Es ist nicht klar, wie groß die Rolle von Antibiotika in den Wettbewerbsbeziehungen zwischen Mikroorganismen unter natürlichen Bedingungen ist. Zelman vaxman glaubte, dass diese Rolle minimal ist, Antibiotika werden nicht anders als in reinen Kulturen auf reichen Umgebungen gebildet. Anschließend wurde jedoch festgestellt, dass bei vielen Produzenten die Aktivität der antibiotikasynthese in Gegenwart anderer Arten oder spezifischer Produkte Ihres Stoffwechsels zunimmt.

Ko te wahanga tuatahi – Ko ngā whakairo o te tamaiti
Ko te wahanga tuarua – Ko ngā pānui hauora o te tamaiti:
Ko ngā raruraru hauora o te tamaiti: (tāringa, hūango, karu, mate pāwera,mate moraru kupu (dyslexia) Kua whakatau te ārainga mate o to tamaiti Ae/Kao rānei.
(Mehemea kāhore, me whakamarama mai, koa) He aha ngā rongoa kia mahia tō tamaiti i te nuinga o te wā.
(Eg: Rongoa mō te hūango ie: ventolin/becotide) Wahanga tuatoru: – Ko te matauranga
rānei Mainstream early childhood centre (ingoa).
Ko te wahanga tuawha: – Ko ngā Mātua / Kaitiaki / - tatai ohorere
Matua / Kaitiaki 1:
Ingoa tuatahi/tuarua . Nama Waea 1 .
Nama kārere Hiko (email)….…………… Ko tō whanaungatanga ki te tamaiti: Mama, Papa, Kaitiaki tuturu Matua/Kaitiaki 2:
Ko te ingoa tuatahi/tuarua . Nama Waea 1 .
Kainga noho . Nama kārere Hiko (email)….…………… Ko tō whanaungatanga ki te tamaiti: Mama, Papa, Kaitiaki tuturu Tatai ohorere (Mehemea he rerekē ngā pānui mā runga,me oti pai tēnei wāhanga
o te pepa)
Me tuhi ngā ingoa me ngā nama waea o ngā tāngata tokorua, i te wā mate whawhati
tata (emergency). Mëhemea ka tini ēnei pānui, me whakamohio mai ki te kura.

Tatai ohorere 1
He aha te whakawhanaungatanga ki te tamaiti? .
Tatai ohorere 2
He aha tō whakawhanaungatanga ki te tamaiti? .
He mana pūpuri tamariki (Access orders)
He ‘mana pupuri tamariki’ (access orders) mō tēnei tamaiti? Āe/Kao rānei Mehemea ~Āe, me whakapiri tētehi kape ki tēnei puka whakauru tamariki.
Wahanga tuarima - Whakapapa / Iwi
Kei te haere ia/rāua/ratou ki te kura o Tōku Māpihi Maurea?. Ae/Kao Wahanga tuaono – Pānui Matatapu
Re: 1993 He ture matatapu motuhake
Ko au/māua ma te kura hei whiwhi kōrero/pānui /aromatawai mai i ngā kura o mua, e
pa ana ki te akoranga o tēnei tamaiti.
Ko te whakaaetanga o te mahi hauora/rata.
E whakaae ana au/māua kia tuku atu ënei möhiotanga ki te Whare Hauora, Rata,
Rata niho inā tono mai ki te kura, hei whakatutuki i ngā hiahia o te tamaiti o tēnei
Whakaaetanga ki te tiki tamaiti mai i te kura.
Ka whakaae au/māua mā ēnei tāngata hei tiki i taku/aku tamaiti/tamariki mai i te kura.
Ko te rā i whiwhi tēnei mōhiotanga: ________________ He whakamōhiotanga ki ngā Mātua / Kaitiaki
Ko te rā i waea atu ki: __________________ Ko te rā i tukuna atu he reta: ____________________ Priority List (Please circle)
3. Te Kōhanga Reo o Ngā Kuaka or, Te Kōhanga Reo o Tōku Māpihi Maurea Ko ngā whakamōhiotanga i whiwhi mai i ngā Mātua/Kaitiaki
He whakaae he tūranga / kāore e whakaae Ka timata te tamaiti hei te: __________________ Tamokohia: _________________________ Ko te rā: ________________


Obesity and associated cardiovascular risk factors in iranian children: a cross-sectional study

Pediatrics International (2006) 48 , 566–571 Obesity and associated cardiovascular risk factors in Iranian children: A cross-sectional study ANAHITA HAMIDI , HOSSEIN FAKHRZADEH , ALIREZA MOAYYERI , RASSUL POUREBRAHIM , RAMIN HESHMAT , MASOUMEH NOORI , YALDA REZAEIKHAH AND BAGHER LARIJANI Endocrinology and Metabolism Research Center, Doctor Shariati Hospital, Tehran University o

Microsoft word - health benefits of tennis.doc

Health Benefits of Tennis Babette M Pluim (1), J Bart Staal (2), Bonita L Marks (3), Stuart Miller (4), Dave Miley (4) (1) Royal Netherlands Lawn Tennis Association (KNLTB), Amersfoort, The Netherlands (2) Department of Epidemiology and Caphri Research Institute, Maastricht University, Maastricht, The (3) Department of Exercise and Sport Science, University of North Carolina at Chap

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