Es ist nicht klar, wie groß die Rolle von Antibiotika in den Wettbewerbsbeziehungen zwischen Mikroorganismen unter natürlichen Bedingungen ist. Zelman vaxman glaubte, dass diese Rolle minimal ist, Antibiotika werden nicht anders als in reinen Kulturen auf reichen Umgebungen gebildet. Anschließend wurde jedoch festgestellt, dass bei vielen Produzenten die Aktivität der antibiotikasynthese in Gegenwart anderer Arten oder spezifischer Produkte Ihres Stoffwechsels zunimmt.

the lighter side of local government
What’s your key
Happy New Year!! For those of you trative interface. As a representative of managers in the municipality.
that haven’t noticed, it’s the start the department I sit through a number of • Social Exclusion (Youth) – this is meas- party list) that this is cause for celebra- • Social Exclusion (Women) – measured tion. After all, we’ve completed another our political mandate that 50% of munici- still exist – some look a lot better than District Municipal Manager: ‘Mr Mayor, done, all 283 of you, save for a few with with all due respect, we have 530 staff, • Economic Development – measured by The Post-Polokwane Purge (a dramatic, almost cinematic, night of the long knives) reminds me of the who still hold their posts. If you are still a mayor or even a premier, regional or pro- vincial chairperson, you are either very office-bearers of the ruling party, direct- ly or indirectly benefiting from council of the financial year, we need to either retrench most of our male staff or virtually • Responsiveness – average response time and Master. Don’t you just love it when to complaints and service faults as a per- ber more than half of our staff are roads centage of the lifespan of the earth.
break the association with his namesake, workers, and it is difficult to get women • Quality of Councillor Training – average Brooklyn rapper Jay-Z, and his deeply my- star rating of food and accommodation.
sogynistic song ‘I got 99 problems but a District Mayor: ‘I do not have to remind • Gearing Ratio – number of people ca- mayor of our municipality, was just sacked. Despite being a mover and shaker, political will be women and that’s what the target rising star, much-wanted keynote speaker for this year will be. This is not for discus- • Food security – number of municipal at cocktail parties and being Zulu and all, sion. If you can’t achieve the target I want he was unburdened of his responsibilities to see empirical evidence why you can’t. for throwing in his lot with Comrade Thabo ‘I’m too clever for my people… too clever • Creditor Efficiency – % of SMME service certainly enjoying its omnipotency, like ing for suitable performance indicators. Here is a selection likely to make your mu- • Learning and growth – % of countries nicipal performance look great, no matter matic, almost cinematic, night of the long • Pini Co-efficient – this is the level of leone, son of the Godfather, reluctantly takes his late father’s place as leader of • Access to Economy – this is measured as the percentage of poor citizens and indi- gents who can easily access a casino.
writes this column in his own capacity and his views do not necessarily represent the Pay) – measured as the annual increase in guaranteed pay of senior (section 57)


B A B E T T E K ü S T E R Muster und Moden Der auf dem Vorblatt reproduzierte Bericht von der Leipziger Frühjahrs-messe 1811 vermittelt den Eindruck, daß damals, ebenso wie heute auf den großen Schauen in Paris, Mailand, New York und London, im Früh-jahr und Herbst die jeweils neuesten Modetrends vorgestellt wurden und für ein halbes Jahr Gültigkeit behielten. Die Mode- und Handelsjournale

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