Brazilian Journal Brenner et al. of Videoendoscopic Surgery Total Ressection of the Mesorectum with Laparoscopic Endo-Anal Pull-Through in the Treatment of Distal Rectal Cancer Ressecção Total do Mesorreto com Abaixamento Endo-Anal Videolaparoscópico no Tratamento do Câncer do Reto Distal ANTONIO SÉRGIO BRENNER1; JOSÉ EMÍLIO A. MENEGATTI2; PATRÍCIA RAUEN3; SÉRGIO BRENNER4 Adjunct Professor, Evangelical Faculty of Medicine of Paraná.1. Adjunct Professor of Surgery and Physician, Hospital de Clínicas, Federal University of Paraná (UFPR).Adjunct Professor of Surgery, Evangelical Faculty of Medicine of Paraná. Master’s and Doctorate in Surgeryfrom Federal University of Paraná (UFPR). Post-Doctorate studies at the Cleveland Clinic Foundation, OH,USA; 2. Resident, Coloproctology, Evangelical Hospital, Curitiba, PR; 3. Physician and Director of Urgent Care,Vita Hospital, Curitiba, PR; 4. Emeritus Professor, Department of Surgery, Hospital de Clínicas, UFPR.ABSTRACT Objectives: To describe the technique of endo-anal pull-through of the rectum performed by a laparoscopic approach in a patient with adenocarcinoma of the distal rectum. We also present and discuss the various techniques of colon pull- through proposed to date. Discussion: Colo-anal anastomosis remains a challenge with implications for sphincter function. Many variations of the technique have been described and can be used provided they consider the clinical characteristics of the patient, the patient’s personal choice, and the experience of the surgeon. Laparoscopy can be employed in pull through surgeries of the colon without the need for stoma or auxiliary incisions. Key words: Laparoscopy. Rectal Neoplasms. Endo-anal pull-through. Braz. J. Video-Sur, 2013, v. 6, n. 2: 086-091 Accepted after revision: february, 13, 2013.INTRODUCTION
common and socially limiting. There is a greatertechnical difficulty and critical irrigation of the pulled-
Advances in the treatment of rectal cancer have through colon. Fistulas occur in up to 20% of cases,
enabled the reconstruction of bowel transit, even
and late complications include stenosis. These
with the most distal tumors, without compromising
complications can lead to new surgeries, permanent
survival. Laparoscopic surgery has evolved so that
or temporary colostomy, and increase the chance of
surgical trauma is minimal and recuperation faster and
cancer recurrence.2 Stomata are typically considered
less painful. There is less risk of herniations or the
temporary, and thus imply additional reversal surgery
formation of adhesions, beyond the aesthetic and
that is not without risks or complications. Additional
hospitalizations for stenosis or anastomotic fistula are
Ultra-low anastomosis performed with staplers,
common. The impossibility of closing temporary
colonic pull-through and intersphincter resections are
technical options in sphincter preservation that are
innovations, such as the colonic pouch, have
reducing the need for perineal amputation and
contributed to reducing complications and sequelae.4,5,6
permanent colostomy.1 More precise data and longerfollow-up, however, are still needed to evaluate the
impact of these procedures in terms of the rates oflocal recurrence and measures of sphincter function.
EMCJ, male, age 64, a native and resident of
The low colo-anal anastomosis has several
Curitiba, Paraná was treated for distal rectal
drawbacks. The occurrence of incontinence is
adenocarcinoma first diagnosed two years ago. There
Total Ressection of the Mesorectum with Laparoscopic Endo-Anal
Pull-Through in the Treatment of Distal Rectal Cancer
was no family history of cancer or polyps. He denied
dissection of the rectum respecting the planes and
smoking and drinking. His past medical history included
sections of the Total Mesorectal Excision (TME). For
type II diabetes, hyperlipidemia and hypertension. He
this case of a male patient, with a long and narrow
had undergone myocardial revascularization surgery
pelvis, a Pfannenstiel incision was necessary, so we
and prostatectomy for benign prostatic hyperplasia;
could advance the TME to the level of elevators in all
The patient was initially managed by another
adrenaline solution (at a concentration of 1:200,000)
chemotherapy. The lesion was then staged as
into the submucosa of the distal rectum and anal ca-
uT1N0M0 and the patient underwent local resection
nal. We dissected the submucosa in its entire
followed by adjuvant chemotherapy. Fourteen
circumference and sectioned the distal rectum 2 cm
months later, follow-up tests revealed a new lesion
below the tumoral margin, aiming to preserve most of
in the distal rectum associated with an elevated
the sphincter muscles, without violating the oncologic
carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) level. Colonoscopy
revealed a new elevated sessile lesion in the scar of
The rectum and colon were then pulled and
the previous local resection which was biopsied.
exteriorized transanally (Figure 1). The sigmoid
Several small polyps were also identified in the left
colon was sectioned and attached to the anal canal
colon and were resected endoscopically. The
with separate nonabsorbable sutures. A compressive
anatomic pathology confirmed the lesion of the
dressing was applied to the exteriorized colonic
rectum as moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma
and described the polyps as tubular adenomas without
The patient had an uneventful postoperative
high-grade dysplasia. One metastatic lesion was
course despite the development of small areas and
diagnosed in the upper lobe of the left lung and
foci of necrosis in the colonic stump. The necrotic
areas were debrided every other day or as needed.
The patient evolved without abdominal complaints and
revealed hypermetabolism in the left posterolateral wall
had several pasty evacuations per day until the 30th
of the lower rectum and anal canal, a liver metastasis
postoperative day, when we performed the amputation
in segment VIII, and a lung metastasis in the superior
of the colonic stump suturing the colon to the anal
segment of the left upper lobe. After administration
canal, with separate absorbable sutures. On the same
of a new chemotherapy regimen, there was complete
occasion, the patient also underwent resection of the
regression of hepatic lesion, but the left apical
pulmonary nodule by open thoracotomy.
The patient had a favorable postoperative
In our care, the patient was staged again using
course. The patient reported pasty stools with an
endorectal ultrasonography and MRI as yT3N0M1.
incontinence score of 15 using the Cleveland Clinic
On examination, the patient was in good general
Florida fecal incontinence score system. The
condition, had a ruddy complexion and was wellhydrated. The abdomen was flat, soft and non-ten-der. There were no palpable masses. Visual inspectionof the anal canal was normal; on digital rectalexamination, however, a hard fixed posterior lesion,located approximately 3.5 cm from the anal marginwas palpable. Surgical Procedure The patient was placed in Lloyd-Davies
position under general anesthesia. Four trocars wereplaced: right flank, right iliac fossa, left flank, and theoptic in the umbilical position. We ligated the inferiormesenteric artery and vein at their origins anddissected the splenic flexure. This was followed by
Figure 1 - Exteriorized colonic stump. Brenner et al.
patient uses garment liners as a precaution, but reports
rectum through a perineal approach, followed by
telescoping of the colon. The anastomosis wasperformed through a perineal approach 2 or 3 cm from
the pectineal line, followed by introduction of the colonicstump in the pelvic cavity.
There are several procedures that can be used
to treat cancer of the medial and distal rectum. It is
through of the colon when a cuff of rectal mucosa
up to the surgeon to choose that which is best suited
extending 3 to 4 cm above the pectineal line was
to the case in question. It is therefore important that
resected and the colon pulled-through inside this
the surgeon know the different techniques available
rectum devoid of mucosa, which allows adhesion of
so that the treatment of each case can be
the muscle of rectum to the serosa of the pulled-
through colon. The colonic stump remains exteriorized
Several surgeons contributed to making the
for 18 days.12 This technique was used by several
ultra-low colo-anal anastomosis feasible and safe. In
the late nineteenth century, Maunsell developed a colon
In Brazil, this technique was performed by
pull-through operation with inversion of the rectum,
resulting in a delayed colorectal anastomosis. In 1902
megacolon and by Habr-Gama for rectal cancer.13-
Weir modified the Maunsell operation, using an abdo-
16 Similarly Vasconcelos in 1961 performed an
minal approach. The colonic stump remains
abdominoperineal rectosigmoidectomy through an
exteriorized for 12 days (on average), to then be
abdominal approach, removing the rectal mucosa up
resected and reintroduced into the pelvic cavity. The
to the anal canal and pulling the colon down into the
technique of rectosigmoidectomy with delayed
rectum.17 A similar technique was described by
anastomosis was modified by Turnbull (Cleveland
Clinic) and by Cutait (São Paulo University) in 1961.7,8
It is used for treatment of both rectal cancer and
rectal pull-through surgery, which preserves the
acquired megacolon. After mobilization of the entire
rectum. The operation entails the detachment of the
colon and rectum by an abdominal approach, the
retro-rectal space to the level of the levator muscles
rectum is everted and sectioned 3-4 cm from the
of the anus, sectioning and closing the rectum at the
level of the peritoneal reflection, and preparing the
vascular arcade of the segment of the colon to be
telescoping the colorectal segment which is attached
pulled through. Using a perineal approach, a poste-
to the edge of the sectioned rectum. After 2 to 3
rior submucosal detachment is performed, respecting
weeks the stump is amputated close to the anus and
the sphincter apparatus to the level of the puborectal
the colonic mucosa is sutured to the rectum. Recent
ligament of the elevator muscle of the anus. Then
results of 67 patients who underwent the Turnbull-
an opening is made in the muscular wall of the rectum
Cutait pull-through, report the occurrence of fistulas
at this level, thus reaching the pre-sacral space
in 7% and failure of the surgery in 25% (16% stenosis
through which the colon is pulled through. Altmeier
and Martin (1962), Grob (1960), and Haddad (1968)
In 1932, Babcock proposed the transanal pull-
proposed modifications to Duhamel’s original
through and the Parks proposed the primary colo-anal
anastomosis. In 1999 Baulieux described delayed
colorectal anastomosis performed one week after the
described 80 years ago, but seem to have been
primary procedure.2 In 1940, Correa Netto10 was the
forgotten. They do not pose oncologic risks, do not
first Brazilian to perform the pull-through operation
require a protective ileostomy, and can avoid the mini-
after intersphincter perineal amputation of the rectum.
incisions typical of laparoscopic surgery.
The technique was used for the treatment of acquired
For the patient in question, we opted for the
endoanal pull-through of the colon. This technique
was described by Mandache and used by Habr-Gama.
abdominoperineal rectosigmoidectomy with removal
12, 16 The postoperative course was uneventful. The
of the colon distended by eversion and section of the
endo-anal pull-thorough of the colon does not require
Total Ressection of the Mesorectum with Laparoscopic Endo-Anal
Pull-Through in the Treatment of Distal Rectal Cancer
a protective colostomy or ileostomy, because a perineal
anastomoses below 6 cm from the anal margin,
colostomy is performed. Important oncologic details
occurring in up to 60% of these patients.24 Inverted
such as the ligation of the inferior mesenteric artery
double stapling can lower the risk of incontinence
at its origin and total mesorectal excision must be
caused by excessive dilation during placement of
respected. The release of the splenic flexure is critical,
instruments with possible damage to autonomic
as is the certainty of preserving a marginal arcade to
nerves. Resection of the transitional zone,
assure an adequate vascularization of the segment of
hemorrhoids, or part of the internal sphincter, as well
the colon pulled through. These are important details
as pre-operative radiation therapy, all can contribute
that impose additional technical difficulty when the
to the incontinence frequently observed post-
operation is performed laparoscopically.
operatively. The risk of incontinence (also present
The most feared complication is necrosis of
in cases of primary colo-anal anastomosis) is
the pulled-through segment of the colon which can
frequently reported as temporary, especially in the
progress to infection of the pelvic cavity, with abscess
first year after surgery.25 By the 60th postoperative
and fistula formation. Any suggestion of such necrosis
day the patient, using 2-4 mg of loperamide daily,
requires urgent revision of the pull-through. With a
reported having one bowel movement a day.
viable pulled through colon the anastomotic dehiscence
Although the fecal incontinence he reports is
rate is very low. Adhesion occurs between the serosa
exclusively nocturnal, he chose to use a garment liner
of the pulled-through colon and the muscle of the
The adhesion scar between the serosa of the
second intention approximately 30 days after excision
pulled-through colon and the muscle of the rectum
of the mesorectum. The delayed anastomosis
should be complete around the entire circumference
performed on the 6th postoperative day reported
and firm. The cutting and suturing is performed 2 to 3
anastomotic fistulae occurring in only 3% of cases.2
Facy e cols. operated 17 patients with anastomosis
performed on the 5th postoperative day. They
primarily a way of avoiding the risks associated with
described one case of ischemia of the pulled-through
the high rates of fistula and stenosis after primary
colon, two deep pelvic abscesses, and one fistula
suture, complications that frequently result in
connecting the colo-anal anastomosis and the vagi-
permanent colostomy. Technical advances and
progress in pre-and postoperative care have decreased
the incidence of complications, but the low colo-anal
laparoscopic application of the endo-rectal pull-
anastomosis continues to have disappointing statistics.
through. The delayed colo-anal anastomosis is
In the 1960s the incidence of anastomotic leaks after
safer, since, practically speaking, there is no risk
a rectosigmoidectomy was as high as 42%. This rate
of fistula. There is also no need for protective
has declined to up to 20% in recent publications.2 To
colostomy or ileostomy. It is an alternative to
avoid severe septic complications most surgeons prefer
perineal amputation of the distal rectum, as long
as it does not increase the risk of cancer
New techniques and materials have emerged,
recurrence. And there is still the possibility of
but most are still undergoing clinical evaluation.
removing the tumor through an anal approach,
Anastomoses using compressive, biodegradable, or
completing the procedure without incisions other
magnetic (magnoanatomosis) rings or clips;
doxycycline-coated sutures; staple-line reinforcement
by banding or using an electric welding anastomosis
laparoscopic endo-anal pull-through is technically
feasible and a reasonable option, especially in patients
Fecal incontinence is also more common in
at risk for anastomotic complications or who refuse a
patients who undergo resection with rectal
Brenner et al. RESUMO Objetivos: Descrevemos a técnica do abaixamento endo-anal do reto realizado por acesso laparoscópico em um paciente portador de adenocarcinoma do reto distal. Também apresentamos e discutimos as várias técnicas de abaixamento do cólon propostas até o momento. Discussão: A anastomose colo-anal permanece um desafio com implicações na função esfincteriana. Muitas variações técnicas foram descritas e podem ser utilizadas desde que respeitem critérios considerando as características clínicas do paciente, opção pessoal do paciente e a experiência do cirurgião. A videocirurgia pode ser empregada também nas cirurgias de abaixamento do cólon, sem a necessidade de ostomia ou de incisões auxiliares. Palavras chave: Laparoscopia. Neoplasia retal. Abaixamento endo-anal. REFERENCES
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