На основу чл

Pursuant to Article 10, paragraphs 4, 27 and 105 of the Law on Scientific Research (“Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia” No 110/05, 50/06-corr. and 18/10), the Minister of Science and Technological Development hereby establishes the following PROGRAMME OF BASIC RESEARCH,
Article 1
This act shall establish programmes of general interest to the Republic as outlined in Article 10. par. 2, points 1), 2), b) and 13c) of the Law on Scientific Research (“Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia” No 110/05, 50/06-corr. and 18/10 – hereinafter referred to as the “Law”). Article 2
The overall goal of the Programme of Basic Research (hereinafter referred to as “BR Programme”) shall be to preserve and develop the general bank of knowledge as a precondition for inclusion into global integration processes, in accordance with strategic goals of scientific and technological development of the Republic of Serbia for the period of 2010 – 2015 (“RS Official Gazette” No 13/10) – hereinafter referred to as the “Strategy”. Article 3
The overall goal of the Programme of Research in the Field of Technological Development (hereinafter referred to as “TD Programme”) shall be to raise the level of technology in the economy through providing competitiveness of goods and services on local and global markets, in order to achieve accelerated and sustainable development for the Republic of Serbia, in accordance with strategic goals for the development of science and technology in the Republic of Serbia, as set out in the Strategy. Article 4
The overall goal of the Programme of Co-Funding of Integral and Interdisciplinary Research (hereinafter referred to as “IIR Programme”) shall be to achieve the increase in use of research results and optimal utilisation of research and material resources by stimulating the unification and integration of basic, applied and development research in accordance with national research and development priorities and in the form of integral and interdisciplinary research and development programmes, in accordance with strategic goals for the development of science and technology in the Republic of Serbia, as set out in the Strategy. Article 5
The overall goal of the Programme of Providing and Maintaining the Scientific Research Equipment and Scientific Research Facilities (hereinafter referred to as “SREF Programme”) shall be to foster preservation, development and improvement of capacities in registered organisations in accordance with Article 104, par. 1 of the Law, with the aim of creating a premise for more successful scientific research programmes and their inclusion into the European research space, in accordance with strategic goals for the development of science and technology in the Republic of Serbia, as set out in the Strategy. Article 6
Implementation and financing of programmes established by this Act shall begin on 1 January The BR Programme shall be established for the new cycle of research in the period of 01/01/ 2011 – 31/12/2014, within the timeline from Article 10, paragraph 4 of the Law. The current cycle of research in the field of basic research shall end by 31/12/2010. The TD Programme shall be established for the new cycle of research in the period of 01/01/2011 – 31/12/2014, within the timeline from Article 10, paragraph 4 of the Law. The current cycle of research in the field of basic research shall end by 31/12/2010. The IIR Programme shall be established for the new cycle of research in the period of The SREF Programme shall be implemented in the period of 01/01/2011 – 31/12/2014. I Programmes Implementation Methods
Article 7
Programmes established by this Act shall be funded through project funding, which includes funding the scientific research work of researchers and funding for direct financial costs of research, as well as providing and maintaining the scientific research equipment and facilities for scientific research work, in accordance with the Law. The Project is a unique scientific research enterprise, i.e. a set of clearly and carefully defined activities designed to assist the implementation of defined tasks within a certain timeline, with the utilisation of knowledge, human labour, funds, equipment, technology and other available resources. Article 8
The BR Programme shall be implemented through scientific research activities within projects in 1) Biology 2) Chemistry 3) Geo-Sciences and Astronomy 4) History, Archaeology and Ethnology 5) Language and Theory of Literature 6) Mathematics, Computer Science and Mechanics 7) Medicine 8) Physics 9) Social Sciences Article 9
The TD Programme shall be implemented through scientific research activities within projects in 1) Biotechnology and Agriculture; 2) Electronics, Telecommunications and IT; 3) Energy, Mining Industry and Energy Efficiency; 4) Engineering and Industry Software; 5) Materials and Chemical Technologies; 6) Regulation, Protection and Utilisation of Water, Soil and Air; 7) Transport, Urban Planning and Civil Engineering. Article 10
The IIR Programme shall be implemented in accordance with national strategic priorities of the Republic of Serbia, through scientific research activities within the projects in the field of science and technology: Cellular and molecular bases of physiological processes and pathogenetic mechanisms initiated by the action of endogenous and exogenous aetiological factors; Preclinical and clinical research providing original and innovative contributions to predictive, preventive, diagnostic and therapeutic approaches; Pharmacogenomics, regulatory mechanisms and pharmacological modulations. Energy efficiency of production, distribution and utilisation of energy, with a special emphasis on the increase and sustainability of energy efficiency of buildings; New technologies to utilise renewable sources of energy and clean, zero-emission technologies, primarily in the domain of mini hydropower plants, cogeneration, biomass; Air-pollution-free heat and power plants and energy plants. 3) Environmental protection and climate change Climate change impact on the natural resources and environmental protection – monitoring impacts, adaptation and mitigation; Integrated management in the field of environmental protection (quality of water, air and soil), protection of biodiversity and scientific monitoring of the ecosystem; New environmental protection technologies. 4) Information and Communication Technologies Electronic communication networks and services; Management and control of complex distribution systems; Safety and reliability of networks, systems and data. Synthesis and testing of properties of nanostructured functional materials and their application; Technologies based on nanostructured functional materials and technologies for the production and control of nanostructures; New technologies for sustainable and efficient production of materials with additional function based on raw materials and local industrial capacities; Designing and modelling properties of nanomaterials and nanotechnologies; Toxicity and risks in applying nanomaterials and nanotechnologies; Modern intercalation materials for lithium batteries. New biotechnological procedures and alternative measures with the aim to increase competitiveness, food quality and safety; Modern technologies of producing new and traditional products. 7) Improvement in passing government decisions and affirmation of national identity European integration and social and economic change; Globalization and international relations; Social and political transformations in Serbia and the West Balkans region; Effects of demographic structure on public policies; Cultural and national identity: material and spiritual heritage, creation of magna opera. Projects from the IIR Programme unify targeted basic, applied and developmental research with the aim of increasing usability of research results and optimal utilisation of research and material resources. Basic research from the IIR Programme is intended to assist in resolving crucial scientific, government and social issues. Applied and developmental research from the IIR Programme should be guided by market demand and public policy requirements. This integration needs to be stimulated in accordance with national research and development priorities in the form of strategic integral programme and development. These projects are to be implemented by researchers from a large number of scientific research organisations and experts from private business and public enterprises. It is recommended to involve researchers from the fields of social sciences and humanities on IIR Programme projects in the field of natural sciences and mathematics, as well as medicine and technical sciences. IIR Programme projects in the fields of social sciences and humanities cover issues of strategic interest for the preservation of cultural heritage, affirmation of national identity and improvements in passing government decisions. They rest on a combination of theoretical and field research. II Selection, evaluation and funding for programmes
Article 11
The selection, evaluation and funding for programmes established by this Act shall be done in accordance with the Act on the selection, evaluation and funding for BR Programmes, TD Programmes, IIR Programmes and SREF Programmes for the research cycle in the period of 2011 – 2014. Funding or participation in co-funding of programmes established by this Act shall be carried out pursuant to a separate decision passed for each of the programmes individually. Article 12
This Act shall enter into force on the day of its adoption. No: 451-01-967/2010-01 In Belgrade, 20 May 2010 MINISTER
Božidar Đelić

Source: http://www.seera-ei-pjc.asm.md/sites/default/files/Serbian_R%26D_programme.pdf


Indian J GastroenterolDOI 10.1007/s12664-011-0146-0Effect of bovine colostrum-based food supplementin the treatment of HIV-associated diarrhea in NorthernUganda: a randomized controlled trialF. O. Kaducu & S. A. Okia & G. Upenytho & L. Elfstrand &C.-H. FlorénReceived: 23 November 2010 / Accepted: 10 November 2011# Indian Society of Gastroenterology 2011stool frequency was

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