Microsoft word - nematolahi.doc

Curriculum Vitae
Personal Data:
Date of Birth
Marital Status
0441- 3808685
0411- 3355996
0411 - 3357834
Educational Background: (Last One First)
Field of Specialization
Name of Institution
Veterinary parasitology
Veterinary collage
Master thesis: The histopathological study on genital tracts of cows.

Ph.D. Thesis: The study of hypobiosis on Haemonchus contortus in sheep .
Teaching Experiences: (Last One First)
Name of Institution
Veterinary parasitology
Veterinary collage
Administrative Positions:
Job Title
Place of Work
Name of Institution
Assistant professor
Tabriz university
Veterinary collage
Academic Rank:
Degree Hold
Name of Institution
Tabriz university
2003 - Now
Master and Doctorate Theses Supervision:
Student’s Full Name
Title of Thesis
Publications: (Books)
Type of Work
Aslani publication- Tehran - Iran
Aslani publication-Tehran - Iran
Publications: (Papers)
Journal’s Name
Journal of the faculty of
A case report of Cyletiella yasgouri in Iran
veterinary medicine-
University of Tehran
Comparative study of Griseofulvin effect on ovine Ringworm
Veterinary associated
Journal of the faculty of
Survey on the clinicopathological changes in experimental infestation
veterinary medicine-
to Haemonchus contortus in sheep
University of Tehran
The survey of infection rate and histipathological lesion due to nymph
Journal of the faculty of
of Linguatula serrate in East Azarbaijan slaughtered house during
veterinary medicine-
different season of year
University of Tehran
Journal of the faculty of
A survey on parasitic infestation of the rodents in Tabriz
veterinary medicine-
University of Tehran
The survey on efficacy of Albendazole,Mebendazole,Praziquantil and
Iranian Veterinary
Febantel against Dicrocoelium dendriticum based on fecal examination
Effect of L-Carnitine and vegetable fat on broiler
International Journal of
fertility,hatchability,egg yolk and serum cholestrol and triglyceride
Poultry Science
The survey on infestation to parasite in small ruminant's digestive
tract in East Azarbaijan province
Agricultural Scince
Experimental infestation to gastrointestinal nematodes in sheep
(clinical and parasitological finding)
Journal of Animal and
Veterinary Advances
An outbraek of Chorioptes bovis mange on a dairy farm in Tabriz
Iranian Journal of
Veterinary Research
Research Projects:
Sponsered by
Diagnosis and differention of Eimeria species in Chikens
University of Tabriz
The survey of helminths faunna of small ruminnants digestive tract in East
University of Tabriz
Azarbaijan province
Research Interests:
Protozoology – Toxoplasmosis- Sarcocystosis
Papers Presented at National and International Scientific Conferences:
Title and Place of Assembly
Comparative study on treatment procedures on Ringworm due to
2 th national zoonosis congress – Tabriz
Tricophyton verocosome in sheep.
Study of the Albendazole on intestinal parasite and weight gain in
27th wrold veterinary congress - Tunis
A study of the effects of skin parasite on sheep and goats in east
27th wrold veterinary congress - Tunis
22th wrold buiatrics congress-Hannover
A study of lesions to Hypoderma in cattle and estmation ….
- Germany
Serological survey of sheep infection to Toxoplasma gondii in Tabriz
23th wrold buiatrics congress- Quebec -
Serological survey of cattle infection to Toxoplasma gondii in Tabriz
9 th European multicolloqium of
by IFA test
parasitology-Valencia- Spain
Experimental infection of sheep to Haemonchus
13th Iranian veterinary congress-Tehran
contortus:development and pathognesis
12th Congress of Mediterranean
The survey on prevalence of Theileria ovis in Tabriz (Iran)
Fedration for Healths and Reproduction
of Ruminants-Italy
Survey on Sarcocystosis on Sheep and goat in slaughterhouse of
5th National Iranian Congress of
The Prevalence of Eimeria Species amoung broiler chicks in West-
14thWrold Veterinary Poultry Congress-
North of Iran
Study on Coccidiosis in Gazvin province
14thWrold Veterinary Poultry Congress-
Subclinical Coccidiosis in Khoy region
14thWrold Veterinary Poultry Congress-
Survey on the biochemicals parameters changes in infection to
12th Congress of the International Society
gastrointestinal nematodes in sheep
of Animal Clinical Biochemistry-Turkey
Survey of sheep and goat warble fly infestation in Tabriz
9th International Sheep Veterinary
Slaughteral survey on reproductive action in sheep and goat
2th Seminar of Research on Sheep and

The survey of Infection rate of stray dogs in Tabriz (Iran) to
30th Wrold Small animal congress-
Dirofilaria immitis
13th Congress of Mediterranean
The study of Hydatic infection rate in cattle,sheep and goat
Fedration for Healths and Reproduction
of Ruminants-Italy
Relationship between variation of deffensive cells in blood and mocus
of cervix with Uterine involution in parturated cows
23th wrold buiatrics congress-Frace
Survey on the parasitological aspects and clinical symptoms in
23th wrold buiatrics congress-Frace
experimental infestation to Haemonchus contortus in sheep
Awards, Honorary Degrees, Medals:
Presented by
Superior Researchman in Veterinary Collage in
University of Tabriz
Membership to Scientific Associations:
Name of Institution/Association
Iranian veterinary association
Foreign Language(s) Proficiency:
Degree of Proficiency


Microsoft word - 699c813a.doc

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