Woodland Ways Cordage and Glues Weekend Course Kit List
Please note there are limited facilities in the woodland where you will be camping, however
we will provide fresh drinking water, a fire and a shovel and basic toilet facilities.
This is a self-catering course so you will need to bring you own food/snacks for the duration
of the course.
Your clothing should be suitable for the season, during cold months multiple thin layers are better than one thick layer. You should also bring a spare set to get changed into. Please wear natural colours to improve your chances of spotting wildlife. Waterproof jacket & trousers
Full finger gloves
Woolly hat

Please also bring a sun hat during spring, summer and autumn courses. Sensible footwear
These should be warm, waterproof and provide ankle support. 3 Season walking boots are ideal during the autumn, winter, and spring. 2 Season are suitable through the summer. Drinking water bottle
A minimum 1 litre water bottle, this can be an empty squash bottle. Food for Breakfast, lunch & Evening Meals
Some quick meals to cook over your own camp stove e,g pasta and sauce Camping Stove
Pocket notebook & pencil with eraser
Personal first aid kit

This should include plasters, anti-bacterial wipes, insect repellent, UV protection, and a small bandage. Personal medication (e.g. insulin, ventolin etc).
Carrier Bags x2
Tea/coffee/dried milk/sugar

Please bring all of your kit contained in one rucksack, for guidance a 45-55 litre rucksack should suffice. Knife, fork, spoon, bowl & mug
These should be of a sturdy construction e.g. metal or plastic. Sleeping bag
We would recommend a 3-season sleeping bag throughout the spring, summer and autumn, and a 4-season sleeping bag during the winter. Roll matt/insulation matt
Sleeping system-Tent/Basha/Hammock etc
Cleaning equipment

A household sponge and biodegradable multi purpose soap are ideal. In line with our environmental policy we would ask you not to bring soap that will have a detrimental effect on the environment. Torch & spare batteries
A head torch is ideal, as it will leave your hands free to practice your bushcraft, but a head torch is not essential, any form of torch will suffice. Personal hygiene kit
This should include as minimum toothpaste, toothbrush, anti-bacterial wipes, and toilet paper. If you have purchased any extra kit that you wish to try out over the course then please do feel free to bring this with you to try out. In the interests of safety we would respectively request you to consult with one of our instructors prior to use in order for us to assess the suitability of such items (e.g. knives, fire lighting equipment etc). Woodland Ways will provide all other equipment, and materials. Should you have any queries on this list or anything else about the course then please do not hesitate to contact us on 07843064114 or Jason Ingamells Chief Instructor



1,993 Masterpoints DLR South 1,198 Masterpoints 4,266 Masterpoints Fall 2008 Boston, MA 4,912 Masterpoints Down 1, E/W - 50 4♣ W, down 1, E/W - 50 4♣ W, down 1, E/W - 50 The Facts: The director was called after a club was led from dummy (East) at trick 12. West played 4♣. He was in dummy after trick 11. Dummy’s cards were the ♣6 and the ♦7.

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