Microsoft word - revised.1 day miralax - magnesium citrate.doc
Mid-America Gastro-Intestinal Consultants, P.C. Mark J. Allen, MD Perry J. Culver, MD John H. Helzberg, MD J. Edward McCullough, MD 1 Day Miralax and Gatorade Prep (Magnesium Citrate)
We have scheduled you for a colonoscopy on _________________at_________am/pm. Dr._________________________will be performing the procedure at:
( ) G.I. Diagnostics, Inc. 4321 Washington St., Medical Plaza III, Ste. 5700/5600 ( ) St. Luke’s Outpatient Peet Center, 4323 Wornall – check in on the 1st floor. ( ) St. Luke’s Barry Road Outpatient Center, 5830 NW Barry Road.
Please register by _______am/pm in order for us to provide our services in an efficient manner. You will need to purchase the following; all are available over the counter at any pharmacy:
1-10oz Bottle of Lemon Lime Magnesium Citrate 1-238 gram bottle of Miralax 1-box of Dulcolax Laxative Tablets (Only 4 tablets are needed) 1-64oz Bottle of Gatorade(any color expect Red or Purple). *DIABETIC PATIENTS: Please Use Propel Fitness water* Your Prep Instructions are as Follows:
1. Please STOP ASPIRIN and aspirin containing products 3 DAYS BEFORE your test. 2. The DAY BEFORE the procedure you may NOT have ANY SOLID FOOD ALL DAY. You may
have CLEAR LIQUIDS ONLY. This includes black coffee, tea, soda – such as Coke/Pepsi, (Diet ok), 7-Up/Sprite apple juice, Gatorade, fruit Popsicles, jell-o, broth and bouillon, BUT NOTHING red or purple.
3. Between 3pm and 6pm drink the entire bottle of MAGNESIUM CITRATE. You may mix this with
4. 30 – 45 minutes after drinking the magnesium citrate, take 2 Dulcolax tablets with 8 oz. of water 5. One hour after taking the Dulcolax tablets. Mix the Entire bottle of Miralax with the Gatorade or Propel Water. Drink this within a 2-4 hour period.
6. After drinking the Miralax, take 2 Dulcolax tablets with 8oz of water. 7. You may have CLEAR LIQUIDS ONLY again until midnight. DO NOT HAVEANYTHING FURTHER TO DRINK AFTER MIDNIGHT. If your procedure is 1pm or later you can drink 6oz of water up to 4 hrs prior to the procedure. 8. Don’t take any medication the morning of the procedure unless directed to do so. PLEASE DO NOT APPLY ANY LOTION, VASELINE, BABY OIL, OR BODY SPRAY THE MORNING OF THE PROCEDURE.
9. You will be sedated for this procedure. You will NEED SOMEONE TO DRIVE YOUHOME. NO MODE OF PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION WILL BE ALLOWED, INCLUDING TAXIS, BUSES, OR WALKING ALONE. Please have your driver with you at check-in to verify your ride. Sedation may cause temporary loss of memory. Be aware that you may not remember results given to you by your doctor following the procedure.
10. Please note that like surgery, procedures take varying amounts of time depending on their complexity.
While we try to remain on schedule, occasional prolonged procedures may delay subsequent ones. We will try to keep you advised of any delays. OUR OFFICE REQUIRES 72 HOURS NOTICE FOR CANCELLATIONS DUE TO THE TIME WE ALLOW FOR YOUR APPOINTMENTS.
If you have any questions regarding your prep instructions, procedure or payment, please do not hesitate to call our office at (816) 561-2000.
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