Es ist nicht klar, wie groß die Rolle von Antibiotika in den Wettbewerbsbeziehungen zwischen Mikroorganismen unter natürlichen Bedingungen ist. Zelman vaxman glaubte, dass diese Rolle minimal ist, Antibiotika werden nicht anders als in reinen Kulturen auf reichen Umgebungen gebildet. Anschließend wurde jedoch festgestellt, dass bei vielen Produzenten die Aktivität der antibiotikasynthese in Gegenwart anderer Arten oder spezifischer Produkte Ihres Stoffwechsels zunimmt.

Reseñas (núcleo académico básico)
(Núcleo Académico Básico)
Fecha de Emisión: 04 de marzo del 2011 06:37 hrs.
Título de la reseña
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Lista de autores
principal autores del autor
Electrocorrosion and protection of metals Total de 1) Critica en 2010 = 4
Materials Research, Vol. 9, Springer BerlinHeidelberg Total de 2) Informativa en 2010 = 1
Total de Reseñas en 2010 = 5
Benjamin Valdez Salas, MichaelSchorr Wiener FONDO C0003,CONVOCATORIAC0003-2009-01EVALUACION DE SOLICITUD CONACYT FONDO C0003,CONVOCATORIAC0003-2009-01EVALUACION DE SOLICITUD CONACYT FONDO C0003,CONVOCATORIAC0003-2009-01EVALUACION DE SOLICITUD CONACYT FONDO C0003,CONVOCATORIAC0003-2009-01REVEW OF LANL-2009-0335.R1 FOR samples by using adsorptive strippingvoltammetry
Microbial fuel cells operating on mixed fatty Toward real-time continuous brain glucose and oxygen monitoring with a smartcatheter film a nanodiamond-graphite/chitosan:application to highly sensitiveelectrochemical determination ofazathioprine.
membranes for the determination ofacetylcholine REVIEW OF ENZMICTEC-D-09-00144R1 Amperometric biosensor based on enzyme membranes for the determination ofacetylcholine Sensitive amperometric biosensor based on multiwall carbon nanotubes andacetylcholinesterase for carbaryldetermination Corrosion Engineering, Pierre R. Roberge, Ith edition, McGraw Hill, ISBN978-0-07-148243-1 Environmental Deterioration of Materials, A.
Techniques for Corrosion Monitoring, Lietai J.K. Park and R.E. Melchers, edistors, ISBN978 1 84569 334-3 Corrosion & Cast Irons, Alain Reynaud, Edition Techniques des Industries de laFounderie, ISBN 978-2-71-190226-2 Industry, Samuel Benavides, ISBN 978 184569 359 9 informed materials choice, Michael F.
Total de 1) Critica en 2009 = 21
REVISION DEL LIBRO MARIPOSAS EN EL Mariposas en el cerebro Total de 2) Informativa en 2009 = 1
Total de Reseñas en 2009 = 22
Algorithms in Parallel Machines SchedulingProblem PUBLICACIONES EN LAS MEMORIAS DEL articulos No 5, No 13, No 205, No80 y No Biocompatible ion selective electrode for monitoring metabolic activity during thegrowth and cultivation of human cells
Direct electrochemistry of hemoglobin (Hb) and sensitive hydrogen peroxide sensorwith Hb-carbonized titanium nanotubes intercalation materials for amperometricsensor peroxide based on yucca filamemtosamembrane Total de 1) Critica en 2008 = 6
Total de Reseñas en 2008 = 6
highly sensitive sensor for dissolved oxygen based on carbon nanofiber modifiedelectrode and its application in rapidamperometric detection of oxidasesubstrate Total de 1) Critica en 2007 = 4
Total de Reseñas en 2007 = 4
Handbook of materials for medical devices Corrosion Tests and Standards: Applications Failure Analysis of Engineering Structures: Total de reseñas de 2006 a 2011 = 42


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