Product Name: Product Code: Other Names: Recommended Use: Distributor: Address:
P.O. Box 65070, Mairangi Bay, Auckland 0754
Telephone: Emergancy Phone: National Poisons Centre: 2. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION Hazard Classification: Hazards:
Causes damage to organs through prolonged or repeated exposure.
Very toxic to fish and freshwater invertebrates.
3. COMPOSITION: INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS Ingredient CAS Number Concentration (%w/w) 4. FIRST AID MEASURES Consult the National Poisons Information Centre 0800 POISON (0800 764 766) or a doctor in every case of suspected chemical poisoning. Never give fluids or induce vomiting if a patient is unconscious or convulsing regardless of cause of injury. If breathing difficulties occur seek medical attention immediately. Effects and Symptoms Dust2Dust has low oral, dermal and inhalation toxicity. The talc used in this product contains no asbestos fibre. Exposure at or below the TWA (2.5 mg/m³) is thought to protect workers from the significant risk of nonmalignant respiratory effects associated with talc dusts. Swallowed Dust2Dust has low oral toxicity; the Acute Oral LD50 (rat) 12,000 mg/kg (calculated). However if poisoning occurs when swallowed, do not induce vomiting. If conscious and alert, rinse mouth and drink 1-2 cupfuls of water. Begin artificial respiration if the victim is not breathing. Use mouth to nose rather than mouth to mouth. Obtain urgent medical attention. EMERGENCY PHONE: KEY INDUSTRIES LTD (Frank Visser, Managing Director): 0274 941 659 Date of Issue: 12 January 2010 Date of Revision: 12 January 2010 Skin Contact Non irritating to the skin. Acute Dermal LD50 (rabbit) > 2000 mg/kg. If on skin, immediately wash with plenty of soap and water. Remove contaminated clothing and shoes. Wash clothing before
Destroy contaminated leather articles such as belts ad watchbands. Seek medical attention
Eye Contact
Mildly irritating to the eyes. Immediately flush eyes with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes, occasionally lifting the upper and lower eyelids. Remove contact lenses is present and easy to do and continue rinsing. Do NOT allow victim to rub eyes or keep eyes closed. Obtain urgent medical attention. Inhalation Low inhalation toxicity. Acute inhalation LC50 (rat) > 5.27 mg/L1 hour. It may irritate the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract. Move the victim to fresh air immediately. Begin artificial respiration if breathing has stopped. Obtain medical attention immediately. First Aid facilities Provide eye baths and safety showers close to areas where exposure may occur. Medical Attention Treat symptomatically and supportively, monitoring the development of hypersensitivity reactions with respiratory distress. Gastric lavage may be indicated if ingested. No know antidote. Do not confuse with cholinesterase poisoning. Skin contacted may be carefully cleaned with cleansing milk. Symptoms can be partially alleviated by the application of a vitamin E or moisturizing cream or anesthetic ointment. For eyes, instill local anesthetic drops e.g. 1% amethocaine hydrochloride eye drops. Give analgesics as necessary. In all cases consult the National Poisons Centre for the most up to date treatment information. 5. FIRE FIGHTING MEASURES Material may support combustion at elevated temperatures. Thermal decomposition and burning may produce toxic by-products. Do not allow contaminated run-off to enter drains. Self-contained breathing apparatus required. Use dry chemical, alcohol foam, or carbon dioxide as extinguishing media. Soft stream water fog only is necessary. Contain all runoff Hazardous thermal (de)composition products: Carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, hydrogen chloride, chlorine, hydrogen chloride and sulfur dioxide. Hazchem Code
Wear appropriate protective clothing whilst cleaning up small spills (see Personal Protectio
absorbent material such as earth, sand or clay granules to the spill. Sweep up material f
absorption is complete. Clean up minor spills immediately.
EMERGENCY PHONE: KEY INDUSTRIES LTD (Frank Visser, Managing Director): 0274 941 659 Date of Issue: 12 January 2010 Date of Revision: 12 January 2010 Large Spills
Wear protective clothing. Clear the area of all unprotected personnel. As a standard precautionary measure, shut off all sources of ignition. Place leaking containers into salvage drums. Apply absorbent material such as damp earth, sand or clay granules to spill area. Form a barricade around the spill and in front of drains or waterways in spill vicinity, using earth or other available material. Prevent entry of material into drains or water ways. Waste Disposal Method Contaminated absorbent and wash water should be disposed of according to local regulations under the Resource management Act. Avoid contamination of any water supply with chemical or empty container. 7. HANDLING AND STORAGE Precautions for safe handling
te water, feed, or food by storage, handling, or disposal. No smoking, eating or drinking
should be allowed where material is used or stored. Read and observe all precautions and instructions on
the label. Avoid contact with food, clothing, drugs or other household goods during transportation. Conditions for safe storage Store containers upright and closed. Store in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight and in well- ventilated areas, away from children and animals. Keep away from heat, ignition sources and strong oxidizers. Emptied containers may retain product residues. 8. EXPOSURE CONTROLS / PERSONAL PROTECTION Exposure Limits Exposure guideline: Workplace exposure standards:
Exposure Standards outside the workplace: Not Established Engineering Controls Control airborne concentrations below the exposure guideline. Good general ventilation should be sufficient for most conditions. Hygiene Controls Facilities storing or utilising this material should be equipped with an eyewash facility, safety shower and facility for washing hands/face after work. Personal Protective Equipment Respiratory Protection Wear an approved organic vapor respirator in absence of proper mechanical ventilation. 3/44L Constellation Dr Eye Protection
Wear approved safety glasses, goggles, or a full-face shield.
Skin/Body Protection
DO NOT SMOKE, EAT, DRINK OR APPLY COSMETICS IN WORK AREA! Wear waterproof gloves when prolonged or frequently repeated contact could occur. Wash promptly if skin becomes contaminated. Wash at the end of each work shift and before eating, smoking and using the toilet.
EMERGENCY PHONE: KEY INDUSTRIES LTD (Frank Visser, Managing Director): 0274 941 659 Date of Issue: 12 January 2010 Date of Revision: 12 January 2010 9. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES Appearance Physical State Boiling Point Melting Point Flash Point Not applicable Solubility
Does not mix readily with water. To be used as a dust.
Specific Gravity @ 20ºC:
10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITY Chemical Stability Stable at room temperature and pressure Hazardous decomposition products Oxides of carbon under fire conditions. Specific Materials to Avoid None known Hazardous Polymerisation will not occur 11. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION Acute Effects Ingestion: Single dose oral toxicity is considered to be low. Irritation and respiratory discomfort may occur. Eye Contact: Mildly irritating to the eyes. Skin Contact: Non irritating to the skin. Acute Dermal LD50 (rabbit) > 2000 mg/kg. A single prolonged exposure is not likely to result in the material being absorbed through the skin in harmful amounts. Inhalation: Low inhalation toxicity. Acute Inhalation LC50(rat) > 5.27 mg/L/1 hour. It may irritate the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract. Chronic Effects No data available on this formulation. In studies with laboratory animals, Permethrin Technical did not cause teratogenicity or reproductive toxicity. 12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION
No data is available on Dust2Dust Insecticidal Powder. The following information refers to P
Environmental Toxicology: Permethrin is considered highly toxic to fish and aquatic arth
LC50 values which range from 0.02 µg/L to 315 µg/L. The aquatic arthropods tend to be some of the more sensitive species. Marine species are often more sensitive than freshwater species. Permethrin is slightly toxic to birds and the Acute Oral LD50 values are greater than 3,600 mg/kg. Do not contaminate sewers, drains, dams, creeks or any other waterways with product or the used container.
EMERGENCY PHONE: KEY INDUSTRIES LTD (Frank Visser, Managing Director): 0274 941 659 Date of Issue: 12 January 2010 Date of Revision: 12 January 2010 Environmental Fate Permethrin has a moderate rate of degradation in soil. It is stable over a wide range of pH values. Because permethrin has a high affinity for organic matter, there is little potential for movement in the soil or entry into ground water. Because of the ease with which biological systems degrade the molecule, the potential for bio-concentration and accumulation in the environment is low. 13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS Product Disposal Dispose of product only by using according to label or using an approved waste disposal contractor. If this material as supplied becomes a waste care should be taken to ensure compliance with national and local authorities. It is the responsibility of the waste generator to determine the toxicity and physical properties of the waste generated to determine the proper waste identification and disposal methods in compliance with applicable regulations. Do not dispose of via municipal sewers, drains, natural streams or rivers. Packaging Disposal Empty packaging should be taken for recycling, recovery or disposal through a suitably qualified or licensed contractor. Care should be taken to ensure compliance with national and local authorities. Packaging may still contain product residue that may be harmful. Incinerate via approved incinerators or crush and bury in an approved landfill. Ensure that empty packaging is managed in accordance with Dangerous Goods and HSNO regulations.
UN number:
Dust2Dust Insecticidal Powder is a Marine Pollutant according to International
Maritime Dangerous Goods (IMDG) Code and the International Air transport Association (IATA). Proper shipping name: ENVIRONMENTALLY HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE, SOLID, N.O.S. (Contains 2% Permethrin). Other Information: NA 15. REGULATORY INFORMATION Approval Number: EPA Approval Number: AsureQuality:
Approved type B and C (food, beverage and dairy factories)
Approved type B (all food premises except Dairy)
16. OTHER INFORMATION Reasons for Issue: Update format and content to comply with legislation. The information sourced for the preparation of this document was correct and complete at the time of writing to the best of the suppliers knowledge. Each user should read this MSDS and consider the information in the context of how the product will be handled and used in the workplace. The document represents the commitment to the company’s responsibilities surrounding the supply of this product, undertaken in good faith. This document should be taken as a safety guide for the product and its recommended uses, but is in no way an absolute authority. Please consult the relevant legislation and regulations governing the use and storage of this type of product. For further information, please contact Key Industries Limited EMERGENCY PHONE: KEY INDUSTRIES LTD (Frank Visser, Managing Director): 0274 941 659 Date of Issue: 12 January 2010 Date of Revision: 12 January 2010
PROFESSIONAL BIOGRAPHICAL PROFILE OF CHARLES W. KING EDUCATION Charles W. King received his bachelor's and master's degrees from the University of Texas in 1956 and 1957 respectively. From 1957 until 1960, King was a marketing research analyst and section head with Humble Oil and Refining Company (now Exxon). In 1960, King initiated doctoral study and subsequently received his d
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