Es ist nicht klar, wie groß die Rolle von Antibiotika in den Wettbewerbsbeziehungen zwischen Mikroorganismen unter natürlichen Bedingungen ist. Zelman vaxman glaubte, dass diese Rolle minimal ist, Antibiotika werden nicht anders als in reinen Kulturen auf reichen Umgebungen gebildet. Anschließend wurde jedoch festgestellt, dass bei vielen Produzenten die Aktivität der antibiotikasynthese in Gegenwart anderer Arten oder spezifischer Produkte Ihres Stoffwechsels zunimmt.
Middle east medical - online edition - al hilal publishing & marketing group
Middle East Medical - Online Edition - Al Hilal Publishing & Marketing Group
October 2006 Volume 4 Issue 10 Search keywords: Features Otto Bock implant receives Highlighted News Europe-wide certification ActiGait . rewiring partially paralysed
micro-technological rehabilitation aid restores confidence and improves walking
The ActiGait is a first-time foray beneath the skin for Otto Bock, global leader in
exoprosthetics and renowned manufacturer of wheelchairs and orthoses. Neuro-
stimulation technology will mean a whole new world of products for the company.
“The ActiGait has opened the door to a new growth market and new target
groups. Breathtaking new opportunities for medical technology are emerging,”
says Prof Hans Georg Näder, chairman and CEO of the Otto Bock Group.
According to the World Health Organisation, 15 million people suffer from strokes
every year. In Germany, some 150,000 cases are reported each year by the
Erlangen stroke registry association, which estimates a 2 per cent annual
increase in the number of strokes as the percentage of the population over age
60 rises. According to statistics, the risk of stroke is much greater in individuals
Following a stroke, patients are often insufficiently or even completely unable to
lift their foot with their ankle, causing their toes to drag on the ground. As the
patient walks, the impaired leg moves in an arc to strike the ground on the next
step. This results in a highly abnormal gait pattern. Extreme instability in
standing and walking is the most difficult part of the rehabilitation process for
such patients. This in turns leads to considerable limitations in everyday activities
and a significant decrease in the patient’s quality of life. Technology for people
Thanks to the ActiGait, stroke patients can now actively lift their toes off the
ground and significantly enhance their walking ability and confidence. The
ActiGait uses a neuro-implant beneath the skin to stimulate functional nerves,
which the brain can no longer control.
“Using innovative medical technology to helping stroke victims return to their
normal lives is one of the most exciting challenges of the near future,” says Dr
Hans Dietl, chief technology officer of Otto Bock HealthCare, who coordinates
research and development in the field of neuro-stimulation.
The incorporation of Neurodan A/S into Otto Bock HealthCare’s international
research network considerably fostered and accelerated the development of the
ActiGait. In spring 2005, Neurodan, an organisation which brings together top
neuro-stimulation researchers in Aalborg, Denmark, joined the German global
player Otto Bock with its affiliates in 36 countries around the world. The first
implantation is set to take place shortly in Aalborg, with the next one scheduled
How does ActiGait work? (1 von 2)10.11.2006 10:46:59
Middle East Medical - Online Edition - Al Hilal Publishing & Marketing Group
The ActiGait neuro-stimulator uses electrically coded movement information to
reactivate the fully or partially paralysed muscle via healthy nerves. The
movement impulse is transmitted by a small electronic chip, which is inserted
under the patient’s skin with a tiny incision in the thigh.
A cable leads from the hollow of the knee to the muscle nerve, and connects with
the nerve via a specially developed collar-shaped electrode. Once this connection
is established, the natural path of signal transmission can be used. The muscle
receives an impulse instructing it to contract, and it lifts the foot.
The implanted chip is powered by an external control unit worn on the patient’s
belt. A pressure sensor on the bottom of the patient’s foot provides the control
unit with information about the current gait status.
The control unit analyses this data and adjusts muscle stimulation to the patient’s
movement. Until recently, muscles were stimulated using surface electrodes
along the path of the nerve, but these electrodes were less sophisticated in the
The implant system can enhance or completely replace a conventional orthotic
fitting. Neuro-stimulation aims to expand the patient’s range of activities, boost
independence, retain or restore personal levels of activity, reduce muscle
stiffness and maintain joint flexibility. More Stories: Development by TradeArabia Web Services (2 von 2)10.11.2006 10:46:59
The needle-nosed turboprop, one of those bend-over-and-walk-down-the-aisle commuter jobs, was the only non-stop from Oakland to Fresno. Doctor Daniel Fazen used the time on board, all of it, to read through Kerry’s case summary. Left alone by the overwhelmed Olympia-Fresno nurses, she had bled nearly to death following a tonsillectomy. The icy prose of the medical narratives did nothing to dimin Reseñas (Núcleo Académico Básico) Fecha de Emisión: 04 de marzo del 2011 06:37 hrs. MAESTRÍA Y DOCTORADO EN CIENCIAS E INGENIERÍA Posición Reseñas Título de la reseña Título obra Lista de autores publicación principal autores del autor Electrocorrosi