Berkshire School – Student Health Service Medication Letter
Dear Parents, Students and Guardians, Berkshire School’s medication policy has been developed to insure the health and safety of all students. Please read and review this policy thoroughly with your child before beginning school. The Commonwealth of Massachusetts requires that we have a written order for each prescription medication your child takes. Please have your child’s primary care provider complete the Medication Form for each medication that your child takes and return it to our office before school starts. If your child’s prescription changes or they begin a new medication during the year we will need an updated new Medication Form. We must receive these written orders within 3 days to avoid having to discontinue the medications. Students who take psychotropic medication and/or controlled medication must take each dose in person at the Student Health Service where these medications must be stored, and administered by a Registered Nurse. Any student who takes insulin must take each dose at Student Health Service, unless otherwise arranged with SHS. When students are prescribed such medications they are expected to take their medications consistently, as ordered, or they may be asked to leave school. Students who take psychotropic medications or medications regulated by the federal government as controlled substances must comply with the following protocol. The parents or prescribing primary care provider must send the actual original written medication prescription directly to the Student Health Service NO LATER THAN two weeks before registration, BUT NO EARLIER THEN August 14th.Please mail the written prescription along with a copy of both sides of your insurance card to:
Student Health Service ATT: Nurses Examples of psychotropic and controlled medications include, but are not limited to, Adderall, Ritalin, Vyvanse, Focalin, Dexedrine, Concerta, Strattera, Prozac, Zoloft, Wellbutrin, and medications containing codeine such as Tylenol #3, Vicodin, and Robitussin AC. For continuity we strongly suggest that each prescription for psychotropic medication be filled at our local pharmacy. The Student Health Service will be responsible for submitting the written prescription to the pharmacy. The local pharmacy will then deliver the medications back to the Student Health Service. There will not be a delivery charge for this. If it is not possible to have your child’s prescription filled at our local pharmacy, please be advised that the Student Health Service cannot accept medications which will be dispensed from our office that are brought or mailed to us without the contents being verified. There will be a $5 fee from the local pharmacy to verify all medications delivered in this manner. The prescription medication must be in the original pharmacy container with the pharmacy label printed in English. Students who take
psychotropic medications or controlled substances are not permitted to have these medications in their possession at any time without permission of Student Health Service. It is the responsibility of the family to insure that their child maintains an adequate supply of prescription refills. Please have all written prescriptions for psychotropic medication as well as all psychotropic medication sent directly to Student Health Service, not to your child. According to Massachusetts law we are not permitted to store more than a 30 day supply of any medication at school. It is for this reason that we ask you to call our office monthly to check on your child’s medication supply and compliance. It also remains the responsibility of the parents to keep a supply of medication at home for weekends and vacations as the Health Center cannot dispense large quantities of medication to the students to carry off campus. It is the parent/guardian’s responsibility to coordinate with the prescribing practitioner and plan for medication that will be needed at home. It is the responsibility of the family to instruct your child in the proper way to use his/her medication as well as the proper technique. Please review this with them before they come to school. It is the expectation of Student Health Service that all students on psychotropic medication who are “stable” will be seen in person by their prescribing physician quarterly. Students who are new to medication or having any associated concerns should be monitored by their physician in person more frequently. If your child is unable to see their physician at home then psychiatric consultation can be set up at Berkshire School through the counseling office as needed. Medications will be destroyed if not picked up at the close of school or at any time the medication order is discontinued or the student leaves school. If you have any questions regarding Berkshire’s medication policy, please feel free to contact us at the Student Health Service office. During the summer the office is closed. You may leave a message, and your call will be returned. Thank you for your cooperation. Jennifer Edelman-Crine, RN ‘79 Carolee Harrigan, RN Director of Student Health Service
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