Emergency Contraception: The Canadian Perspective
Alana Flexman, B.Sc. (0T4)Shannon Wires, M.Sc. (0T5)
under-utilised due to a general lack of awareness about its avail-
Emergency Contraception (EC) is defined by the Society of
ability and difficulty in accessing EC within the appropriate time
Obstetricians and Gynecologists of Canada (SOGC)
frame.4 As a result, a recent University of Toronto study estab-
Guidelines as any method of contraception that is used after
lished a pilot project for pharmacy access to EC and has identi-
intercourse and before implantation. Two methods of EC
fied a pressing need for improved access to EC.5
are accessible in Canada: hormonal medications and the postcoital intra-uterine device (IUD). The hormonal EC Emergency Contraceptive Options methods commercially available in Canada are Preven®
The accepted methods for emergency contraception available in
(combined ethinyl estradiol and levonorgestrel) and Plan B®
Canada consist of two hormonal methods and the insertion of a
(levonorgestrel alone). Emergency contraception has been
postcoital intrauterine contraceptive device (IUD). The most
shown in the research literature to have high efficacy in pre-
widely used method in Canada is the Yuzpe Method.2 This hor-
venting pregnancy when used within 72 hours of unprotect-
monal method was first described in 1977 and involves a combi-
ed intercourse. The hormonal methods are well tolerated
nation of 100 micrograms of ethinyl estradiol and 500 mg of lev-
with minimal side effects, and are not teratogenic to an
onorgestrel taken in two doses 12 hours apart.2 The first dose
established pregnancy. Given its simplicity of use and the
should be initiated within 72 hours of unprotected intercourse. need for timely administration, several other countries and
Several oral contraceptive pills can be used to achieve this dose if
two Canadian provinces, British Columbia and Québec, have
needed, although none is approved specifically for this use (Table
begun to offer EC without a prescription from pharmacists.
1). Preven®, a product containing the hormonal combination of
Moreover, a recent study from the University of Toronto has
the Yuzpe regimen in a single pill, was approved for use in Canada
piloted this concept in the Toronto area with encouraging
in 1999 by prescription specifically for use as emergency contra-
results. In conclusion, the future of emergency contracep-
ception. A second hormonal method, Plan B®, has also been
tion in Canada is evolving towards improved, timely access
available in Canada since February 2000. This method uses 750
for all women thus resulting in a probable reduction in
mg of levonorgestrel alone taken in two doses 12 hours apart. unwanted pregnancies.
The postcoital copper IUD can be used past the 72-hour window
following intercourse,6 as it is effective up to 7 days after inter-
Every year, hundreds of thousands of Canadian women are at risk
course. It is the most effective postcoital contraception as the fail-
for unintended pregnancy as a result of unprotected intercourse,
ure rate does not exceed 0.1%.7 This method is most appropriate
inadequate contraceptive measures or failure of contraceptive
for women who meet the regular criteria for use of an IUD, as
methods. The use of emergency contraception is defined in the
the IUD can stay in place for long term contraception following
Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists of Canada (SOGC)
insertion.20 There is currently no evidence to recommend the lev-
Guidelines as “any method of contraception which is used after
onorgestrel-releasing intrauterine system, marketed under the trade
intercourse and before implantation,”1 and has the potential to pre-
name Mirena®, for emergency contraception.
vent many of these unwanted pregnancies. It has been knownsince 1977 that a high dose of oral contraceptive (norgestrel-ethinyl
In large randomised control trial of women in 1998, the crude
estradiol) within 72 hours of having unprotected intercourse will
pregnancy rate for levonorgestrel (Plan B®) was 1.1%, compared
significantly reduce a woman’s chance of becoming pregnant.2
to 3.2% for the Yuzpe regimen8 and 0.1% for the postcoital IUD.7
Nevertheless, commercially packaged emergency contraception
In terms of the proportion of pregnancies prevented compared
(EC) has become available only recently in North America, despite
with the expected number without treatment, the levonorgestrel
growing evidence about its safety and efficacy.3 Moreover, EC is
method prevented 85% of possible pregnancies and the Yuzpe
regimen 57% of possible pregnancies in this study. The efficacy
there are several ways in which this method may provide contra-
of both treatments decreased with delay from the event of unpro-
ception. For example, when given prior to ovulation, the hor-
tected intercourse. In other studies, however, the Yuzpe regimen
mones will inhibit ovulation in some women.14-15 Other studies
has been attributed efficacies as high as 75 percent.9 With such
have suggested a mechanism of impaired implantation of the
high efficacy, EC is thus able to reduce the number of therapeu-
embryo due reduced endometrial receptivity, as histologic or bio-
tic abortions needed due to unplanned pregnancy.
chemical alterations in the endometrium were observed followingEC administration.16-18 Conversely, some studies have found no
Mifepristone (RU-486), an anti-progestin, is also highly effective as
such effect on the endometrium,19-20 thus the exact mechanism
emergency contraception but is currently unavailable in Canada.
remains unclear. Other possible mechanisms suggested in the lit-
Several randomized, controlled trials have shown that a single oral
erature include changes to the cervical mucus and subsequent
600 mg dose of mifepristone was more effective and had less
changes in the transport of sperm, egg or embryo,21 and impair-
adverse effects than the Yuzpe Method.10 Further studies have
shown the efficacy of a 10 mg, 200 mg and 600 mg dose ofmifepristone was similar.10 No major side effects occurred, how-
The mechanism of action of the postcoital IUD is also poorly
ever the delay in return of menstruation was dose-dependent and
understood; however it is theorised that the IUD affects tubal
thus the dose of 10 mg is most desirable. Despite its high effica-
transport of an oocyte or embryo, changes the cervical mucus and
cy and favourable profile, Mifepristone is not currently available in
Canada and is unlikely to be in the near future.3
Indications and Contraindications According to the SOGC Guidelines (2000), the indications for
emergency hormonal contraception, are the desire to prevent preg-
Emergency Contraceptive Doses of Dedicated Emergency
nancy and unprotected intercourse 72 hours prior to seeking med-
Contraceptives vs. Combination Oral Contraceptive Pills
ical advice.1 Emergency contraception is also considered in cir-cumstances of high pregnancy risk that result from failure ofexisting contraception, such as barrier methods or missed birth
control pills.1 There is some evidence that the effectiveness of ECmay last longer than the recommended 72 hour period, with a
reported 72-87% efficacy 72 to 120 hours after intercourse.24 As
well, based on current literature on efficacy, SOGC recommenda-
tions are that a postcoital IUD be considered for women at riskof pregnancy 3-7 days after unprotected intercourse.1 Hormonal
EC is not recommended as a primary form of contraception and
should be used only in emergency situations.1 However, multiple
use of EC has no known health risks and there are no con-
Emergency contraception is extremely safe: no deaths have beenassociated with EC use and there is no causal association betweenEC and the small number of reported adverse effects.13 There are
* Ethinyl estradiol ** Levonorgestrel
no absolute contraindications to the use of emergency hormonalcontraception, with the exception of pregnancy due to their inef-
From: SOGC guidelines “Emergency Contraception” July 2000
fectiveness. As stated previously, there is no evidence of terato-genic consequences to the fetus since EC will not alter an estab-lished pregnancy and is of no utility in this situation.25 The World
Mechanism of Action
Health Organization Guidelines indicate that breast-feeding and a
Emergency contraception is known to prevent pregnancy before it
history of ectopic pregnancy should not restrict access to hor-
occurs. Thus, the mechanism of action is fundamentally different
monal EC.26 Furthermore, in women with a history of severe car-
from the interruption of an established pregnancy. The implanta-
diovascular complications, angina pectoris, migraine or severe liver
tion process is prevented which occurs six to seven days after fer-
disease, the benefits of EC generally outweigh the potential risks
tilization.7 Studies of high-dose oral contraceptive pills have shown
of pregnancy. Neither smoking nor age is considered a con-
that the combined estrogen-progestin regimen (Yuzpe Method,
traindication. Athough some physicians are cautious about the use
Preven®) and the progestin-only regimen (Plan B®) will not inter-
of estrogen-based EC in women with clotting disorders, migraine,
or hormone sensitive tumours, the short-term contraceptive bene-fit of estrogen exceeds the risk of treatment when one considers
Multiple theories have been proposed to explain the high efficacy
the adverse outcomes of pregnancy in the same population.13
of hormonal methods of emergency postcoital contraception.13Depending on the timing of administration in the menstrual cycle,
Contraindications to the use of a postcoital IUD are identical to
those for normal contraceptive use, such as pelvic infections
and Surgeons of Canada, the Canadian Nurses Association, the
(acute, recent or recurrent), pregnancy or a distorted uterine cavi-
Canadian Pediatrics Society, and six provincial medical colleges.4
ty.20 Although postcoital IUD has high efficacy and few con-
Furthermore, a cost analysis of use of EC in Canada showed that
traindications, it is not commonly administered by physicians due
EC was cost-saving whether provided at the time of the emer-
to the concern regarding the risk of pelvic inflammatory disease
gency or in advance to be used as needed.35
and the time required to administer the device.20
In December 2000, British Columbian Premier Ujjal Dosanjh
Side Effects
approved the availability of EC directly from pharmacists without
The primary side-effects of hormonal EC are nausea and vomit-
a prescription.36 In the first 8 weeks, 800 women accessed EC
ing.25 The Yuzpe regimen causes nausea in up to 50% of patients
from pharmacists and over half these women obtained EC on
and up to 19% experienced vomiting.8 The Levonorgestrel regi-
evenings or weekends when a physician is usually unavailable.36
men (Plan B®) is better tolerated with 23% experiencing nausea
The next year, the province of Quebec made EC available from
and 6% experiencing vomiting.8 Nausea and vomiting can be min-
pharmacists, but required a $30.00 consultation fee for this ser-
imised by taking the medications with food and using anti-emetics
vice.37 In June 2001, a University of Toronto pilot study headed
such as dimenhydrinate (Gravol®) 30 minutes prior to the dose.1
by Sheila Dunn (Professor of Medicine) and Thomas Brown
If vomiting occurs within one hour, a replacement dose is
(Professor of Pharmacy) was undertaken to train pharmacists in 40
required.1 Less common side effects with both regimens include
pharmacies in the Scarborough, Rexdale and North York areas to
uterine cramping, spotting, headaches and bloating.1 Most women
dispense EC directly to women without a prescription.
start their menstrual period on time or slightly early.23 Post coital
Preliminary results indicate that close to 7000 women obtained EC
IUD is associated with complications that include bleeding, infec-
from these pharmacies over a one year period, 65% of whom indi-
tion, perforation, cramping and expulsion.1
cated that they needed EC due to failure of their regular contra-ception and 84% indicated that it was significantly easier to get EC
Follow-up after EC includes a pregnancy test if menstrual bleed-ing does not occur by the 21st day following EC administration.1
A recent journal article reported that Canada is lagging behind
In addition, arrangements for continued contraception and sexual-
other countries in the availability of EC without a prescription.31
ly transmitted infections (STI) testing should be done 1-2 weeks
Women in the United Kingdom, Morocco, Norway, Sweden,
Finland, Israel, France, Belgium, Denmark, Portugal, South Africa,and Albania can already obtain EC without a prescription.31
Future Directions: Switch to Over The Counter Status?
Furthermore, a large supermarket chain in England has established
Emergency Contraception is a safe medication with only one con-
a pilot program to dispense EC to teenagers free of charge in
traindication (pregnancy) and a relatively simple method of admin-
order to address an alarming rate of teenage pregnancy.38 In con-
istration. Two recent studies in France and the United States
trast, EC is only available without a prescription in three American
found that women had little difficulty understanding how to use
states (Washington, Alaska, and California), despite the fact that
EC safely and effectively without a physician’s assistance.27-28
EC is estimated to prevent 1.5 million unintended pregnancies and
Furthermore, large randomised trails have demonstrated that hor-
monal EC is more effective when used quickly, and the time delayin obtaining a prescription may lead to increased numbers of
unwanted pregnancy due to decreased efficacy.29-30 The availabili-
Emergency Contraception is a safe, highly effective way to prevent
ty of EC without a prescription removes the clinical opportunity
pregnancy in the event of unprotected intercourse or failure of reg-
for physicians to provide STD and contraception counselling.
ular contraceptive methods. Their effectiveness is highly depen-
While this is true, the efficacy of this counselling has not been
dent on their time of administration following unprotected inter-
demonstrated.31 In addition, some might argue that physicians
course; therefore over-the-counter availability has been proposed
should identify the woman’s pregnancy status prior to EC admin-
and widely supported by many medical organisations. Pharmacists
istration and discuss side effects. However, since there is no risk
are the most easily accessed, qualified health professionals for the
to the pregnancy and the side effects are uncomplicated, this infor-
distribution of EC in a timely manner. Several nations and select
mation could readily be communicated by a pharmacist.11
Canadian provinces have explored options in distribution of EC
Furthermore, some supporters of EC regulation argue that
without a prescription with highly successful results. As Canada
increased EC availability will lead to its use as a regular contra-
heads towards easier, more convenient access to emergency con-
ceptive, rather than an emergency medication.29
traception, it is with clear benefit to the reproductive health of
numerous studies have indicated that advance provision of EC for
women at risk of unintended pregnancy does not replace tradi-tional contraception.32-34
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Psychopharmacology (2004) 173:153–159DOI 10.1007/s00213-003-1711-8O R I G I N A L I N V E S T I G A T I O NJessica Werth Cook · Bonnie Spring ·Dennis E. McChargue · Belinda Borrelli ·Brian Hitsman · Raymond Niaura · Nancy J. Keuthen ·Jean KristellerInfluence of fluoxetine on positive and negative affectin a clinic-based smoking cessation trialReceived: 7 July 2003 / Accepted: 30 Octob
Irenísia Torres de Oliveira* Resumo fora escrito, cheia de inquietações e problemas, além das cir- Este artigo apresenta algumas das importantes lei- cunstâncias da publicação, levada a termo na sua ausência. turas críticas do romance Angústia , de Graciliano Ramos, Referia-se a essa impossibilidade de revisão com pesar, pois nos seus setenta anos de publicação, objet