: appearance of wrinkles. Also of Vitamin E.
Distillate), we use the old recipes as well as Paula Bulgarelli Paula Bulgarelli, Quality Contact: Khalid modern technology. Looking for export/direct Ait L, Arganisme Cosmetics SARL, Lot Maata sales, reprsentation. Contact: United Kingdom, N19 5AA. Tel: +7765252510.
Mavrakis Distilleries, 20, Vas. Konstantinou Str, 21200, Argos, Greece, Tel: +30 2751067322.
● Health & Beauty Products
will supply beverages on contract to our end ● Home & Household
buyers. If interested contact us for more MEDICAL & PHARMACEUTICALS
Contact: James Christopher, Jkcinternational BOXES OF SURGICAL MASKS TIE TAPE
Spec: Hypo allergenic, without glass fiber. Very QUALITY COALS We are International
Steinmetz rue 11, Cotonou, Atlantic 0 1 bp low resistance to breathing, nose baradaptable.
Supplier of Coal Contact: Armstrong Songo, 940 boxes (50 pcsper box) Contact: Bika Ntuli, None Traders, J 1452, Esikhawini KZN, South Street, Sharon Park South Africa, South Africa, COOKIES AND SWEETS
CANDIES AND COOKIES manufactured in
Brazil. We also offer tropical juices and 100% ELECTRICAL PRODUCTS
conconut water. Contact: PHN & ITC Brasil, Contact: Bika Ntuli, None Traders, J 1452, WADE TRAINED IMPORT/EXPORT AGENT
30310-010, Brazil, Tel: +55 31 25356683. represent manufacturers, and / or suppliers of all computers and computer peripherals. We SPICES & ADDITIVES
have pending clients waiting for response.
Please send catalogs, brochures, price lists and LOOKING FOR WHOLESALERS: Vesselino
types of pharmaceutical products with a non agreement terms Contact: John. L Theletsane, Ltd is exporter of a great variety of natural compromising attitude on quality and service.
TP-Romeo Import Export Agency, 32345 Ext: products - herbs, spices, botanical extracts, We market tablets, capsules, injections, syrups, 15, Bronville, Welkom South Africa, South creams. Contact: Mr Contact: Mr Veselin Kolev, Vesselino Ltd, 1 Starozagorsks Atr., Floor 3, Sahjanand Est., B/H Lalji Mulji Transcport, Office 24-23, Kazanlak, Stara Zagora 6100, COFFEE MAKER We are looking for coffee
maker: 1,480 pcs, max capacity 1.2lt, swing-out MANUFACTURER OF HIGH QUALITY
filter basket removeable, automatically shut off CINNAMON FOR SALE. There are three kinds
products (tablets, capsule, dry syrup). Contact: when brewing is completed, stainless steel of cinnamon grade, Grade A, B & C, please Ms Rajini Katoch, Nootan Pharmaceuticals, Vill vacuum jug, power supply 230V-50Hz, 1000W, contact for further details. Contact: Wawan - Tipra, Kalka Road, Barotiwala Baddi, 173205 filter cassette. Contact: Jens Baek, Incotel Koswara, CV Congo, Jakarta, Jakarta Timur WE ARE MERCHANT EXPORTER OF
SPICES, fresh fruits and vegetables, rice, coir
products, etc. Contact: Mr S Arunmozhi Nambi, FINISHED FORMULATION: injectables, beta
Arun Exports, 2/21 A-Vellarlar Street, Alangudi and non beta lactum tablets, capsules, dry BRAZILIAN HAMMOCKS and hammock
(PO), Valangalmann(Tk), Thiruvarur 612801 chairs, excellent quality, very competitive injections, herbal products. Contact: Mr Gaurav prices. Contact: Garibaldi 133, Tijuca, Rio de PROCESSOR AND EXPORTER OF A WIDE
SPECTRUM of Indian spices and blended
Indian Airlines Builidng, Top Floor, Sector - 34A LOOKING FOR WHOLESALERS:
Pinky Mulchandani, Eltee Overseas, Office # Tel: +91 17 46845300. Fax: +91 172 2620688. FURNITURE & HOME APPLIANCES dinning,
sofa, matresses, cushions, pillows, embroidery Contact: Hasan Haskaraman, necklaces, Indian beaded necklaces, bracelets, cushion pillow covers, comforters, carpets, Silver Group of Companies, Sivas Yolu 7. km bangles, etc. Contact: Mr Sanjul Gupta, Kriative rugs, bed linen, crystal glassware, dinner sets, Krafts, 56/22 Site - 4, Sahibabad Industrial Area, Sahibabad, India, Tel: +91 120 4167723.
Contact: Dominic Rezoreya, The Aura General Trading LLC, Near Alwahda Street, Opp Liberty MANUFACTURING AND SUPPLYER OF
Automobile S/room, Industrial Area #4, Sharjar FASHION JEWELLERY, stone studded
● Luxury Goods & Gifts
bangles, designer diamond bracelets, diamond FURNITURE & FURNISHINGS required by
bracelets, fashion earrings, diamond earrings import distributor. Contact: Jackson Chen, etc. Contact: Mr Prem Bharti, Khushi Jewels, Collins International Co Ltd, 2100 Route #208, MANUFACTURING AND SUPPLYING OF
No 1733/5, Govindpuri Extension, Kalkaji, New JEWELLERY, mangalsutra, designer
Tel: +1 201 7949200. Fax: +1 201 794 3511.
mangalsutra, gold mangalsutra, gold pendant STONE, GLASS & JEWELRY We can offer
mangalslutra, diamond mangalsutra etc.
you a large variety of precious stones, gems FURNITURE wants to import. Contact: Ernest
Contact: Mr Manish Swami, Tridents Jewels, and carvings (rough tumbled, faceted, polished Lim, LPK Enterprise (1980)P/L, 14 Thong Soon 2nd Flr, Refinery Bldg., 2nd Agirey Lane, Dhanji and beads): amethyst, citrine, chrosoprase, St., Mumbai, India, Tel: +91 22 22417599.
aquamarine, garnet, rutilated quartz, graphited quartz, rodonite, amonzonite, etc. Contact: EXPORTERS & MANUFACTURERS OF WIDE
Orion, Av Brig. Faria Lima, 013, 4, Andar, Sao RANGE of designer gold cuff links,
contemporary gold cuff links, decorative gold cuff links, handcrafted gold cuff links, etc.
alluvial gold dusts, gold bars, raw gold, ciopper, ceramic that are a kind of product that forged Handicrafts, Thatera Street, Moradabad, India, and molded from varies of smashed mineral.
Tel: +91 591 2492218. Fax: +91 591 2490288. gemstones, tantalum, tantalite and tin ores or WE ARE EXPORTERS OF GEMS, PRECIOUS
cassiterite, tin oxide. Contact: Michel Mikamia, Hanghai Dexin Import & Export Co Ltd, AND semi-precious stones to UAE, Singapore
Noble Base Metals & Gemstones Co Ltd, Dar coconuts, vegetables to UAE and Saudi Arabia.
Contact: Dr K Premanath, SPS Exports & HOME TEXTILES & CARPETS
Edapazhanji, Thycaud PO Trivandrum 695 014 LOOKING FOR IMPORTERS: PVC
FLOORING manufacturers. Contact: Gaurav
quality brand of whistles and flutes.
Jain, Universal Village, B-4/136 Yamuna Vihar, EXPORTER OF SILVER JEWELLERY,
Delhi 110053, India, Tel: +91 98 10775922. designer jewellery, stylish silver jewellery, FLOOR COVERINGS, CAPRETS & RUGS
fashion silver jewellery, exclusive silver jewellery, etc. Contact: Mr Anil Jain, Beliram WADE TRAINED IMPORT/EXPORT AGENT
Eberhard Liebherr, Ketterer & Liebherr, seeking to represent British manufacturers Gundlilnger Str. 0, D-79111 Freiburg, Germany, Bagh, New Delhi, India, Tel: +91 11 28755455.
worldwide on a commission basis. All British Tel: +48 761478140. Fax: +49 7614781490.
products considered for export worldwide. Send MANUFACTURER & EXPORTER FASHION
catalogues, brochures, samples and price lists.
JEWELLERY, diamond bracelets, fashion
Contact: J. Reid, Macelon Trading, 1 Howard required by import distributor. Contact: Orient earrings, fashion bracelets, stone bracelets, Art Tapis, 5 BLvd Jules Ferry, F-75011 Paris, stone pendants, finger rings, wedding rings and Contact: John Fax: +33 143 555915. E-mail: WE CAN SUPPLY NATURAQL LATEX FOAM
diamonds. Contact: Mr Vinod Shah, Sheetal laminated mattresses which are provided with Diamonds Ltd, Office No 114, Siddhivinayak, Nr inner cover. Contact: Reza Cassim, Bio Hevea Foam Factories (PVT) Ltd, Tel: +91 22 26136007. Fax: +91 22 26136007. WALL CLOCKS AVAILABLE for sale made of
hardwood, glass, tin, sizes, 18*18*6.5, we have ● Office/Paper/Stationery
various models. Contact: Kim Suhwa, SongHo QUALITY BELGIUM RUGS (carpets) and table
Corporation, Wolgye Ro, Seoul, 139-131, South COMPUTER SOFTWARE/HARDWARE
runners made of natural fibers for import, COMPUTER, DATA PROCESSING COPPER, BRASS, BRONZE, NICKELSILVER
EQUIPMENT and supplies required by import
Contact: Catherine Lee, Lee Orient Trading, We need a representative in your country for distributor. Contact: Svend-Erik Jensen, BCP Defu Lane 10, Singapore 539226, Singapore, brass rod and wire, high copper alloys, nickel- free ecological nickel silver and nordic gold wire FLOOR COVERINGS, CARPETS & RUGS
and strips, bronze barings, solid and hollow, copper roof nails, screws and rivets, coins and COMPUTERS, DATA PROCESSING
tokens for slot machines. EQUIPMENT and supplies wants to purchase.
Contact: Edwin Whuking, Cupraisa SA, Ate, GOLD DUST FOR SALE. We have 80kg 22
Lane, Chertsey, Surrey KT1 69AP, England, karat gold dust of 93% purity selling $28,000 Tel: +44 1932 564999. Fax: +44 1932 564998.
USD per kilo. Direct buyers wanted. Contact: STOVES, natural gas heater (chimney and
Emmanuel Kweku, Nteshiwa Mining Group, 14 ORIGINAL INK AND TONER CARTRIDGES
hermetical model), combi boilers (chimney and LC 900 various colors + toners 3185 Contact: hermetical model, LPG gas infrared (Radiant) Bika Ntuli, None Traders, J 1452, Esikhawini heaters - 5 different models, solid stoves - 35 MANUFACTURER OF FASHION JEWELRY,
KZN, South Africa, 3887. Tel: 27781649422.
different models, electrical quartz heaters.
artificial jewelry, beaded jewelry, beaded palm seeds, bamboo seeds, spice seeds, grass APPAREL & CLOTHING required by import
seeds, medicinal seeds, fruit seeds, hedge RECOVERY software mac. Website offers
seeds etc. Contact: Floral Seed Company, 3/3 recover photo mac sofrware provides facility to retrieve digital images from virus infected DISTRIBUTOR & IMPORTER OF sweet basil
ORIGINAL ITALIAN BRANDS APPAREL & Contact: Data seeds, tomato seeds, mediterranean cusine SHOES for sale. Clothing, shoes, accessories
Recovery Software, USA, Fax: 001 980 0000. seeds, Mexican cusine seeds, Asain cusine and bags of Italian fashion brands such as seeds. Indian cuisine seeds, mixed squash Dolce Gabbanam Versace, Armani, Cuccinelli, MOBILE PHONES
seeds, zucchini seeds and watermelon seeds.
Diesel, paciotti. New collections or past season colletions stock. Contact: Daniela Bellano, CELL PHONES wanted for resale. Contact:
Global Fashion, Milano, MI 20121, Italy, Gabi SAndu, Dasimpex SRL, Str 1 Decembrie 1918, 58, RO-610219 Piatra Neamt, Romania, Tel: +91 120 2519968. Fax: +91 120 2510838. Tel: +40 23 321 5053. Fax: +40 21 3215059. MANUFACTURER AND SUPPLIERS OF
HYBRID SEEDS that include vegetables,
paddy, maize, chilli, tomato, brinjal, okra, LEATHER & VINYL GOODS/HANDBAGS/
cowpea and bhottle gourd seeds. Contact: Mr OFFICE & INSTITUTIONAL FURNISHINGS
Sandeep Singh, Ganesha Hybrid Seeds, R-11, distributor. Contact: J Van Bavel, Van Bavel required by import distributor. Contact: Jarkko Valtenen, Variform Oy, Arkadiankatu 23D, FIN- 00010 Helsinki, Finland, Tel: +358 9 2609600.
FURNITURE. We produce all weather wicker
rattan furniture for homes, hotels restaurants, EXPORT OPPORTUNITY FOR PAPER
resorts, beaches, cafes, gardens, offices, etc.
STATIONERY ITEMS. Manufacturer/exporter of
paper stationery items. Contact: Amardeep Designs, Kong Posh Industries (M) Sdn Bhd, TEXTILES & FABRICS required by import
Singh, V P Marketing, M/s SAB International, F3-04 & B2-03 Carrefour Shopping Complex, distributor. Contact: Alba Medici, Euroscreen 87/18/2 Udhyog Nagar, Mundka Ind Ara, New SRL, Via Circonvall. Nord/Est, 94, I-41049 Delhi 110041, India, Tel: +91 9313522109.
Sassuolo (MO), Italy, Tel: +39 0536804523.
● Textiles/Leather/Fashion
garments wants to import. Contact: Rafael KIvaglundvej 89, DK-6705 Esbjerg, Denmark, Garcia Alvarez, La Nueva Parisien, Claudio FOOTWEAR
Coello 23, Madrid, Spain, Tel: +34 914353442.
OFFICE FURNITURE wants to import. Contact:
I AM LOOKING FOR BUYERS who would like
Raymond Vermeulen, Office Furniture & Supplies, Rue de Stalle 270, B-1180 Brussels, manufacturered in India with good quality and Dolphin Exports Pvt Ltd, E199, Shastri Nagar, available at competitive pricing. Contact: Tanmay Vaishya, India, Tel: +91 9913782257.
Tel: +91 11 23644555. Fax: +91 11 23647555.
COTTON FOR SALE. Cotton lint (variety -
sale, current season. Contact: Daniela Bellano, DCH, Stable 32-34mm, mic-3.6-4.9) Contact: Global Fashion, Milano, MI 20121, Italy, Ganesan Kandasamy, YL Exports and Imports, HIGH QUALITY COPY AND PRINT PAPER
1/97. Mattampatti, Erumaipatti Post, Idapadi Copy and printer of high quality available ULTRA TALL SHEEPSKIN BOOTS from
available for export to the place of your choice.
Australia. Contact: Ultra Tall, 21 Leonard, Tel: +91 4283266299. Fax: +91 42 83266299. TEXTILES AND FABRICS wants to import.
further information. Contact: Mikael Nilsson, Contact: John Stanton, Stanton Calprints Inc, 688/1507 Supalai Park, Bangkok, Thailand, 3301 Saco St, Vernon, CA 90058-1444, USA, PLASTICS IDENTITY DOCUMENT COVERS
3000000 transparent identity covers. Please APPAREL & CLOTHING wants to purchase.
WOVEN FABRICS wanted for resale. Contact:
Contact: Steve Chow, Richards Ltd, 2412 Rose Devesh Gokal, Island Exports Pty Ltd, Suite 1- Traders, J 1452, Esikhawini KZN, South Africa, 3887. Tel: 27781649422. Fax: 086 511 9205.
Tel: +1 808 8475778. Fax: +1 808 841 1311. GLOVES, RAINWEAR, WORK CLOTHING
and uniforms needed by importer. Contact: Sash Gladwish, G & K Services, 113 Robinson WADE TRAINED AGENT SEEKING TO
Tel: +1 519 336 6446. Fax: +1 519 336 7466. BRITISH MANUFACTURERS. All British
place, web domain to hosting and interactive MOTORCYCLE JACKETS New
products considered for export to Europe, Asia, designing, develop your website with us at Alpinestars/Dorma co branded MotoGP Range, South Africa, and eslewhere. Contact Kytrad Contact: Air Absys Global, 15 the Estoril jacket which takes its name from the Impex - Email: Contact: Tuscarora Way N.W., Calgary, Algeria T3L 2H1, Portugese circuit. Contact: Southampton, United Kingdom, SO16 3DS.
Snail Mail, 318 26th St, Oakland, CA 94612, Tel: 02380550167. E-mail: SPECIALITY FABRICS wants to purchase.
● Sports/Hobby/Toys/Leisure
Contact: Ercan Arslan, Hepatr Ltd Sti, Perpa EXPORTER OF MENS' SHIRTS full and half
Tel: +90 212 2109914. Fax: +90 2122109916. SUPPLIERS OF 1200 SPECIES OF HERBS
SNOWY RED FOX SKINS of the high quality
AND SEEDS such as tree seeds, shrubs seds,
purchased from coldest areas in Australia, air- dried, cleaned and exported to many overseas Arcot Road, Indira, Nagar, Valasarawakkam Elektro NV, Verzetslaan 27, B-8552 Zwevegem markets. Contact: Australia Red Fox Skins, Flan.-Occiden, Belgium, Tel: +32 56727188.
Tel: +91 44 24869980. Fax: +91 44 24869980. ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS & PARTS
required by import distributor. Contact: Mr Soliveres, Vishay Sfenice, 199 Boulevard de la CONSTRUCTION & BUILDING EQUIPMENT
and parts required by import distributor.
Tel: +33 4 93372727. Fax: +33 4 93372726. Contact: Fraema SL, Ctra Badajoz, 161 Y 183, ELECTRTONIC COMPONENTS & PARTS
● Building & Construction
required by import distributor. Contact: Arto Tel: +34 924667424. Fax: +34 924 670460. Saranjoki, Teknoware Oy, Ilmaristentie 8, FIN BUILDINGS
15200 Lahti, Finland, Tel: +358 3 883 020.
coating services, epoxy floor services, water US BASED WOOD BASED
proof epoxy, industrial epoxy floor coating DIODES wants to import. Contact: Terri Merkle,
services and abrasion resistant epoxy floor Truck-Lite Co Inc, 310 East Elmwood Avenue, need. Contact: Mr Scott Bavles, La Qualilty Balasubramanian, Unichem Solutions, 17 V A K Tel: +1 716 6656214. Fax: +1 716 665 6403.
Tel: +1 225 751 4202. Fax: +1 225 751 4296. ● Industrial Supplies
● Electrical & Electronic
from 1/4" up to 4" pressure 2500PSI needed.
FIBER OPTIC EQUIPMENT required by import
We Sell and Export Pumps and Valves for a Trading Co LLC, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, wide rage of industories eg AGRICULTURAL & BULK EXPORTERS AND MANUFACTURERS
Petersburg, Russia, Tel: +7 812 327 8654.
Mixers, Industrial Chemicals,Mining we also OF FRAMES that include pressed metal
window frames, window frames, steel window ELECTRICAL CAST RESIN TRANSFOMERS,
frames, designer window frames, decortive REACTORS, UPS, WSITCHGEARS HV/LV
equipment,Pump Spares etc. Contact: Scott window frames. Contact: Mr Ravindra Shah, DISTRIBUTION We are a reputable
Sen-Harvic Windows Private Ltd, Shed No 2, international Import-Export Agent. We seek to Derwent ave, Benoni Gauteng, South Africa, Plot No 162, GIDC Estate, Pandesara, Surat, represent manufacturers, suppliers and buyers in emerging Afican markets and Worldwide on a commission only basis. Please contact Kelani MANUFACTURER OF WINDOW SCREENS,
● Industry Support Products
screens, cotton window screens, retractable windows screens, sliding window screens, etc.
22,Mhlontlo Avenue,Sunnyridge,Sunset Bay, SAFETY & SECURITY
Contact: Mr R D Raj, ABC Collections, 105 East London Eastern Cape, South Africa, 5201.
Kamraj Nagar, E E Highway, Ghatkoper East, Tel: +27 43 736 1449. Fax: +27 862 325 241.
EQUIPMENT required by import distributor.
import. Contact: Cras NV, Industrielaan 5, B- REACTORS, UPS, WSITCHGEARS HV/LV
Liege, 245, B-4720 La Calamine, Belgium, 8790 Waregem, Belgium, Tel: +32 56603444.
DISTRIBUTION We are a reputable
international Import-Export Agent. We seek to ELEGANCE MARBLES provides wholesale
represent manufacturers, suppliers and buyers products to technical works companies and in emerging Afican markets and Worldwide on a SCIENTIFIC & INDUSTRIAL INSTRUMENTS
engineers, as well as to individuals. Looking for commission only basis. Please contact Kelani PROCESS CONTROL INSTRUMENTS
needed by importer. Contact: Timo Raikko, Contact: Elegance Hydoring Oy, Porakalliontie 2, FIN-21800 Kyro, Marbles, 120 Marathonos Ave, 19009 Pikermi, 22,Mhlontlo Avenue,Sunnyridge,Sunset Bay, East London Eastern Cape, South Africa, 5201.
Tel: +27 43 736 1449. Fax: +27 862 325 241.
and equipment required by import distributor.
required by import distributor. Contact: Aldo Contact: Palcanarias SA, Avetoro 12, Sta Cruz UPS, WSITCHGEARS HV/LV We are a
reputable internation import-export agent seek Tel: +34 922618251. Fax: +34 922 611656. PAINT/PAINT SUPPLIES/ALLIED PRODUCTS
buyers in emerging markets of West Africa, Fax: +39 02 6707 1982. E-mail: and equipment required by import distributor.
South Africa and globally on a commission only Contact: Pascal Gay, Comafranc SA, BP 49, F- basis. Please contact us with your catalogue, 90300 Valdoie, France, Tel: +33 3 84586100.
brochures, price lists along with your terms BATTERIES required by import distributor.
Contact: Roberto Campi, Canepa & Campi body size from 1/4" up to 4" pressure 2500PSI.
Trading Co LLC, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, Avenue,Sunnyridge,Sunset Bay, East London EMINENT WHOLESALERS AND RETAILERS
Tel: +27 43 736 1449. Fax: +27 862 325 241.
casings - OD casing pipe on FOB basis.
electonic tools. Contact: Mr Charlie, VB Power ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES
Contact: Ahsan Iqbal, Al-Haseeb Traders, 8-A Builiding Demolisher, New NO 41, Old No 143, wanted for resale. Contact: Ms kindt, Des HMC Market, Taxila, Punjab 47050, Pakistan, Tel: +92 051 4904656. Fax: +92 051 4904656. design and manufacture of high performance by import distributor. Contact: Guy Lempereur, "Car Air Freshener". Contact: Claudia Wu, Fleurix & Co SA, 8 Av Gramme, Parc Ind'l Nord, Junson International Co Ltd, Taichung, Taiwan B-1300 Wavre, Belgium, Tel: +32 10 241022.
● Machinery
PLASTIC RAW MATERIALS wants to import.
required by import distributor. Contact: Eddy Contact: Iwona Matlok, Suwary SA, Ul. Piotra Merckx NV, Birrebeekstraat 1, B-1860 Meise, Skargi 45/47, PL-95200 Pabianice, Poland, NEW AUTOMATIC SHAPING PLANT
Tel: +48 42 2252200. Fax: +48 42 2145331.
VINCENTINI (in packing) - automatic
production line for cups type "FTV 1180".
Contact: Pavel Polyakov, SVD, Yakutskaya.
PRODUCTS wants to purchase. Contact: Leo
CHEMICALS, dyes and pigments, leather
Toimela, Hafmex Oy, P.L. 35 Luoteisrinne 5, processing chemicals, textile processing and other various inorganic and organic specialty LPG COMPOSITE CYLINDER
chemicals. We also export essential oils like MANUFACTURING plant (Turkey), processing
castor oil, rice bran oil, leather products, coir machinery design service, composite tanks, LOOKING FOR DISTRIBUTORS: WARNING
and coir products, spices, Indian handicraft, ultraviolet (UV) resins for sale. LIGHTS SYSTEM. Specialised in electronnic
silver jewelry etc. Contact: Mr J Kumaresan, J sirens and illuminated warning systems for K International, 58/8 6th East Cross Street, vehicles. Contact: Safak Yilmaz, Zer electronic Co Ltd, Istanbul TUBE MAKING MACHINE Manufacturer of
rollers for high frequency automatic pipe- made from first class monfilament, has flat ● Other Industries
permeability, stable property against heat and Hsing Machinery Co Ltd, 51-1 Hsingdung Rd., AGRICULTURE & FORESTRY
moisture, low thermal shrinking, less elongation WE AT FUSION IMPEX DEALING IMPORT
Tel: +886 4 7588858. Fax: +886 4 7586187. Liu, Hua Tao Paper Machine Fabric Factory, WE MANUFACTURE, SUPPLY, EXPORT and
category of agricultural commodities and brass distribute a wide array of industrial plant and products. Contact: Mr CHEMICALS - BLCO, D2, JP43 FOR SALSES
equipped and are easy to install and operate.
we are marketing the above products. Contact: Akinola Israel, Spobbicon Nig Ltd, 17/19 Allen Engineering Works, No 590/5, N S Road, PO - Rishra, District - Hooghly Kolkata, West Bengal FODDER, CEREALS AND ANIMAL
FOODSTUFFS wants to purchase. Contact: M
N A Hassen, Bairaha Farms plc, 407 Galle Rd, UREA wants to purchase. Contact: Chetan
Colombo 3, Sri Lanka, Tel: +94 11 2575255.
Charan, Charan Enterprise Pvt Ltd, GPO Box are sturdy, handy, light and easy operation, it 13884, 1/219 Kupondole, Kathmandu, Nepal, FODDER, CEREALS & ANIMAL
Tel: +977 1 552 6936. Fax: +977 1 554 3436.
maintenance. Contact: Helen FOODSTUFFS wanted for resale. Contact:
Lin, Swift Tacker Co Ltd, Taichung, Taiwan PLASTIC RAW MATERIALS required by
28004 Madrid, Spain, Tel: +34 91 4477454.
Transportstrasse 3, CH-9450 Altstatten SG, ● Motor & Transport
Fax: +41 71 7571400. E-mail: VEHICLES & PARTS
equipment and supplies required by import AUTO EQUIPMENT/PARTS/SUPPLIES/
distributor. Contact: Henrik FErlov, Ole H Ferlov USED MARINE EQUIPMENT. We can supply
ACCESSORIES wants to purchase. Contact:
marine engine spare parts, diesel engine and Harries Andersen A/S, Ved Klaedebo 1, DK- generator, air compressor, oil separator, 2970 Horsholm, Denmark, Tel: +45 45 861181. E-mail: turbocharger, navigational equipment, hydraulic FOOD & BEVERAGE PROCESSING
pump, hydraulic motor, chilling compressor, equipment and supplies required by import safety equipment and fresh water generators.
distributor. Contact: Albert Manneback, Elemco Contact: Eng Nur Mohammed, Nr Marine & SPRL, Langeveldpark 7, 2-6 P. Bastele, B-1600 General Services, Road-2, Plot-10, Nandan HIGH QUALITY PARTS - BI-METAL
Housing Society, Zanarkhil, Pahartali, PS- BUSHING manufacturer for auto parts engine
industry (OEM). Product lines include Bi-metal bushing, self-lubricating bearing, center beam RESTAURANT/HOTEL/INSTITUTIONAL
bushing, diamond graphited bushing, trust flat EQUIPMENT required by import distributor.
washer, valve plate and solid lubricants plugged Contact: Le Froid Vendeen SARL, Belle Place, MEDICAL EQUIPMENT
bearing. Contact: Huan-ys Tel: +33 2 51375553. Fax: +33 2 51376821. LOOKING FOR WHOLESALERS:
, elastic bandage in firberglass and polyester, LOOKING FOR DISTRIBUTORS: WARNING
Lencya Son, Altochem Co Ltd, 400, Hwasan-ri, LIGHTS SYSTEMS. Zer Electronics specialises
import. Contact: Maurice Herschtal, Lonza Cheoin-gu, Yongin City, Gyeonggi-do 449-832, in electronic sirens and illuminated warning France SARL, 55 Rue Aristide Briand, F-92309 systems for vehicles. Contact: Safak Yilmaz, Zer Elektronic Co Ltd, Tel: +33 1 40899900. Fax: +31 1 40899921.
CAR AIR FRESHENER We specialise in the
PACKAGING PRODUCTS with the trade name
Bio-Vita for shops, supermarkets, mini markets, Carletonville Gauteng, South Africa, 2501. delicatessens, shops of healthy products., Mutlan, ACT 60000, Australia, Products: cereals, fruit dried, nuts, olive oil, pasta, pulses. Contact: Bio-Vita EXHIBITIONS
SA, 4 Metamorfosseos Str, 15354 Glyka Nera, - Or Do You Want To Sell/Buy In South Africa? HEALTH MEDICA 9 - 11 August 2012 at KICC
(Kenyatta International Conference Centre) African based business, and we would like to extend our hand to all of you, who would like to Associates Consultants, Moi Avenue 2nd Floor, do business in South Africa.All products old or COPPER/BRASS/BRONZE/INGOT/CAST
Tel: +254 20 2084754. Fax: +254 20 2075772. IRON AND MINNOX Our company exports
P.O.Box 8314, Carletonville Gauteng, South summer show) 19 - 22 July 2012 at the Donald largest stockists and distributors of non-ferrous E Stephen Convention Center (formerly the Rosemont Convention Centre) 5555 N. River competitive prices. a comprehensive range includes brass and copper extrusions, earthing tape for electrical application as well as local BEAUTY EURASIA 14 - 16 June 2012 at the
mirror-finished sheeting, shimstock, tubing, Tuyap Fair, Convention and Congress Center, please tell what formula of them you need ? different qualities of cast bronze bar, oil Contact: Armstrong Songo, Songo Marketing cast iron solid bar. Furthermore a variety of Import/Export, 49 Condor Street, Sharon Park Beylikduza/Buyucekmece. Contact: Iperyolu & copper based ingot to specification is available.
Darulaceze Cad. Bilas Is Merkezi A Blok No: Tel: +27 72 844 2909. Fax: +27 86 565 7720.
31, Kat2, D: 29, Okmeydani, Istanbul, Turkey, NPK NPK.WATER SULUBLE FERTILIZERS
please tell what formula of them you need ? COMVAC LEADING TRADE FAIR for
Contact: Armstrong Songo, Songo Marketing LOOKING FOR IMPORTERS: RELIABLE
compressed air and vaccum technology. 23 - Import/Export, 49 Condor Street, Sharon Park FREIGHT forwarding solutions: cargo shipping,
air fright/air forwarding, sea freight/ocean Messangelande, Hannover, Germany. Contact: Tel: +27 72 844 2909. Fax: +27 86 565 7720.
forwarding, air and ocean customs brokerage, international road transportation, customs Hannover, Germany, Tel: +49 511 89 32626. ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A SALES
clearning, storage solutions - warehousing and ATX SOUTH leading automation suppliers
REPRESENTATIVE I am a well trained for
logistical, supply chain consulting, air and ocean in bond transit facilities, customs tariff technologies for lean manufacturing, cost consulting, landed costing, marine insurance, reduction, enhanced productivity and six sigma Manufactures, Exporters, Ditributors, and tracing and tracking of order/indent monitoring.
process control. 2 - 3 May 2012 at Charlotte Contact: Tanya Little, Mouse Logistics, Unit 24, Conention Centre, 501 S College St., Charlotte, Airbourne Park, 26 Taaljaard Road, Jet Park, Tel: +1 310 445 4200. Fax: +1 310 996 9499. Import/Export.P.O. Box9868 Sharon Park Nigel AGENTS MULTI-PRODUCT
● Miscellaneous
Import/Export Agency is a South African based neither have I! I am looking for a fellow new INDUSTRIAL FLOOR POLISHER Industrial
business, and we would like to extend our hand agent to partner me in securing our 1st Agency floor polisher for sale/distribution. Contact: Bika to all of you, who would like to do business in Agreement together in the import/export of Ntuli, None Traders, J 1452, Esikhawini KZN, South Africa.All products old or new, you are beverages. Please contact me today, without welcome. Contact: Malizo Golimpi, Rhudulu INDUSTRIA FLOOR POLISHER Industrial floor
polisher for sale/distribution. Contact: Bika ADVERTISING RATES
Ntuli, None Traders, J 1452, Esikhawini KZN, EXPORT DEALERSHIP REQUIRED IN
prospective buyers currently waiting to buy diamonds, gold, platinum and other minerals.
Please contact me directly for further details.
Contact Issac Mfuphi on (T) 07622 77443 or (E) for further details.
Copy deadline: 15th of the month preceding month of publication.
Camera-ready artwork required for display ads.
+44 (0) 161 427 3513 for information, and to book your space.
I’ve recently come across a particularly useful book - the Good Small Business variety of different groups that you might Position key information at the beginning of your letter, and expand on it later. If you have a special offer running, mention If you target customers repeatedly – for reader’s attention and to make them read WRITING A SALES LETTER
Getting started
feel pestered. Sometimes, a sales letter is mail in some shape or form. A sales letter requesting information, and this presents circumstances. A good letter by itself can Describe your product’s benefits clearly Making it happen
product from the customer’s viewpoint.
For example, if the photocopier you offer materials, such as brochures, samples and an instant response, often in the form of what you want the letter to do. List your that there’s no need to invest in a printer points under three headings: Inform, Sell could save. Don’t be afraid to spell out personal visits in the hope of establishing It’s easy to miss out basic information in contact with a client, it’s essential that the a letter in an effort to sell the benefits of sales letter sets the right tone, and this remember that this method doesn’t allow action list explains how to do just that.
if you were selling to them face to face.
brochures, other inserts, an envelope and from current users and case histories. If A sales letter can be used in a variety of them, but make sure that they are sincere, specific to the product and signed by the favourably. Remember: there are limits to will be answered later. It may aim just to raise general awareness about the product asking for it throughout the letter. Make it that includes offers, telesales, etc.
easy for the reader to take the next step, can be supplied through other media.
results of letters with vague objectives, time-limited discount. Give the reader the placing an order. Follow up enquiries for further information promptly with further select group are different from letters to a arrangements are in place before the next go to the trouble of doing this (for future good sales potential, each letter should be grab initial attention and can be used to better to ask someone else to read it over service and helps the reader to decide at a distance than you do: it’s easy to agree glance if the letter is of interest. Break an overview of the contents at a glance.
itself (if you’ve used ‘their’ when you spellchecker won’t pick it up, so a second distinguish your business from the others conversational, warm and easy to read.
being read and not put straight in the bin What to avoid
– materials of an unusual size or colour jargon, fussy grammar and long words.
Use ‘you’ rather than ‘I’ or ‘we’.
Not treating the mailing package as a materials on file so that you can see and Refer frequently to the other parts of your to read the letter several times. It is often ‘Dear Sir/Madam’ if possible and try to a good idea to test a draft letter out on find out the recipient’s name, taking care white is easier to read than the reverse, to spell it correctly. Getting someone’s much – it will lose any impact you might guarantee that your letter is thrown away, have wanted – and it goes without saying unread. Alternatively, you could use more that it’s a nightmare to read very small Not making the most of previous mailings by underlining, italics and bold, but take If your business does a lot of direct-mail example, if you’re selling ski equipment, care not to vary the typeface too much or selling, invest in a personal computer and the reader will be distracted by the look Skier’. Don’t ever use ‘Dear Friend’, rather than the content of the page.
already. This makes it easier to customise the basic letter for a variety of purposes.
Check before you post!
You can also keep a mailing database andcarry out mail merges so that letters can The top of the letter is clearly important Even if you’re in a tearing hurry to get sign-off is just as important, so you could magic, do take time to read it over before use a postscript to announce or reinforce hang of it you’ll find they don’t take long New Global Opportunities is published by Wade World Trade Ltd, Bowden Hall, Bowden Lane, Marple, Stockport SK6 6NE. Websites:, It is our intention to be as accurate in fact, detail, analysis and comment as possible. However, the publishers and their representatives cannot be held responsible for any error in detail, accuracy or judgement whatsoever. This newsletter is sold on this understanding. 2012 Wade World Trade Ltd. All rights reserved.


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