m-phenoxybenzyl 3-(2, 2-dichlorovinyl)-2, 2-dimethylcyclopropanecarboxylate
BarrettineBarrettine WorksSt Ivel WayWarmleyBristolBS30 8TY0117 960 00600117 935 2437sales@barrettine.co.uk
Repeated exposure may cause skin dryness or cracking. Harmful: may cause lung damage if swallowed. Very toxic to aquatic organisms, may cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environment. CLASSIFICATION
ENVIRONMENTUse this product only according to the directions on the container or label. Contains Permethrin which may be hazardous to bees and aquatic life if used incorrectly.
The Full Text for all R-Phrases are Displayed in Section 16
GENERAL INFORMATIONRemove affected person from source of exposure. INHALATIONMove the exposed person to fresh air at once. Keep the affected person warm and at rest. Get prompt medical attention. INGESTIONIf swallowed do NOT induce vomiting. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. If conscious give 1 - 2 glasses of water to drink. Rinse mouth thoroughly and seek medical attention immediately. Keep patient at rest. SKIN CONTACTRemove affected person from source of contamination. Remove contaminated clothing. Wash the skin immediately with soap and water. Get medical attention if any discomfort continues. EYE CONTACTCheck for contact lenses which must be removed from the eyes before rinsing. Promptly rinse eyes with plenty of clean water while lifting the eyelids. Continue to rinse for at least 15 minutes. Continue until the eyes are free of all traces of contamination. Get immediate medical attention.
EXTINGUISHING MEDIAUse foam, or water fog, mist or spray. Do not use high pressure water jet as this may spread burning material. UNUSUAL FIRE & EXPLOSION HAZARDSNone known. PROTECTIVE MEASURES IN FIREWear self-contained breathing apparatus and full protective clothing. Keep all unnecessary people away. Fire water run-off must not be allowed to contaminate ground or enter drains, sewers or water courses. Provide bunding against fire water run-off.
PERSONAL PRECAUTIONSVentilate to dispel residual vapour. Clean-up personnel should use respiratory protection, gloves, goggles and protective clothing and footwear. (see section 8)ENVIRONMENTAL PRECAUTIONSDo not discharge onto the ground or into water courses. Cover all drains and sewers. Avoid spreading spilt material. SPILL CLEAN UP METHODSStop leak if possible without risk. Absorb in vermiculite, dry sand or earth and place into containers. Flush with plenty of water to clean spillage area. Flushings must not be allowed to contaminate ground or enter drains, sewers or water courses. Provide bunding against water run-off.
USAGE PRECAUTIONSUse only in well ventilated areas. Avoid spilling, skin and eye contact. Do not breathe vapour or fumes. Keep away from heat and sources of ignition such as sparks or flames. Take precautions against static discharge. Wash thoroughly after handling. STORAGE PRECAUTIONSKeep out of the reach of children. Keep away from all possible sources of ignition. Store in tightly closed containers in segregated, cool, dry, ventilated storage. Keep separate from food, feedstuffs, fertilisers and other sensitive material.
STDWEL = Workplace Exposure Limit. ENGINEERING MEASURESProvide adequate general and local exhaust ventilation. RESPIRATORY EQUIPMENTWhen air-filtering respirators are suitable a filter for organic gases with a boiling point above 65°C. meeting EN141 should be used in combination with a correctly fitted mask. HAND PROTECTIONWear suitable protective gloves conforming to EN 374. The actual level of protection provided by protective gloves can be difficult to assess. Effective breakthrough times should be used with care and a margin of safety shoulld be applied. HSE guidance recommends a safety factor of 75% be applied to times obtained by laboratory tests. Seek advice from manufacturer or supplier. Personal hygiene is a factor in effective hand care. Gloves should only be worn on clean hands. After using gloves hands should be washed and dried thoroughly and a non-perfumed moisturiser applied. EYE PROTECTIONWear tightly fitting safety goggles conforming to EN166
HYGIENE MEASURESWash at the end of each work shift and before eating, smoking and using the toilet. Contaminated work clothes should be removed and laundered before re-use. ENVIRONMENTAL EXPOSURE CONTROLSMinmise release to the environment. An environmental assessment must be made to ensure compliance with local environmental legislation.
STABILITYStable under normal conditions of storage and use. See section 7. CONDITIONS TO AVOIDAvoid extremes of temperature. Store and use between 0°C. and 38°C. MATERIALS TO AVOIDStrong oxidising substances. HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTSDecomposition can lead to the formation of toxic gases or fumes, including carbon monoxide (CO) and carbon dioxide (CO2)
TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATIONNo data is available for this preparation, which is classified according to the calculation method of EC Directive 88/379/EEC using information about the individual components. INHALATIONIn high concentrations, vapours may irritate throat and respiratory system and cause coughing. INGESTIONIngestion of this product as supplied may cause stomach discomfort, nausea or vomiting. SKIN CONTACTIrritating to skin. Acts as a defatting agent on skin. May cause cracking of skin, and eczema. EYE CONTACTIrritating to eyes. OTHER HEALTH EFFECTSNot known to be carcinogenic. Not known to be mutagenic.
ECOTOXICITYEnvironmental effects of this preparation are based on assessment of the ingredients. Very toxic to aquatic organisms, may cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environment. LC 50, 96 Hrs, FISH mg/l
MOBILITYModerately volatile liquid which will spread over a large area on contact with water. BIOACCUMULATIONLikely to accumulate. DEGRADABILITYThe product is not biodegradable.
GENERAL INFORMATIONEmpty but unlaundered containers must be treated in the same manner as when full; labels should not be removed. Product is hazardous waste. Do not allow into drains, sewers or water courses. Disposal must be by means of a licensed waste contractor. DISPOSAL METHODSProduct is classified as hazardous waste. Disposal of waste material and empty containers must be by means of a licensed waste contractor. WASTE CLASSHazard code: H5 - Harmful H14 - Ecotoxic
Class 9: Miscellaneous dangerous substances and articles.
Very toxic to aquatic organisms, may cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environment.
Harmful: may cause lung damage if swallowed.
Repeated exposure may cause skin dryness or cracking.
Use appropriate containment to avoid environmental contamination.
This material and its container must be disposed of as hazardous waste.
Avoid release to the environment. Refer to special instructions/safety data sheets.
If swallowed, do not induce vomiting: seek medical advice immediately and show this container or label.
Contains PERMETHRIN. May produce an allergic reaction.
EU DIRECTIVESEC Regulation 1907/2006 (as amended) : 'REACH'. Dangerous Substances Directive 67/548/EEC. Dangerous Preparations Directive 1999/45/EC. Aerosols Direcive 75/324/EEC as amended by 94/1/EC. STATUTORY INSTRUMENTSChemicals (Hazard Information and Packaging for Supply) Regulations 2002 No. 1689. (CHIP3)Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations (as amended). (COSHH)Carriage of Dangerous Goods and Use of Transportable Pressure Equipment Regulations 2007. (CDG 2007)Environmental Protection (Duty of Care) Regulations. APPROVED CODE OF PRACTICEApproved classification and labelling guide L131 (Fifth Edition - 2002)Control of substances hazardous to health - Approved Code of Practice and Guidance L5 (2005) HSE Books. GUIDANCE NOTESCOSHH essentials. 'Easy steps to control chemicals.' Only available on HSE's website and regularly updated at www.hse.gov.uk/pubns/guidance/index.htmSTATUTORY CONDITIONS OF USE. FOR USE ONLY BY PROFESSIONAL OPERATORS. The (COSHH) Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002 may apply to the use of this product at work. Engineering control of operator exposure must be used where reasonably practicable in addition to the following items of personal protective equipment. Wear suitable protective clothing and suitable gloves. AVOID EXCESSIVE CONTAMINATION OF COVERALLS AND LAUNDER REGULARLY. DO NOT BREATHE FOG OR SPRAY MIST. Otherwise wear respiratory protective equipment and eye protection (see HSE Guidance Booklet HS (G) 53 “Respiratory Protective Equipment- a practical guide for users”). However, engineering controls may replace personal protective equipment if a COSHH assessment shows they provide an equal or higher standard of protection. DO NOT CONTAMINATE FOODSTUFFS, EATING UTENSILS OR FOOD CONTACT SURFACES. KEEP AWAY FROM TREATED SURFACES UNTIL DRY. This material and its container must be disposed of in a safe way. Do not empty into drains. If swallowed, do not induce vomiting: seek medical advice immediately and show this container or label. Use only in well ventilated areas. REMOVE OR COVER ALL FISH TANKS AND BOWLS before application. This product contains substances which are known to be hazardous to the environment. Do not contaminate ground, waterbodies or watercourses with chemicals or used container. ALL BATS ARE PROTECTED UNDER THE WILDLIFE AND COUNTRYSIDE ACT 1981. BEFORE TREATING ANY STRUCTURE USED BY BATS, CONSULT NATURAL ENGLAND, SCOTTISH NATURAL HERITAGE OR THE COUNTRYSIDE COUNCIL FOR WALES. DO NOT APPLY DIRECT TO ANIMALS. EXCLUDE ANIMALS DURING APPLICATION. HAZARDOUS TO BEES. EXCLUDE ALL PERSONS AND ANIMALS DURING TREATMENT. DO NOT APPLY DIRECTLY TO LIVESTOCK AND POULTRY. Protect milk machinery and milk containers from contamination. THIS PRODUCT IS APPROVED UNDER THE CONTROL OF PESTICIDE REGULATIONS 1986 FOR USE AS DIRECTEDREAD ALL PRECAUTIONS BEFORE USE HSE NO.8903
Harmful by inhalation and if swallowed.
May cause sensitisation by skin contact.
Very toxic to aquatic organisms, may cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environment.
Harmful: may cause lung damage if swallowed.
Repeated exposure may cause skin dryness or cracking.
This information relates only to the specific material designated and may not be valid for such material used in combination with any other materials or in any process. Such information is, to the best of the company's knowledge and belief, accurate and reliable as of the date indicated. However, no warranty guarantee or representation is made to its accuracy, reliability or completeness. It is the user's responsibility to satisfy himself as to the suitability of such information for his own particular use.
Rubem Braga, Antônio Bôto e o Vernéculoser famoso. Era um grande poeta, assim qualifi-cado pelos melhores críticos e, entre nós, pordo-me a passar uma temporada com ele. Manuel Bandeira. Grande poeta, também, paraseu amigo íntimo e confidente Fernando Pessoa,da vida. “Nada, nada de novo, rien de rien ”,que publicou na sua editora (dele, Pessoa), aescrevia, citando Edith Piaf.
Shoo, flu, don’t bother me! We are beginning to see the flu and flu-like illnesses that we normally see at this time of year, and we need your help. If your child is sick with flu-like symptoms (temperature of 100 degrees Fahrenheit or more, sore throat, cough), please keep your child home and call our school nurse or attendance clerk and let them know. The Department of Health and Env