Experimental study and detailed modeling of toluene degradation in a low pressure stoichiometric premixed ch4/o2/n2 flame
Experimental study and detailed modeling of toluene degradation in a low pressure stoichiometric premixed CH4/O2/N2 Flame L. Dupont1, A. El Bakali*1, J.F. Pauwels1, A. Rida2, P. Meunier2
1 UMR CNRS 8522 PC2A "Physicochimie des Processus de Combustion et de l’Atmosphère"
Université des Sciences et Technologies de Lille, 59655 Villeneuve d’Ascq Cedex, France
2 GAZ DE FRANCE, Direction de la Recherche, B.P. 33, 93211 Saint Denis La Plaine Cedex, France
Temperature and mole fraction profiles have obtained in laminar stoichiometric premixed CH4/O2/N2 and
CH4/1.5%C7H8/O2/N2 flames at low pressure (0.052 atm) by using thermocouple, MB/MS and GC/MS experimentaltechniques. The construction and the evaluation of a detailed reaction mechanism for toluene oxidation have beencarried out by using these experimental data. The proposed model correctly reproduces the main experimentalobservations, in particular the effect of toluene addition on the structure of the methane flame. Introduction Experiment
Understanding of detailed mechanisms of aromatic
Temperature and species mole fraction profiles
oxidation is of great interest for theoretical and practical
have been measured in laminar stoichiometric premixed
points of view. Aromatics are well known to be harmful
CH4/O2/N2 and CH4/1.5%C7H8/O2/N2 flames. Flame
for health and environment due to their toxicity and
conditions were respectively as follows: pressure, 0.052
because their oxidation can form other toxic species.
atm.; cold gas velocity:1.8 cm.s-1; 11.1% and 6%CH4;
Aromatics constitute a significant portion of most
22.2% and 23%O2; 66.7% and 69.5%N2. Details on the
practical fuels like kerosene and diesel fuels. To
experimental setup used in this work have been
represent the aromatics in the models of these
presented previously [1, 2] and only the main features
commercial fuels, more information in a more complex
are briefly reviewed here. The flames were stabilized
aromatic compounds than benzene, is needed.
above a water–cooled porous plug flat flame burner.
This work is part of a research on the thermal
Chemical species were sampled by a deactivated 60°
degradation of aromatic VOCs in low-pressure laminar
quartz cone with an orifice diameter of about 100µm
premixed methane/air flames: the influence of benzene,
and form a molecular beam passing through three
toluene and para-xylene on the structure of a reference
differentially pumped stages delimited by the sampling
methane flame has been studied experimentally at
cone, the skimmer and the collimator respectively. The
molecular beam is ionized by electron impact and
A detailed kinetic mechanism of oxidation of
analyzed by a quadrupole mass spectrometer. After
aromatic VOCs has been developed in flame conditions
mass discrimination, the signal is amplified by a second
based on different existing sub-mechanisms or by
electron multiplier and an electrometer. The output is
developing a new specific scheme in the case of para-
then fed to a phase sensitive amplifier for background
xylene. The complete detailed kinetic mechanism,
signal substraction. When it is possible, the ion source
including 166 species and 1130 reactions, reproduces
parameters are set to avoid strong fragmentation effects
correctly our experimental observations. Recently, we
perturbing the flame composition profiles and/or to
reported experimental and modeling study of benzene
discriminate species of same m/e. The mass
depletion in methane flame [1]. In the present paper, we
spectrometer calibration is performed using the usual
report experimental results obtained in methane /
cold gas procedure for most stable species, the
oxygen / nitrogen and methane /1.5%toluene / oxygen /
conservation of the total number of atoms of H2O and
nitrogen flames. The detailed chemical kinetic reaction
the pseudo-equilibrium method in the burnt gases for H,
mechanism developed for toluene oxidation to simulate
O and OH. The stable species were also analyzed by gas
these experimental data is also discussed.
chromatography (GC/FID/TCD) and by gaschromatography / mass spectrometry (GC/MS). Theexperimental error on the mole fraction of stable specieswas estimated to be about ±10 %. The mole fractions ofall stable species presented in this paper were obtained
*Corresponding author: abderrahman.el-bakali@univ-lille1.frAssociated Web site: http://www.univ-lille1.fr/umr8522Proceedings of the European Combustion Meeting 2003
by gas chromatography (GC-FID/TCD and GC/MS)
methane flame. Modeling showed that methane
except H2O and phenol which were measured by using
depletion is similar in methane / 1.5%benzene / oxygen
/ nitrogen and methane / 1.5%toluene / oxygen /
Temperature profiles were obtained by using a
nitrogen flames. Therefore, only the depletion of
coated Pt/Rh 6% - Pt/Rh 30% thermocouple of 100µm
toluene and the aptitude of the model to reproduce the
in diameter located 200µm upstream the cone tip.
main intermediate aromatic chemical species is
Conduction heat losses were avoided by setting the
discussed in the following. The reaction routes of the
thermocouple in a plane perpendicular to the laminar
most important intermediate aromatic species are
flow. Radiative heat was corrected by using an electric
interpreted through reaction path analyses. The most
compensation method. Errors in the peak temperatures
significant chemical reactions involved in the
formation/consumption of a given species is presented. Reaction mechanism and thermodynamics
The consumption of toluene is well predicted by
the model (Fig. 1). However, the model overestimates
the mole fraction of toluene near the burner surface.
simulation of the structure of a premixed laminar flame
Modeling indicates that toluene is mainly consumed by
have been used [3,4]. Species concentrations were
H-abstraction reaction and by elimination of methyl,
computed with the experimental temperature profiles
taken as input data in the code. Thermodynamic data forthe computation of the rate constants of backward
reactions have been taken from literature sources [4-6]
or computed [7]. The mechanism used here derivedfrom previous studies conducted on the oxidation of
The oxidation of toluene by O atom yielding
several saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbons [8-10].
methylphenoxy radical OC6H5 CH3 also participates to
The reaction mechanism for the oxidation of toluene
Comparison of experiment and modelling : results and discussion
Experimental temperature profiles measured are
similar in both flames. The addition of toluene does not
affect the temperature. The quantity of toluene (1.5%)
added is too low to strongly modify the chemical
structure of methane flame; the chemistry is largely
determined by the CH4/O2 system in these conditions.
Mole fraction profiles of reactants, final products,
reactive and stable intermediate species have been
Fig. 1 : Comparison of the experimental (symbols) and
analyzed. Oxygenated species detected in a significant
computed (solid line) mole fraction profiles of toluene.
concentration were acetaldehyde, acrolein, propanal. The main aromatic species analyzed are benzene,
The benzyl radical was not detected in this work. The
phenol, ethylbenzene, benzylalcohol, styrene and
maximum computed mole fraction of this species is 1.7
10-4. It is formed principally by the H abstraction
As reported for methane :benzene flame, the
reactions from addition of H and OH on toluene. The
experimental study showed the toluene additive changes
consumption of benzyl radical proceeds via three
the major products concentrations: H2 and H2O mole
reactions yielding benzyl alcohol C6H5CH2OH,
fractions decrease while CO and CO2 increase in the
burnt gases. Concerning intermediate species, animportant increase of mole fraction species considered
as soot precursors (acetylene, ethylene, propene, allene
and propyne) was observed. Since these observations
were discussed in details for methane/benzene flame ina recent paper [1], it will not be repeated here.
The formation of benzylalcohol is governed by thereaction 920. Its mole fraction profile is correctly
A detailed reaction mechanism for toluene
predicted by the model as shown in figure 2.
oxidation has been carried out by using these
Benzylalcohol then reacts with H-atom producing
experimental data. The proposed model correctly
reproduces the main experimental observations, in
decomposition reaction yielding benzaldehyde
particular the effect of toluene on the structure of the
are predicted by the model with a good satisfactory as
Fig. 2 : Comparison of the experimental (symbols) and
Fig. 4 : Comparison of the experimental (symbols) and
computed (solid line) mole fraction profiles of
computed (solid line) mole fraction profiles of
The figure 3 compares the computed and measured
mole fraction profile of benzaldehyde ; the agreement
between the model and experiment is good. Benzaldehyde is mainly formed by the reaction 941 and
The consumption of benzaldehyde forms principally
Fig. 5 : Comparison of the experimental (symbols) and
computed (solid line) mole fraction profiles of styrene.
Ethylbenzene is principally formed by the
recombination of benzyl and methyl radicals :
It is consumed by the thermal decomposition of 1-
Fig. 3 : Comparison of the experimental (symbols) and
The thermal decomposition 1-phenylethyl radical is the
computed (solid line) mole fraction profiles of
major source of styrene in our conditions:
The benzoyl radical decomposes to form phenyl andcarbone monoxide :
Two other reactions contribute to the styrene formation :
Ethylbenzene C6H5C2H5 and styrene C6H5C2H3 wereanalyzed in this work and their mole fraction profiles
Styrene reacts with H-atom leading to the elimination of
is dominated by CH4/O2 system. However, phenol was
analyzed and the model predicts its mole fraction profilewith a very good accuracy as shown in Fig. 7.
The major intermediate aromatic species analyzed inour conditions is benzene. Figure 6 compares the
computed and exprimental mole fraction profiles for
Fig. 7 : Comparison of the experimental (symbols) and
computed (solid line) mole fraction profiles of phenol.
The formation of phenol occurs via reaction (676) and
the recombination reaction of H-atom with phenoxy:
Fig. 6 : Comparison of the experimental (symbols) andcomputed (solid line) mole fraction profiles of benzene.
Its consumption is dominated by H-atom abstractionreactions with active species H, O and OH:
The modeling indicates that benzene formation isgoverned by the following reactions :
The reactions (684 to 686) are the most importantsource of phenoxy radical. The phenoxy radical is also
Benzene is also formed from benzyl radical and phenol
formed by addition of O-atom or molecular oxygen on
phenyl radical (678 and 680) and is consumed basicallyby the thermal decomposition reaction yielding
cyclopendienyl radical C5H5 and CO (688). The reaction
of recombination of phenoxy with H-atom to form
phenol (690) is negligible in our conditions.
It is consumed by the H-transfert with H and OH
The comparison of the predicted and experimental mole
yielding phenyl or by the O-oxidation yielding phenol
fractions for cyclopentadiene is presented at Fig. 8. and
a very good agreement was obtained for this species. The evolution of cyclopentadiene is connected to the
cyclopendienyl radical via the following reactions:
Phenyl radical mainly produced by the two previous
reactions (672, 675), is then consumed byrecombination reaction with H-atom (682) and by its
The formation of C5H5 predominantly proceeds via the
reaction (693) and the thermal decomposition of C
2 (680) yielding respectively benzene and
Cyclopentadienyl radical is significantly consumed by
Phenyl and phenoxy were not detected in our
cyclopentadiene and its isomerization yielding the
experimental conditions. The methane flame was seeded
by a small quantity of toluene (1.5%) and the chemistry
increase in the burnt gases. Concerning intermediate
species, an important increase of mole fraction speciesconsidered as soot precursors (acetylene, ethylene,
propene, allene and propyne) was observed.
The construction and the evaluation of a detailed
reaction mechanism for toluene oxidation have been
carried out by using these new experimental results. Globally, the model correctly reproduces the main
experimental observations, in particular the mainaromatic species analyzed in this work. Reactions paths
analyses showed that the kinetic scheme is largely
[1] Dupont, L., El Bakali, A., Pauwels, J.F., Da Costa,I., Meunier, Ph. and Richter H. Combust. Flame. In
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[5] Kee, R.J., Rupley, F.M., and Miller,J.A. SANDIANational Laboratories Report, Livermore, CA,
C5H4OH undergoes a thermal decomposition yielding
H-atom and cyclopentadienone. The consumption of
[6] Turbiez, A., Pauwels, J.F., Sochet, L.R., Poitou S.,
cyclopentadienone is exclusively controlled by the
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The main routes that govern the consumption and
formation of C4, C3, C2, C1 species can be found in
[9] El Bakali, A., Braun-Unkhoff,M., Dagaut, P., Frank,
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[10]Ristori, A., Dagaut, P., El Bakali, A., andCathonnet, M., Combust. Sci. and Tech., 165 :197
Experimental mole fraction profiles of stable ans
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[11] Lindstedt, R.P., and Skevis, G., Combust. Flame,
CH4/1.5%C7H8/O2/N2 flames at low pressure (0.052atm) by using MB/MS and GC/MS techniques. Temperature profiles were measured with a coatedPt/Rh thermocouple in the sampling conditions. Molefraction profiles of reactants, final products (CO2, H2O,CO, H2), reactive (CH3, H, O, OH) and stableintermediate species (C2H2, C2H4, C2H6, C3H8, C3H4,C4H6, isomers of C4H8, cyclopentadiene, phenol,toluene) have been analyzed. Oxygenated speciesdetected in a significant concentration wereacetaldehyde CH3CHO, acrolein C2H3CHO andpropanal C2H5CHO. The experimental study showed thetoluene additive does not affect the temperature profile,but changes the major products concentrations: H2 andH2O mole fractions decrease while CO and CO2
LETTERA novembre 2010 diffusione, l’assunzione del Relpax® aveva tolto la nausea. L’esame neurologico era nella norma. La PA era 135/80. L’EMG confermava una Sindrome del Tunnel Carpale bilaterale. La paziente mi sembrava una persona concreta, per DI NEUROLOGIA E NEUROFISIOLOGIA ULSS 5 ARZIGNANO (VI) cui feci come un patto in cui si impegnava a sospendere in Sinflex®
EFFECT OF HEAT TREATMENTS ON THE ANTIMICROBIAL ACTIVITY OF BETA-LACTAMS AND TETRACYCLINES IN MILK BERRUGA I1., ZORRAQUINO M. A.2, BELTRAN M. C.2, ALTHAUS R. L:3, MOLINA M. P.2 1 Departamento de Ciencia y Tecnología Agroforestal, ETSIA, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, 02071 Albacete, Spain. 2Departamento de Ciencia Animal, Universidad Politécnica, Camino de Vera 14, 46071 Valenc