Es ist nicht klar, wie groß die Rolle von Antibiotika in den Wettbewerbsbeziehungen zwischen Mikroorganismen unter natürlichen Bedingungen ist. Zelman vaxman glaubte, dass diese Rolle minimal ist, Antibiotika werden nicht anders als in reinen Kulturen auf reichen Umgebungen gebildet. Anschließend wurde jedoch festgestellt, dass bei vielen Produzenten die Aktivität der antibiotikasynthese in Gegenwart anderer Arten oder spezifischer Produkte Ihres Stoffwechsels zunimmt.

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William E. Price
Dean, Faculty of Science, UoW
Personal Details:
I have substantial experience of leadership roles within the University sector. In particular I believe my
main strengths are:
• 20 years experience within the Australian Higher Education System
• High quality research program with significant and excellent outcomes in terms of publications/grants
• Experience in working with large research groups and collaboratively with a number of external
• Broad research experience encompassing physical, chemical sciences, food sciences and aspects of • Experience in working in industry (Abbott Pharmaceuticals; Unilever and British Petroleum • Extensive experience in University management including experience at Dean’s level (Financial management; strategic planning in Teaching & Research) • Extensive experience of curriculum development • Highly developed planning, organisational and management skills • Highly motivated, enthusiastic and self-driven • Good listener and collaborative team player yet able to take tough decisions as a strong leader • Very good interpersonal skills Qualifications:
BSc (Hons) Imperial College, University of London, 1982.
Imperial College, University of London, 1985. Professional Qualifications:

Fellow of the Royal Australian Chemical Institute (FRACI) Member of the Royal Society of Chemistry (MRSC) Previous Appointments:
• Head of Department/School of Chemistry, 2001- July 2008.
• Interim Dean of Faculty of Science, University of Wollongong, 2002.
• Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry, University of Wollongong 1999 – 2000
• Senior Lecturer, Department of Chemistry, University of Wollongong, 1993-1998. • Lecturer, Department of Chemistry, University of Wollongong, 1989- 1992. • QEII Research Fellow, R.S. Phys. Sci. Australian National University, 1987-1989. • Research Reservoir Engineer, British Petroleum, The Research Centre, Sunbury-on-Thames, • Laboratory Technician, Abbott Labs. (Pharmaceuticals), Queenborough, Kent, UK. 1978-1979 Awards:
• Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship, 1992, and 1996. Two periods spent at University of Regensburg.
• QEII Research Fellowship, Commonwealth Government of Australia, 1987.
• Post-doctoral Fellowship, ANU, 1986.
• Science and Engineering Research Council, CASE PhD Scholarship with Unilever, 1982.
• I am a Physical Scientist with long-standing interests in properties and structure in conducting
polymers, complex fluids, and foods. I also have much experience with applied and industrial research. Current projects include Intelligent Polymer systems based on inherently conducting polymers (ICP). I am currently a Chief Investigator in ARC Centre of Excellence Australian Centre for Electromaterial Science (ACES). I am also interested in Food processing units such as dehydration, thermal treatment and extraction rely on an understanding of the physico-chemical phenomena at play. An example of work in this area is a recent Dairy Australia Funded project on stability of milk protein (with J. Carver UAdel). I have also been working extensively on analysis of bioactive components in food, clinical and environmental samples such as phytoestrogens and antioxidants. • Successfully (co-) supervised 13 PhD, 1 MSc and 10 Hons students to completion. I currently • Over 100 refereed papers in international journals. Average Citations/Paper = 10 • Co-recipient of over $2 M in last ten years in project grants. In addition, Chief Investigator of a number of major centre applications including ARC Key Centre for Smart Foods, ARC Centre for Nanostructured Electrofunctional Materials and most recently the ARC Centre of Excellence for Electromaterial Science. In addition, consistent success on LEIF proposals. • Inventor on a number of provisional patents and full patents, including most recently: Separation and Recovery of Precious Metals Using Polymer Materials. Ding, J., Price, W. E., Ralph, S., Wallace, G. G. PCT/AU2002/001408 Administrative Experience
• I have had considerable management experience during my time at University of Wollongong. In my
current role as Dean of the Faculty of Science, I am responsible for the staff and operations. The Faculty of Science has over 150 Academic staff, 60 General staff and some 150 post-graduate students. Previous roles at UoW:
o Head of School of Chemistry o Chair of Faculties of Science and Health and Behavioural Sciences OH&S Committee (Workplace o Chair of Departmental OH&S Committee o Management (Deans/Heads) Representative on University OH&S Committee. o Member of Faculty Executive Committee and Education Committee o Member of Faculty Research Committee o Head Post-graduate Studies (Research student Coordinator) o Various subject coordination roles o Member of University Senate o Standing Member of Academic Probations Committee (2003-2007) o Standing Acting Dean of Faculty of Science (2003-2006) o Chair of Faculty Library Committee (1997-2000) o Departmental Library Liaison Officer (1990-2000) o Elected Faculty Representative to Law Faculty (1993 – 1997) o Member of Internal Audit Review Committee for QPAC (2004) o Member of WP on Research Misconduct Policies (2005) o Member of WP on Academic Staff Development Documentation (2005) Teaching Experience & Philosophy:
• Have over 20 years experience of University teaching in general Chemistry, Food Chemistry,
Physical Chemistry and Materials Chemistry at 100-400 Level plus post-graduate courses. • Degree coordinator for newly established Bachelor of Nanotechnology Degree • Extensive experience at new course and subject development, laboratory course development • My philosophy is for student centred learning which engages students actively, and in particular in experimental science, one where the focus on learning is through their practical experience. Other Professional Responsibilities:
• Referee for a range of International Journals, including Journal of Physical Chemistry,
Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry, Journal of Chemical Engineering Data, Physical Chemistry, Chemical Physics, John Food Chemistry, Journal of Food Engineering, Journal of Solution Chemistry, Australian Journal of Chemistry • Expert referee for ARC Physical and Earth Sciences Panel. • Treasurer of the Electrochemistry Division of the Royal Australian Chemical Institute (1993- • President of Wollongong sub-branch of RACI (1991-1994) • Committee Member of NSW branch of RACI (1991-1994) • Committee Member of Wollongong sub-branch RACI (1991-2003) Publications

1. "Intelligent Polymer Membranes"
A. Mirmohseni, W.E. Price, C.O. Too, G.G. Wallace and Zhao Huijun
Encyclopedia of Polymeric Materials Volume 5 p 3274-3282
CRC Press July 1996.
[ISBN 0-8493-2470-X]
2. "NMR and Diaphragm Cell Techniques for the study of molecular dynamics in fluids"
W. E. Price and H-D Lüdemann. In "High Pressure Techniques in Chemistry and Physics". Eds.
W. B. Holzapfel and N.S. Isaacs. Oxford Univ. Press. Chapter 5 p225 - 266, 1997

1. "Kinetics and Equilibria of tea infusion: Theaflavin and Caffeine concentrations and partition
constants in several whole teas and sieved fractions."
William E. Price and Michael Spiro.
J. Sci Food Agric., 36, 1303-1308 (1985).
2. "Kinetics and Equilibria of tea infusion: Rates of Extraction of Theaflavin, Caffeine and
Theobromine from several whole teas and sieved fractions."
William E. Price and Michael Spiro.
J. Sci. Food Agric., 36, 1309-1314 (1985).
3. "Determination of Theaflavins in tea solutions using the Flavognost complexation method."
Michael Spiro and William E. Price.
Analyst, 111, 331-333 (1986).
4. "Kinetics and Equilibria of tea infusion, Part VI: The effects of salts and of pH on the
concentrations and partition constants of Theaflavins and Caffeine in Kapchorua Pekoe
Michael Spiro and William E. Price.
Food Chemistry, 24, 51-61 (1987).
5. "Kinetics and Equilibria of tea infusion, Part VII: The effect of salts and of pH on the rate of
extraction of caffeine from Kapchorua Pekoe Fannings."
Michael Spiro and William E. Price.
Food Chemistry, 25, 49-59 (1987).
6. "Kinetics and Equilibria of tea infusion, Part VIII: The effect of salts and of pH on the rate of
extraction of theaflavins from black tea leaf."
Michael Spiro, William E. Price, William M. Miller and Mokhtar Arami.
Food Chemistry, 25, 117-126 (1987).
7. "The Theory for Taylor's dispersion technique for three component diffusion measurements."
William E. Price.
J.C.S. Faraday Transactions I 84, 2431 - 2439 (1988).
8. "Tracer diffusion of caffeine in aqueous solutions at 298.15 K:
The effect of caffeine self-association."
William E. Price.
J.C.S. Faraday Transactions I 85, 415 - 419 (1989).
9. "A Diaphragm Cell for High Temperature Diffusion Measurements;
Tracer Diffusion Coefficients for Water to 363 K ."
Allan J. Easteal, William E. Price and Lawrence A. Woolf.
J. C. S. Faraday Trans. I 85, 1091 - 1097 (1989) .
10. "The Association of Caffeine in Aqueous Solutions : Its Effects on Caffeine Intradiffusion."
William E. Price, Kirsten Trickett and Kenneth R. Harris.
J. C. S. Faraday Trans. I 85, 3281 - 3288 (1989 )
11. "Hydration models for trivalent metal ion solutions : shear viscosities and diffusion
coefficients of Fe(III) and THO in Iron(III) perchlorate solutions at 298.15 K."
Allan J. Easteal, William E. Price and Lawrence A. Woolf.
J. Phys. Chem. 93, 7517 - 7520 (1989).
12. "The Protonation Constant of Caffeine in Aqueous Solution."
Michael Spiro, Domingo M. Grandoso and William E. Price
J.C.S. Faraday Trans. I 85, 4259 - 4267 (1989)
13. "Extraction of Ginger Rhizome : kinetic studies with organic solvents ".
Michael Spiro, Mangayetkarasy Kandiah and William E. Price.
Int. J. Food Sci. and Technol. 25, 157-167 (1990)
14. " Hydration numbers for Zinc(II) ions in solution: Shear viscosites and Intradiffusion
coefficients for Zn(II) and 3HHO in Zinc (II) perchlorate solutions at 298 K.
Kenneth R. Harris, William E. Price and Lawrence A. Woolf.
J. Phys. Chem. 94, 1509 - 1514 (1990)
15."Hydration Information from Diffusion Measurements in Transition Metal Salt Solutions"
William E. Price and Lawrence A. Woolf.
Ber. Bunsen-Gesell. Phys. Chem. 94, 381-384 (1990)
16. "Thermodynamic and Transport properties of 1,2 - Dichloroethane."
Allan J. Easteal, Rakesh Maholtra, William E. Price and Lawrence A. Woolf.
Int. J. Thermophysics 11, 835 -861 (1990)
17."The temperature and density dependences of the Self-Diffusion Coefficient and Shear
Viscosity of liquid trichloromethane"
Kenneth R. Harris, Allan J. Easteal, William E. Price and Lawrence A. Woolf.
Molecular Physics 71, 1205 - 1221 (1990).
18. "Intradiffusion and viscosity measurements in acidified iron(III) chloride solutions at 25 oC "
Allan J. Easteal, William E. Price, Rakesh Malhotra and Lawrence A. Woolf
J. Solution Chemistry 20, (3) 319 - 334 (1991)
19. "Ion Pairing and Redissociation in concentrated aqueous solutions of 2:2 electrolytes: a
transport study of Aqueous ZnSO4"
William E. Price and Hermann Weingartner
J. Phys. Chem. 95 (22), 8933 - 8938 (1991).
20. "Inferences on dynamic water structure in aqueous solutions from diffusion measurements"
William E. Price and Lawrence A. Woolf.
Journal of Molecular Structure 250, 305 - 313, (1991).
21. "Intradiffusion coefficients for iron and water and shear viscosities in aqueous iron(II)
perchlorate solutions at 25o C "
W. E. Price and L. A. Woolf
J. Solution Chem. 21, 239 , (1992).
22. Electrochemically Controlled Transport of Potassium Chrloride across a conducting
electroactive polymer membrane"
Huijin Zhao, William E. Price and Gordon G. Wallace.
J. Electroanal. Chemistry 334, 111 , (1992)
23. "The temperature dependence of extraction of soluble constituents from black tea."
William E. Price and John C. Spitzer
Food Chemistry 46, 133-136, (1993)
24. "Adaptive Membrane Systems based on conductive electroactive polymers"
H. Zhao, R. Mirmohseni,W. E. Price and G. G. Wallace
J. Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 4, 43, (1993)
25. " Electrochemically controlled transport across conducting polymer composites: basis of
smart membrane materials."
A. Mirmohseni , W.E. Price and G.G. Wallace.
Polymer Gels and Networks 1,61-77 (1993).
26. "Variations in the amounts of individual flavanols in a number of green teas."
William E. Price and John C. Spitzer
Food Chemistry 47,271-276, (1993).
27. " Transport of Cu(II) across conducting polypyrrole membranes: the effect of applied
potential waveforms."
Huijin Zhao, William E. Price and Gordon G. Wallace.
Polymer 34, 16-20, (1993).
28. " Transport measurements in aqueous Na2 SO4 . Evidence for Like-Ion Pairs in Concentrated
W.E.Price , Hermann. Weingartner, A.Vernon .J.Edge and Reginald Mills
J. Physical Chemistry 97, 6289-6291 (1993).
29. "Thermodynamic properties of 3-pentanone from 278 K to 338 K and 0.1 to 380 MPa"
R. Malhotra, W.E.Price and L.A. Woolf.
J. Chem. Thermodynamics 25, 361 - 366, (1993).
30. Intradiffusion coefficients of gallium and perchlorate ions and water and viscosities for
aqueous solutions of gallium perchlorate up to 2.3 molal at 25oC
W.E. Price and L.A. Woolf
J. Solution Chemistry. 22, 873-882, (1993).
31. "The process of developing a tutorial system for teaching Aboriginal nursing students
chemistry - a case study, implications for teaching, student academic development and support,
resource allocation and the Aboriginal Tutorial Assistance Scheme"
K. Draisma, R. Gluck, J. Hancock, R. Kanitz, G. Knell, W. Price, G.
Squires Conference Proceedings "Best Practice in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education". The National Languages and Literacy Institute of Australia Workshop on Aboriginal Literacy, Canberra, November 1993. p 36-40. [fully refereed paper - see also conference presentations E1] 32. " Effect of counterion employed during synthesis on the properties of polypyrrole
Z. Huijun, W.E. Price and G.G. Wallace
J. Membrane Science 87, 47 - 58 (1994).
33. "The kinetics of extraction of individual flavanols and caffeine from a Japanese green tea
(Sen Cha Tsuyu) as a function of temperature."
W.E. Price and J.C. Spitzer
Food Chemistry 50, 19-23, (1994).
34. "Intelligent Polymer Membranes "
W. E. Price, G. G Wallace and H. Zhao
Frontiers of Polymers and Advanced Materials 599-605 (1994) Plenum, NY.
[ fully refereed article - see also conference presentations ]
35. " Transport across stand-alone conducting polypyrrole membranes - containing Dodecyl
sulfate Counterions"
Z. Huijun, P. Teasdale, W.E. Price and G.G. Wallace.
Reactive Polymer 23, 213-220, (1994)
36. "Scratching the surface of Intelligent Materials : Characterisation methods for conducting
polymer films"
Z. Huijun, A. Mirmohseni, W.E. Price, A. Talaie and G.G. Wallace
Intel. Mat. Sys. and Struc. 5, 605-611, (1994)
37. "Conducting Polymer Membranes as Intelligent Separation Systems"
W.E. Price and G.G. Wallace
Proceedings of the 2nd Int'l Conference on Intelligent Materials (Technomic) 1994 1381-88
] [ISBN 1 566676 171 9]
38. " Green Tea Flavanols and Cancer"
William E. Price
Agro Food Industry (Oct) 5, 18-20 (1994)
39. "The process of developing a tutorial system for teaching Aboriginal nursing students
K. Draisma, R. Gluck, J. Hancock, R. Kanitz, G. Knell, W. Price, G.
Australian/New Zealand Student Services Assoc. Journal, July, 1994. p?? 40. "Electrochemically controlled transport in a dual conducting polymer membrane system" D. Zhou, H. Zhao, W.E. Price, G.G. Wallace J. Membrane Sci. 98 (1-2) 173-176, (1995) 41. "Electrochemically controlled transport of charged organic species across conducting polymer membranes" A. Mirmohseni, W.E. Price and G.G. Wallace. J. Membrane Sci. 100(3) 239-248, (1995) 42. Intradiffusion coefficients for perchlorate ions in zinc perchlorate and zinc chloride solutions at 25o C : Comparing transport properties of zinc chloride and zinc perchlorate systems W. E. Price and L. A. Woolf,
J. Solution Chem. 24, 211-225, (1995)
43. Self diffusion in compressed dimethylether: the influence of dipole-dipole interaction and
hydrogen bonding upon translational mobility in simple fluids.
W. E. Price, A. Heinrich-Schramm and H-D. Lüdemann.
Z. Naturforschung. 50a , 145-148, (1995)
44. P,T- dependence of self-diffusion in binary mixtures of hexane-ethanol and hexane-dimethyl
W. E. Price, A. Heinrich-Schramm and H-D. Lüdemann.
Z. Naturforschung. 50a , 149-154, (1995)
45. " Effect of Organic solvents on the separation of phenolic acids by capillary electrophoresis"
Y.J. Lee, W.E. Price and M.M. Sheil
The Analyst 120, 2689-2694 (1995).
46. " Intelligent membranes based on conducting polymers"
W.E. Price and G.G. Wallace
Proceedings of Euromembranes 95, Bath, 18-20 September 1995. Volume 1 p301-306.
[ISBN 1 873703 69 4 ]
47. " Electrochemical control in conducting polymer membrane system designs""
W.E. Price, C.O.Too, G.G. Wallace and Z. Huijun
Proceedings of Euromembranes 95, Bath, 18-20 September 1995. Volume 1 p382-385.
[ISBN 1 873703 69 4 ]
48. " Conducting electro-active polymers as versatile membrane materials""
W.E. Price, C. Small, G. Spinks, C.O.Too and G.G. Wallace
Proceedings of Euromembranes 95, Bath, 18-20 September 1995. Volume 1 p386-389.
[ISBN 1 873703 69 4 ]
49. "The use of experimental diffusion coefficients to probe solute-solute and solute-solvent
interactions in electrolyte solutions"
W.E. Price, R. Mills and L.A. Woolf
J. Physical Chemistry 100, 1406-1410, (1996).
50. "The effect of thermal treatment on the electroactivity of polyaniline"
R. Ansari, W.E. Price and G.G. Wallace
Polymer 37, 917 - 923 (1996).
51. "Communicating with Responsive Intelligent Membranes"
A. Mirmohseni, W.E.Price, C.J. Small, C.O. Too, G.G. Wallace and H. Zhao
Advanced New Materials and Emerging Technologies. p 709-718 (1996). J. Wiley, NY
[ full refereed paper - see also conference presentations]
52. "Parameters effecting the Electrochemical Control across conducting polymer membranes"
H. Zhao, W.E. Price, C.O. Too, G.G. Wallace and D. Zhou.
J. Membrane Science 119, 199-212 (1996)
53. "Factors influencing the drying of prunes. 1 the effect of drying temperature on the kinetics of
moisture loss from prunes."
G.M. Newman, W.E. Price and L.A. Woolf.
Food Chemistry 57, 214-244, (1996).
54. " Aqueous extraction of solubles from oranges : a kinetic study"
C. Chambers, K. Exaudi-Larsen and W. E. Price
Food Chemistry 57, 483-486, (1996).
55. "Kinetics of Carbohydrate Change during dehydration of d'Agen prunes"
L.G. Wilford, H. Sabarez and W.E. Price
Food Chemistry 59, 149-155 (1997).
56. The effect of different electrical stimuli on the oxidation/reduction behaviour of polypyrrole-
pTS : a study using EQCM"
A. Mirmohseni, W.E. Price and G.G. Wallace,
Synthetic Metals, 84(1-3) 823-824 (1997)
57. "Modelling the kinetics of drying of D'Agen Plums (Prunus Domestica)"
H. Sabarez, W.E. Price, PJ. Back and L.A. Woolf.
Food Chemistry 60, 371-382 (1997).
58. " Electropolymerisation studies of 2-(3-thienyl)ethyl sulfonate with polypyrrole"
H. Zhao, F. Chen, T. W. Lewis, W.E. Price and G. G. Wallace
Reactive & Functional Polymers 34 (1), 27-34. (1997)
59. The p,T-dependence of self-diffusion in fluid ammonia"
T. Gross, J. Buchhauser, W.E. Price, I.N. Tarassov and H.D. Lüdemann
J. Mol. Liq. 73-74, 433 - 444, (1997)
60. Dehydration of prunes: kinetic aspects"
W.E. Price, H. T. Sabarez, L.G. Laajoki and L.A. Woolf
Agro-Food Industry Hi-Tech 8, (6), Nov/Dec 29-33, (1997)
61. p,T dependence of self-diffusion in 2-fluoroethanol, 2,2-difluoroethanol and 2,2,2-
N. Karger, T. Gross and W.E. Price
J. Mol. Liquid 75, 159-168 (1998).
62. Self-diffusion in Fluoroethanols
N. Karger, T. Gross and W.E. Price
Review of High Pressure Science and Technology 7, 1207-1209, (1998).
63. "The pressure dependence of self-diffusion in fluid NH3 and ND3"
T. Gross, J. Buchhauser, W.E. Price, I.N. Tarassov and H.D. Lüdemann
Review of High Pressure Science and Technology 7, 1342-1344, 1998.
64. "Synthesis, Characterisation and Transport Properties of Layered Electroactive Polypyrrole
Membrane" H. Zhao, W.E.Price and G.G. Wallace
J. Membrane Sci 148, 161-172, (1998).
65. "Microstructure of the Skin of d'Agen plums"
R. Storey and W.E. Price
Scientia Horticulturae 81, 279-286 (1999)
66. “Development of membrane systems based on conducting polymers.”
W.E. Price, C.O.Too, G.G. Wallace and D. Zhou.
Synthetic Metals, 102(1-3), 1338-1341 (1999)
67. "A diffusion model for prune dehydration",
H.T. Sabarez and W.E. Price, J. Food Engineering, 42, 167-172, (1999).

68. “Investigating a cup of tea”
B. Ferry and W. E. Price.
Australian Science Teachers' Association 45(4), 51-53 (1999).
69. "Synthesis and properties of a mechanically strong poly(bithiophene) composite polymer
containing a polyelectrolyte dopant" J. Ding, W.E. Price, S.F. Ralph and G.G. Wallace,
Synthetic Metals, 110, 123-132, (2000).

70. "Monitoring volatile changes during dehydration of d'Agen prunes" H.T. Sabarez, W.E.
Price and J.Korth. J. Agric. Food Chem 48(5), 1838-1842, (2000).

71. "The role of the waxy skin layer on moisture loss during dehydration of prunes," W.E.
Price, H.T. Sabarez, R. Storey, and P.J. Back J. Agric Food Chem 48(9), 4193-4198, (2000).
72. Analysis of Phytoestrogens in Foods and their bioavailability
T.A. Larkin, L. Astheimer and W.E. Price, Agro Food Hi-Tech, 11(6), 24-27, (2000).
73. Health Benefits of Phytoestrogens
T.A. Larkin, L. Astheimer and W.E. Price, Agro Food Hi-Tech, Jan/Feb, 19-23, (2001).
74. “ Electrochemical Synthesis of Pyrrole Through A Polystyrene Opal Matrix”
V. Misoska, W. Price, S. Ralph, G.Wallace,
Synth. Metals 121(1-3 ), 1501-1502, (2001).
75. “Metal separation using polypyrroles containing chelating agents”
J. Ding, V. Misoska, W. E. Price, S. F. Ralph and G. G. Wallace,
Synth. Metals 119, 373-374, (2001).
76. “Transport of gold across composite poly(bithiophene) membranes.”
J. Ding, W. E. Price, S. F. Ralph and G. G. Wallace,
Synthetic Metals 119(1-3) 357-358, (2001).
77. “Polypyrrole membranes containing chelating ligands: synthesis, characterization and
transport studies” V. Misoska, J. Ding, J.M. Davey, W.E. Price, S.F. Ralph and G.G. Wallace,
Polymer, 42, 8571 – 8579, (2001).

78. “Synthesis, characterization and ion transport on polypyrrole/DNA conducting polymer
V. Misoska, W.E. Price, S.F. Ralph, N. Ogata and G.G. Wallace.
Synthetic Metals, 123(2), 279-281 (2001).

79. “Separation and Recovery of Gold and other metals using conducting polymers”
W.E. Price, S.F. Ralph and G.G. Wallace
Aust. J. Chem, 54(9-10), 615-619, (2001).
Effect of processing conditions on the Physico-chemical changes during dehydration of prunes.
H. T. Sabarez and W.E. Price, 6th International Symposium on Fruit, Nut and Vegetable
production engineering, Potsdam, Germany, Sept. 11-19, 2001. p415-420 Full Paper E1
[ISBN – 3-00008305-7]
81. “Electrochemical Behaviour of Polypyrrole/S-polyOHE composites”
J Ding, W.E. Price, S.F. Ralph, and G.G. Wallace.
Synthetic Metal, 129(1), 67-71, (2002).
82. “Electroless Recovery of Gold Cyanide Using Inherently Conducting Polymers”, J. Ding, W. E. Price, S. F. Ralph and G. G. Wallace,
Polymer International, 52, 51-55 (2003).
Gold recovery using fabric coated with conducting polymers J. Ding, V. Misoska, W.E. Price, S.F. Ralph, G Tsekouras and G.G. Wallace.
Synthetic Metals 135-136, 35-36, (2003).
Quartz crystal microbalance studies of the effect of solution temperature on the ion- exchange properties of polypyrrole conducting electroactive polymers. R. A KhalKhali, W.E.
Price, and G.G. Wallace
Reactive and Functional Polymers, 56, 141-146, (2003).
85. “Electroless Recovery of Gold Chloride Using Inherently Conducting Polymers’, Jie Ding,
W. E. Price, S. F. Ralph and G. G. Wallace, Polymer International 53:681-687 (2004).
86. Recovery of metal ions using Inherently conducting polymer coated textiles G. Tsekouras, S.F. Ralph, W.E. Price, G.G. Wallace, Fibers and Polymers 5(1), 1-5 (2004). 87. Casein proteins as molecular chaperones
P. E. Morgan T. M. Treweek, R. A. Lindner, W. E. Price
and J. A. Carver.
J. Agric. Food Chemistry¸ 53¸2670-2683, (2005).
88. Fractionation of sedimentary arsenic from Port Kembla Harbour, NSW, Australia
Damris Muhammad, G.A. O’Brien, W.E. Price, and B.E. Chenhall,
Journal of Environmental Monitoring, 7, 621 – 630 (2005).
89. “Simultaneous determination of isoflavones and lignans at trace levels in natural waters and
wastewater samples using liquid chromatography/electrospray ionization ion trap mass
spectrometry, J. Kang,  L. A. Hick and W. E. Price Rapid Communications in Mass
Spectrometry 20, 2411-2418, (2006).
90. Thermodynamics of the NO2 – N2O4 Equilibrium by FTIR: An APCELL Experiment.
William E. Price*, David W.T. Griffith and Stephen R. Wilson
Australian Journal of Chemical Education, 67, 17-23 (2006)
91. “The effect of dextran on subunit exchange of the molecular chaperone αA-crystallin”
Arezou Ghahghaei, Agata Rekas, William E. Price and John A. Carver, Biophysica Biochimica
Acta: Protein Structure, 1774, 102-111, (2007)

92. Air-drying of Banana: influence of experimental parameters, slab thickness, banana
maturity and harvesting season. M. Ngyuen and W.E. Price J. Food Engineering 79(1), 200-
207 (2007).
93. “A fragmentation study of isoflavones in negative electrospray ionization by MSn ion trap
mass spectrometry and triple quadrupole mass spectrometry.” Jinguo Kang, Larry A. Hick and
William E. Price. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 21, 857-868 (2007).
94. Tissue Distribution of Lignans in Rats in Response to Diet, Dose – Response and Competition
with Isoflavones T Murray, J Kang, L Astheimer and W. E. Price, Journal of Agricultural and
Food Chemistry, 55(12), 4907-4912, (2007).
95. Increased probiotic yogurt or resistant starch intake does not affect isoflavone bioavailability
in subjects consuming a high soy diet. T. M. Larkin, W.E. Price and L. Astheimer. Nutrition
709-718 (2007).
96. Using calibrational approaches to compensate for remaining matrix effects in quantitative LC-
ESI-MSn analysis of phytoestrogens in aqueous environmental samples J. Kang, L. A. Hick and
W. E. Price, Rapid Commuications in Mass Spectrometry, 21, 4065-4072, (2007).
97. The key importance of soy isoflavone bioavailability to understanding health benefits, . T.
M. Larkin, W.E. Price and L. Astheimer. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition 48,
538-552, (2008).
98. Induction of Titanium reduction using pyrrole and polypyrrole in the ionic liquid Ethyl-
methyl-imidazolium bis(trifluoromethanesulphonyl)amide., Jie Ding, Jian Wu, Douglas
MacFarlane, William E. Price, Gordon Wallace. Electrochemistry Communications 10, 217-221
99. On the deposition of Ti from ionic liquids F. Endres et al PCCP. 10, 2189-2199 (2008).
100. Electrochemical co-deposition of Tin+ phases with gold in ionic liquids
Jie Ding, Jian Wu, Douglas R. MacFarlane, William E. Price and Gordon Wallace PCCP. 10,
5863-5869 (2008).
101. Dietary combination of soy with a probiotic or prebiotic food significantly reduces total and
cholesterol in mildly hypercholesterolaemic subjects T A Larkin, L B Astheimer, W E Price,
European J. Clinical Nutrition 63, 238–245 (2009) ; (online pub 17 Oct 2007)
Professor Margaret Sheil
Chief Executive Officer
Australian Research Council
Canberra ACT 2601
Professor Leon Kane-Maguire
School of Chemistry
University of Wollongong
NSW 2522
Tel: 02 42 213 559
Professor Philip Bartlett
School of Chemistry,
University of Southampton,
Highfield, Southampton,
SO17 1BJ, United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0)23 8059 2373
Professor Doug MacFarlane
School of Chemistry
Monash University
Box 23
Victoria 3800 Australia
Tel: 03 9905 4540
Professor Hans-Dietrich Ludemann
Institute for Biophysics and Physical Biochemistry
University of Regensburg
Grants received
Year Agency

quantitation of hormones in waste water (with Ecowise) Partnerships Pollutants in Wastewater (UoW) Treatment Systems (with Mid Coast Water) Partnerships electrorefining of precious metals 2001 ARC RIBG High level support for Chemistry 2000 ARC SPIRT Phytoestrogens: Smart Foods for 1998 ARC SPIRT Nanofiltration membrane system based on thin film conducting polymers (with MemTec) PFG indirect detection NMR probe Bremner, Pyne, carver Improving the energy efficiency of Price and Woolf Extraction kinetics from citrus fruit Price electroinactive organic species across CP membranes Extraction kinetics from citrus fruit Price

Research Students Supervised
Name Degree

Year Co-supervisor



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Microsoft word - clinical case of rapid opiate detoxification under anesthesia.docx

Anestesia Pediatrica e Neonatale, Vol. 9, N. 1, Settembre-Ottobre 2011   Clinical case of rapid opiate detoxification under anesthesia. Hospital Universitario “General Calixto García” La Habana, Cuba. Feminine patient of 42 years old, infirmary that has been addicted for 2 years to an opiate, tramadol, that consumes oral way a maximum of 6 daily grams. Discusses opiate detoxification

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