Es ist nicht klar, wie groß die Rolle von Antibiotika in den Wettbewerbsbeziehungen zwischen Mikroorganismen unter natürlichen Bedingungen ist. Zelman vaxman glaubte, dass diese Rolle minimal ist, Antibiotika werden nicht anders als in reinen Kulturen auf reichen Umgebungen gebildet. Anschließend wurde jedoch festgestellt, dass bei vielen Produzenten die Aktivität der antibiotikasynthese in Gegenwart anderer Arten oder spezifischer Produkte Ihres Stoffwechsels zunimmt.
Robertson 16s-23s.qxd
A B S T R A C T Background. The American Diabetes Association has established recommendations for Update on diabetes diagnosis and
in a metabolism thatapproaches that of people without diabetes. management
The dentist also can provide risk-reductionstrategies for people prone to develop dia-betes, and refer patients with signs and
CAROLYN ROBERTSON, A.P.R.N., M.S.N., C.D.E., B.C.-A.D.M.; ANDREW JAY DREXLER, M.D.; ANTHONY T. VERNILLO, D.D.S., Ph.D. Methods. The authors describe criteria for establishing a diagnosis of diabetes and for identifying people at high risk of devel- While dental patients routinely complete oping the disease. A combination of
oral interview during their initial visit,
type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus is pre-
Results. Patients with diabetes maintain
reveal anything suspect. Yet, while talking about gen-
eral well-being, a patient may mention the classic signs
research includes early clinical trials of islet
cell transplantation and therapeutic cloning
Rigorous metabolic fatigue. When this is noted, the patient control of should be referred to a physician for
islet cells and, thus, may offer a potential
diabetes can immediate evaluation. Given the large be achieved number of undiagnosed cases of diabetes Conclusions. Rigorous metabolic control through a in the United States (approximately 6 to
of diabetes can be achieved through a com-
7 million), dentists are in a position to
bination of therapeutic modalities and the
combination of therapeutic making such referrals. Patients with modalities undiagnosed diabetes have a high risk of
ventive strategies and refer patients with
and the developing life-threatening systemic
signs and symptoms suggestive of diabetes
establishment complications because they have not yet and received treatment. Unrecognized dia- Clinical Implications. The dentist and
physician must work together as a team to
achieve rigorous metabolic control of dia-
of target signs of uncontrolled glucose levels— outcomes. poor healing and infection (for example,
candidiasis, gingivitis and periodontitis
with significant bone destruction)—and correctly corre-lating them to the classic signs and symptoms of uncon-
trolled diabetes can lead to an early diagnosis and
established criteria for testing undiagnosed
people. They suggest that all people aged 45
This article provides an update on the diagnosis and
years and older, especially those with a body
mass index greater than or equal to 25 kilo-
Copyright 2003 American Dental Association. All rights reserved.
grams/square meter, should have a fasting
greater than 126 milligrams/deciliter is diagnostic
for diabetes. If the FPG is 110 to 126 mg/dL, thenan oral glucose tolerance test, or OGTT, should be
dObesity (a weight higher than 120 percent of
performed to determine the degree of glucose
ideal body weight or a body mass index higher
intolerance. If the FPG score is less than 110
dHigh-risk ethnic background (African-American,
mg/dL, the test should be repeated at three-year
Hispanic, American Indian, Asian, Pacific
intervals. While an FPG of more than 126 mg/dL
is the preferred diagnostic test owing to its ease of
dHypertension dHigh-density lipoprotein level lower than
administration and lower cost, a random plasma
35 milligrams per deciliter or a triglyceride level
glucose level of greater than 200 mg/dL in the
presence of the classic symptoms also is accept-
dA first-degree relative with diabetesdHistory of gestational diabetes or delivery of a
able. In each instance, positive findings must be
confirmed by repeat testing on a subsequent day.
dImpaired glucose tolerance or impaired fasting
Neither the glycosylated hemoglobin, or HbA
glycemia (history of blood sugar level between
nor the OGTT measurements are currently rec-
dHistory of vascular disease or polycystic ovarian
ommended for initial diagnostic use because of
their lack of reproducibility. Testing should beconsidered at a younger age and carried out morefrequently in people who are at high risk (Box).
both microvascular and macrovascular complica-
While the American Diabetes Association does
tions with lowered HbA1c. This test provides a
not specify the age at which to begin this
measure of the patient’s average glycemia over
screening, the American Association of Clinical
the preceding two to three months and is an
Endocrinologists, or AACE, suggests that it
excellent tool for monitoring patient outcomes6
should be initiated at the age of 25 years.2
Because the available data have failed to iden-
tify the optimum level of control for particular
While the management of the patient with dia-
patients, consensus regarding the target HbA1c is
betes should be determined individually, based on
lacking. The American Diabetes Association rec-
the patient’s clinical status and willingness to
ommends an HbA1c of 7 percent, while the AACE
actively participate in self-care, there are recom-
recommends that a value of 6.5 percent is a rea-
mended goals. These goals are designed to
sonable goal, but targets 6.0 percent as the
achieve near-normal metabolic control, prevent or
optimal endpoint.1,6 Since the HbA1c only repre-
Copyright 2003 American Dental Association. All rights reserved.
defects that occur simultaneously:insulin resistance and insulin defi-
patient with type 2 diabetes and itusually antedates the onset of the
RECOMMENDED LEVEL Glycemic Control (Plasma Glucose) Blood Pressure
hepatic glucose output. Insulindeficiency develops over time—ini-
* mg/dL: Milligrams per deciliter. † mm Hg: Millimeters of mercury.
tially as a loss of first-phaseinsulin release with a compen-satory increase in the second
sents the mean glucose level, glycemic control is
phase. This hyperinsulinemic response does not
best judged by the combination of the HbA
persist and the insulin secretory capacity of the
(performed routinely every three months) and the
beta cell begins to wane. Eventually, the patient
concurrent results of the patient’s blood glucose
becomes increasingly more insulinopenic. Since
monitoring. Patients can be taught to perform
this is a pathophysiological response, every indi-
glucose tests at home using glucose meters that
vidual with type 2 diabetes has the potential to
require a single drop of blood (obtained from mul-
require supplemental insulin. The eventual need
tiple sites including fingertips, forearm, upper
for insulin therapy should be considered a sign of
arm, thigh, calf and the fleshy part of the hand).
the disease’s progression rather than a failure of
These systems are small, simple to use and inex-
the patient. Treatment regimens for patients with
pensive. They are sufficiently accurate to provide
type 2 diabetes should address both the insulin
immediate feedback, allowing the patient and
resistance and insulin deficiency, and must
provider to make informed and timely changes to
include both nonpharmacological and pharmaco-
the regimen. Most people with diabetes have a
high frequency of wide fluctuations in blood sugar
The patient with type 1 diabetes has an abso-
levels; therefore, it is important to counsel the
lute insulin deficiency. As a consequence, these
patient to avoid checking blood glucose at the
patients must receive insulin replacement. Oral
same time of the day. Instead, glucose monitoring
hypoglycemic agents do not restore insulin secre-
should be done at a variety of times—premeal,
tion. Nonpharmacological interventions can facili-
postmeal, before and after exercise and at bed-
tate control, but they can never substitute for
time—to best determine the impact that food,
activity and even stress can have on the ambient
In the patient with type 2 diabetes, initial
serum glucose level. The overall goal of diabetes
treatment begins with nonpharmacological inter-
management is to achieve a level of metabolic
ventions, specifically, a healthful meal plan, exer-
control that approaches that of a person without
cise and, when appropriate, weight loss. The meal
plan should be designed to promote overall healththrough optimal nutrition, to facilitate improved
blood glucose and lipid levels, and to provide suf-
Achieving metabolic targets that approach levels
ficient calories to achieve or maintain reasonable
commonly found in people without diabetes
weight. Interestingly, only a moderate amount of
requires treatment programs that are designed to
weight loss is needed to improve insulin resis-
reproduce as closely as possible the pattern of glu-
tance. Currently, there are three approaches to
cose and endogenous insulin levels that would
the diabetic diet: general recommendations that
have existed if the patient did not have the dis-
emphasize the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s
ease. The patient with type 2 diabetes has two
Food Guide Pyramid, calorie-reduced plans using
Copyright 2003 American Dental Association. All rights reserved. TYPES AND DOSAGES OF ORAL HYPOGLYCEMIC AGENTS. DOSES PER DAY Secretagogues* Insulin Sensitizers‡ Agents That Delay Carbohydrate Absorption§ Combination Agents
* Stimulates beta cells. † mg: Milligram(s).
‡ Stimulates glucose uptake by muscle and adipose tissue and reduces the liver’s glucose output.
§ Delays the gut’s glucose absorption.
aids in weightreduction. It isimportant to encourage patients to enroll in struc-
Metformin, pioglitazone and rosiglitazone are
tured programs that emphasize lifestyle changes,
used to improve insulin sensitivity. Metformin
including education, reduced fat (< 30 percent of
improves sensitivity of the liver and reduces hep-
daily energy), regular physical activity and reg-
atic glucose output, while pioglitazone and rosigli-
ular contact between enrollees (this refers to
tazone improve peripheral glucose uptake at the
group classes, peer support groups and even
muscles. Selection should consider the limitations
Internet chat rooms). Several studies have demon-
of these drugs. For example, a commonly used
strated that structured programs can produce
insulin sensitizer, metformin, has been associated
long-term weight loss of 5 to 7 percent of starting
with intractable lactic acidosis. If a patient has
weight.8 When these measures fail to allow the
mild kidney disease, or is at risk of developing
patient to meet the target HbA1c levels, then oral
congestive heart failure, severe infection can sig-
hypoglycemic agents must be instituted (Table 3).
nificantly increase the risk of lactic acidosis. Com-
The best time to initiate therapy with oral
munication with the patient’s primary physician
hypoglycemic agents and the optimal choice for
is warranted to determine if the drug should be
the starting medication still is being debated.
Three classes of oral hypoglycemic agents are
Pioglitazone and rosiglitazone are thiazolid-
available. Each class reduces plasma glucose
iones that activate the peroxisome proliferator-
levels by one or more methods: increasing insulin
activated receptors, or PPARs.12 Activation of the
secretion, reducing insulin resistance or delaying
PPARs regulates the transcription of insulin-
glucose absorption by the gut. Since insulin
sensitive genes involved in the control of glucose
resistance is present before the onset of type 2
production, transport and utilization, and they
diabetes, and because the failing beta cell occurs
participate in the regulation of free fatty acid
later in the disease, many have argued that the
metabolism. Stimulation of PPAR-gamma and
therapy should be initiated with an insulin sensi-
-alpha receptors increases the expression of
tizer and that the sensitizers should be started
another molecule called ABCA1 that exports
before the metabolic control decompensates.9,10
cholesterol from macrophages. Thus, exploiting
Copyright 2003 American Dental Association. All rights reserved. INSULIN PREPARATIONS. TYPE OF INSULIN DURATION OF Human Regular Analogs Lispro Insulin Mixtures*
* Humulin is manufactured by Eli Lilly, Indianapolis, Ind.; Novolin, Novo Nordisk Pharmaceuticals, Princeton, N.J.; Humalog, Eli Lilly;
Novolog, Novo Nordisk Pharmaceuticals.
this pathway may be a way to control lipid levels,
destruction of the pancreatic insulin-producing
beta cells and results in profound insulin defi-
Proponents of using secretagogues as initial
ciency. As a consequence, these patients must
therapy suggest that increasing insulin secretion
receive insulin replacement. Insulin also is indi-
rapidly lowers blood glucose levels, thus reversing
cated for patients with type 2 diabetes who have
the glucose toxicity caused by severe hyper-
persistent hyperglycemia either due to progres-
glycemia. With lowered blood glucose levels, the
sive loss of insulin secretion, or acute decompen-
beta cell may be able to resume more normal
sation due to stress, illness, infection or concur-
function. Regardless of the drug class selected,
rent medications. Current insulin therapy,
when it is used as monotherapy, a 0.5 to 2 percent
however, has not been able to mimic normal phys-
reduction in HbA1c can be expected.13 When com-
iology. Several problems exist. First, insulin must
bination therapy is used, either with a secreta-
be injected subcutaneously three or more times
gogue and sensitizer or with two sensitizers, there
per day to mimic the required concentration of
is a further glucose reduction, with HbA1c reduc-
insulin both in the preprandial and postprandial
tions of 0.7 to 1.7 percent.14, 15 Many feel that these
state. Second, subcutaneous insulin injections
prefixed dose combinations facilitate patient com-
deliver insulin initially to the systemic circulation
pliance and have synergistic properties that allow
and only secondarily into the portal circulation.
Hence, it is not possible to achieve the normal
endogenous portal-to-systemic insulin ratios.
Copyright 2003 American Dental Association. All rights reserved.
Finally, much of the insulin is injected in a form
mine the actual insulin requirement. A variety of
that is not initially soluble, leading to fluctua-
factors may influence the effectiveness of the
tions in serum insulin levels, even after injection
insulin therapy. These factors include the injec-
of the same dosage.15,16 Table 4 shows types of
tion site, the depth of penetration, the lag time
insulin preparations and their onset, peak and
between injection and the meal, the food con-
sumed, activity and stress. To achieve near-
Recent advances in insulin therapy have been
normoglycemia, insulin dosages must be altered
designed to overcome some of these limitations.
to compensate for the impact of these variables.
Insulin algorithms are designed to deliver a
Therefore, it is necessary to prescribe more than
near-continuous supply of insulin to match the
an exact set of insulin instructions. Patients must
body’s basal requirements and provide larger
be given guidelines for adjusting the insulin dose
quantities (bolus) of insulin to ensure adequate
proactively, as well as guidelines for responding
glucose uptake at meals. Insulin can be adminis-
to blood glucose levels that are outside of the
tered using a traditional insulin syringe, an
target range. Patient self-monitoring of blood glu-
insulin pen or a subcutaneous continuous insulin
cose levels, accompanied by a program of educa-
pump, or SCII.17,18 Optimal insulin replacement
tion, can give the patient the knowledge and skill
therapy consists of regimens that provide for the
basal and the bolus needs of the individual. Inother words, the regimen must be designed using
insulins with different action profiles (Table 4).
Reducing the risk factors for developing diabetes
With SCII, only one insulin type is required,
may be an important approach in the prevention
either short- or rapid-acting insulin, because the
of this disease, particularly type 2 diabetes. The
system provides insulin continuously. When the
incidence of type 2 diabetes in children and ado-
patient wishes to increase the delivery of insulin
lescents is increasing and may be related to
for a meal or a snack or to react to an undesired
dietary obesity. Although there are insufficient
glucose level, a button is pushed to activate a
data to make general recommendations, a recent
American Diabetes Association consensus state-
ment provides guidance regarding the preven-
insulin pump is to release insulin continuously
tion, screening and treatment of type 2 diabetes
and thus maintain glucose homeostasis by pre-
in young people.21 Aside from nonmodifiable risk
venting significant glycogenolysis from the
factors such as age, family history and genetics, a
glycogen stores in the liver.20 If there is disrup-
person can change his or her lifestyle to include
tion in this finely tuned glucose control, then
regular exercise, maintaining a healthful low-fat
rapid and severe hyperglycemia results, with dia-
diet, and visiting a physician and dentist on a
betic ketoacidosis, or DKA. The signs and symp-
regular basis. However, in a recently published
toms of DKA include nausea, disorientation,
survey, people with diabetes were somewhat less
abdominal cramps and fatigue; these often
likely to visit their dentists for routine exami-
resemble flulike signs and symptoms. The den-
nations and were somewhat more likely to visit
tist should recognize signs and symptoms of DKA
for dental care only when treatment was needed
and call the physician immediately if the glucose
(for example, cleanings, restorations and oral
meter readings show severe hyperglycemia. The
surgery).22 Furthermore, in the same survey,
physician may instruct the dentist to administer
adults with diabetes rated their overall oral
a bolus of rapidly acting insulin from the
health somewhat lower than did people without
patient’s backup supplies of insulin and insulin
diabetes (control group), and they rated the need
to visit a physician as a higher priority than did
In type 1 diabetes, where insulin resistance is
control subjects.22 Clearly, preventive strategies
usually not a factor, patients will require approxi-
must be in place for people, particularly those at
mately 0.5 to 1.0 units of insulin/kilogram per 24
risk of developing diabetes, and for those with
hours (most will require 0.6 U/kg).15,17 Patients
diagnosed disease. The dentist can have a major
with type 2 diabetes may require from 0.3 to 1.5
role, not only in the implementation of preven-
U/kg. In both cases, body type (lean patients often
tive strategies in both types of patient popula-
require fewer insulin units/kilogram), activity,
tions, but also in modifying oral health percep-
stress and residual endogenous insulin will deter-
tions and counterproductive attitudes.
Copyright 2003 American Dental Association. All rights reserved. PANCREAS AND ISLET TRANSPLANTATION
advance toward the cure for diabetes mellitus, as
well as possibly other chronic debilitating dis-eases of our time.
Pancreas and islet transplantation are not rou-tine management options. In each case, the
patient requires immunosuppressive therapy,
While cell transplantation and stem cell research
which comes with associated risks. In general,
are approaches that ultimately may provide
pancreas transplantation, a major surgical inter-
sources of insulin-producing cells, the promising
vention, is considered only when a patient
application of in vivo gene transfer may produce
requires another transplantation—usually a
therapeutic proteins or hormones.28 Salivary
kidney. However, the success rate at one year for
glands are recognized as classic exocrine glands,
simultaneous kidney-pancreas transplantations is
yet they also may secrete in an endocrine manner
at 90 percent.23 While islet transplantation has
(that is, directly into the bloodstream).29 This role
the advantage of requiring only minor surgery,
has never been proven in humans. However,
allowing the achievement of normal blood sugar
using gene-transfer techniques with a recombi-
values with little surgical risk, there are still
nant adenovirus, Kagami and colleagues30 demon-
major limitations. Until about three years ago,
strated that rat salivary glands, infected with this
there had been only a few isolated successes with
virus via intraductal retrograde infusion, were
islet cell transplantation and then only for a short
able to secrete human alpha1-antitrypsin directly
period. Recent work has shown consistent success
into the blood stream. By using in vivo gene-
with islet transplantation in one group; patients
transfer technology, this study reported that a
in the study were infused through the portal vein
mammalian salivary gland can secrete in an
of the liver with beta cells isolated from human
endocrine as well as in an exocrine manner (that
cadaver pancreases.24 Studies are under way to
confirm this success in other laboratories; how-
Other studies showed a similar result following
ever, it is difficult to obtain and purify islets.
the infection of rat salivary glands with a recom-
At present, there are only 10,000 pancreases
available for transplantation per year.25 Since it
kallikrein, growth hormone and aquaporin-1, or
currently takes two to three pancreases per trans-
AQP1.31-33 AQP1 is the archetypal mammalian
plantation, only approximately 3,000 to 5,000
water channel, and rats receiving AQP1 after
patients could be treated per year. In addition,
irradiation secreted saliva at control levels; this
the process still requires the use of multiple
approach may be useful for patients with salivary
immunosuppressive agents. The risk of these
hypofunction following head and neck irradiation
drugs limits the use of this procedure to people
for cancer, or for those with primary Sjögren’s
who already have significant morbidity from their
syndrome. These studies lend support to the
notion that salivary glands may prove to be a
immunotolerance not requiring drug therapy are
useful target site for transgene delivery34-36 and,
under way, along with research to find alterna-
thus, for the therapeutic correction of some sys-
temic single-protein-deficiency disorders
The new field of stem cell research has focused
including, potentially, insulin deficiency in
on the provision of islet cells as one of its early
goals. Human progenitor stem cells are pluripo-tential and thus capable of differentiating into a
number of mature, functional cell types.27 For
The American Diabetes Association has estab-
example, under defined conditions in vitro, these
lished criteria for testing undiagnosed people, and
stem cells may be induced to differentiate into
testing should be done more frequently in people
fully functional, insulin-producing beta cells.
at high risk of developing the disease. The overall
These cells could then be infused through the
goal of diabetes management is to achieve a level
portal vein into a patient who is profoundly
of metabolic control that approaches that of the
insulin-deficient (type 1 diabetes). Insulin-
individual without diabetes, using target out-
producing cells that previously were lost would be
comes. Therapeutic approaches include the use of
replaceable. Such an approach, known as thera-
insulin, oral hypoglycemic agents and weight con-
peutic cloning, will represent a significant
trol. The dentist has an important role in refer-
Copyright 2003 American Dental Association. All rights reserved.
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Copyright 2003 American Dental Association. All rights reserved.
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true blue N e w s l e t t e r o f t h e F r i e n d s o f S t G e o r g e ’s Confronting Neglected Tropical Diseases Grenada came to the House of Lords in June with afundraising dinner for the Windward Islands Research andEducation Foundation (WINDREF) in aid of the fight againstNeglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs) in the smaller states Message from RODNEY CROFT, Commonwe