Facts on.drugs

• Ecstasy, also known as MDMA, is a synthetic narcotic with stimulant and • Ecstasy is classified as a club drug.
• There are six drugs that are classified as club drugs; ecstasy, methamphetamine, ketamine, rohypnol, GHB and LSD.
• Club drugs are typically found at dance clubs, bars, and all-night dance • It is difficult to measure the toxicity of club drugs, because there are many uncertainties in the drug sources and chemicals used to manufacture them.
• Ecstasy, like most club drugs, is colorless, tasteless and odorless, so it can easily and unknowingly be added to beverages.
• Ecstasy causes users to experience an increased heart rate/blood pressure.
• Long-term use of ecstasy can cause liver damage.
______________________________________________________________________________________Facts On… Drugs Definition
• Ecstasy produces both stimulant and hal ucinogenic effects.
• Ecstasy can be swallowed in the form of a tablet or capsule, snorted, injected, or inserted anally as a suppository.
• Effects last between three and six hours.
• Street names for ecstasy include: XTC, X, Adam, Hug, Beans, Clarity, Love Short-term effects of ecstasy use:
Long-term effects of ecstasy use:
______________________________________________________________________________________Facts On… Drugs Quick Facts
• Emergency room data shows that ecstasy is becoming increasingly popular • The heaviest users of ecstasy are between the ages of 18 and 25.
• Ecstasy content varies widely and sometimes includes caffeine, heroin or • The increase in body temperature leads to muscle breakdown, causing failure of the cardiovascular and/or kidney systems.
• Scientific evidence suggests that there may be a link between people who develop an acne-looking rash after using ecstasy and severe liver damage ifthey continue to use the drug. Consider this a major warning! Frequently Asked Questions
Q. Why is ecstasy sometimes called a designer drug?
A. Ecstasy is called a designer drug because of the way it is made. Ecstasy was
chemically “designed” to have the combined effects of several drugs.
Q. With names like hug and love drug, can ecstasy really be that bad?A. Yes, ecstasy can cause a remarkable increase in body temperature leading to kidney failure, heart failure and death.
Q. Do some forms of ecstasy have different effects than others?A. Because ecstasy, like all street drugs, is not regulated, users may experience effects that are less or more than expected resulting in physical harm or evendeath.
Q. Why do some people feel tired and sick, like they’re getting a cold, after using A. Taking ecstasy is taxing on the body, and users sometimes need a lot of sleep to recover. This tired feeling can last days and it’s known as a comedown.
Plus, regular use may lead to sleep problems, lack of energy, dietaryproblems, feeling depressed or anxious, and increased susceptibility to colds,flu, and sore throats.
______________________________________________________________________________________Facts On… Drugs Quick Quiz
Fact or Myth? The content of every ecstasy pill is identical.
This statement is a myth. The content of ecstasy varies widely, and sometimesincludes caffeine, heroin or mescaline.
Fact or Myth? Ecstasy is a stimulant.
This statement is a fact. Ecstasy is a stimulant but it is also a hallucinogen.
Fact or Myth? Ecstasy only comes in pill form.
This statement is a myth. Ecstasy can be swallowed, snorted, injected, orinserted as a suppository.
Fact or Myth? Using ecstasy poses no long-term physical threat.
This is a myth. Long- term use of ecstasy can cause liver and brain damage.
Fact or Myth? Ecstasy may experience hallucinations.
This statement is a fact. Hal ucinations are only one of the many short-termeffects ecstasy users experience.
______________________________________________________________________________________Facts On… Drugs

Source: http://highschool.gardencity.k12.ny.us/UserFiles/Servers/Server_881339/File/Ecstasy.pdf

Bedminster township school

BEDMINSTER TOWNSHIP SCHOOL AUTHORIZATION FOR OVER-THE-COUNTER MEDICATIONS (OTC) DURING SCHOOL HOURS Student Name: _________________________________ Date of birth: _______________ Grade: __________ Parent/Guardian Name: ______________________________________________________________________ Home Address: _____________________________________________________________________________


MITI INOSSIDABILI IL MONDO DI FRANCO CALIFANOda Osiris. L’uomo che c’èdentro ha gli occhi pesti e lena, chi appiattito da un incidente d’auto)Sì, ce so’ ancora, la potenza è rimasta. Ma non è più trainante come una volta. debordante imboschita di peli. «Ahò, mache ore so’?» barcolla. Sono le 13. «Mor-tacci! Me so’ coricato appena alle 8.». lifano va a letto

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