1 aftalens omfang

Telenor Business General Terms and conditions In the following, ‘Telenor’ is used as a common designation for any company in the Telenor Danmark Holding A/S Group. The term ‘Customer’ refers to any customer who has signed a contract on the de- livery of a business service from Telenor. These General Terms and Conditions shall apply to all contracts on the use of Telenor’s telecommu- nications and broadband network between the Customer and a company in the Telenor Danmark Holding A/S Group. Telenor may place the contract with a company in the Telenor Danmark Holding 1 Contract – scope
Telenor may choose to send out product infor- Together with the Terms and Conditions for mation by SMS, MMS, email etc., and may also mobile telephony, Terms and Conditions for send out product marketing material in the same landline telephony and Terms and Conditions way. Customers not wishing to receive such in-for broadband, these General Terms and Condi- formation should contact Telenor Customer Ser- tions shall form part of the general contractual basis for the Customer’s contract with Telenor. 4 Credit rating and credit limit
2 Contract on the delivery of services
Telenor checks the credit rating of customers from Telenor
based on credit information, for example from Contracts may be concluded directly with banks, credit rating agencies and other sources. Telenor or via a dealership duly authorised by Telenor to conclude contracts on behalf of Telenor may decline to conclude individual con- Telenor. These General Terms and Conditions tracts or may make a contract conditional upon concern Telenor’s delivery of telecommunica- the Customer paying any outstanding balances tions and broadband services to the Customer. under other subscription contracts. Telenor may The purchase of telephones and other equip- also make contracts subject to a credit limit. ment shall be a matter between the Customer and the dealer and shall not concern Telenor. The Customer shall be liable for any charges even though these may have exceeded the cre- The Customer’s contract with Telenor for indi- dit limit set. If the credit limit is exceeded, Tele- vidual services shall be concluded at Telenor’s nor shall be entitled to immediately disconnect choice by: - the Customer signing an agree- ment/application form by the time the service is made available at the latest, or by - Telenor The Customer shall be liable for any charges sending or delivering the contract/application even though these may have exceeded the cre-form to the Customer by the time the service is dit limit set. If the credit limit is exceeded, Tele- nor shall be entitled to immediately disconnect 3 Customer data
The Customer shall be liable for any charges Contracts with Telenor may be concluded by even though these may have exceeded the cre- legally competent persons or companies (legal dit limit set. If the credit limit is exceeded, Tele- persons), unless otherwise stated in the terms nor shall be entitled to immediately disconnect and conditions for an individual service. When concluding the contract, customers shall In the event of one of the criteria below being provide the company name, address and CVR met, Telenor may decline a contract or require (company registration) number. The person payment on account and/or a credit limit to be concluding the contract with Telenor on behalf of a company shall be able to provide proof of authority to do so. Telenor shall be entitled to request proof of the correctness of all informa- Version 0310/V13 – 93.004.001 applicable from 1. March 2010 Telenor Business General Terms and conditions  The Customer does not have a fixed ad- apply to Telenor to have their directory listing data changed, and Telenor will then immediately Greenland but uses, for example, a change their data. Telenor draws attention to the fact that such changes do not affect direc- tory listing data contained in third-party data- bases etc. which Telenor might have previously  The Customer has five or more subscrip- The Customer may choose to keep a number ex- directory and then no customer data will be pas- sed on in connection with the provision of direc- tory listing services or similar (unlisted number). When customers use WAP services, their tele- phone number will be passed on to the service 6 Technical modifications, interference
port/poor credit history listing with an etc.
independent credit rating agency.
Telenor reserves the right to make such changes  The Customer’s call charges and other from time to tome as may be required for the satisfactory operation of Telenor’s network. In considerably above similar customers’ certain circumstances, unfavourable conditions charges or show sudden, very significant can lead to calls or data transfers being blocked Telenor shall be entitled to reject calls from tele- Telenor has good grounds for believing phones or SIM cards which cause interference in Telenor’s network. Faults in connected equip- ment which cause interference or which disrupt network operations shall be repaired immedi- ately without Telenor being liable for any associ- ated expenses. Telenor may charge the Cus-  The Customer has no CPR (civil registra- tomer for its expenses for fault repair. 7 Directory enquiries
 Telenor may choose to set a general The Customer shall have access to directory list- credit limit for all its customers, who can ing services on other carriers’ telecommunica- then apply to Telenor for the limit to be tions networks provided that the provider of the directory service and Telenor have made an 5 Telephone numbers and ex-directory
8 Tariffs and charging
The Customer shall be entitled to have brief de- The Customer shall be subject to the charging tails listed for free in Telenor’s number directory rates listed in Telenor’s current tariff from time database for each telephony service subscribed to. This typically includes a name or company name, if any, job title, address and telephone 9 Payment
number (directory listing data). The Customer The Customer shall be liable for all amounts reg- shall be responsible for ensuring that in doing istered under contracts, cf. item 1 of these so, no third-party rights are infringed. The Cus- Terms and Conditions. If the Customer’s balance tomer may, where possible, change a telephone does not exceed a minimum amount set by Te- number for which a fee shall be payable. lenor, Telenor shall be entitled to carry the bal- Telenor shall be obliged to pass on details of directory listings registered in the database to If an invoice is not paid by the due date at the anyone requesting them, which may include, latest, Telenor issues a reminder. If the due date for example, providers of directory listing ser- is exceeded, default interest shall be charged at vices and telephone directories. Customers may the rate laid down in the Danish Interest Rate Version 0310/V13 – 93.004.001 applicable from 1. March 2010 Telenor Business General Terms and conditions Act (Renteloven) from time to time. The Cus- several months, Telenor’s Debtor Service may tomer will also be charged a reminder fee on Such arrangements shall be subject to a fee. A new due date for payment is set in the re- minder to the Customer, with a warning that 10 Interruptions to service and fault
the Customer will be disconnected for failure to observe the new deadline. In the event that the Telenor repairs faults on its own systems and invoice is not paid by the due date, Telenor re- installations as quickly as possible, generally serves the right to disconnect the Customer or within normal office hours (Monday-Friday terminate the contract without further notice. If 08.00-15.30). The Customer shall ensure that Telenor has disconnected the Customer because Telenor, or a third party appointed by Telenor, of failure to pay, the Customer shall not be re- has access to its systems and installations at the connected until the outstanding balance, includ- installation address in order to be able to locate ing the reminder fee and default interest, is and repair the fault. Insofar as necessary, the paid. Reconnection shall take place automati- Customer shall assist in locating and repairing cally once the outstanding balance is paid, faults in the Customer’s systems and installa- unless, before paying the outstanding balance, the Customer makes a written request for re- connection not to be made in the period until For service bulletins and faults in Telenor’s net- work (base stations, switches, signalling etc.), Telenor subscribers may contact Telenor Cus- A fee shall be payable for reconnection after tomer Service. Telenor shall solely be liable for disconnection of its own telecommunications nected, quarterly charges shall also be charged for the period during which the Customer has been disconnected. If a customer has been dis- Telenor shall not be liable for disconnections, connected by Telenor for more than 20 days interference or changes in other carriers’ tele- because of failure to pay, the matter shall then communications network or services associated pass to Telenor’s debt collection department, with measures deemed necessary for technical, and Telenor shall be entitled to terminate the contract without further notice. If the out- standing balance is not paid immediately, Telenor shall not be responsible for distur- Telenor shall be entitled to report this to credit bances, disconnections etc. if such disturbance, rating agencies in accordance with the Danish disconnection or fault can be attributed to cir- Private Registers etc. Act (Lov om private regis- cumstances at the Customer’s premises. 11 The Customers connection of own
The debt collection costs related to the further equipment and networks
handling of the matter shall be charged to the Customers shall be responsible for their own Customer. If the outstanding balance is paid, equipment, including PABX and internal net- Telenor will, following agreement with the Cus- tomer, re-establish the contract on payment of The customer must ensure that the connection to Telenor’s fixed networks (including access Telenor reserves the right to set a credit limit network and telecommunications network) is as a precondition for reconnection, cf. item 4. If used in a way that does not cause disruptions, the Customer is in breach of its payment obli- interruptions or similar traffic on these networks gation by not settling outstanding balances, Te- or on the Internet. If such is the case the cus- lenor may make new contracts subject to pay- tomer is obliged immediately to take the neces- sary measurements to bring an end to such dis- Telenor shall be entitled to cancel the subscrip- ruptions. This may include, but are not limited to tions of customers who repeatedly default on regulating the incoming and outgoing traffic vol- umes or subscription to additional connections to Telenor’s access network and/or telecommunica- If the Customer wishes to make a payment ar- rangement, for example by deferring payment of an invoice or by paying an invoice off over Equipment connected to Telenor’s fixed net- Version 0310/V13 – 93.004.001 applicable from 1. March 2010 Telenor Business General Terms and conditions works must comply with the executive order on other indirect losses, unless due to Telenor’s wil- telecommunications terminal equipment appli- ful or gross negligence. The Customer shall be cable from time to time, currently Executive responsible for disconnecting properly after fin-Order no. 823 of July 3rd 2007 on radio and ishing a call. Telenor shall not be liable for losses telecommunications terminal equipment and resulting from disconnections, interference or electromagnetic matters, and any special direc- changes to the telecommunications network or service associated with measures deemed nec- essary for technical, maintenance and opera- tional reasons or which have been required by The customer must ensure that connected the regulatory authorities, unless Telenor has equipment is designed to be connected to the neglected to limit the resulting inconvenience. public telecommunications network and that the equipment is used for its intended purposes. 13 Special matters
Telenor reserves the right to change numbers, If equipment or internal networks connected to installations and other matters when so required Telenor’s fixed networks, gives rise to disrup- by traffic and operational factors on its network. tions in the network because of fault or the like, the customer is obliged to immediately discon- 15 Change of address
Telenor shall be notified immediately of any changes in the information supplied by the Cus- Telenor reserves the right to disconnect the tomer (for example change of address, payment connection if connected equipment causes dis- turbances in Telenors fixed networks. Further- more to bill its regular fixed charge and to de- 16 Transfer
mand payment for troubleshooting and for the The Customer’s contract shall only be trans- work done on re-establishing a flawless working ferred to a third party with Telenor’s written consent and shall further be conditional upon acknowledgement of the transfer by the Cus- 12 Customer liability in the event of tract/subscription is transferred (third party).
Telenor may make the transfer conditional upon The Customer shall not be liable for payment payment of all outstanding balances due under for services arising as a result of faults in or the contract and upon payment of charges not misuse of the carrier’s network and installations yet due under the contract as well as on the (up to and including the network termination Customer being subject to a credit limit. point), unless the Customer is liable in accor- dance with the general rules on compensation Special conditions shall apply to transfers in the event of bankruptcy, suspension of payments The Customer shall be liable for payment for services arising as a result of faults in or misuse Special permission is required from Telenor to of the Customer’s own network, equipment or conclude contracts with a view to later transfer accessories (after the network termination po- or rental, including reselling traffic. In the event int). If it can be shown that the fault or misuse of contravention, Telenor shall be entitled to can be attributed to circumstances of which Te- terminate the contract without notice or to de- lenor was aware or should have been aware cline further contracts with the Customer. and of which Telenor failed to inform the Cus- tomer and/or failed to take reasonable and fea- 17 Notice and termination of contractsr
sible measures to prevent or limit said Unless otherwise agreed, notice shall be given in faults/misuse, and where an overall assessment writing and may be done by letter, fax or email. would indicate that the carrier’s claim is unrea- When Telenor has received notice of termina- tion, a written confirmation of receipt will be sent. Telenor will close the service upon expiry 13 Liability for damages
of the term of notice. Note that a period of Telenor shall be liable for damages in accor- interminability for the contract/subscription may dance with the general rules of Danish law. Ho- have been agreed when the contract was con- wever, Telenor shall under no circumstances be liable for loss of profits, operating losses or Version 0310/V13 – 93.004.001 applicable from 1. March 2010 Telenor Business General Terms and conditions In the event of the Customer’s breach of con- tract, Telenor shall be entitled to terminate the 18 Changes
contract with immediate effect. Such material Telenor shall be entitled to amend these General breach of contract by the Customer shall in- Terms and Conditions and any supplementary terms and conditions at any time. Notice will be - The Customer fails to pay outstanding given of any significant changes. Telenor may choose to notify the Customer of changes di- rectly (for example via a message on the Cus- tomer’s invoice/PBS statement or accompanying insert, SMS, MMS or email) or by insertion of adverts in the newspapers and on Telenor’s similar which are causing interference in Telenor’s network after having been di- 19 Disputes
- The Customer fails to notify Telenor and Initially, the Customer and Telenor Customer the National Registration Office of a Service should try to settle disputes about regis- tered call charges and the like. In the event of disagreement between the Customer and Te- rectify interference etc. in traffic on lenor Customer Service, disputes may be Telenor’s network after having been di- brought before Telenor’s Invoicing Complaints Board set up for this purpose in accordance with the Danish Executive Order on the provision of electronic communications networks and ser- dards and any additional requirements vices applicable from time to time. - Telenor is prevented from accessing its While Telenor’s Invoicing Complaints Board is own equipment and installations in order dealing with the complaint, Telenor will take no action on the amount in dispute, although de- - The Customer sends or distributes spam. fault interest will continue to accrue. Basically, Telenor’s Invoicing Complaints Board shall make a decision in the matter within three months of the complaint having been filed. Decisions by the Invoicing Complaints Board in respect of dis- Telenor shall be entitled to disconnect the Cus- agreement between Telenor and the Customer tomer or to terminate the contract without no- on registered call charges may be brought be- tice in the event of the Customer’s gross breach fore the Telecommunications Appeals Board of its obligations under these General Terms (Teleankenævnet), Nørre Voldgade 48 st., 1359 and Conditions, including incorrect information being given to Telenor or the spreading of spam The Telecommunications Appeals Board may fur- ther decide to hear appeals from business end- Telenor shall be entitled to terminate the Cus- user customers on other matters than registered tomer’s contract in full or in part by giving 14 call charges if the appeal is similar to one relat- days’ written notice if there are serious reasons ing to a private telecommunications service con- for doing so. Telenor shall further be entitled to terminate all or parts of the Customer’s con- tract by giving three months’ written notice if Telenor decides not to continue offering the type of subscription or service in question. Because of the way the final invoice is calcu- lated, an amount may be charged for a period exceeding the contract term, in which case the overcharged amount is repaid to the Customer. Telenor shall calculate the outstanding balance at the date of expiry of the contract and shall repay or invoice any outstanding amounts in excess of DKK 50. Version 0310/V13 – 93.004.001 applicable from 1. March 2010 Telenor Business General Terms and conditions Terms and Conditions for pensation from the Customer in the form of the minimum payment Telenor would have received if the number had been transferable to Telenor. Instead, the Customer has the option of choos- 1 Subscription contract - scope
ing another Telenor number and thus being able Telenor mobile subscriptions shall cover con- to use the selected subscription. The transfer nection to Telenor’s public mobile network and option shall apply to mobile numbers only. The access to services and associated services in above terms and conditions shall also apply in the area of coverage in Denmark. Services as- the event of the Customer attempting to transfer sociated with a single SIM card shall be re- garded as covered by a single subscription con- 4 Telenor’s coverage
Before taking out a subscription, the Customer 2 SIM-card
can learn about coverage by reviewing the cov- When taking out a subscription, the Customer erage card held by dealers appointed by Telenor. shall be provided with a personal Subscriber Identity Module Card (SIM card) as soon as In accordance with its public mobile licence, possible after taking out the subscription. With Telenor always complies with the following the SIM card, the Customer shall receive an minimum requirements for coverage: eight-digit ‘PUK’ security code. After activating the SIM card using the PUK code, the Customer Telenor covers 95% of the geographical area on may enter a personal four-digit security code a country-wide basis and 98% of the population. (PIN code) for use every time the telephone is Telenor does not guarantee coverage of specific switched on. Telenor recommends that custom- locations or individual addresses as the strength of the radio signal depends on the actual topog- The SIM card and the PUK and PIN codes shall always be kept separately and securely. Tam- 5 Blocked or dropped calls
pering with the SIM card or attempting to do Telenor’s network is subject to certain limits set so, is not permitted. If the SIM card is damaged by the Danish National IT and Telecom Agency or lost, Telenor Customer Service shall be noti- for blocked or dropped calls. At peak periods, no fied immediately. This cannot be done at a Telenor appointed dealer. At Telenor’s request, blocked. No more than 5% of peak time calls the damaged SIM card shall be returned to may be dropped. Telenor which then issues a new SIM card for which a fee will be charged. The Customer shall 6 Emergency calls in Denmark
be liable for losses caused by unauthorised use Emergency calls made to public emergency ex- of the SIM card by other parties in accordance changes using Telenor’s network are free. Calls with the provisions of Sections 11-12 of the to 112 can be made whether or not there is a Danish Miscellaneous Payments Act (Lov om Telenor card inserted in the mobile phone, al- visse betalingsmidler) (Consolidated Act no. though there may be limitations to this in some 259 of 28 March 2008), given below at the end of these General Terms and Conditions. The SIM card is the property of Telenor and shall be destroyed immediately when so requested by 7 Using a Telenor SIM card abroad
Telenor and at the expiry of a subscription. Unless otherwise stated in the subscription terms, Telenor subscribers can use their mobile 3 Transferring mobile numbers
phone abroad (international roaming). Use of the SIM card abroad shall be subject to Telenor’s The Customer may transfer his mobile number tariff applicable from time to time for interna- from another carrier to Telenor. When porting a tional roaming and also the general terms and number, the Customer shall authorise Telenor conditions of the foreign mobile carrier. Current to cancel its subscription with the other carrier. tariffs are available from Telenor and also at Note that any period of interminability runs www.telenor.dk. Charges for the Customer’s use from the date the number is transferred to of the SIM card abroad are invoiced on the basis Telenor from the previous carrier. If it becomes of statements received from foreign carriers. apparent that the Customer is not entitled to the number, and that it therefore cannot be Telenor accepts no liability for coverage, quality, transferred to Telenor, Telenor will claim com- security, availability of services etc. on foreign Version 0310/V13 – 93.004.001 applicable from 1. March 2010 Telenor Business General Terms and conditions mobile networks. Telenor also accepts no liabil- ity for use of Telenor subscriber data by foreign 8 Payment
this being covered by subsection (6); or The Customer shall be liable for all charges re- 3. The user’s gross negligence has enabled sulting from use of the SIM card with the limita- tions following from Sections 11 and 12 of the Danish Miscellaneous Payments Act (Consoli- (4) The user shall be liable for losses up to DKK 8,000 as a result of unauthorised use of a means of payment by another party when the means of Calls (entire calls) are charged at the tariff ap- payment has been read physically or electroni- cally and in so doing, the unauthorised party has used a forged signature and the issuer can dem- 9 Fejlmelding mv.
1. The user or a party to whom the user has Telenor customers can contact Telenor Cus- tomer Service for fault reports on the mobile to notify the issuer as soon as possible network (base stations, switches, signalling etc.) or the SIM card (including its loss) via www.telenor.dk/kontakt or by phone 72 120 2. Gross negligence by the user or a party For faults arising from the actual mobile phone, Appendix to Terms and Conditions (5) If the user is liable under subsections (3)- (4), the user’s total liability shall not exceed DKK Sections 11 and 12 of the Danish Miscellaneous Payments Act (Consolidated Act no. 259 of 28 (6) There shall be no limit to a user’s liability for losses arising from unauthorised use of a means of payment by other parties when the personal Rules on liability
secret security code belonging to the means of 11. The issuer shall be liable to the user for los- payment has been used and the issuer can dem- ses arising from unauthorised use of a means of onstrate that the user has passed on the code to payment by another party, unless otherwise the party making unauthorised use and that this provided in subsections (2)-(6). The user shall has occurred in circumstances in which the user only be liable in accordance with (2)-(6) if the realised or should have realised that there was a transaction has been correctly registered and risk of misuse. (7) Irrespective of subsections (2)-(6), the is- (2) Unless further liability arises from subsec- suer shall be liable for unauthorised use after tion (3) or (6), the user shall be liable for losses the issuer has been notified that the means of of up to DKK 1,200 as a result of unauthorised payment has been lost, that an unauthorised use of a means of payment by another party if person had become aware of the code or that the secret personal security code belonging to the user wished for other reasons to have the means of payment barred. The issuer shall make it possible for the user to give notification at any (3) Unless further liability arises from subsec- time that the means of payment should be bar- tion (6), the user shall be liable for losses of up red and shall confirm as soon as possible to the to DKK 8,000 as a result of unauthorised use of user in writing or in another confirmable way a means of payment by another party if the is- that the issuer has received said notification. suer can demonstrate that the secret personal The confirmation shall state the time and date of security code belonging to the means of pay- 1. The user has failed to notify the issuer (8) Irrespective of subsections (2)-(6), the is- as soon as possible after becoming suer shall also be liable if the recipient of pay- Version 0310/V13 – 93.004.001 applicable from 1. March 2010 Telenor Business General Terms and conditions ment knew, or should have known that unau- thorised use of the means of payment was be- ing made. Irrespective of subsection (2), the issuer shall further be liable if a charge card has been used fraudulently as part of a remote These Terms and Conditions apply to the use of content-charged services available to Telenor’s (9) The Danish Minister of Economics and Busi- ness Affairs can insofar as deemed necessary 1 Contract - scope
amend the amounts stated in subsections (2)- A content-charged service is one in which cus- tomers can order services using their mobile phones via SMS, MMS or WAP. Payment shall be 12. An issuer shall be liable for a user’s losses made via the Customer’s mobile subscription or when these are due to incorrect registration or prepaid account. The Customer shall be liable for accounting errors, even though the fault is ac- such payment in accordance with item 10 of the cidental. If the user has been notified that a payment transaction has been recognised, the issuer shall further be liable for the user’s These Terms and Conditions shall apply to: losses due to said payment transaction not hav- ing been undertaken or deficiently undertaken. The provisions of subsection (2) shall not, how- ever, apply if the issuer can demonstrate that the issuer had no possibility of undertaking the payment transaction and that this was due to 2 Ordering services
extraordinary events over which the issuer had Customers order a content-charged service ei- no control and which the issuer could not have ther via the Internet or by sending a specific taken into consideration when the user was no- tified in accordance with subsection (2). If the Charges for services ordered and sent to the user has contributed to the fault by accident or Customer’s mobile phone are included on the gross negligence, compensation may be par- Customer’s next invoice or deducted from its prepaid account. The Customer shall be respon- sible for ensuring that its telephone supports the (2) If a payment is not made or is delayed un- service ordered. The Customer shall also be re- der circumstances as noted in subsection (1), sponsible for ensuring that its telephone has suf- items 1-2, the user cannot be held liable for the ficient capacity for the service ordered and for default except for a claim for interest. If pay- saving the service correctly. If the Customer or- ment has been taken from the user’s account or ders a content-charged service from a third from a prepaid means of payment, the user party, the Customer shall be liable for payment shall be deemed to have made due payment. regardless of whether the services provided are (3) The payor shall be liable for a payee’s losses due to incorrect registration or account- When ordering a content-charged service from ing errors, even if the error was accidental. The the Telenor website, the Customer receives a payor shall not, however, be liable for losses four-digit order code by SMS. This code shall be arising from matters arising at the payee. used to confirm the order made via the Telenor (4) If an issuer pays compensation for a user’s losses pursuant to subsection (1) as a result of 3 Cooling-off period
events at the payee or payor, the issuer can Customers wishing to cancel an order placed via claim compensation from the payee or payor, the Telenor website should not enter the four- respectively. If a payor pays compensation for digit SMS order code on the Telenor website. losses by the payee pursuant to subsection (3) When the SMS code has been entered, the de- as a result of events at the issuer, the payor livery process for the service starts immediately, can claim compensation from the issuer. and customers can then no longer cancel their (5) The issuer and the payor shall prove that a loss is not the result of the circumstances men- Adverts for a content-charged service state the Version 0310/V13 – 93.004.001 applicable from 1. March 2010 Telenor Business General Terms and conditions prices. In addition to the price of the content- charged service, Telenor also charges standard 10 Changes
rates for sending SMS/MMS messages. Prices Telenor shall be entitled to amend these Terms are stated in the Customer’s contract with and Conditions, cf. item 17 of the General Terms Telenor. Information about the prices for the and Conditions. content-charged services provided by Telenor, which Telenor customers can access via Tele- 11 Registration and use of data
In delivering content-charged services, Telenor transfers customers’ mobile numbers to the pro- 5 Payment
viders of such services. Some MMS messages Customers with subscriptions pay for their con- have expiry dates set by the Customer, after tent-charged services on their invoices. Total which they are automatically deleted. prices are itemised separately on their invoices. Prices for content-charged services are included 12 Customer Service
when calculating the Customer’s balance for Queries about the content of content-charged such supplementary services as Balance Check services should be addressed to Telenor Cus- tomer Service or via email to telenor.dk/kontakt – and, if provided by a third party, the service Charges for pre-paid customers are deducted provider. after the content-charged service has been de- livered. Prepaid customers shall have a credit 13 Complaints
balance of at least DKK 25 when sending in an Complaints about registered call charges and SMS/MMS order request. If their balance is less about the services provided by Telenor should than DKK 25, they will receive a return SMS no- be addressed to Telenor Customer Service in line tifying them of the DKK 25 minimum balance with the complaints procedure described in item requirement for content-charged services. 18. Complaints about matters other than invoic- ing should be addressed to the provider of the 6 Receipt
content-charged service. Addresses and tele- Receipts are issued to customers by SMS which phone numbers of providers of content-charged also gives the price. Prices are also stated on services that use Telenor’s network can be found customers’ itemised invoice, copies of which are Complaints should be sent to: Telenor Kunde- service, Skelagervej 9, 9000 Aalborg, Denmark. 7 Barring
If customers let third parties use their mobile phones, customers shall be liable for any orders for content-charged services, including orders made by children and young people. If the Cus- tomer does not require access to content-charged services via its mobile subscription, the Customer can bar access by contacting Telenor Customer Service. Customers are then still able to send and receive ordinary SMS/MMS mes-sages at standard rates. Customers can protect their mobile phones from unauthorised use by activating the PIN code. Use of content-charged services by cus-tomers shall be subject to the same liabil-ity/responsibility rules that apply to their mobile telephony contracts, cf. item 9 of the Terms and Conditions for mobile subscriptions. 9 Service content
Telenor accepts no liability for the content of content-charged services provided by third par- Version 0310/V13 – 93.004.001 applicable from 1. March 2010 Telenor Business General Terms and conditions Special Terms and Conditions for shall be payable by the Customer. fixed-line services 4 Installations
1 Subscription contract - scope
The Customer shall not sell, lease, mortgage or A Telenor fixed-line contract covers connection otherwise dispose over physical installations and to Telenor’s fixed-line telephony network using Automatic code access (fixed carrier preselect) Fixed-line subscriptions with access to basic te- lephony services and associated services in Denmark. Subscriptions can also be taken out 2 Transferring fixed-line numbers
The Customer may transfer his fixed-line num- ber from another carrier to Telenor. The Cus-tomer has the rights to the telephone number. When a number is transferred to Telenor from another carrier, it is automatically cancelled by the previous carrier. The Customer should be aware, however, that the service from the pre- vious carrier may be subject to a minimum sub-scription period and, if so, this may lead to the Customer being charged by Telenor as well as by the previous carrier for the same period. 3 Connection
If customers are not already connected to the public service telephone network, they shall give an installation address at which Telenor will arrange for a network termination point to be installed. If one has already been installed at the address, it will be used instead. Telenor shall determine the exact location of the net- work termination point except, however, that this should insofar as possible meet the Cus- tomer’s wishes. If the Customer wants the network termination point or wiring to be installed differently from what is financially and technically appropriate (for example, concealed wiring, installation of the network termination point in a bathroom etc.), this shall be invoiced accordingly. If the Customer later wants the network termination point and wiring to be changed, this shall also be invoiced. The Customer shall arrange with Telenor for free access for Telenor or a third party appointed by Telenor to install the net- work termination point and wiring. If there is not unrestricted access at the agreed time, Telenor shall be entitled to invoice the Customer for wasted time and mileage. The Customer shall arrange with Telenor for any proper electricity supplies for use in the connec- tion and its operation, any expenses for which Version 0310/V13 – 93.004.001 applicable from 1. March 2010 Telenor Business General Terms and conditions that all material uploaded to Telenor’s servers complies with current Danish and international copyright laws and thus does not infringe third- Information supplied to the Customer when party rights. taking out the subscription are personal and shall not be passed on to a third party. The Telenor shall not be responsible for checking the Customer shall contact Telenor immediately if Customer’s use of the resources made available such confidential information is lost. The Cus- to the Customer. Consequently, the Customer tomer shall be liable for misuse of such infor- shall accept full liability for all information made mation. The Customer shall be liable for all available by the Customer when using networks charges under the subscription. Any misuse of the Customer’s subscription by a third party shall be documented by the Customer. The 3 Liability for damages
Customer shall immediately notify Telenor of When downloading material from the Internet or opening files sent by email, customers may risk infecting their hardware and software with virus. Material sent to and from the Customer’s email Telenor shall not be liable for losses sustained as address shall be personal and confidential. Tele- a result of the Customer downloading material nor shall not be entitled to read or in any other from the Internet or opening files sent by email way pass on any information to a third party which causes the Customer’s hardware or soft- about activities relating to the Customer’s sub- Telenor shall also not be liable for any use of Repairs and support
products or services other than for their in- Telenor shall not be responsible for the correct tended purposes or losses resulting from a con- establishment, installation and setup of equip- tract with a third party being defaulted on or ment by the Customer. Telenor shall solely be lapsing, infringement of intellectual property responsible for ensuring a connection on the rights etc. caused by use of information found line. If the Customer chooses to contact Telenor on the Internet. Telenor shall not be liable for for telephone support and guidance on setup damages if the Customer receives technical as- etc., payment shall thus be made by the Cus- sistance or any other type of support from a tomer even if the setup is unsuccessful. Telenor shall be entitled to charge a support fee when support is required because of faults caused by Telenor shall also not be liable for losses caused by an unauthorised party’s access to customer data and/or systems. If the Customer is discon- 1 Website and email addresses
nected temporarily or permanently due to Telenor subscribers have access to an electronic breach of a contract concluded between the Cus- mailbox with up to five email addresses and tomer and Telenor, the Customer shall not have their own website. Telenor provides 10 MB disk any claim against Telenor. Telenor shall not be space for the electronic mailbox and 10 MB for liable for any loss of data etc. caused by the Customer’s application of the subscription con- 2 General aspects about the network
Telenor actively employs measures to combat Telenor shall not be liable for a visit by the Cus- tomer to a given website causing a file to be downloaded, with or without the Customer’s Customers who abuse the email system for knowledge, which subsequently causes the com- sending or relay hosting emails, spam etc. shall puter to call high-rate telephone numbers be liable for damages for any costs payable by Telenor as a result of this. Telenor shall be enti- tled to take the precautions necessary to en- sure the operation of its network. Such meas- ures include, but shall not be limited to, block- ing traffic from the network which is deemed to compromise the security of Telenor’s network. The Customer shall be responsible for checking E-mail: telenor.dk/kontakt Web: www.telenor.dk Version 0310/V13 – 93.004.001 applicable from 1. March 2010

Source: http://www.telenor.dk/Images/PV_General_Terms_V13_godkendt%20(2)_tcm69-34193.pdf

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Case No. A-13575 MEDIATION AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made this ___ day of _________, 201_ by and between the participating carriers listed in Exhibit A attached hereto and represented by the National Carriers’ Conference Committee, and the employees shown thereon and represented by the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, witnesseth: IT IS HEREBY AGREED:

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