Es ist nicht klar, wie groß die Rolle von Antibiotika in den Wettbewerbsbeziehungen zwischen Mikroorganismen unter natürlichen Bedingungen ist. Zelman vaxman glaubte, dass diese Rolle minimal ist, Antibiotika werden nicht anders als in reinen Kulturen auf reichen Umgebungen gebildet. Anschließend wurde jedoch festgestellt, dass bei vielen Produzenten die Aktivität der antibiotikasynthese in Gegenwart anderer Arten oder spezifischer Produkte Ihres Stoffwechsels zunimmt.
CURRICULUM VITAE Prof Petro Terblanche Tel: 021 938-0245 (w) Fax: 021 938-0356 Cell: 082 893 1850 e-mail: January 2007
CAPABILITY STATEMENT As evident from my detailed CV, I have since the start of my professional career in 1981, made three very significant and distinctly different career moves. However, there was a clear evolution from single research project execution to portfolio management and ultimately to a position of leadership and strategic management. I have gained experience in the following: •
Developing and managing a research portfolio of clinical research projects aimed at obtaining USA FDA or SA MCC approval for single and/or combination therapy in the field of medical oncology.
Planning, executing and publishing original research aiming at decision support and policy development in the field of environmental health.
Creating and growing a specialist consulting service offering key knowledge to the SA industry in the field of environmental management.
Over the years 1995-2004 as the Executive Director of one of the Council for Scientific & Industrial Research’s (CSIR) 8 strategic Business Units, I have gained experience in:
The management of all aspects of intellectual capital (human capital, social
Leadership in a volatile and changing knowledge intensive environment Initiating and concluding mergers, acquisitions and internal corporate ventures All aspects of diversity and change management Technology management Realising value through research and development in the field of food and
Negotiating a variety of business and technology deals e.g. sales of business,
All of the above always with a team of talented people with whom I share the achievements and learned from the failures. Since 2004 I joined the SA Medical Research Council’s Strategic Management Team holding the portfolio for Technology & Innovation Management. This Board appointed position requires indepth knowledge of and expertise in Intellectual Property Management and the ability to work across complex boundaries. This position also involves Strategic Stakeholder Management such as TB Alliance, Cancer Research Initiative of South Africa, Department of Health and Department of Science & Technology. I also accepted the position of Honorary Professor at the University of Pretoria in the School of Health Systems and Public Health since January 2005. This position requires mentorship and supervision of post graduate students.
Technlogoy & Innovation SA Medical Research Council
Married to Francois Hermanus Roux on April 7, 1990.
Two daughters, Su-Mari (12) and Marlette (7)
56 Dely Street, Waterkloof, Pretoria, 0181.
Senior Certificate (Distinction - History)
BSc Degree - Univ. of Pretoria. (Botany and Zoology)
BSc (Hons) in Zoology - Univ. of Pretoria. (Distinction - Biostatistics)
Title: "Evaluation of parameters which predicts the prognosis of patients with non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma" (Medical Oncology).
Title: "An Evaluation of the curability of advanced Hodgkin's Disease in Pretoria" (Medical Oncology).
Post-doctorate training programme in Environmental Health Management at Harvard University, Boston, USA.
CMS (Conversational Monitor System) Univ. of Pretoria.
JCL (Job Control Language) - Univ. of Pretoria.
SAS (Statistical Analysis System) - Univ. of Pretoria.
FOCUS (Programming course for End Users), Griffin Software Limited.
Environmental Management (First Semester), Harvard University, Boston,
Human Exposure Assessment Methodology and Epidemiological Survey
Management, USA Environmental Protection Agency, Las Vegas.
Principles of Environmental Health (Full Term), Harvard University, Boston
POLS (Programme for the Development of Leadership), University of
Air Toxic Risk Assessment, Air and Waste Management Association and USA
Environmental Protection Agency, Vancouver, Canada.
Risk Based Environmental Decision Making. USA Environmental Protection
Making Quality Happen: Upper Management’s Role. Juran Institute. June
Seconded for 6 months to the Office of the President of the CSIR for
Leadership DevelopmentJune 1995 - December 1995.
How to Implement Integrated Business Planning and Control Systems in
your Company. UNISA Business School, Midrand, South Africa. May 1996.
MBA in a Nutshell. Business Management Course by Milo Sobel, Coronet
Consulting Group; York Institute of Finance, June 1996.
The Management of Technology and Innovation. Massachusetts Institute of
Technology (MIT), Boston, USA. June 1997.
2000-2004: Attended varius specialised short courses/workshops in IP Management,
negotiating skills, leadership, mentorship, media liaison nd clinical trials research.
Professional Officer, Dept. of Medical Oncology, H F Verwoerd Hospital,
Transvaal Provincial Administration. Involved in data management of cancer
Research Officer, Dept. of Medical Oncology, University of Pretoria.
Responsible for coordinating and managing the research programme of this
Department and submission of research and progress reports to the Research Committee of the University of Pretoria, the Ethical Committee of the Pretoria General Hospital and the Department of National Health and Population Development (Medicine Control Council). Also involved in the planning, writing, execution and completion of cancer clinical trials (Phase I to III).
Senior Medical Researcher: Research Institute for Environmental Diseases,
June 1989: Visiting Scientist, Harvard University, School of Public Health, Boston, Nov 1989: Massachusetts USA. Participated in ongoing air pollution epidemiological
studies. Gained experience in all aspects of air pollution health studies.
Medical Research Council. Appointed as Senior Medical Researcher in the
programme on indoor and atmospheric air pollution. Responsible for the development and management of this programme and for prioritization of research to be undertaken. Involved also in various literature research projects in other fields of environmental diseases, namely: food additives, water pollution and cancer epidemiology.
Promoted to Chief Medical Researcher at the Research Institute
Environmental Diseases of the Medical Research Council. Specific project
Design, coordination and execution of the Vaal Triangle Air Pollution Health
Study (VAPS) which consists of nine different projects addressing various issues in the field of air pollution research and exposure characterization.
Analysis and reporting of research findings of VAPS.
Project manager for personal exposure monitoring of total dust in
Project Manager for the Airkem Study which investigated the health risks of
Design and management of projects using biological monitoring to
determine environmental exposure and to evaluate health risks.
Involved in research programmes on the health risks of diesel emissions and
alternative transport fuels with the CSIR and the National Energy Council.
Act as Environmental Health Consultant in projects for various companies
such as Sentrachem, Development Bank of SA, Mondi, SRC, Portnet, UCT, etc.
Participated in collaborative projects with Harvard University, Boston USA
Completed literature studies for decision support to Government and Private Sector on the following topics: Health effects of food additives Atmospheric aldehydes Nitrates in drinking water Pesticides Motor vehicle emissions Radon Carbon monoxide exposure and toxicities Manganese: Exposure and health effects Copper: Exposure and health effects Air Quality Standards: How, Why and What? Health Effects of Diesel Emissions Health and Safety Aspects of Alternative Household Fuels Health Effects of Alternative Transport Fuels.
Promoted to Specialist Scientist in the Research Institute for Environmental
Diseases of the Medical Research Council.
Appointed as Project Manager for Atmospheric Processes and Management
Advice in the Division of Earth, Marine and Atmospheric Science and Technology of the CSIR.
Appointed as Manager of Environmental, Health and Safety Management
Responsible for the total life cycle of the Environmental, Health and Safety
Management Services integrated product. This involves development of the EHS product, launching, marketing, capacity generation and delivery. EHS is a diverse product of specialist consulting services.
Appointed as Director of the Division of Food Science and Technology
(Foodtek), CSIR. Responsible for the strategic direction, management and leadership of this Division.
It is a science and technology organization, serving the agriculture, food,
fine chemicals and pharmaceutical industries. This position is part of the Top Management Team of the CSIR.
Appointed as Executive Director of CSIR Food, Biological and Chemical
Technologies (Bio/Chemtek), a Division created from a merger between Foodtek and AECI R&D Department acquired by CSIR. Bio/Chemtek is currently a R100 million operation with >300 staff members providing science and technology products to the local and international food fine chemicals and pharmaceutical markets.
Appointed as Executive Director: Technology & Innovation, SA Medical
Part-time appointment as Honorary Professor, University of Pretoria.
1982-1987: Assisted with the coordination of the local and international research
programme of the Department of Medical Oncology, University of Pretoria. In addition to management of the research staff of the Department (6 medical researchers) a key responsibility was stakeholder management. During the sanction years this Department managed to secure funding from the largest clinical cancer research body in the USA (ECOG). Managing this stakeholder was a key performance criterion.
1987-1992: Initial management responsibilities evolved around managing a programme
on indoor and outdoor air pollution. In the absence of a Director during 1990 the bulk of the management responsibilities of the Research Institute for Environmental Diseases was shared with Dr Bernard Fourie, the Director of the Tuberculosis Research Institute.
1990-1994: The management of a multi-institutional, multi-disciplinary, largest ever
national air pollution health study was carried out successfully (32-member project team). The component of the project comprising stakeholder management, project specialist interaction and coordination, media liaison and and public interaction.
1992-1995: Project management of focused as well as integrated projects. The
management of the Environmental Health and Safety integrated product through the full product development cycle was the most important key performance measure.
1996-1999: Divisional Management - (Foodtek) CSIR. General management experience
covering human resources, finances, technology, marketing, business development and policy development. Both strategic and operational duties. Experience in successful mergers and acquisitions, venturing, flexible business models, transformation management, change management and growth strategies.
1999-2004: Divisional Management – (Bio/Chemtek) CSIR. Similar to previous but
gained specific experience in integration of business units, and change management and IP licensing. This Division has concluded 8 licence
agreements since 1997 and has a product and patent portfolio comparable with world class innovation centres.
Executive Director – Technology & Innovation Directorate, Medial Research
Registered as Medical Scientist with the Health Professions Council of South Africa.
Advisory Structure of the University of the North (Ad hoc) Advisory board (1997-
Board of Trustees: International Life Sciences Institute (1997-1998).
SA Council for Natural Scientific Professions: Alternate Member (appointed by the
of Arts, Culture, Science and Technology).
President, National Association for Clean Air (NACA) (1997-1999).
FRD Technical Advisory Committee for the Pretoria Technikon.
Gencor Board sub-committee on Safety, Health and Environment Management
(appointed by the Gencor Board) (1996-1998).
Visiting scientist to the Friein Universität, Berlin, Germany, 1996.
World Food Summit, Rome 1996. Member of the official South African Delegation to
the World Food Summit, appointed by the Minister of Agriculture and Land Affairs.
Organising committee: Fourteenth SAAFoST International Congress and Exhibition.
Food Security Working Group of the National Department of Agriculture
(appointed by the Minister of Agriculture and Land Affairs) (1997).
South African representative on the International Standards Organization's Working
Group on setting international standards for Environmental Performance Evaluation (1993-1994).
Invited to serve on the United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP) Steering
Committee for Chemical Risk Assessment, based in Geneva, Switzerland, (1994).
Selected Member of the International Union for Nutritional Sciences Committee
Chairman of the Transvaal Branch of NACA (1990-1992).
Vice Chairman of the Indoor Environment Chapter of NACA (1992-1993).
Organizing Committee for the World Clean Air Conference for 1998 in South Africa.
Organizing Committee for Indoor Air '91, First South African International
Conference on Indoor Air Pollution, Midrand.
Medical Research Council Evaluating Committee on Environmental Health and
Research Evaluation Committee, South African Nurses College (1991).
Vaal Triangle Atmospheric Protection and Action Committee (1990-1993).
Member of the Editorial Board of The Clean Air Journal (1990-1996).
Organizing Committee for the Indoor Air '92, Second South African International
Conference on the Indoor Environment, Midrand.
Member of the Eskom EMF Scientific Forum (1990-1995).
Member of the South African Environmental Scientific Forum (1992-1995).
Organizing Committee for 1993 Annual NACA Conference.
Milnerton and Surrounding Areas Air Quality Study Steering Committee (1994-
Canelands Air Pollution Forum (1992-1994).
Working Committee on Indoor Radon Hazards in SA (appointed by SA Forum for
Working Group on Housing and Health, Ministerial Sub-committee under the
Member of Business and Professional Women, Pretoria.
Member of Board of Directors for Continuing Education at the University of Pretoria
Member of Board of Dysselsdorp Liquorice Community-based company.
Member of Board of Trustees of eGoli Bioincubator funded by EU through DACST
Member of the Editorial Board of the SA Journal of Science.
Member of the Board of the Sugar Milling Research Instititue.
Chairman of the Board of Biotechnology Partnerships for Development – BioPAD
Biotechnology Regional Innovation Centre.
Board member: Sugar Milling Research Institute.
Board member: Biosys Plant Extracts (Pty) Ltd (Essential oils export business).
Board member: Mbuyu Biotech (Pty) Ltd (JV company between Bioventures and
President of the Stakeholder Associaion of the Global TB Alliance based in New York
as of 30 October 2006 for a period of two years.
1981 :CSIR Scholarship, 1982. 1984 :Award for the best presentation in category B (Medical Sciences). Faculty Day -
1993 :Top Achiever Award from the CSIR’s Division for Earth, Marine and Atmospheric
1994 :Merit Award from Rotary Club Vanderbijl Park for Air Pollution Research done in
1995: :Corporate Business Woman of the Year for the Northern Transvaal Region.
Finalist in the National Business Woman of the Year contest.
1997 :CSIR Management Board Top Achiever Award for outstanding performance in the
Leadership and Management of the Division of Food Science and Technology.
1997 :Business and Professional Women - South Africa. Gold Merit Award, awarded to
1998 :Top Technology 100 Research Award for 1997, awarded to the Division of Food
Science and Technology and the Division of Materials Science and Technology, February 1998.
:National Association for Clean Air Management Award in recognition for an
outstanding contribution to the cause of clean air in South Africa through research leadership and publications.
South African Association of Food Scientists and Technologists.
A full list of >200 peer review publications, book chapters, conference papers and technical reports are available on request.
Long distance running (Completed several Standard and Ultra Marathons including
Horse riding and non-competitive show jumping.
Chief Executive Officer (previously CEO, CSIR South Africa)
This application must be treated with strict confidentiality. PROF PETRO TERBLANCHE
Falkson G, Coetzer B J, Terblanche A P S. A phase II trial of mitoxantrone in
patients with primary liver cancer. Cancer Treat Rep 68: 1311-1312, 1984.
Falkson G, Falkson C I, Sherman R C, Terblanche A P S. Langtermyn oorlewing by
pasiënte met non-Hodgkin limfoom. Geneeskunde 26: 323-325, 327-328, 1984. (Received MER-prize 1984.)
Coetzer B J, Terblanche A P S, Falkson G. Primary liver cancer. Case management
report. Cancer Therapy Update, Vol. V:3, May-June 1985.
Terblanche A P S, Falkson G. Prognostiese parameters by pasiënte met gevorderde
nie-Hodgkinse limfoom. S Afr Med J 64: 358-363, 1986.
Gresse P, Terblanche A P S. Kooperatiewe protokolle in onkologiese navorsing:
Nagaan van die studietoelatings- vereistes. Geneeskunde 28: 116-118, 1986.
Klein B, Falkson G, Terblanche A P S, Klein T, Potgieter H C, Smit C F. Value of
steroid hormone receptor analysis in predicting time to treatment failure in operable breast cancer. S Afr Med J 69: 283-286, 1986.
Chasen M R, Falkson G, Van der Merwe C A, Dreyer R J, Terblanche A P S.
Prognostic factors in patients with small cell carcinoma of the lung. S Afr Med J 70: 812-814, 1986.
Falkson G, Coccia-Portugal M A, Vorobiof D A, Terblanche A P S, Dreyer R J. Oral
idarubicin in combination with cytosine-arabinoside in previously untreated patients, with acute non-Lymphocytic leukemia. Am J Clin Oncol (CCT) 9: 311-314, 1986.
Falkson G, Terblanche A P S, Coetzer B J, Sherman R C. Hepatoma - Primary liver
cancer (PLC). In: Cancer Chemotherapy - Challenges for the future. (Eds K Kimura, K Yamanda, I H Krakoff, S K Carter), publ. by Excerpta Medica, P 264-271, 1986.
Falkson G, Coetzer B J, Terblanche A P S. Oesophageal Cancer - Chemotherapy
overview. Proceedings of a Meeting. Suppl S Afr Med J 71: 21-22, 1987.
Coccia-Portugal M A, Sieling W, Terblanche A P S, Thurlimann B, Van Rensburg P A
J, Greyling S, Stevens K, Falkson G. Aspergillus brain abscess. A case report. S Afr Med J 71: 116-118, 1987.
Terblanche A P S. Verslag van Oorsese Besoek - Kanker- navorsing. Geneeskunde
Vorobiof D A, Falkson G, Coccia-Portugal M A, Terblanche A P S. Mitoxantrone in
the treatment of acute leukemia. Invest New Drugs 5: 383-388, 1987.
Terblanche A P S, Falkson G. Chemotherapy of lymphoma. S A Journal of
Continuing Medical Education 5 (12): 30-33, 1987.
Vorobiof D A, Terblanche A P S, Falkson C I, Falkson G. Cyclophosphamide,
mitoxantrone, vincristine and prednisone in the treatment of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. Oncology 45: 378-379, 1988.
Alberts A S, Falkson G, Badat M, Terblanche A P S, Schmid E. Trimetrexate in
oesophagus cancer. J Invest New Drugs 6: 319-321, 1988.
Terblanche A P S, Falkson G, Matzner L. The prognostic significance of age in
patients with advanced Hodgkin's disease. Eur J Cancer Clin Oncol, 24 (12): 1805-1809, 1989.
Terblanche A P S. Air Pollution Health Studies: Future Directions. The Clean Air
Terblanche A P S. Health Hazards of Nitrate in Drinking Water. Water SA 17 (1):
Terblanche A P S. Health effects of the air we breath. Health and Hygiene 2 (3):
Terblanche A P S and Murray P W leR. Indoor exposure to radon - health effects in
non-occupational environments. SA J Science, 87: 548-550, 1992.
Schwab M, Terblanche A P S and Spengler J D. Self-reported exertion levels on
time/activity diaries: application to exposure assessment. J Expos Analysis Environ Epi 1: 339-356, 1991.
Terblanche A P S, Ozkaynak H, Spengler J D and Butler D A. Self-reported activity
levels and actual heart rates in teenagers. J Air Waste Management Assoc 41: 942-946, 1991.
Terblanche A P S. Air pollution and human health. In: Hart T ed. Man and the
Schmid E U, Alberts A S, Greeff F, Terblanche A P S, Schoeman L, Burger W, Shiels
R S, Friediger D, Nel J S, Van der Hoven A and Falkson G. The value of radiotherapy or chemotherapy after intubation for advanced oesophageal carcinoma -A prospective randomized trial. GUT.
Terblanche A P S. Urban Air Pollution and Community Health. CHASA 1991; 2(2):
Terblanche A P S. Personal monitoring of air pollution: How, what and why? Clean
Terblanche A P S. Uys L, Smit H E. Longitudinal study on the health effects of air
pollution in the Vaal Triangle. S Afr J Epidemiol Infect 6: 23-25, 1991.
Terblanche A P S and P W LeR Murray. Health aspects of the diesel emissions.
Terblanche A P S, Uys L and Nel R. Development and application of ambient air
quality standards. Clean Air J 8: 19-21, 1991.
Terblanche A P S, Opperman L, Nel C M E, Reinach S G, Tosen G and Cadman A.
Preliminary results of exposure measurements and health effects of the Vaal Triangle Air Pollution Health Study. S Afr Med J, 81: 550-556, 1992.
Terblanche A P S. Carbon monoxide exposure in the workplace. Nat Safety Occup
Terblanche A P S, Nel R, Reinach G and Opperman L. Personal exposures to total
suspended particulates from domestic coal burning in South Africa. Clean Air Journal, 8(6): 15-17, 1992.
Tosen G R, Terblanche A P S, Uys L and Turner C R. Design and operation of an
ambient air pollution monitoring network in the Vaal Triangle air pollution health study. Clean Air Journal, 8(6): 9-14, 1992.
Terblanche A P S P, Opperman L, Nel R and Pols A. Prevalence of respiratory
illnesses in different regions of South Africa. Clean Air J., 8 (8), 18-20, 1993.
Terblanche A P S, Nel R, Opperman L and Nyikos H. Exposure to air pollution from
transitional household fuels in a South African population. J Expos Anal Environ Epidemiol. 3 (Suppl. 1) 15-21, 1993.
Terblanche A P S, Danford I R and Nel C M E. Household energy use in South
Africa, air pollution and human health. J. Energy in Southern Africa. 4, 2 p 54-57, 1993.
Terblanche A P S, Nel R, Golding A. Household energy sources in South Africa. An
overview of the impact of air pollution on human health. ISBN 0-7988-5328-X, CSIR Environmental Services, 1994.
Terblanche A P S, Nel C M E. Opperman L, Nyikos H. Exposure to air pollution in
South African townships: Household fuels in a South African population. Boiling Point 34, 1994.
Terblanche A P S. The potential health impact of global climate change. The Clean
Terblanche A P S, Opperman L, Theron A, Reinach S G, Smith F C A and Nel C M E.
Health survey of adolescents living in the Vaal Triangle: Methodology and descriptive statistics. CHASA Journal of Comprehensive Health, 5 3&4, p41-45, 1994.
Cadman A, Dames J and Terblanche A P S. Airspora concentrations in the Vaal
Triangle: monitoring and potential health effects. 1, Pollen S Afr Journal of Science 90 p607-610. 1994.
Terblanche A P S, Nel C M E and Tosen G R. Respiratory health impacts of three
electrification scenarios in South Africa. J of Energy in Southern Africa 6 2 p 93-96, 1995.
Terblanche A P S and Opperman L. Personal exposure to total suspended
particulates of adolescents living in Vanderbijlpark, South Africa. SA J Science 91 p 320-322, 1995.
Terblanche A P S, Danford I R and Pols A S. Comparative evaluation of human
exposures to air pollution from low-smoke and conventional household coal usage. J Energy in Southern Africa 6 3 p131-136, 1995.
Vismer H, Cadman A, Terblanche A P S and Dames J. Airspora concentrations in the
Vaal Triangle: monitoring and potential health effects. 2, Fungal spores. S Afr Journal of Science 91 p407-411. 1995.
Terblanche A P S and Sithole J. Chapter for Environmental Scientific Association
book on Environmental Health. In press, June 1996.
Truter R, Mbuli S, Bailie R, Danford I, Terblanche A P S, Ehrlich R. Exposure
characterization and potential health impacts of domestic fuel use in homes in Khayelitsha, Western Cape. Clean Air J 9, 5 p 11-15, 1996.
Terblanche A P S and Nel R. Milnerton (Cape Town) and surrounding areas air
quality project: Report for 1 October 1994 - 30 September 1995. Clean Air J. 9, 6 p 13-15, 1996.
Richards G A, Terblanche A P S, Theron A J, Opperman L, Crowther G, Myer M S,
Steenkamp I J, Smith FCA, Bowdeswill R, v d Merwe C A, Stevens K and Anderson
R. Health effects of passive smoking in adolescent children. SA Medical Journal,86, p 143-147, 1996.
Terblanche A P S, Nel C M E. Household energy sources and air pollution in urban
areas of South Africa. Envirotech.53, p 14, 1994.
Van Horen C, Nel R and Terblanche A P S. Indoor air pollution from coal and wood
use in South Africa: an overview. Energy for Sustainable Development III, 1, May 1996.
Van Horen C, Nel R and Terblanche A P S. Indoor air pollution from coal and wood
use in South Africa: an overview . Submitted to Energy for Sustainable Development: The Journal of the International Energy Initiative, India. August 1997.
Cadman A, Dames JF, Terblanche A P S and Nel R. The AIRKEM study in Gauteng,
South Africa. The role of airspora in an industrial urban environment. Grana 36: 175-179, 1997.
Terblanche A P S. Vaal Triangle Air Pollution Health Survey: Summary of Key
Findings, Recommendations and Bibliography. ISBN 1-874826-89-7, 1998.
Bailie RS, Pilotto LS, Ehrlich RI, Mbuli S. Truter R. Terblanche A P S. Paraffin and
other fuels as sources of indoor air pollution in a poor urban settlement in Cape Town, South Africa. J Epidemiol Community Health 1999;53:585-586.
Terblanche A P S. Die waarde van Spesifieke pasiënt- diskriminante in die
prognose van non-Hodgkinse limfoom. 10th Faculty Day - Faculty of Medicine, University of Pretoria, 1984.
Terblanche A P S. Prognostic discriminants in non-Hodgkins lymphoma. Non-
Hodgkins Lymphoma Symposium, Cape Town, 1984.
Terblanche A P S. Oorlewing van pasiënte met gevorderede ovariale kanker. 11th
Faculty Day - Faculty of Medicine, University of Pretoria, 1985.
Coetzer B J, Terblanche A P S. Mitoksantroon in primêre lewerkarsinoom. 11th
Faculty Day - Faculty of Medicine, University of Pretoria, 1985.
Vorobiof D A, Falkson G, Coccia-Portugal M A, Terblanche A P S, Falkson H C. Oral
idarubicin in combination with cytosine-arabinoside in previously untreated patients with acute non-lymphocutic leukemia. Proc American Society of Clinical Oncology, 5, p149, (no 580), Los Angeles, USA, 1986.
Vorobiof D A, Falkson G, Terblanche A P S, Coccia-Portugal M A. Oral idarubcin
and cytosine-arabinoside in patients with previously untreated acute non-lymphocytic leukemia. XXI Congress of the International Society of Haematology, Sidney, Australia, (no WS-M-2-4), p276, May 1986.
De Munnik A, Terblanche A P S. Diskriminante by opereerbare borskanker sonder
okselklier uitsaaiing. Medical Students Academic Day - Faculty of Medicine, University of Pretoria. 1986. (Received 2nd prize).
Roode L A, Terblanche A P S. Pasiëntdiskriminante by gevorderde
sagteweefselselsarkoom. Medical Students Academic Day - Faculty of Medicine, University of Pretoria, 1986. (Received 3rd prize).
Coccia-Portugal M A, Falkson G, Terblanche A P S, Vorobiof D A. 4-
Demethoxydaunorubicin orally in combination with cytosine-arabinoside in previously untreated patients with acute non-lymphocytic leukemia. UICC 14th International Cancer Congress, Budapest, Hungary 1: p229 (no 1144), Aug 1986.
Terblanche A P S. The treatment of advanced Hodgkin's disease. 2nd S Afr
Lymphoma Study Group Symposium on Hodgkin's Disease, Johannesburg, p9, September 1986.
Terblanche A P S, Falkson G, Falkson H C. Advanced Hodgkin's disease; Factors
influencing survival. Proc American Association of Cancer Research, 28 p210 (no 833), 1987.
Terblanche A P S. Hodgkinsiekte - " 'n Torso?" 13th Faculty Day - Faculty of
Medicine, University of Pretoria, August 1987.
Terblanche A P S, Coccia-Portugal M A, Vorobiof D A. Mitoxantroon: 'n Nuwe
middel in die behandeling van akute leukemie. 13th Faculty Day - Faculty of Medicine, University of Pretoria, August 1987.
Chasen M R, Terblanche A P S, Van der Merwe C A. Prognostiese faktore in
kleinselkarsinoom van die long. 13th Faculty Day -Faculty of Medicine, University of Pretoria, Augustus 1987.
Vorobiof D A, Coccia-Portugal M A, Terblanche A P S, Falkson G. Mitoxantrone in
the treatment of acute leukemia. ECCO-4, 4th European Conference of Clinical Oncology and Cancer Nursing, p169, (no 664), Madrid 1-4 November 1987.
Falkson G, Terblanche A P S. Prognostic significance of age in advanced Hodgkin's
disease. 2nd Scientific Congress of the South African Society of Medical Oncology, 5-8 Oct 1988, Pretoria.
Schmid E U, Terblanche A P S, Greeff F, Alberts A S, de Meulenaêre G F, de Bruin J
A P. Intubation with and without radio- or chemotherapy in advanced obstructed oesophagus carcinoma: Preliminary results of a randomized study of the Pretoria Oesophagus Cancer Study Group. 2nd Scientific Congress of the South African
Society of medical Oncology, 5-8 Oct 1988, Pretoria.
Terblanche A P S, Murray P W Le R. How can the risk of exposure to carcinogens
be minimized? Int. Conference on Residential Air Pollution, 10+11 November 1988, Pretoria, South Africa.
Terblanche A P S, Fourie P B, Murray P W Le R. What about Radon? Int. Confer-
ence on Residential Air Pollution, 10+11 November 1988, Pretoria, South Africa.
Alberts A, Terblanche A P S, Schoeman C, Falkson G, Schmid E, de Muelenaêre G.
Advanced Oesophaged Carcinoma: Preliminary results of a randomized study of intubation with or without radio-or chemotherapy. 5th European Conference on Clinical Oncology September 3, 1989, London.
Schwab M, Spengler J D, Özkaynak H, Terblanche A P S. The Time activity
component of the Kanawha County Health study. First Conference on Total Exposure Assessment, 26-30 November 1989. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.
Terblanche A P S. Review of Health Risks Associated with Medical Exposures.
Summer School on Radiation Epidemiology, South African Association of Physicists in Medicine and Biology, 12 March 1990. Dikhololo.
Terblanche A P S. Air Pollution and Human Health. Workshop on Man and the
Environment. 20 - 23 May 1990. Skukuza, Kruger National Park.
Terblanche A P S, Ozkaynak H, Spengler J D and Butler D A. Self-Reported Activity
Levels and Actual Heart Rate in Teenagers. Accepted as full presentation at the "5th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate". 29 July - 3 August 1990, Toronto, Canada.
Terblanche A P S and Murray LeR P W. Health Aspects of Diesel Emissions.
"International Conference on Air Pollution: Towards the 21st Century". 24 - 26 October 1990. CSIR, Pretoria.
Murray LeR P W and Terblanche A P S. Atmospheric Aldehydes: A Review of
Health Effects. "International Conference on Air Pollution: Towards the 21st Century". 24 - 26 October 1990. CSIR, Pretoria.
Truter R, Turner M, Terblanche A P S, Schoeman J and Annegarn H. "Indoor Air
Quality: The Past, Present and the Future". "International Conference on Air Pollution: Towards the 21st Century". 24 - 26 October 1990. CSIR, Pretoria.
Terblanche A P S, Ozkaynak H, Spengler J D and Butler D A. Self-reported activity
levels and actual heart rates in teenagers. 5th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate, July 29 - Aug 3 1990, Toronto, Canada.
Terblanche A P S. Health effects of indoor air pollution. AEC/RIED Seminar on
Terblanche A P S. Air pollution monitoring for health studies. Workshop on Air
Pollution Monitoring in SA, ESKOM, 19 Sept 1990, Cleveland.
Terblanche A P S. The health risks of medical radiation. Summer School on
Radiation Epidemiology, Dikhololo, February 1990.
Terblanche A P S. Indoor Air Quality in Office buildings - An Occupational Health
Hazard? ASOSH 91. Symposium on Occupational Safety and Health Challenges in a Changing South Africa, CSIR March 1991.
Uys L, Terblanche A P S, Smith H E, Reinach S G and Lancaster J. Carbon
monoxide exposure in an are reduction plant ASOSH 91. Symposium on Occupational Safety and Health Challenges in a Changing South Africa, CSIR March 1991.
Terblanche A P S. Air pollution and Human Health. Invited speaker NOSA Seminar
Terblanche A P S. Indoor Air Pollution Health effects: Real or Imagined. Key note
address. First South African Conference on Indoor Air Pollution, Midrand, May 1991.
Terblanche A P S. The value and necessity of an air pollution monitoring network
around SAPPI, Gondwana. Presentation to management of SAPPI in Nelspruit, May 1990.
Terblanche A P S. The Vaal Triangle Air Pollution Health Study. Presentation to
Terblanche A P S. Health effects of air pollution in the Vaal Triangle. Address to
the Rotary Club of Vereeniging, September 1990.
Terblanche A P S. The effects of air pollution in the Vaal Triangle. Address to the
Sasolburg Chamber of Business, Oct 1990.
Terblanche A P S. The feasibility and necessity of the Vaal Triangle Air Pollution
Health Study. NACA Vaal Triangle Branch Meeting, April 1990.
Terblanche A P S. Health effects of the air we breath. Invited speaker, World
Terblanche A P S. The Vaal Triangle Air Pollution Health Study: Design. Invited
presentation at Harvard University School of Public Health, Boston USA, July 1990.
Terblanche A P S, Smit H E, Uys L. Personal monitoring of total suspended
particulates in South Africa. 84th Annual Meeting and Exhibition of the Air and Waste Management Association. Vancouver: British Columbia, 1991.
Terblanche A P S, Uys L, Smit H. Vaal Triangle Air Pollution Health Study: Study
Design. 84th Annual Meeting and Exhibition of the Air and Waste Management Association. Vancouver: British Columbia, 1991.
Terblanche A P S. Die lug wat ons skep / The air we create. Conservation Day -
National Zoological Gardens. Pretoria: South Africa, 1991.
Nel R, Terblanche A P S, Opperman L. Total Suspended Particulate Exposures in
Coal Burning Areas. NACA Seminar -Vaal Triangle : South Africa, 1991.
Opperman L, Nel R, Terblanche A P S, Erasmus H. Personal monitoring and time
activity studies in the Vaal Triangle. NACA Seminar - Vaal Triangle: South Africa, 1991.
Opperman L, Terblanche A P S, Nel C M E, Erasmus H, Nyikos H. Personal
Monitoring of Total Suspended Particulate Matter in the Vaal Triangle. NACA Conference: Air Pollution and the Environment. Durban: South Africa, 1991.
Posnik S, Terblanche A P S. Air Pollution Impact Assessment: An Approach. NACA
Conference: Air Pollution and the Environment. Durban: South Africa, 1991.
Smit H E, Terblanche A P S, Uys L, Reinach S G. Exposure characterization of total
suspended particulate matter in the Vaal Triangle. 10th Epidemiological Conference. Cape Town: South Africa, 1991.
Terblanche A P S. Air Pollution and Human Health. NOSA Seminar Vaal Region.
Terblanche A P S. Indoor Air Quality in Office Buildings - An Occupational Health
Hazard? ASOSH 1991. Symposium on Occupational Safety and Health Challenges in a changing South Africa. CSIR. Pretoria: South Africa, 1991.
Terblanche A P S, Uys L and Nel R. Municipal Waste Incinerators: Air Pollution and
Human Health. International Seminar on Environmental Waste Management Technology. Johannesburg: South Africa, 1991.
Terblanche A P S. Design of a multi-disciplinary air pollution health study. 10th
Epidemiological Conference. Cape Town: South Africa, 1991.
Terblanche A P S, Opperman L, Nel R. Rationale and design of the Vaal Triangle
Air Pollution Health Study (VAPS). NACA Conference - Vaal Triangle: South Africa, 1991.
Terblanche A P S, Nel R, Opperman L. VAPS Health Effects Assessment:
Preliminary Results. NACA Seminaar - Vaal Triangle, South Africa, 1991.
Terblanche A P S. Air Pollution in Southern Africa. South African International
Conference on Environmental Management (SAICEM). Somerset-West: South Africa, October 1991.
Terblanche A P S. The Vaal Triangle Air Pollution Health Study: The first year.
ESKOM Scientific Forum. Cleveland: South Africa, October 1991.
Terblanche A P S, Opperman L, Nel C M E. Vaal Triangle Air Pollution Health Study:
Design and preliminary results. NACA Conference: Air Pollution and the Environment. Durban: South Africa, 1991.
Terblanche A P S. Health and safety aspects of alternative domestic fuel fuels.
Energy for Development workshop. National Energy Council. Pretoria: South Africa, November 1991.
Tosen G, Turner C R, Terblanche A P S. Outdoor Air Pollution Monitoring - The
First Year of VAPS. NACA Conference: Air Pollution and the Environment. Durban: South Africa, 1991.
Truter R, Terblanche A P S, Ijselmuiden C B, Kocks D J. Monitoring air pollution in
homes - a protocol for the Vaal Triangle Air Pollution Health Study. NACA Conference: Air Pollution and the Environment. Durban: South Africa, 1991.
Uys L, Terblanche A P S, Smit H E, Reinach S G, Lancaster J. Carbon monoxide
exposure in an arc reduction plant: Usefulness of Biological Monitoring. ASOSH '91. Pretoria: South Africa, 1991.
Vismer H F, Terblanche A P S, Cadman A, Opperman L. Indoor and outdoor fungal
conidium concentrations : Monitoring and potential health hazards. NACA Conference: Air Pollution and the Environment. Durban: South Africa, 1991.
Terblanche A P S. The health and pollution dimensions of domestic energy
sources. Electricity for Development Research Forum, Midrand, May 1992.
Terblanche A P S, Opperman L and Nel C M E. The Vaal Triangle air pollution
health study: Challenging air pollution control in South Africa. CHASA in Action Annual Conference, Nasrec, Johannesburg, August 1992.
Hunter J and Terblanche A P S. Multi-disciplinary approach to community air
pollution problems. CHASA in Action Annual Conference, NASREC, Johannesburg, August 1992.
Terblanche A P S. Exposure to and effects of particulate matter. NACA Eastern
Cape Clean Air Symposium, Port Elizabeth, April 1992.
Terblanche A P S. Vaal Triangle air pollution health study: Preliminary results.
NACA Eastern Cape Clean Air Symposium, Port Elizabeth, April 1992.
Terblanche A P S. Industrial air pollution: A risk factor for COPD? International
Victoria Falls Symposium on COPD. Boehringer Ingelheim and MRC, Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe, June 1992.
Terblanche A P S, Nel R, Opperman L and Nyikos H. Exposure to air pollution from
transitional domestic fuels in a South African population. 4th Annual Meeting, International Society for Environmental Epidemiology and International Society of Exposure Analysis, Cuernavaca, Morelos, Mexico, August 1992.
Tosen G R, Terblanche A P S, Uys L and Turner C R. Design and operation of an
ambient air pollution monitoring network in the Vaal Triangle air pollution health study. 9th World Clean Air Conference, Montreal, Canada, September 1992.
De Kock R G, Terblanche A P S and Annegarn H J. Air pollution health research in
South Africa: yesterday and today. 9th World Clean Air Conference, Montreal, Canada, September 1992.
Terblanche A P S, Nel R, Reinach G and Opperman L. Personal exposures to TSP
from domestic coal burning in South Africa. 9th World Clean Air Conference, Montreal, Canada, September 1992.
Nel C M E, Terblanche A P S and Nyikos H. Domestic coal burning as a source of
indoor air pollution in urban areas in the Vaal Triangle. 2nd SA Conference on Indoor Environmental Quality, Midrand, September 1992.
Theron A J, Terblanche A P S, Anderson R, Opperman L, Myer M S, Richards G A,
Crowther G and Van der Merwe C A. The effects of parental smoking on the health of teenage school children in Vanderbijlpark. 2nd SA Conference on Indoor Environmental Quality, Midrand, September 1992.
Truter R M, Terblanche A P S and Opperman L. Prevalence of SBS symptoms in
the general population of the Vaal Triangle. 2nd SA Conference on Indoor Environmental Quality, Midrand, September 1992.
Terblanche A P S. Health aspects of diesel emissions in trackless mining. 5th
International Mine Ventilation Congress, Johannesburg, October 1992.
Terblanche A P S, Opperman L, Nel R, Reinach G, Tosen G R, Cadman A and
Kock A. Vaal Triangle Air Pollution Health Study: an update. NACA Annual Conference, Vereeniging, November 1992.
Maseko G, Nel C M E, Mafelang M, Radebe M, Terblanche A P S and Pienaar M. Air
pollution health survey in Sebokeng, Evaton and Sharpeville: a team effort. NACA Annual Conference, Vereeniging, November 1992.
Nel C M E, Terblanche A P S, Opperman L, Nyikos H and Kock A C. Domestic coal
burning: human exposures and health effects. NACA Annual Conference, Vereeniging, November 1992.
Terblanche A P S, Nel, R and Opperman L. Upper respiratory illnesses in
children living in coal burning areas of South Africa. 9th Congress of ISAM, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany, March/April 1993.
Terblanche A P S. Imagine . a world without occupational hygienists. Inaugural
banquet of the SA Institute for Occupational Hygienists, February 1993.
Terblanche A P S. Environmental health aspects of lead. SA Inst. of Mechanical
Engineers Seminar on Unleaded Petrol. August 1993.
Terblanche A P S. Air pollution risks in developing communities of South Africa.
EPH.City/93, Antwerp, Belgium, November 1993.
Terblanche A P S. Health impacts of air pollution in South Africa: A mirror image
of Africa's problems. Chemical and Allied Industries' Association (CAIA), Johannesburg, May 1994.
Terblanche A P S, Nel R, Opperman L, Annegarn H, Tosen G, Cadman A, Pols A and
Bekker P. Vaal Triangle air pollution health study: final results and recommendations. NACA Annual Conference Cape Town, November, 1994.
Burger L W, Terblanche A P S and Baldwin D. Air pollution dispersion modelling: a
tool for selecting safe sites for hazardous waste. Wastecon '94, Somerset West, September 1994.
Terblanche A P S. Energy and health in developing countries - quo vadis? SAICEM
II, Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe, October 1994.
Nel C M E and Terblanche A P S. Health risks of household energy sources in farm
worker communities in the Northern Transvaal. University of the North. August 1994.
Terblanche A P S. Health impacts of air pollution in South Africa: A mirror image
of Africa's problems. CHASA in Action Conference "Building a Southern African Health Community", Midrand, South Africa, Oct. 1994.
Terblanche A P S. Food Security and Health. Presentation to the Parliamentary
Subcommittee on Science and Technology, June 1996.
Terblanche A P S. Cancer Risks At Hazardous Waste Sites in South Africa. Free
University of Berlin, Germany, July 1996.
Terblanche A P S. Milnerton and Surrounding Areas Air Quality Project. National
Association for Clean Air Western Cape Branch Annual Symposium, Cape Town, South Africa, Aug. 1996.
Terblanche A P S. Opening address. Entrepreneurs Workshop, run by the SABC
Terblanche A P S. My career as a scientist. Women in Science, University of
Terblanche A P S. Bridging the Gap. FAWU National Assembly, Port Shepstone,
Nel R, John J, Oosthuizen R and Terblanche A P S. A Window on the Air Quality in
the East Rand. National Association for Clean Air Annual Conference, Nov. 1996.
O’Beirne S, Nel R, Rogers D, Terblanche A P S, Smith G and Schwab M. The
Increasing Importance of Quantitative Health Risk Assessment of Air Pollution in South Africa. National Association for Clean Air Annual Conference, South Africa, Nov. 1996.
100. Terblanche A P S. Presentations of VAPS findings made to: Community in the Vaal
Triangle, Industries in the Vaal Triangle, National Electrification Forum, Dept of Environmental Affairs, & Tourism, Dept of Health, Independent Development Trust, PWV Government, National Association for Clean Air.
101. Terblanche A P S. Should Scientists Dream: Presentation at the Pretoria Technikon
102. The Power of Choice - Womens Day presentation, 8 August 1997, Johannesburg. 103. Terblanche A P S. Food Security for South Africa - Why bother? SAAFoST 14th Int.
Congress and Exhibition, South Africa, September 1997.
104. Terblanche A P S. Tegnologie vir onkonvensionele Landbou. Presentation at the
105. Terblanche A P S. Biological Effects of Ozone Depletion. African Regional
Workshop on Ozone Depletion and Management of ODS phase-out in SMEs. FRD, Pretoria, October 1997. (Proceedings published by FRD.)
106. Terblanche A P S. NACA: Towards the next Millennium. NACA Natal Branch
Evening Seminar, Durban, October 1997. (no proceedings)
107. Terblanche A P S. Environmental Issues in the Food Industry. Presentation to
University of Pretoria MSc students. Pretoria, October 1997.
108. Annegarn H J, Terblanche A P . Vaal Triangle Air Quality Management: An
implementation strategy. Prepared at the request of the Director: Air Pollution Control, DEAT on behalf of the Vaal Triangle Air Pollution Action Committee, June 1997.
109. Terblanche, P. Should Scientists Dream? Presentation at the Autumn Graduation
Ceremony of the Pretoria Technikon, Pretoria, May 1997.
110. Terblanche, P. Future Shock. Seminar at Botany Department, University of
111. Terblanche, P. Into the New Millennium. Food and Beverage Conference August
112. Rogers D, Lloyd M and Terblanche A P S. Health Risk Assessment applied to
emissions from medical waste incinerators in SA. NACA World Clean Air Congress, Durban, September 1998.
113. Held G, Terblanche A P S and Mackenzie A. An Introduction to the International Life
Sciences Institute. NACA World Clean Air Congress, Durban, September 1998.
114. Terblanche A P S. SAN/CSIR Hoodia Benefit Sharing model. Food Security and
Biodiversity - Sharing the Benefit of Plant Genetic Resources Symposium, Basel, Switzerland, October 2003.
Terblanche A P S. Report on the Air Quality Programme of the CSIR. August 1988.
Terblanche A P S. Health hazards of nitrates in drinking water. September 1988.
Murray B W LeR and Terblanche A P S. Aldehydes in the atmosphere: A review of
its adverse effects. October 1988. (Report to the Department of National Health and Population Development).
Terblanche A P S. Harvard's Six Cities Air Pollution Study: A model for future use
Terblanche A P S and Murray P W LeR. Health aspects of diesel emissions.
February 1989 (Reports to the Department of National Health and Population Development).
Terblanche A P S, Murray P W LeR and Fourie P B. Evaluation of the potential for
Epidemiological study on Radon Exposure in South Africa. May 1989. (Report to the Foundation for Research Development, CSIR).
Schwab M, McDermott A, Terblanche A P S, J D Spengler and H Ozkaynak.
Investigation of socio-economic status and the factors that influence indoor air pollution using the Canadian air quality and health study. Report to Health and Welfare Canada, July 1990.
Terblanche A P S. Potential health effects of air pollution in Witbank. Report to the
Environmental Impact Assessment Unit at UCT, July 1990.
Terblanche A P S. Gesondheidsgevare van insekdoders. Report to the SABC,
Terblanche A P S. Health effects of motor vehicle emissions. Report to the
Terblanche A P S. Report of the 82nd Meeting of the Air and Waste Management
Association, Anaheim, California. Submitted to the MRC, Jan 1990.
Terblanche A P S. Report on the 1st International meeting on Total Exposure
Assessment Methodology: A New Horizon, Las Vegas, Nevada. Submitted to the MRC, Jan 1990.
Terblanche A P S. Report on research and training done at Harvard University June
- Dec 1989, Boston, USA. Submitted to the MRC, Jan 1990.
Terblanche A P S. Report on the 5th International Conference on Indoor Air
Quality and Climate, Toronto, Canada. Submitted to the MRC, October 1990.
Terblanche A P S. Progress report on the C M E Air Pollution Health Study.
Terblanche A P S. Project Outline: C M E Studies. Report no: 1/90, August 1990.
Uys L and Terblanche A P S. Pilot study of carbon monoxide monitoring in the C M
Uys L, Smit H E and Terblanche A P S. Evaluation of a health questionnaire for the
C M E study. Report no: 3/90, July 1990.
Uys L, Terblanche A P S and Smit H E. Pilot study on the feasibility of a
time/activity diary for the C M E study. Report no: 4/90, Dec 1990.
Smit H E, Terblanche A P S and Uys L. Pilot study on personal monitoring of total
suspended particulate matter. Report no: 5/90, Dec 1990.
Terblanche A P S, Smit H E and Uys L. Report on the outdoor air pollution
monitoring programme of the C M E Air Pollution Health Study. Report no: 6/90, Dec 1990.
Terblanche A P S. C M E Air Pollution Health Study: Progress Report 1990.
Submitted to the Department of National Health, ESKOM, SASOL ONE, EMSA, AECI, NATREF, CARBOCHEM, SAFRIPOL, ISCOR, USCO, and the Departments of Education of the Transvaal and the Orange Free State.
Terblanche A P S. Health aspects of diesel emissions. Report to the NEC, Nov
Terblanche A P S and Mouton B J. Gesondheidsgevare van koolstofmonoksied
blootstelling. Report to Sperotek, Feb 1990.
Mouton B J and Terblanche A P S. Health effects of the red kidney bean. Report
Terblanche A P S et al. Evaluation of the effects of carbon monoxide exposure in
workers in an arc reduction furnace. Report to Sperotek, July 1990.
Terblanche A P S. Omskepping van Riebeeck koshuis in 'n tehuis van bejaardes:
Gesondheidsrisiko van lugbesoedeling. Report to Sasolburg Town Council, Oct 1990.
Terblanche A P S. Progress report on the Vaal Triangle Air Pollution Health Study.
Department of Health, 1990. Submitted also to Eskom, Sasol One, EMSA, AECI, NATREF, Karbochem, Safripol, Iscor, USCO and the Departments of Education of the Transvaal and the Orange Free State, 1990.
Terblanche A P S, Opperman L, Nel C M E, Vismer H. Air Pollution Health
Research. Annual Report on the RIED Sub programme, December 1991.
Uys L, Terblanche A P S. Determination of total exposure to TSP of seventeen
white school children in the Vaal Triangle. Report no. 1/91, 1991.
Opperman L, Terblanche A P S, Nel C M E. Health Questionnaire Evaluation for the
lekoa component of VAPS. Report no. 2/91, 1991.
Opperman L, Terblanche A P S, Nel C M E. A time activity study of primary school
children in the Vaal Triangle. Report no. 3/91.
Opperman L, Terblanche A P S, Nel C M E. Summer and winter exposure
determination of total suspended particulates of primary school children in the Vaal Triangle. Report no. 4/91, 1991.
Nel C M E, Terblanche A P S, Opperman L. Personal monitoring of total suspended
particulates in a black township in the Vaal Triangle. Report no. 5/91, 1991.
Opperman L, Terblanche A P S, Nel C M E. Total suspended particulate monitoring
and activity patterns of primary school children in the Vaal Triangle. Report No. 6/91, 1991.
Terblanche A P S, Nel C M E, Opperman L. Total suspended vs respirable particles
at Vanderbijlpark High School. Report no. 7/91, 1991.
Nel C M E, Terblanche A P S, Opperman L. Reliability of VAPS Health Assessment
Questionnaire - the Sebokeng Component. Report No. 891, 1991.
Nel C M E, Terblanche A P S, Opperman L. Health Questionnaire Results of Black
School Children in the Vaal Triangle. Report no. 9/91, 1991.
Terblanche A P S and Nel C M E Air Pollution Study - Progress Report 1990, 1991.
Terblanche A P S and Nel C M E. Health effects of Manganese exposure: Special
Reference to the Port of Port Elizabeth. Report to Portnet, 1991.
Terblanche A P S, Oppermam L, Nel C M E. Progress Report on the Vaal Triangle
Air Pollution Health Study - 1991 Report no. 10/91, January 1992. Report to the Department of Health, 1990. Submitted also to Eksom, Sasol One, EMSA, AECI, NATREF, Karbochem, Safripol, Iscor, USCO and the Departments of Education of the Transvaal and the Orange Free State, 1992.
Terblanche A P S, Nel C M E and Opperman L. Health and Safety Aspects of
Domestic Fuels. Report to the National Energy Council, March 1992.
Terblanche A P S, Nel C M E and Opperman C. Health and safety aspects of
domestic fuels. Report to the National Energy Council, March 1992.
Terblanche A P S. Recommendations for an approach to revise air pollution
exposure limits in South African mines. CSIR Report EMAP-C 92018, Report to the GME, 1992.
Terblanche A P S. Recommendations for safe limits for carbon monoxide exposure
in South African mines. CSIR Report EMAP-C 92021. Report to the Department of Mineral and Energy Affairs, 1992.
Terblanche A P S. National perspective on air pollution: Special reference to the C
M E, the Cape Peninsula, Edenvale, Secunda and Sharpeville. CSIR Report EMAP-C 92038, 1992.
Terblache A P S. Assessment of the environmental, health and social impact of
Sanachem. Phase I. Situation analysis with specific reference to airborne contaminants. Report to Sanachem, 1992.
Burger L W, Gertenbach J D and Terblanche A P S. An assessment of the
environmental, health and social impact of Sanachem. Phase II: Atmospheric dispersion modelling and air quality monitoring network design. CSIR Report EMAP-C 92032. Report to Sanachem, 1992.
Terblanche A P S, O'Beirne S and Brassel K. Airkem project: Air quality data report:
September 1991 - August 1992. CSIR Report EMAP-C 92049, 1992.
Terblanche A P S. Impact of the Rhône Poulenc fire on community health. Phase I:
Screening and qualitative risk analysis. CSIR Report EMAP-C 92053, 1992.
Terblanche A P S and Ellerbeck R. Evaluation of particulate concentrations and
potential health hazards in Sasol's polypropylene plant. CSIR Report EMAP-C 92057, 1992.
Danford I R, Terblanche A P S, Baunok I, Roos C and Elphinstone C. Comparative
evaluation of human exposures to air pollution from low-smoke and conventional household coal usage. CSIR Report EMAP-C 92055, 1992.
Terblanche A P S, O'Beirne S, Oosthuizen R and Brassel K. Air quality assessment
and community respiratory disease survey. Airkem final report. CSIR Report No. EMAP-C 93018, 1993
Oosthuizen M A and Terblanche A P S, Ellerbeck R. Air quality investigation at
Safripol, Sasolburg. CSIR Report No. EMA P/N 502, 1993.
Terblanche A P S, Danford I. XRF analysis of low-smoke and conventional coal air
pollution sampling filters. Final report, 1993.
Terblanche A P S, Nel R, Danford I. Health and safety aspects of household fuels,
Phase II. Final report to the Department of Mineral and Energy Affairs, CSIR
Terblanche A P S, Danford I, Roos C, Erasmus E, Opperman L and Elphinstone C.
Evaluation of carbon monoxide exposures and health effects of workers at Richards Bay Minerals. Final Report. CSIR Report No. EMAP-C 93033, 1993.
Terblanche A P S. Health impact of three electification scenarios for urban areas in
South Africa. Final report submitted to Eskom TRI, 1993.
Terblanche A P S and Unsted A D. A review of the health effects of exposure to
diesel exhaust emissions in a mining environment. Report No. MT02/93, 1993.
Terblanche A P S and Botha E. Environmental and Occupational health walk-
through survey of the Plascon Alberton site. Final report. 1993.
Terblanche A P S and Botha E. Environmental and Occupational health walk-
through survey of the Plascon Luipaardsvlei site. Final report. 1993.
Terblanche A P S. Desktop evaluation of health risks associated with potential
exposures to air borne glass fibre in the Old Mutual building, Paul Kruger Street, Pretoria. Report to Old Mutual Properties, 1993.
Terblanche A P S. Review of the air quality monitoring network at Sanachem,
Terblanche A P S. Total suspended particulate levels in the Canelands Valley
August 1992-September 1993. Report to Sanachem, Canelands, 1993.
Terblanche A P S, Baunok I, Grosser E, Oosthuizen R, Ellerbeck R, Erasmus E,
Gilfillan C, and Roos C. Sanachem air quality survey. Annual report to Sanachem. CSIR Report No. EMAP-C 93030, 1993.
Terblanche A P S. Total suspended particulate levels in the Canelands Valley,
August 1992 - September 1993. Report to Sanachem Canelands, 1993.
Terblanche A P S, Baunok I, Grosser E, Taljaard J, Ellerbeck R, Erasmus E and
Theron J. Sanachem air quality survey Phase II, Data report no. 1 August - October 1993. Report to Sanachem, 1993.
Terblanche A P S. Vorderingsverslag Vaal Driehoek Lugbesoedeling
Gesondheidstudie. Februarie - Julie 1993, 1993.
Terblanche A P S, Nel C M E, Danford I. Health and Safety Aspects of Household
Fuels. Phase II - Final Report. Report to the Department of Mineral and Energy Affairs. Pretoria, July 1993.
Terblanche A P S, Oppermanm L, Nel C M E. Progress Report on the Vaal Triangle
Air Pollution Health Study - Progress Report 1993. January 1992. Report to the
Department of Health. Submitted also to Eksom, Sasol One, EMSA, AECI, NATREF, Karbochem, Safripol, Iscor, USCO and the Departments of Education of the Transvaal and the Orange Free State, October 1993.
Terblanche A P S, Nel C M E, Opperman L. Vaal Triangle Air Pollution Health Study
- Progress Report January - June 1994. Report to the Department of National Health and Population Development, July 1994.
Terblanche A P S, Baunok I, Grosser E, Taljaard J, Ellerbeck R, Erasmus E and
Theron J. Sanachem air quality survey Phase II, Data report no. 2: October 1993 - February 1994. Report to Sanachem, 1994.
Terblanche A P S, Baunok I, Grosser E, Taljaard J, Ellerbeck R, Erasmus E and
Theron J. Sanachem air quality survey Phase II, Data report no. 3: February - May 1994. Report to Sanachem, 1994.
Terblanche A P S, Taljaard J, Baunok I, Grosser E, Ellerbeck R, Erasmus E, Theron
J. Sanachem air quality survey Phase II: Annual Report to Sanachem. 1994.
Terblanche A P S, Danford I R, Roos C, Gilfillan C. Comparative evaluation of
human exposures to air pollution from low-smoke and conventional household coal usage, Phase II. Report to the Department of Mineral and Energy Affairs, DMEA Report No. EO 9202, 1994.
Terblanche A P S, Pols A. Characterisation of risk factors associated with household
fuel usage in South Africa. Report to the Department of Mineral and Energy Affairs. DMEA Report No. EO 9303, 1994.
Terblanche A P S, Dust Risk Assessment Programme, Portnet, Richards Bay, 1994.
Terblanche A P S, Final Report: AIRKEM Phase II, 1994.
Terblanche A P S, Nel C M E, Lombard O. Evaluation of the use of coal in Evaton.
Project ES 9417, Draft Final Report to the Department of Mineral and Energy Affairs, April 1995.
Terblanche, A P S. Karbochem amine emissions: Exposure and health risk
Terblanche A P S. Medical assessment of physiologically harmful pollutants in air
focusing on emissions from various transport fuel types: Report to the Department of Mineral and Energy Affairs. March 1995.
Terblanche A P S. Motor Vehicle Emissions Policy Development: Phase I First
Progress Report to Department of Mineral and Energy Affairs. March 1995.
Terblanche A P S, Eleftheriades C M and Tait H. Characteristics and requirements
for a low-smoke coal. Report No ES 9407. Report to the Department of Mineral
Terblanche, A P S, Impacts of removing air pollution: Health aspects. Draft Final
Report to the Department of Mineral and Energy Affairs, Project ES9411. April 1995.
Terblanche A P S, Nel C M E, Lombard O. Evaluation of the use of coal in Evaton.
Project ES 9417, Draft Final Report to the Department of Mineral and Energy Affairs. April 1995.
Terblanche A P S. Motor vehicle emissions policy development: Phase I. Progress
report to the Department of Mineral and Energy Affairs. Period covered Feb 1995 - May 1995. May 1995
Terblanche, A P S. Impacts of removing air pollution: Health aspects. Report to the
Department of Mineral and Energy Affairs, Project ES9411. August 1995.
Terblanche A P S, Ravenscroft G, Rossouw N, Oswald E J, Bremmer L E, Burger E
and Young R. Milnerton and surrounding areas air quality study: Progress Report No. 1, November 1994.
Terblanche A P S, Ravenscroft G, Derman D, Rossouw N, Oswald E J, Bremmer L E,
Burger E, and Young R. Milnerton and surrounding areas air quality study: Progress Report No. 2, August 1995.
Terblanche A P S, Nel C M E, Ravenscroft G, Derman D, Rossouw N, Oswald E J,
Bremmer L E, Burger E, and Young R. Milnerton and surrounding areas air quality study: Progress Report No. 3, 1995.
Terblanche A P S. Health impact assessment report: potential impact on human
health of air pollution from the Umlazi Landfill Site. Report to Waste-tech (Pty) Ltd. August 1995.
Terblanche A P S, Evaluation of Dust Concentrations at the West Bank suburb of
East London. Final Report to Portnet East London, August 1995.
Terblanche A P S. The air pollution situation in Gauteng. Response to a request
from the Gauteng Member of the Executive committee for Environment. August 1995.
Terblanche A P S, Assessment of the impact of amines and ammonia from
Karbochem, Newcastle on community health. Final report to Karbochem, October 1995.
Terblanche A P S. Health impact assessment report: Potential impact on human
health of air pollution from the Umlazi landfill site. Report to Waste-tech (Pty) Ltd, October 1995.
Terblanche A P S. Motor vehicle emissions policy development: Phase 1.
Progress Report No. 3 to the Department of Mineral and Energy Affairs. October 1995.
Terblanche A P S, Nel, R, Pols A and Dell M. Assessment of community health risks
from sulphur dioxide emissions generated by Palabora Mining Company. Report to Palabora Mining Company. November 1995.
Terblanche A P S. Potential impact on human health of air pollution from the
Umlazi landfill site. Submitted to Waste-tech (Pty) Ltd. August 1995.
Nel R and Terblanche A P S. Potential impact on human health of air pollution from
the Vissershok landfill and medical waste incinerator. Submitted to Waste-tech (Pty) Ltd, January 1996.
100. Terblanche A P S, Rogers D, Burger L and Eleftheriades C. The operation of Aloes
landfill site, and a medical incinerator, in Aloes Port Elizabeth and their impact on human life and the immediate environment. (Project MEO71), Submitted to Waste-tech (Pty) Ltd. March 1996.
101. Annegarn H, Robbins N, Stein R and Terblanche A P S. Clean Diesel For South
Africa. Proceedings of the Clean Diesel Campaign Workshop, April 1996.
102. Terblanche, P. Literature Summary In The Health Effects Of Lead with Special
Reference To Lead In Petrol. Final report to the Department of Mineral and Energy Affairs. September 1996
103. Terblanche A P S. Quantitative Community Health Risk Assessment for the
Proposed Chrome Chemicals Project, Newcastle, KwaZulu-Natal. Final Report January 1997.
104. Annegarn H and Terblanche A P S. Vaal Triangle Air Quality Management: An
implementation strategy. Report prepared at the request of Mr M Lloyd, Dept of Environment Affairs and Tourism, Pretoria. June 1997.
105. Terblanche A P S. Quantitative Community Health Risk Assessment for Sappi
Saiccor Umkomaas, Kwazulu-Natal. Final report to Sappi Saiccor, August 1997.
106. Terblanche A P S. Quantitative Community Health Risk Assessment for Sasol
Secunda: Grootfontein Exposure Situation. Final Report to Sasol Secunda, August 1997.
Are Your Hormones Out of Balance? By Jackie Harvey While drug companies, politicians, doctors and health gurus argue what is in the best interest of women’s health, women themselves are rarely given a voice in the hormonal health debate, an arena that sees women the casualties of exploitation and victims of political agendas. Women’s hormonal chal enges are big business in the healthcar
STRAND: Life processes in plants and animals Grade 11: Life processes related to homeostasis Different organisms need support, transport and excretory systems, which differ in relation to size, surface area to volume ratio AND type of habitat (aquatic or terrestrial). There is a relationship between transport and excretion systems of larger organisms and gaseous exchange mechanisms [