Es ist nicht klar, wie groß die Rolle von Antibiotika in den Wettbewerbsbeziehungen zwischen Mikroorganismen unter natürlichen Bedingungen ist. Zelman vaxman glaubte, dass diese Rolle minimal ist, Antibiotika werden nicht anders als in reinen Kulturen auf reichen Umgebungen gebildet. Anschließend wurde jedoch festgestellt, dass bei vielen Produzenten die Aktivität der antibiotikasynthese in Gegenwart anderer Arten oder spezifischer Produkte Ihres Stoffwechsels zunimmt.

Fine agrochemicals limited

Article prepared for General Release

Date: March 2010

Dazide Enhance receives new label approvals for the UK
and Irish Republic

UK Plant Growth Regulator Manufacturer, Fine Agrochemicals Limited has received
new label approvals from UK & Irish regulatory authorities for its popular plant growth
regulator Dazide ENHANCE®, based on daminozide for use in protected grown
The key features of the new label approval are as follows:- • Greater flexibility on dose rate, up to 6 grams of product per litre depending upon  Flexible re‐entry period for unprotected crop workers following treatment  ‐  Used at the same rates as the powder formulations, Dazide ENHANCE been between 9 and  4 days, depending on species treated  • Up to five applications per crop, depending on species  Full detailed application info provided by crop  • Specific new label recommendations for Sunflower, Kalanchoë, Petunia & 
Wim Aelbrecht, Marketing Manager for Fine explains further. “At last, UK and Irish
growers have a flexible alternative to other branded daminozide treatments with
Dazide ENHANCE. Growers will now feel confident that they can apply the rates they
need for effective growth control whilst ensuring they maintain compliance with
BOPP standards. In addition to the more flexible dose rates provided, Dazide
ENHANCE offers growers the advantage of reduced re-entry waiting times for
unprotected workers, down to 6 days for bedding plants, 5 days for Kalanchoë and 4
days for spray chrysanthemums. This is a unique benefit to Dazide ENHANCE.”

ENHANCE was the first water soluble granule formulation of daminozide to be
introduced in the UK. Dazide ENHANCE helps growers produce compact, healthy
looking ornamentals which still look good after transportation. Treated plants have a
compact growth habit, extra rooting systems and enhanced flower bud formation.
The product is available in 1kg containers.
Fine’s Dazide ENHANCE can be purchased from;
FINE AGROCHEMICALS LIMITED Hill End House, Whittington Worcester. WR5 2RQ. UK T 01905 361800
F 01905 361810
FARGRO LIMITED Toddington Lane Littlehampton West Sussex BN17 7PP T 01903 721591 F 01903 730737 E
Dazide ENHANCE contains 850 g / kg daminozide
Dazide ENHANCE® is a community registered trademark of Fine Holdings Limited.
FINE AGROCHEMICALS LIMITED Hill End House, Whittington Worcester. WR5 2RQ. UK T 01905 361800
F 01905 361810


March 2009 Going My Way ? the utmost, yet without sin . Since tures, in the hope that yours might be a 4. The wilderness which the prophet trod Scripture passages: Humility - Christ has made it God’s own, embracing the risk, the pain, the unknown, the mountain shrine and the common place 5. Therefore think not of the Church today changed hearts are the realm of God’s


A C A S E S T U D Y O F D A V E N P O R T C O M M O N S Allegra Calder, Gabriel Grant and Holly Hart Muson DRAFT April 1, 2002 NOTE TO URBAN RESEARCH WORKSHOP PARTICIPANTS This case study is intended to contribute to the course materials for professional development workshops at the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy and will be included in an edited, published volume, titled The University

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