Department of Health West Midlands Obesity Update Bulletin October 2009
project, targeted at pregnant mothers with a BMI of 30 or above and in receipt of Healthy
Good Practice
promote healthy eating, increased activity,
Please Share Your Experience with Us
introduction of solid foods. The aim is to
Within the next week or so a Good Practice
page will be added to each section of the
families develop healthy eating habits and
activity levels and prevent future obesity.
blank template at the top of the page, please
Six sites have been selected to participate –
enter as many examples of good practice/
allocate them to the appropriate page of the
developed by the project in conjunction with
Everyone supporting Change4Life at local
level, including all health care practitioners
register on the Change4Life website so that
available from Rachel Walker, Project Lead,
they receive future newsletters. You can
Let‟s Get Moving – physical activity care pathway
The website contains local examples of good
practice, national, regional and local data
and has regular updates and network links to
Methods to Promote Physical Activity, which
endorses the delivery of brief interventions
for physical activity in primary care as both
Maternal and Early Years Healthy Weight
clinically and cost effective in the long term.
The launch of Let‟s Get Moving provides a
Pilots of a new service targeting pregnant
unique opportunity to embed the promotion
mums and those with children under the age
of physical activity at the very core of the
of 2 to prevent obesity have started across
NHS, offering a major opportunity for health
the West Midlands. The Investing for Health
The Secretary of State for Health would like
Increase in Use of Children on
PCTs to consider the benefits of including
Anti-Obesity Drugs
The number of children on anti-obesity drugs
has soared 15-fold over the past decade.
Researchers estimate that 1,300 under-18s
surgeries to advise them about this initiative
may be on the drugs, even though they are
and how they can commission it. They are
only licensed for use by adults. Guidance
also planning on contacting Directors of
from the National Institute for Health and
Commissioning, Directors of Public Health,
Clinical Excellence (NICE), advises that the
drugs should only be considered for children
Surgery Practice Managers with information
about what the pathway is, the clinical and
study, which analysed the use of orlistat
(Xenical), sibutramine (Reductil) and rimonabant (Acomplia) in children up to the
age of 18, is published in the British Journal
Express, 3 Sep 2009, p22; Mail, 3 Sep 2009,
StreetGames StreetCheer
p4; Sun, 3 Sep 2009, p31; Telegraph, 3 Sep
A new dance project, which is part of the
Standard Evaluation Framework
of the West Midlands‟ Culture Programme
for Weight Management Interventions
for London 2012, will be launched on Sunday, 18 October. It will be run by
The aim of the Single Evaluation Framework
(SEF) is to support high quality, consistent
sports organisation for young people with
the dance format of StreetCheer, this dance
format combines cheerleading with modern street dancing.
The SEF provides introductory guidance on
„essential‟ and „desirable‟ criteria. Essential
StreetCheer event at Fenton Manor Leisure
recommended data for evaluating a weight
For further information on the StreetGames
management intervention. Desirable criteria
are additional data that would enhance the
describes why particular criteria have been
categorised as essential or desirable, and
Children “Need Water Fountains”
gives further information on collecting data.
The SEF will be essential reading to those
commissioning, running or evaluating weight
exercise for children but campaigners say its
effects are negated by a lack of drinking
water. The Children‟s Food Campaign says few parks have water fountains so children
buy fizzy drinks to quench their thirst.
The National Obesity Observatory will be evaluating the usefulness and impact of the
Healthy KID5
quantitative and qualitative data, including
involved in this evaluation, or if you have
The “Healthy Kid5” pack was recently launched at St Luke‟s Primary School,
Change4Life - Reference Materials Healthy Kid5 is a reference source and
practical guide for health and community
workers (and children and their parents) on
Walsall PCT found the 8 Lifestyle Changes
and Language Guidelines for Change4Life
and wrote to DH to comment “This is great.
work with children under five and as part
dieticians, health visitors and Children‟s
Healthy Kid5 contains a wide variety of
ideas for fun and interactive activities
Healthy Weight Healthy Lives in the West Midlands – One Year On
This report is now available on the West
Healthy Kid5 can be used in a variety of Eating Matters in Schools in the West Midlands
This report, by the Regional Food in Schools
Action Group, covers the period April 2008 to
March 2009. It is available on the West Midlands Food Website:-
Children‟s Centre activities or events.
Healthy Kid5 supports the key messages of
the Government‟s Change4Life campaign –
Eat Well, Move More and Live Longer, and it
Promoting the benefits of outdoor play and
practice in the “Staffordshire Child Healthy Weight” framework (2009).
Additionally, „The Body Factory‟ CD which
was developed as a result of a successful
funding application to The Health Foundation (previously named PPP
Foundation) – Electronics Resources Grant
It‟s Fun to be Active
In order to stay healthy, all children should
be active every day and most are, but don‟t
realise it. Other children need to be more
The It‟s Fun to be Active books use cartoon
This is a creative, fun and interactive
KS1 children into thinking about physical
learn about eating well, staying healthy
activity. The book follows a class of children
over five days as they do their class topic of
being healthy. At the back of the big book
are discussion points, Literacy links and
Body Factory has been independently
teachers to ensure „discovering about healthy living becomes a learning adventure’. The linked website will be up
Together for Children
Dr Sandra Passmore, PSHE & Citizenship
If you are interested in Play, you may like to
School Travel Update
Travel Advisers‟ work and findings should
School Travel Advisers are working hard to
see 100% of schools with a travel plan by
Management Strategy for Schools (closing
March 2010, a target set by the DCSF/DfT
date 20 November). DCSF is consulting with
Travelling to School Initiative back in 2004.
schools and stakeholders to gather views
86% of the region's schools now have travel
greenhouse gas emissions from the schools
campaign in May in partnership with Guide
school travel and transport, the document
appropriately includes a raft of possible
interventions and initiatives including an
Challenge' for secondary schools. This will
car free zones around schools and greener
delivering a whole-school car free campaign
from 26 April to 7 May 2010. Evidence of
the fortnight will be submitted, including
before and after mode of travel data, to see
what uptake there was by more sustainable
Play WM Regional Network Event 24 November 2009
Birmingham in September 2010 for winning
entries. All the good ideas will be added to a
campaign guide for distribution to all schools
DH West Midlands and given Walk4Life and
The theme is vulnerable children and play.
Bike 4Life branding include phase 2 of the
The event will comprise a series of short
'Health Inequalities: School Travel Cycle
talks/presentations followed by workshops.
If you are interested in attending, please
opportunities for graduates of Getting Our
Exercise, Nutrition, Do it (MEND) and Self
Help Independence, Nutrition & Exercise
(SHINE) weight management courses in Shropshire, Sandwell and Solihull and
If you would like an article included in the
next (January) newsletter, please email it,
a pedometer based Walking Challenge pilot
With the Travelling to School Initiative coming to an end, DCSF and DfT have commissioned a national evaluation of the school travel plan programme and School
Glaukom (grüner Star) Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Grundlagen 1.1 Definition Unter dem Begriff Glaukom wird eine Anzahl ätiologisch unterschiedlicher Krankheiten mit typischer Schädigung der Papille und des Gesichtsfeldes zusammengefasst, deren gemeinsamer pathogenetischer Faktor ein individuell zu hoher Augeninnendruck ist. Der alte Ausdruck “Grüner Star” sollte nicht