Introductions to world religions

Substance Abuse
Fact Sheet 2008

Alcohol – 12%
This test was developed to enable schools to equivalent to that which is learned by students taking the course. The school may choose to award college credit to the student based on ultimate passing score for each examination is determined by the school. The school is provided with a recommended passing score Anti-anxiety and Sedative Hypnotics –
established by a national committee of college program is approved by the American Council on Education (ACE), and the ACE provides recommended number of credits that could be awarded to successful students. Some schools set their own standards for awarding credit and may require a higher score than the ACE Inhaled Substances – 4%
recommendation. Students should obtain this information from the institution from which they CONTENT OUTLINE
The following is an outline of the content areas covered in the examination. The approximate percentage of the examination devoted to each VII. Tobacco and Nicotine – 7%
Substance Abuse Exam Content Outline
Overview of Substance Abuse and
Dependence Abuse – 11%
VIII. Psychomotor Stimulants – 9%
E. Costs to society and associations with Classification of Drugs – 6%
Pharmacological and
Opoids – 9%
Neurophysiological Principles – 11%
2. Drugs, Society and Human Behavior, 12th Edition, 2008, Charles Ksir, Carl Hart and Ray Oakley, McGraw-Hill, Two Penn Plaza, New York, NY 10121, books.mcgraw- Cannabinoids – 8%
All test questions are in a multiple-choice format, with one correct answer and three incorrect options. You may want to review these samples for the type of questions that may Hallucinogens – 4%
The drugs posing the most immediate risk of XII. Other Drugs of Abuse – 5%
XIII. Antipsychotic Drugs – 4%
XIV. Antidepressants and Mood Stabilizers
Endorphins and enkephalins are similar in REFERENCES
The following references were used to create exam questions and may be useful as study materials. You are not allowed to use these 1. Drugs and Society, Ninth Edition, 2006, Annette E. Fleckenstein, Jones and Bartlett Publishers, 40 Tall Pine Drive, Sudbury, MA Crisis intervention and detection of the early CREDIT RECOMMENDATIONS
The Center for Adult Learning and Educational Education (ACE) has reviewed and evaluated the DSST test development process and has Amount of Credit Three (3) semester hours The junction between two neurons is called the It is advisable that schools develop a consistent policy about awarding credit based on scores from this test and that the policy be reviewed periodically. Prometric will be happy to help Paradoxical effects of the benzodizephines Buerger’s disease, caused by heavy cigarette C. destruction of the cilia in the trachea D. disruption of the normal functioning of the Antabuse (disulfiram) is likely to experience Answers to sample questions: 1-A; 2-A; 3-D; 4-C; 5-A;
Copyright 2008 Prometric Inc., a Delaware corporation. All rights reserved. PROMETRIC, DSST, the DSST logo and Prometric design logo are trademarks of Prometric. ACE is a registered trademark of the American Council on Education.


Robertson 16s-23s.qxd

A B S T R A C T Background. The American Diabetes Association has established recommendations for Update on diabetes diagnosis and in a metabolism thatapproaches that of people without diabetes. management The dentist also can provide risk-reductionstrategies for people prone to develop dia-betes, and refer patients with signs and CAROLYN ROBERTSON, A.P.R.N., M.S.N., C.D.E., B

grafi torinesi, oriundi da Langres, appena arrivati nella capitale subal- pina, si preoccuparono di cercarsi uno sponsor che anticipasse loro i fon- di per l’acquisto del materiale occorrente alla stampa, della carta in par- ticolare 74 , o garantisse un rapido smercio dei volumi prodotti. Il mece- nate da loro incontrato, Pantaleone da Confienza, medico alla corte dei Savoia e professore allâ

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