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Treatment of Intestinal Worms in Broiler Breeders July 2008 Summary Provided by Dr. Suzanne Young, Aviagen and Dr. James Dawe, Bayer Animal Health
In recent years, all FDA approved intestinal worm treatments administered in poultry feed have been withdrawn from the US market. This left the industry dependent on piperazine, the only water administered deworming drug approved for poultry. Piperazine is commonly used in both preventative and treatment programs. Due to widespread usage of piperazine, the industry suspects worms are building some resistance against this drug, possibly resulting in more intestinal worm outbreaks. Intestinal worms are commonly diagnosed during necropsy of pullets, cockerels and occasionally broilers. A preventative worming program is suggested in rearing breeders to reduce the incidence and severity of intestinal worms. Severe intestinal worm infestations can cause diarrhea, poor absorption of nutrients, and enteritis. Clinical signs commonly seen with intestinal worm infestations include rough feathering, retarded growth, pasty vents and pale birds. Worms can be carriers of infectious diseases, including blackhead (Histomonas meleagridis), (see the Arbor Acres Service Bulletin titled Histomoniasis, July 2008, for more information) which has been diagnosed more frequently in recent months. Early preventative programs are necessary for control of intestinal worms. Cleaning out houses and placing new litter with every flock will minimize exposure to intestinal worms. Not only do houses containing built-up litter harbor intestinal worm eggs that could affect the next flock, they also serve as a reservoir for darkling beetles that are associated as carriers for worm transmission. Although preventative programs are ideal, occasionally outbreaks will occur. Table 1 below describes the most common intestinal worms in chickens; Table 2 summaries treatment options. Table 1: Common Intestinal Worms of Chickens Age of birds Common Name Scientific Location when adult Description Intermediate Treatment worms first (Ascarid) Tapeworm Capillaria Cecal Worm Piperazine is the only FDA approved drug for treatment of roundworms in poultry. Currently, there are no approved drugs for treatment of Capillaria, tape or cecal worms in poultry. As a result, the drugs below (other than piperazine) are used extra-label in drinking water when prescribed and monitored by a licensed veterinarian.
9 FDA prohibits extra-label drug use in feed; therefore all treatments must be administered via drinking
9 Follow all manufacturer recommended doses. 9 Consult your veterinarian for prescriptions and withdrawal times.
Table 2: Extra-Label Drugs Used for Treatment of Intestinal Worms via Drinking Water Active Ingredient Trade Name Susceptible Problems and Drug Side Effects Piperazine
2. Water soluble 1. No effect on egg production or performance when used 8-16mg/lb body
Levamisole Hydrochloride Albendazole
Capillaria, cecal No reported negative effects
Oxfendazole Fenbendazole Ivermectin HELPFUL HINTS WHEN CALCULATING DOSAGES
1. Calculate total body weight of flock (kg or lbs) 2. Dose mg X (lb in flock) = Total mg for flock 3. Be sure active ingredient and dose are in the same unit. 1g = 1000 mg 4. Total grams needed for flock / grams active ingredient per package = # of packages for flock
1. A house with 9000, 5 lb females and 900, 5.5 lb males:
9000 (5) + 900 (5.5) = ~49,950 total lbs in flock
49,950 lbs X 16 mg = 799,200 mg total for house
3. To convert to grams: 799,200/1000 = 799.2 g 4. If there are 544.5 g of active ingredient per packet:
799.2 g needed / 544.5 g active ingredient = ~1.5 packages for that flock
1. Dawe, J. and C.L. Hofacre, April 2002. With Hygromycin Gone, What are Today’s Worming Options? The Poultry
2. McDougald, L.R. 2003. Internal Parasites. In: Diseases of Poultry. Y.M. Saif (ed.) 11th ed. Iowa State University
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