Es ist nicht klar, wie groß die Rolle von Antibiotika in den Wettbewerbsbeziehungen zwischen Mikroorganismen unter natürlichen Bedingungen ist. Zelman vaxman glaubte, dass diese Rolle minimal ist, Antibiotika werden nicht anders als in reinen Kulturen auf reichen Umgebungen gebildet. Anschließend wurde jedoch festgestellt, dass bei vielen Produzenten die Aktivität der antibiotikasynthese in Gegenwart anderer Arten oder spezifischer Produkte Ihres Stoffwechsels zunimmt.
Microsoft word - woodruff biblio done.doc
Michael Francis Addison Woodruff Bibliography Michael Francis Addison Woodruff—Bibliography
(With R. Douglas Wright) The diagnosis, incidence and treatment of avitaminosis A and D in obstructive jaundice. Aust. N.Z. J. Surg.,10, 135-145.
(With R.L.R. Sampimon) Some observations concerning the use of hypnosis as a substitute for anaesthesia. Med. J. Aust.,1, 393-395.
Intraperitoneal haemorrhage of unusual aetiology, with a report of two cases. Brit. J. Surg.,35, 311- 313.
(With B. Forman) Evidence for the production of circulating antibodies by honografts of lymphoid tissue and skin. Brit. J. exp. Path.,31, 306- 315.
(With Hazel G. Woodruff) The transplantation of normal tissues: with special reference to auto- and homotransplants of thyroid and spleen in the anterior chamber of the eye, and subcutaneously, in guinea-pigs. Phil. Trans. B.,234, 559-582.
Some impressions of medical schools in the U.S.A. Zodiac, 2, 111- 112.
The effect.of antilymphocytic serum on circulating antibody levels. J.Immunol.,67, 57-62.
(With B. Forman) Effect of antilymphocytic serum on suspensions of lymphocytes in vitro. Nature Lond.,168, 35-36.
A new type of blood film for differential counts. J. clin. Path., 5, 108- 110.
Spontaneous perforation of the large bowel. Ann. Surg., 135, 221-227. Lancet, 2, 779.
Hunterian Lecture - The transplantation of homologous tissue and its surgical applications. Ann. R. Coll. Surg, Engl., ll, 173-194.
John Hunter and the Hunterian tradition in surgery.
Surgical replacement therapy. Postgrad. med. J., 28, 534-539.
The effect of cortisone and thyrotrophin on auto- and homografts of thyroid tissue in guinea pigs. Proc. Univ. Otago med. Sch., 3l, 9-10.
The university and surgery. Lancet, 2, 1219-1222.
(With T.M. Allan) Blood groups and the homograft problem. Brit. J. plast. Surg., 5, 238-242.
(With Thelma Boswell) The effect of cortisone and ACTH on adrenal transplants in the rat. J. Endocrin., 10, 86-93.
A human blood group chimera. Brit. med. J.,2, 1103.
The effect of cortisone and thyrotrophin on thyroid transplants in the guinea-pig. J. Endocrin., 11, 1- 6.
(With R.C. Nairn) Epithelioma complicating lupus vulgaris necessitating forequarter amputation. Brit. J. Surg.,41, 489-492.
The behaviour of skin homografts in normal and thyroidectomised rabbits. Proc. Univ. Otago med. Sch., 32, 15.
An unusual case of thrombophlebitis and a new type of venogram. Aust. N.Z. J. Surg., 24, 149-150.
(With L.O. Simpson) Induction of acquired tolerance to homologous tissue. Proc. Univ. Otago med. Sch., 32, 12-13.
(With Thelma Boswell) The effect of phenergan (promethazine hydrochloride on homografts of skin and thyroid in the guinea-pig. Brit. J. plast. Surg., 7, 211-216.
The "critical period" of homografts. Transpl. Bull., 1, 221.
(With R.C. Nairn) "Paraffinoma" of the rectum. Ann. Surg., 141, 536- 540.
(With L.O. Simpson) Experimental skin grafting in rats, with special reference to split skin grafts. Plast. reconstr. Surg., 15, 451-458.
(With J.G. Llaurado) The effect of 9 alpha-halocortisols and prednisone on the survival of skin homografts in rabbits. Proc. Univ. Otago med.Sch., 33, 31-32.
(With J. Borrie) A technique for hypothermia in sheep. Proc. Univ. Otago med. Sch., 33,.33-34.
(With J.H. Stewart and R.D.H. Stewart) The storage of rat thyroid tissue at sub-zero temperatures. Proc. Univ. Otago med. Sch., 33, 26- 27.
(With L.O. Simpson) Induction of tolerance to skin homografts in rats by injection of cells from the prospective donor soon after birth. Brit. J. exp. Path., 36, 494-499.
(With J.G. Llaurado) The effect of systemic administration of fluoro and chloro-cortisol and prednisone, and local application of fluoro- cortisol, on skin homografts in rabbits. Plast. reconstr. Surg., 18, 251- 259.
The effects of local hypothermia in increasing tolerance of the kidney to ischemia. Transpl. Bull., 4,15-17.
Can tolerance to homologous skin be induced in the human infant at birth? Transpl. Bull., 4, 26-28.
Postpartum induction of tolerance to homologous skin in rats. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci., 64, 792-797.
Cellular and humoral factors in the immunity to skin homografts: experiments with a porous membrane. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci., 64, l0l4- 1026. (1957. Abstr. Tramspl. Bull., 3, 74)
(With J.G. Llaurado and V.T. Pearse) Corticoid replacement after adrenalectomy with special reference to the use of fluorohydrocortisone. Aust. N.Z. J. Surg., 26, 297-301.
(With J.G. Llaurado) The stimulus to postoperative transient aldosteronism. Proc. Univ. Otago med. Sch., 35, 19-21.
(With J.G. Llaurado) Postoperative transient aldosteronism. Surgery, 42, 313-324.
surgery of replacement. J. R. Coll. Surg. Edinb., 3, 19-25.
(With Margaret Sparrow) Further observations on the induction of tolerance of skin homografts in rats. Transpl. Bull., 4, 157-159.
Advances in Surgery. Practitioner, 179, 364-368.
immunity and the immunological problem of pregnancy. Proc. roy. Soc. B., 148, 68-
La tolerance immunogique et le problem clinique des homogreffes. In: La Biologic des Homogreffes. Colloques Internationaux du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique. Paris. No. 78, pp. 261- 271.
(With P.B. Medawar) The induction of tolerance by skin homografts on newborn rats. Immunology, l, 27-35.
(With Margaret Sparrow) Induction of tolerance to homografts of thyroid adrenal in rats. Quart. J. exp. Physiol., 43, 91-105.
immunologische Toleranz. Klin. Wschr., 36, 245-254. Univ. Edinb. J., 19, 14-21.
(With J.G. Llaurado) Some observations on the mechanism of postoperative transient aldosteronism with special reference early changes in serum electrolyte levels. Surgery, 43, 787-794.
Evidence of adaptation in homografts of normal tissue. In: Biological problems of grafting. Les Congres et Colloques de l’Universite de Liege, 12, 83-90.
(With B. Lennox) Reciprocal skin grafts in a pair of twins showing blood chimaerism. Lancet, 2, 476- 478.
(With N.F. Anderson, E.J. Delorme and D.C. Simpson) An improved technique for intravenous injection of newborn rats and mice. Nature Lond., 184, 1952-1953.
(With N.F. Anderson and E.J. Delorme) Induction of runt disease in rats by injection of thoracic duct lymphocytes at birth. Transpl. Bull., 7, 93-97.
Legal aspects of homografting. Lancet, 1, 874.
The biological basis of individuality. Res Medica, 2, 36-39.
Reconstruction of the ureter. J. R. Coll. Surg. Edinb., 5, 230-231.
The biological basis of individuality. Med. Times, 89, 114-118.
The current status of organ transplantation in human beings. Med. Times, 89, 133-138. (+ Panel Discussion)
New approaches to the treatment of cancer. J. R. Coll. Surg. Edinb., 6, 75-92.
Unsuccessful attempts to eliminate selectively clones of immunologically competent cells. Transpl. Bull., 27, 447-451.
(With J.S. Robson, J.A. Ross, B. Nolan and Anne T. Lamb) Transplantation of a kidney from an identical twin. Lancet., 1, 1245- 1249.
(With J.G. Howard) Effect of the graft-versus-host reaction on the immunological responsiveness of the mouse. Proc. roy. Soc. B., 154, 532-539,
(With D. Michie and Irmgard M. Zeiss) An investigation of immunological tolerance based on chimaera analysis. Immunology, 4, 413-424.
Intravenous replacement of human splenic tissue. Lancet, 2, 689-690.
(With R.W. Reilly) Induction of tolerance of rat skin in new born mice. Transpl. Bull., 28, 39-42.
The outlook for transplantation of the kidney in man. Proc.roy. Soc. Med., 54, 1150-1153.
Renal transplantation: Effects of publicity. Lancet, 2, 1221.
(With M. Fox, Karin A. Buckton and Patricia A. Jacobs) The recognition of human blood chimaeras. Lancet, 1, 192-194.
(With J.S. Robson, R. McWhirter, B. Nolan, T.I. Wilson, Anne T. Lambie, Joan M. McWilliam and Mary K. MacDonald) Transplantation of a kidney from a brother to sister. Brit. J. Urol., 34, 3-14.
(With M.O. Symes) The significance of splenomegaly in tumour- bearing mice. Brit. J. Cancer, 16, 120-130.
(With D. Michie) Induction of specific immunological tolerance of homografts in adult mice by sublethal irradiation and injection of donor-type spleen cells in high dosage. Proc. roy. Soc. B., 156, 280- 288.
Prolonged survival of skin homografts in adult mice following sub- lethal irradiation, injection of donor-strain spleen cells and administration of A-methopterin. Nature, Lond., 195, 727-728.
(With J.G. Howard and D. Michie) Transplantation tolerance and immunity in relation to age. In: Ciba Foundation Symposium on "Transplantation". Ed. Wolstonaolme, G.E.W. and Cameron, M.P. pp. 138-153. London: Churchill.
(With M.O. Symes) Evidence of loss of tumour-specific antigen on repeatedly transplanting a tumour in the strain of origin. Brit. J. Cancer, 16, 484-488.
(With M.O. Symes) The use of immunologically competent cells in the treatmont of cancer: Experiments with a transplantable mouse tumour. Brit. J. Cancer, 16, 707-715.
Transplantation of the kidney. Medical News, January 4.
(With S. Shwatz) Blood veseel replacement with grafts prepared from atherosclerotic arteries. Observations on the behaviour of heterografts in dogs. J. surg. Res., 3, 12-20. Ciba Foundation Study Group No. 16. The Immunologically Competent Cell, pp. 4-5.
Eds G.B.W. Wolstenholme and Julie Knight). London: Churchill.
Medical ethics and controlled trials. Brit. med. J., 1, 1339.
(With J. Richmond, R.A. Cumming and K.W. Donald) A case of idiopathic thrombocytopenia and autoimmune haemolytic anaemia. Lancet, 2, 125-128.
(With M.O. Symes and A.E. Stuart) The effect of rat spleen cells on two transplanted mouse tumours. Brit. J. Cancer, 17, 320-327.
(With B. Nolan) Preliminary observations on treatment of advanced cancer by injection of allogeneic spleen cells. Lancet, 2, 426-429.
(With J.S. Robson. B. Nolan, Anne T. Lambie, T.I. Wilson and. J.G. Clark) Homotransplantation of the kidney in patients treated by preoperative local irradiation and postoperative administration of an anti-metabolite (Imuran) Report of six cases. Lancet, 2, 675-682.
Therapeutic implications of recent developments in transplantation biology. Proc. roy. Soc. Med., 56, 940-944.
Surgical transplantation in theory and practice. New Scientist, 3rd October, pp. 12-13.
(With N.F. Anderson) Effect of lymphocyte depletion by thoracic duct fistula and administration of antilymphocytic serum on the survival of skin homografts in rats. Nature Lond., 200, 702.
(With M.O. Symes and N.F. Anderson) The effect of intraperitoneal injection of thoracic duct lymphocytes from normal and inmiunized rats in mice inoculated with the Landschutz ascites tumour. Brit. J. Cancer, 17, 482-486.
The management of patients given whole-body irradiation or antimetabolites to promote the survival of a renal homotransplant. Clin. Radiol., 15, 30-34.
Immunity and the treatment of cancer. Lancet, 1, 718-719.
Ethical problems in organ transplantation. Brit. med. J., 1, 1457-1460.
(With Miles Fox) Effect of whole burly irradiation on the rate of increase of blood urea nitrogen following bilateral nephrectomy in rats and rabbits. Nature, Lond., 202, 918-919.
Immunological aspects of cancer. Lancet, 2, 265-270.
Transplantation of the kidney in man. Triangle, 6, 203-216.
(With N.F. Anderson) The effect of lymphocyte depletion by thoracic duet fitula and administration of antlymphcytic serum on the survival of skin homografts in rats Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci., 120, 119-128.
(With J.L. Boak) Modified technique for collecting mouse thoracic duct lymph. Nature, Lond., 205, 396-397.
(With D.L. Stickel) Les souris de Nouvelle Zelande. Rev. franc. Dtud. clin. biol., 10, 25-27.
(With J.L. Boak) Inhibitory effect of pro-immunized CBA spleen cells on transplants of A-strain mouse mammary carcinoma in (CBA x A) F1 hybrid recipients. Brit. J. Cancer, 19, 411-417.
Specific immunological tolerance. Lect. sci. Basis Med., 120-140.
Biological acid clinical aspects of organ transplantation. Brit. med. Bull., 21, 176-180.
La transplantation renale chez l’homme. A propos de treize cas personnels. Rev. ass. Med. Lang. franc., 1, 104-112.
(With N.F. Anderson.) Anti-rat-lymphocyte plasma. Lancet, 2, 238. (Letter to Lancet).
(With E.S. Lindsey and G.W.K. Donaldson) Erythrocyte survival in normal mice and in mice with autoimmune haemolytic anemia. Clin. exp. Immunol., 1, 85-98.
(With A. Doig, K.W. Donald and B. Nolan) Renal autotransplantation. Lancet, 1, 433.
(With J.L. Boak) Inhibitory effect of injection of C. parvum on the growth of tumour transplants in isogenic hosts. Brit. J. Cancer, 20, 345-355.
The one and the many. Aust. J. exp. Biol. med. Sci., 44, 1.
Letter to Editor. Brit. med. J., 1, 918.
and antilymphocyte serum. Lancet, 1, 980.
Letter to Editor. Brit. med. J., 2, 1070.
H.M. Abaza, B. Nolan and J.G. Watt) The effect of antilymphocytic serum on the survival of
renal homotransplants in dogs. Transplantation, 4, 618-632.
H.M. Abaza) In vitro assay of antilymphocytic serum. Rev franc. Etud. clin. biol., 11, 821-827.
Experience with transplantation of the kidney in man. Ann. roy. Coll. Surg, Engl., 39, 178-183.
N.F. Anderson and H.M. Abaza) Experiments with antilymphocytic serum. In: The Lymphocyte in Immunology and Haemopoiesis. Ed. J.M.Yoffey. London: Edward Arnold. pp. 286-291.
(With G.J.A. Clunie) Chronic haemodialysis. Brit. med. J.,1, 1597.
Transplantation: the clinical prblem. In: Ciba Foundation Symposium on Ethics in Medical Progress. Eds. G.E.W. Wolstonholme and M. O’Connor. London: Churchill. pp. 6-14.
relation to organ transplantation. Proc. roy. Soc. Med., 60, 128-130.
serum as an immunosuppressive agent. In: Transplantation von Organen un Geweben. Eds. K.E. Seiffert and R. Geissendorfer. Stuttgart: George Thieme Verlag. pp. 93-97.
Resume and general aspects in transplantation research. In: Transplantation von Organen un Geweben. Eds. K.E. Seiffert and R. Geissendorfer. Stuttgart: George Thieme Verlag. pp. 236-240.
Antilymphocyte serum: Summary and further observations. Transplantation, 5, 1127.
considerations in the treatment of cancer. Bull. Tulane med. Fac., 26, 231-238. (20th
(With E.S. Lindsey) The effect of irradiation and infusion of marrow and spleen cells on autoimmun anaemia in NZB/B1 mice. Proc. roy. Soc. Med., 60, 826. Lancet, 2, 1313. (Letter to Lancet).
(With K. James, N.F. Andcrson and B.L. Reid) In vivo and in vitro properties of antilymphocytic serum. In: Ciba Foundation Study Group on Antilymphocytic Serum. Eds. G.E.W. Wolstenholme and M. O’Connor. London: Churchill. pp. 57-68.
Effect of antilymphocytic antibody on skin homograft survival and the blood lymphoyte count in rats. Lancet, 1, 1126-1128. Proc. roy. Soc. Med., 60, 1200-1201.
properties of antilymphocyte serum. J. clin. Path., 20, 466.
B.L. Reid and K. James) The effect of antilymphocytic antibody and antibody fragments on
human lymphocytes in vitro. Nature, Lond., 215, 591-594.
(With J.G. Clark and K. James) Elimination of normal horse IgG labelled with Iodine-131 in rats receiveing horse anti-rat lymphocytic IgG. Nature, Lond., 215, 869-870.
B.L. Reid and K. James) Quantitative studies with antilymphocytic antibody. Nature, Lond.,
216, 758-762.
(With E.S. Lindsey) Infusion of marrow and spleen cells in irradiated NZB/B1 mice. Brit. J. Haemat., 14, 255-260.
Anderson, J.G. Clark, K. James and B.L. Reid) Biological properties of antilymphocytic
antibody and antibody fragments. In: Advance in Transplantation. Eds. J. Dausset, J. Homburger and G. Mathe. Copenhagen: Munksgaard. pp. 103-106.
of antilymphocytic antibody. Nature, Lond., 217, 821-824. Brit. med. J., 4, 120-121.
Damages against doctors. Brit. med. J., 4, 643.
(With K. James) Antilymphocyte serum. Lancet, 2, 356.
Edinburgh Transplantation Unit. Brit. med. J., 3, 433.
(With B.Nolan, J.H. Bowie and J.C.Gould) The Nuffield Transplantation Surgery Unit. Lancet, 1, 905-908.
(With G.J.A Clunie, B. Nolan, K. James and J.G. Watt) Prolongation of canine renal allograft survival with antilymphocyte serum. Transplantation, 6, 459-467.
Immunological basis of organ transplantation. Lagenbacks Arch. Klin. Chir., 322, 61. (Die immunologischen Grundlagen der Organtransplantation).
(With N.F. Anderson and K. James) The effect of acid treatment on the immunosuppressive properties of antilymphocytic IgG. Nature, Lond., 218, 771-773.
(With Miss Lindsay H. Smith) Comparative effect of two strains of C. parvum on phagocytic activity and tumour growth. Nature Lond., 219, 197-198.
(With H. Matthew, A. Logan and B. Heard) Paraquat poisoning - lung transplantation. Brit. med. J., 2, 759-763.
Advances in transplantation surgery. Practitioner, 201, 676-683.
(With R.S. Howard and N. Asfis) Comparative immunogenicity of antilymphocytic globulin in solution and adsorbed on lymphocytes. Nature, Lond., 220, 816-818.
Ethical problems. In: Advance in Transplantation. Eds. J. Dausset, J. Hamburger and G. Mathe. Copenhagen: Munksgaard. pp 723-724.
Antibiot. et Chemother. (Basel), 15, 234-249.
Immunosuppression by antilymphocytic serum. Excerpta Medica Monograph “Organ Transplantation Today”, pp. 90-102.
The ethics of organ transplantation. In: Institute of Biology Syposium on “Biology and Ethics”. pp. 85-92. London: Academic Press.
Immunosuppression and its complications. Royal Society of Medicine Presidential Address. Proc. roy. Soc. Med., 62, 411-416.
(With B. Nolan, J.S. Robson and M.K. MacDonald) Experience with renal tranplantation in man. Lancet, l, 6-12.
Letter to Editor. Lancet, 1, 672.
The challenge of osteosarcoma. Ann. roy.Coll. Surg. Engl., 44, 299-307. (Watson-Jones Lecture).
and antilymphocytic serum. Endeavour, 28, 65-67.
Introduction to Symposium on Anti-Lymphocytic Antibody. Proc. roy. Soc. Edinb. B., 70, Part IV, 313-316.
The organisation of a transplant unit. Studium Generale, 23, 313-318.
(With Miss Lindsay H. Smith) Cytotoxic efficiency and effect on tumour growth of heterospecific antilymphocytic and antitumour sera. Nature, Lond., 225, 377-379.
What kind of University? Lancet, 1, 185.
(With R.G. Dalton, J.L. Touraine and N.F. Anderson) Effect of route of administration of antilymphocytic globulin on skin allograft survival in rats. Nature, Lond., 2, 1140-1141.
The mode of action of antilymphocytic antibody. International Symposium on ALS. Symp. Series immunobiol. Standard., 16, 379- 388 Basel: Karger.
(With R.Y. Calne, R. Shackman, B. Nolan and J. Petrie) Kidney Transplant Registry Figures. Letter to Lancet. Lancet, l, 671-672.
Chatterjee, N.F. Anderson, M. Bonfiglio and K. James) Effects of allogenic lymphocytes
on induction of tolerance in ALG treated X-irradiated rats. Transplantation, 10, 197-199.
Biological aspects of individuality. (Lister Oration 1970) Ann. roy. Coll. Surg. Engl., 47, 1-13.
Promotor's Address, Medical and Law Graduation Ceremony, 15.7.70. Senatus Academicus Minutes, 21, 1040-1043.
Immunotherapy of cancer - Introductory Remarks. (Royal Medical Society Symposium). Brit. med. J., 4, 486-487.
Health Service. Letter to The Times, 29th December.
Summary: Conference on Cross-species Transplantation. Transplant. Proc., 2, 557-559.
(With Miss Lindsay H. Smith) Cytotoxic efficiency and effect on tumour growth of heterospecific antilymphocytic and antitumour sera. In: Le Serum Antilymphocytaire. Colloques Intrenationaux du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Paris. No. 190, pp. 419-434.
Caspary and E.J. Field) Non-species specificity of antilymphocyte serum.
Transplantation, 11, 170-174.
serum and its mode of action. Transplant. Proc., 3, 34-40.
(Wth K. James, Diane M. Pullar, J.B. Morton, R.G. Dalton and B. Nolan) The intravenous administration of equine antilymphocytic globulin in renal transplant recipients and the detection of circulating antibodies to equine globulin. Clin. exp. Immunol., 8, 529-542.
(With D. Hughes, J.E. Newman and E.J. Field) Lack of anti-macrophage species specificity in anti- lymphocytic serum. Nature, New Biol., 230, 211-213.
(With J.S. McLaughlin and R. Roig) Surgical treatment of strictures of the oesophagus in patients with sclaroderma. J. thorac. cardiovasc. Surg, 61, 641-645.
(With A. McL. Jenkins) The effect of prior administration of donor strain blood or blood constituents on the survival of cardiac allografts in rats. Transplantation, 12, 57-60.
M.P. Inchley) Cytolytic efficiency of rabbit-anti-mouse antilymphocytic globulin and its
augmentation by antiglobulin. Clin. exp. Immunol.
(With M.P. lnchley) Synergistic inhibition of mammary carcinoma transplants in A-strain mice by antitumour globulin and C. parvum. Brit. J. Cancer, 25, 584-593.
Cardiac Transplantation Today. Letter to Editor. Brit. med. J., 4, 486.
(With Anne Kingston, D.G. Harnden, B. Nolan and J.S. Robson) Studies on the lymphocytes of patients with renal homografts. Transplantation, 12, 305-309.
(With M.P. Inchley and Noreen Dunbar) Further observations on the effect of C. parvum and anti- tumour globulin on syngeneically transplanted mouse tumour. Brit.J.Cancer, 26, 67-76. Harvey Lectures, Series 66, 161-176.
contribution of animal experiments to the surgery of replacement. Conquest, 163, 3-7. (Stephen
Paget Memorial Lecture, Research Defence Society)
Using doctors as administrators. Letter to Editor, The Times, June 9th.
Immunosuppression in relation to renal transplantation. In: Immunology &Transplantation of Tissue and Organ,197, Eds G.B.Ferrara, G.A.Azzolina and S.A.Eufrate. pp.149-15Q. Rome: Santani. (National Association of Biologists, Florence,)
Cancer - the elusive enemy. Proc. R. Soc. London. B., 183, 87-104. (Review Lecture to the Roy.Soc, November 1972)
(With Noreen Dunbar) The effect of Corynebacterium parvum and other reticuloendothelial stimulants on transplanted tumours in mice. Ciba Foundation Symposium, New Series 18, Immunopotentiation. Eds G.E.W.Wolstenholme and J. Knight. pp.287-303,. Amsterdam: ASP.
Specific Immunosuppression of cardiac allograft rejection in rats. Transplant. Proc., 5, 727-732.
(With Noreen Dunbar and A. Ghaffar) The growth of tumours in T-cell deprived mice and their response to treatment with Corynebacterium parvum. Proc. Roy. Soc. B. Lond., 184, 97-102.
(With W.H. McBride and Noreen Dunbar) Tumour growth, phagocytic activity and antibody response C.parvum-treated mice. Clin. exp. Immunol.17, 509-518.
Nonspecific effects of Corynebacterium on systemic immunity responses. In: Recent Results in Cancer Research, 47, 272-274,. (Paris Cancer Symposia, June, 1972)
(With A. Ghaffar, R.T. Cullen and Noreen Dunbar) Anti-tumour effect in vitro of lymphocytes and macrophages from mice treated with C. parvum. Brit. J. Cancer, 29, 199-205.
(With Noreen Dunbar) The effect of cell dose and distribution on the development of a transplanted tumour. Europ. J. Cancer, 10, 533-537.
(With G.J.A. Clunie, W.H. McBride, R.J.M. MacCormack, P.R. Walbaum and K. James) The effect of intravenous and intramuscular injection of C- parvum in man. Allergie et Immunologie, 6, 201-202. French Title: L’effet de l’injection intraveineuse et intramusculaire de Corynebacterium parvum chez l’homme.
(With J.G. Robertson and F. Cockburn) Successful pregnancy after cadaveric renal transplantation. J. Obstet. Gynaec. Brit. Commonwlth., 81, 777-780.
Tumour inhibitory properties of anaerobic corynebacteria. Transplant. Proc., 7, 229-232.
(With A. Ghaffar and R.T. Cullen) Further analysis of the antitumour effect in vitro of peritoneal exudate cells from mice treated with Corynebacterium parvum. Brit. J. Cancer, 31, 15-24.
(With W.H.McBride, Joan Dawes, Noreen Dunbar and A. Ghaffar) A comparative study of anaerobic coryneforms. Attempts to correlate their antitumour activity with their serological properties and ability to stimulate the lymphoreticular system. Immunology, 28, 49-58.
Mechanism underlying anti-tumour effect of C. parvum. Transplant. Proc., 7, 525-527.
Organ Transplantation - Retrospect and Prospect. J. Roy. Coll. Surg. Edin., 20, 96-106. (Liston Victoria Jubilee Memorial Lecture).
If I were a patient. Lecture to Derby Memorial Society, 7th January. Unpublished.
(With Noreen Dunbar) Effect of local injection of C. parvum on the growth of a murine fibrosarcoma. Brit.J.Cancer, 32, 34-41.
(With K. James, G.J.A. Clunie, W.H. McBride, W.G.Stimson, R. Drew and D. Catty) The effect of Corynebacterium parvum therapy on immunolglobulin class and IgC subclass levels in cancer patients. Brit.J.Cancer, 32, 310-322,.
(With G.J.A. Clunie, W.H. McBride, R.J.M. MacCormack, P.R. Walbaum and K. James) The effect of intravenous and intramuscular injection of Corynebacterium parvum. In: Corynebacterium parvum: Applications in Experimental and Clinical Oncology Ed. B.Halpern. pp. 383-388. Plenum Press: New York and London.
The renaissance of immunology. N.Z.Med. J., 83, 1-4.
(With B. Nolan, J.L. Anderton, G.M. Abouna, A.McL. Jenkins and J.B.Morton) Long term survival after renal transplantation in man. Brit.J.Surg., 63, 85-101. Nature, 258, 776. Clinical Oncology, 2, 3-9, (Moynihan Lecture 9.7.75 at Royal College of
(With A. Ghaffar, Noreen Dunbar and Valerie L. Whitehead) The effect of C. parvum on immunization with irradiated tumour cells. Brit. J.Cancer, 33, 491-495.
(With A. Ghaffar and V. L. Whitehead) Modification of the effect of C. parvum on macrophage activity and tumour growth by X- irradiation. Int. J. Cancer, 17, 652-658.
And ghosts shall drive you on. Macewen Memorial Lecture, University of Glasgow.
Problem solving in science. In: CIBA Foundation Symposium, New Series 44, Research and Medical Practice Eds G.E.W.Wolstenholme and M.O’Connor. pp.97-114,. North Holland: Elsevier/Excerpta Medica.
Clinical research in oncology. Clinical Oncology, 2, 289-291.
(With N.L. Warner) Effect of Corynebacterium parvum on tumour growth in normal and athymic (nude) mice. J. Natl. Cancer Inst., 58 111-116.
(With E. Hitchcock and V. Whitehead) Effect of C. parvum and active specific immunotherapy on intracerebral transplants of a murine fibrosarcoma. Br. J. Cancer, 35, 687-692.
(With V. Whitehead) Mechanism of inhibition of immunization with irradiated tumour cells by a large dose of Corynebacterium parvum. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B. 197, 505-514.
(With K. James, W.H. McBride and N. Willmot) Serological changes associated with C. parvum treatment in nude mice. Br. J. Cancer. 35, 684-686.
(With N. L. Warner and R.C. Burton) Inhibition of the growth of lymphoid tumours in syngeneic athymic (nude) mice. Int. J. Cancer. 20, 146-155.
Prospects for immunotherapy. In: Develoments in Biological Standarization, Vol 38 (A.H. Griffith and R. H. Regamey Eds.), pp. 573-580. S. Karger, Basel.
(218) 1977 Prospects for immunology of solid tumours. Prog. in Immunol. 3, 579- 581. (219)
(With V. L. Whitehead and G. Speedy) Studies with a spontaneous mouse tumour. I. Growth in normal mice and response to Corynebacterium parvum. Br. J. Cancer. 37, 345-355.
(With G. Speedy) Inhibition of chemical carcinogenesis by Corynebacterium parvum. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B. 201, 209-215. (Comment in New Scientist also included). Br. J. Surg. 66, 297-301.
Current state of clinical immunotherapy. Transplant. Proc. 11, 1077- 1081.
The aetiology of cancer. J. R. Coll. Surg. Edinb. 25, 1-7.
Inhibition of chemical carcinogenesis. In: Cancer Immunology and Parasite Immunology (L. Israel, P. Lagrange and J.C. Salamon, eds.), pp. 267-270. Inserm. Paris.
The Master Surgeon. J. R. Coll. Surg. Edinb. 26, 257-263. Nature (Lond.)290, 173.
(227) 1981 (With J. Bard, A. Ross and G. Forbes) Cellular basis for the loss of carcinogen of
methylcholanthrene-impregnated Millipore membrane. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B,. 211, 269-286.
Forbes and J. Gordon) Immunogenicity, macrophage sensitivity, and therapeutic response to
C.parvum of fibrosarcomas induced in C. parvum-treated and untreated mice. Cancer Immunol. Immunother. 12, 255-258.
(With G. Forbes and G. Speedy) Further studies on the inhibition of chemical carcinogenesis by Corynebacterium parvum. Cancer Immunol. Immunoth. 12, 259-265.
Interaction of cancer and host. Br. J. Cancer. 46, 313-322. (The Walter Hubert Lecture, 1982).
(With W.H. McBride, G.M. Forbes and K. Moore) Effect of C. parvum on the number and activity of macrophages in primary and transplanted murine fibrosarcomas. Br. J. Cancer. 46, 448-451.
(With J.D. Ansell, G.M. Forbes, J.C. Gordon, D.I. Burton and H.S. Micklem) Clonal interaction in tumours. Nature (Lond.)229, 822-824. Cyclosporin A (D.J.G. White ed.) pp. 569- 573. Elsevier, Amsterdam.
Some topics of common interest to developmental biologists and oncologists. In: Stability and Switching in Cellular Differentiation (R.M. Clayton and D.E.S. Truman, eds), pp. 7-12. Plenum Press, London.
(With J.J. van Rood) Possible implications of the effect of blood transfusion on allograft survival. Lancet. 1, 1201-1203.
Cellular heterogeneity in tumours. Br. J. Cancer, 47, 589-594.
(With P.Walbaum) A phase-II trial of Corynebacterium parvum as adjuvant to surgery in the treatment of operable lung cancer. Cancer Immunol. Immunotherapy. 16, 114-116.
(With J.D. Ansell, B.A. Hodson and H.S. Micklem) Specificity of tumour associated transplantation antigens (TATA) of different clones from the same tumour. Br. J. Cancer49, 5-10.
(With B.A. Hodson and J.D. AnseIl). Transplantability of tumour cell clones before and after passage in immunodeficient hosts. Br. J. Cancer49, 396-397.
(With B.A. Hodson) Tumour-associated transplantation antigens. Immunol. Today5, 310. (Editorial comment also included).
(With N.W. Nisbet) John Charnley, 1911-1982. Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society30, 118-137.
(With B.A. Hodson) The effect of passage in vitro and in vivo on the properties of murine fibrosarcomas. I. Tumorigenicity and immunogenicity. Br. J. Cancer51, 161-169.
(With B.A. Hodson) The effect of passage in vitro and in vivo on the properties of murine fibrosarcomas. II. Sensitivity to cell-mediated cytotoxicity in vitro. Br. J. Cancer52, 233-240.
(With J.D. AnselI) On the clonaIity of tunours. Br. J. Cancer52, 407.
The immunology of host-tumour relationships. Nature (London). 317, 582.
What's going on in the cancer patient? Pathology18, 175-180.
The cytolytic and regulatory role of natural killer cells in experimental neoplasia. Biochim. Biophys. Acta865, 43-57.
(With B.A. Hodson and D.L. Deane) The effect of passage in vivo and in vitro on the properties of murine fibrosarcomas. III Cell surface molecules and production of growth factors. Br. J. Cancer.54, 623- 629.
(With J.D. Ansell and B.A. Hodson). The provenance of cells in sarcomas induced in chimaeric mice. Br. J. Cancer54, 853-855.
(With J.D. Ansell, B.A. Hodson and R.B. Potts) Oligoclonal tumours. Int. J. Cancer 38, 747-751.
My introduction to transplantation. The Scientist17, 1 (11).
Tumor clonality and its biological significance. Adv. Cancer Res.50, 197-229.
Scientific research as a competitive sport. Address to The Baltimore Monthly Medical Reunion. February.
interface between science and medicine. The Halford Oration, University of Melbourne. August.
Chiron3, 4-10.
The choice for mankind in relation to biology and medicine. In: Options for Humanity. The Sir Couglas Wright Symposium. Queens College, University of Melbourne, August. (Publ. 1988).
Picken as seen from Queens. The Ormond Newsletter47, 8. Current opinion in Immunology1, 910-912.
Peter Brian Medawar. Obituary Notice. Royal Society of Edinburgh Yearbook, 64-66.
Citation classics commentary. Current Contents 17 (42), 17.
Nature331, 6153.
Hommage a Bernard Halpern. Citation au College de France.
Transplantation and cancer control: A lifetime of research. Proc. R. Coll. Physicians Edinb.22, 390- 399. Books (263)
(With A. Dean Smith) Deficiency Diseases in Japanese Prison Camps. M.R.C Special Report No. 274. H.M. Stationary Office, London.
(264) 1954 Surgery for Dental Students. Blackwell, Oxford. (4th. Ed., 1984 with H.E. Berry). (265) 1960 The Transplantation of Tissues and Organs. Charles C. Thomas. Springfield, Illinois. (266) 1970 The one and the Many: Edwin Stevens Lectures for the Laity. Royal Society of Medicine, London. (267) 1976 On Science and Surgery. Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh. (268)
The Interaction of Cancer and Host: Its Therapeutic Significance. Grune Stratton, New York.
Cellular Variation and Adaptation in Cancer: Biological Basis and Therapeutic Consequences. Oxford University Press.
Chapters in Books (270)
Transplantation of Tissues and Organs. In: Recent Advances in Surgery (S. Taylor, ed.), pp. 64-79. Churchill, London.
Transplants: Tissue and Organ. In: Encyclopaedia Britannica. Vol. 22, pp. 407-408.
Homograft Reaction. In: Clinical Aspects of Immunology (P.G.H. Gell and R.R.A. Coombsk,
(With B. Nolan) Organ and Tissue Transplantation. In: Clinical Surgery (C.Rob and R.Smith, eds.), pp. 263-271. Butterworth, London.
Introduction to Symposium on Transplantation. In: Advances in Surgery (C.E. Welch, eds.), Vol 2, pp. 13-17. Year Book Medical Publishers, Inc., Chicago.
Decision Making and Cost-benefit Analysis in Medicine. In: Clinical Practice and Economics (C.I. Phillips and J.N.Wolfe, eds.), pp. 133- 137. Academic Press, New York.
Tumour Clonality and its Biological Significance. In: Advances in Cancer Research. Vol 50 (G.Klein and S. Weinhouse. eds.), pp. 197- 229.
The Choce for Mankind in Relation to Biology and Medicine. In: Options for Humanity. The Sir Douglas Wright Symposium. Queens College, University of Melbourne.
AMERICAN ACADEMY OF NEUROLOGY MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS FELLOWSHIP CORE CURRICULUM MS Section Education Working Group Introduction Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is the most common demyelinating disease of the CNS and the second most common cause of disability among young adults. The complex and interdisciplinary management issues of the MS patient demand the participation of health care