Nutrition and the risk of stroke Lancet Neurol 2012; 11: 66–81 Poor nutrition in the fi rst year of a mother's life and undernutrition in utero, infancy, childhood, and adulthood This online publication predispose individuals to stroke in later life, but the mechanism of increased stroke risk is unclear. Overnutrition also has been corrected. increases the risk of stroke, probably by accelerating the development of obesity, hypertension, hyperlipidaemia, and The corrected version diabetes. Reliable evidence suggests that dietary supplementation with antioxidant vitamins, B vitamins, and calcium fi rst appeared at does not reduce the risk of stroke. Less reliable evidence suggests that stroke can be prevented by diets that are prudent, on December 22, 2011 aligned to the Mediterranean or DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) diets, low in salt and added sugars, Department of Neurology, high in potassium, and meet, but do not exceed, energy requirements. Trials in progress are examining the eff ects of Royal Perth Hospital, vitamin D and marine omega-3 fatty acid supplementation on incidence of stroke. Future challenges include the need Western Australia to improve the quality of evidence linking many nutrients, foods, and dietary patterns to the risk of stroke. Introduction
Body fat content is estimated by body mass index
Between 1970 and 2008, the incidence of stroke in high-
(BMI), which is a measure of weight in kilograms divided
income countries fell by 42%, from 163 (95% CI 98–227) to
by the square of height in metres.15 Adults with a BMI of
94 (72–116) per 100 000 person years.1 This decline coincided
18·5–24·9 kg/m² are categorised as being of normal
with increased public awareness of the dangers to health weight, individuals with a BMI of 25·0 to 29·9 kg/m² as
posed by high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol, and overweight, and those with a BMI of 30 kg/m² or more as cigarette smoking, and reduced pre valence of these risk obese.15 A drawback of this measure is that diff erent factors in the population.2 By contrast, between 1970 and ethnic groups have diff erent proportions of fat to lean 2008, the incidence of stroke in low-income and middle-
income countries increased by more than 100%, from 52
Other measures of nutritional status include indicators
(95% CI 33–71) to 117 (79–156) per 100 000 person years.1
of visceral adiposity, such as the waist-to-hip ratio, waist-
This increase coincided with food and lifestyle changes to-height ratio, and waist circumference,17 and indicators arising from industrialisation and urbanisation.3,4
of protein status, such as serum albumin and prealbumin
Modernisation, over consumption of calories, and increased
prevalence of obesity, metabolic syndrome, and type 2 diabetes mellitus threaten to stem the decline of stroke How common is malnutrition? incidence in high-income countries and to accelerate the Undernutrition is common, under-recognised, and increase in stroke incidence in low-income and middle-
undertreated. In the UK, about 5% of the population
income countries.5–7 Accurately assess
have a BMI of below 18·5 kg/m².13 In UK hospitals, the
standing the role of nutrition in the causes and prevalence of malnutrition is reported to range from consequences of stroke will be crucial in developing and 13% to 40%.18,21 The prevalence of undernutrition in-implementing strategies to minimise the global burden of
creases at least two times in the elderly and in those
stroke.8–12 The aim of this Review is to examine the evidence
with chronic disease, and three times in people living
linking nutrition and diet to the risk of stroke.
in institutional care, such as survivors of stroke.13,14 The elderly are especially prone to defi ciencies of specifi c
Nutritional status
micronutrients such as folate.13 Malnutrition is also
What is malnutrition?
common in situations of poverty, social isolation, and
Malnutrition has no universally accepted defi nition but substance misuse. describes a defi ciency, excess, or imbalance in a wide range
An estimated 1·46 billion adults and 170 million
of nutrients, resulting in a measurable adverse eff ect on children worldwide are now classifi ed as overweight, body composition, function, and clinical outcome.13
including 502 million adults who are obese.5 In the
Undernutrition describes a long-standing defi ciency of USA, two-thirds of adults are overweight and one-third essential nutrients, most commonly energy (kJ or calories)
obese,6,22 and the incidence and prevalence of being
and protein,14 whereas overnutrition describes an excess overweight or obese in children and adults are intake of nutrients (most commonly saturated fats and increasing.5–7,22–24carbohydrates) for metabolic and health requirements. Is malnutrition a risk factor for stroke? How is nutritional status assessed?
The methods used to investigate the eff ects of nutritional
Nutritional assessment is not standardised. The simplest
factors on the risk of stroke have limitations (panel 1),27
measure of nutritional status is bodyweight, but it can and the results of such studies should be interpreted with be confounded by height and ethnic origin, and, in caution, bearing in mind the criteria that need to be severe protein malnutrition, by fl uid retention due to fulfi lled to establish a causal association between a risk hypoalbuminaemia. Vol 11 January 2012 Undernutrition Mother and fetus Panel 1: Methods used to establish a causal association between a risk factor and disease
Observational studies suggest that poor nutrition in the
The quality of the evidence used to establish a causal association between a nutritional
fi rst year of a woman’s life leads to deformity of the bony
factor and the risk of stroke is determined by the study design, study quality, consistency,
pelvis.30,31 During subsequent pregnancy in adulthood, a
and directness (ie, the extent to which the study participants, interventions, and outcome
fl at pelvis impairs the mother’s ability to sustain growth of
measures are similar to those of interest).25,26 The optimal study design is determined by
the placenta and fetus, as manifest by lower placental
the research question, but each design has its limitations:
weight, smaller head circumference, and lower birth weight of the baby.30,31 In turn, these factors seem to be associated
Observational cohort or case-control studies
with an increased risk of stroke in the mother’s off spring.30,31
Studies of this type frequently report associations between nutritional factors and stroke
The mechanism by which poor maternal nutrition and
risk that are strong, dose-related, independent of other vascular risk factors, and
poor growth in utero might increase the risk of stroke
biologically plausible. However, epidemiological studies cannot eliminate bias and
could be linked to hypertension and raised plasma
confounding in any association between a risk factor and stroke.27 The association could
fi brinogen concentrations in adulthood, and a permanent
be due to reverse causality bias (eg, stroke could lead to a change in diet) or residual
adverse eff ect on vascular structure and function.32,33
confounding by other factors, known and unknown, that increase both the risk factor and the risk of stroke (eg, renal impairment). Any association could also be indicative of
measurement error in the assessment of nutritional exposures, often at only one or a few
Observational evidence suggests that poor growth in
points in time, and bias if loss to follow-up occurs.
childhood due to poor nutrition is associated with an
Meta-analysis of epidemiological studies
increased risk of stroke in later life.31 Table 1 shows that for
Although meta-analyses of multiple epidemiological studies reduce random error
every one SD decrease in the diff erence between bodyweight
(chance) and increase the generalisability (external validity) of the results, they cannot
at 2 years and that predicted from birthweight, the hazard
eliminate bias and confounding and have their own limitations. For example,
ratio for stroke in adulthood increased by about 18% (hazard
heterogeneity could be introduced by methodological diff erences between studies, and
ratio 1·18, 95% CI 1·03–1·28).31 Continued failure to gain
publication bias could arise if small studies with null results are not published.
weight during childhood is also associated with an increased risk of stroke in later life; for every one unit SD decrease in
Randomised trials
weight at diff erent ages during childhood, the hazard ratio
Randomisation is the best method to minimise bias and confounding, and establish
for stroke increased by 4–20% (table 2).31 These data suggest
causality. However, randomised trials are not always feasible. When they are, the results
that biological vulnerability to stroke begins during early
are also prone to random error if the sample size is inadequate, and are not generalisable
life and develops throughout the lifespan to increase risk of
beyond the type of participant recruited.
stroke later in life. This hypothesis is supported by
Systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised trials
observational data showing a 25% higher incidence of
This method produces the most reliable form of evidence of causality between a
stroke among US adults who had lived as children in the
nutritional risk factor and the occurrence of stroke. This approach minimises random
southeastern states, or so-called stroke belt, of the USA,
error and maximises generalisability. However, systematic reviews of randomised trials
where stroke mortality rates are highest.34
also have their limitations, including potential for publication bias, study-quality bias, and outcome-recording bias. Adults Few data correlate undernutrition in adulthood with risk of stroke. A collaborative analysis of 57 prospective studies
Number of patients Hazard ratio (95% CI)
in which 894 576 adults were followed up for a mean of
Weight at 2 years minus predicted weight (kg)
13 years (deaths during the fi rst 5 years were excluded to
limit reverse causality) showed that, in the lower range
(15–25 kg/m²), each 5 kg/m² lower BMI was associated
with a non-signifi cant trend towards an increase in stroke
mortality by 9% (hazard ratio 1·09, 95% CI 0·97–1·22).35
The association was stronger for haemorrhagic stroke
(1·32, 1·00–1·72) than for ischaemic stroke (1·15,
0·91–1·47) but was not signifi cant.35
Among 8920 individuals with renal impairment who
started renal dialysis, undernourishment, low bodyweight,
Modifi ed from Osmond and colleagues,31 by permission of Wolters Kluwer Health.
and low serum albumin at baseline were independent,
Table 1: Association of poor growth in the fi rst 2 years of life with an increased risk of stroke in adulthood
signifi cant predictors of incident stroke after a median follow-up of 3·1 years.19
height ratio, or waist circumference.6,17,36–45 Individuals
with a BMI of 30 kg/m² or more have double the
Obesity is associated with an increased risk of stroke, incidence of ischaemic and haemorrhagic stroke whether measured by BMI, waist-to-hip ratio, waist-to-
compared with individuals with a BMI of less than Vol 11 January 2012 Which nutrients aff ect the risk of stroke? Hazard ratio (95% CI) for stroke per one unit Antioxidant vitamins SD decrease in weight at diff erent ages
Many nutrients can aff ect the risk of stroke (panel 2).
The oxidation hypothesis of atherosclerosis—that
oxidation of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol
(lipid peroxidation) allows it to accumulate in artery
walls and promote atherosclerosis81—prompted several
studies of antioxidant vitamins in the prevention of
A meta-analysis of 68 randomised trials of antioxidant
Table 2: Association of low bodyweight at birth, during infancy, and in childhood (poor growth) with an increased risk of stroke in later life
showed that overall, antioxidants had no eff ect on mortality (relative risk 1·02, 95% CI 0·98–1·06).47
Prevalence Odds ratio Population attributable
However, multivariate meta-regression analyses showed
risk (99% CI)
that low-bias risk trials (as defi ned by adequate generation
of treatment allocation sequence, allocation concealment,
masking, and follow-up) were signifi cantly associated
with mortality.47 In 47 low-bias trials with
Waist-to-hip ratio (tertile 3 vs tertile 1)
180 938 participants, the antioxidant supplements signi-
Apolipoprotein B to A1 ratio (tertile 3 vs tertile 1)
fi cantly increased mortality (relative risk 1·04, 95% CI
1·02–1·08), especially exposure to vitamin A (1·16,
Unhealthy diet risk score (tertile 3 vs tertile 1)
1·10–1·24), β-carotene (1·07, 1·02–1·11), and vitamin E
(1·04, 1·01–1·07); vitamin C (1·06, 0·94–1·20) and
selenium (0·90, 0·80–1·02) had no signifi cant eff ect on mortality.47
β-carotene, the biologically active metabolite of vitamin A,
Multivariable model adjusted for age, sex, and region. Risk factors for all stroke in 3000 patients with acute fi rst stroke
did not aff ect stroke rates in 82 483 participants enrolled in
(within 5 days of symptom onset) compared with 3000 controls with no history of stroke who were matched with cases
three randomised trials (odds ratio 1·0, 95% CI 0·91–1·09),48
for age and sex, and who were assessed in 22 countries between 2007 and 2010 in the INTERSTROKE study.45 Modifi ed from O’Donnell and colleagues,45 by permission of Elsevier. *Cardiac causes include atrial fi brillation or fl utter, previous
but did increase all-cause mortality in 138 113 participants
myocardial infarction, rheumatic valve disease, or prosthetic valve disease.
in eight randomised trials (1·07, 1·02–1·11) and cardiovascular mortality among 131 551 participants in six
Table 3: Risk factors for stroke
randomised trials (1·10, 1·03–1·17).48
23 kg/m².37 Each unit increase in BMI is associated with
an increase in the adjusted risk of stroke by about 6% Vitamin C is a water-soluble antioxidant in plasma that (relative risk 6%, 95% CI 4–8).37 Among adults who are helps regenerate oxidised vitamin E. Although obser va-overweight or obese (BMI 25–50 kg/m²), each 5 kg/m² tional studies suggest that increased dietary intake and increase in BMI is associated with about 40% higher plasma concentrations of vitamin C are associated mortality from stroke (hazard ratio 1·39, 95% CI independently with reduced rates of stroke,82,83 large 1·31–1·48).35
Individuals with a waist-to-hip ratio in the highest supplementation in preventing stroke and other clinical
tertile (>0·96 in men and >0·93 in women)have a 65% outcomes.49–51increased risk of stroke (odds ratio 1·65, 99% CI 1·36–1·99) compared with individuals in the lowest Vitamin Etertile (<0·91 in men and <0·86 in women).45 The Vitamin E is a lipid-soluble antioxidant that increases the population attributable risk of stroke associated with an resistance of LDL cholesterol to oxidation, reduces increased waist-to-hip ratio is 26·5% (99% CI 18·8–36·0;
proliferation of smooth muscle cells, and reduces
adhesiveness of platelets to collagen. This vitamin
Although BMI, waist-to-hip ratio, and waist circum-
inhibits lipid peroxidation by scavenging reactive oxygen
ference do not meaningfully improve prediction of stroke
risk when added to causal risk factors such as systolic
In 2010, a meta-analysis of seven randomised trials
blood pressure and history of diabetes, excess adiposity with 116 567 individuals revealed that vitamin E had no remains a major modifi able determinate of these causal eff ect on risk of incident total stroke (relative risk 0·98, risk factors.46 Hence, controlling adiposity is likely to help
95% CI 0·91–1·05) but increased the risk of incident
haemorrhagic stroke (1·22, 1·00–1·48) and reduced the Vol 11 January 2012 Panel 2: Eff ects of nutrients on the risk of stroke Antioxidant vitamins
Supplementation by more than 0·5 g per day does not prevent
Supplementation increases all-cause mortality.47
stroke, might increase the risk of stroke,69,70 and can increase the
risk of myocardial infarction by 31% (95% CI 2–67).69
Supplementation increases cardiovascular and all-cause
mortality47,48 and does not prevent stroke.48
High intake is not associated with increased risk of stroke.71
Supplementation does not prevent stroke.49–51
Reduced intake does not reduce risk of stroke.72
Supplementation increases all-cause mortality47 and does not
High intake is not associated with increased risk of stroke.71
B vitamins (folic acid)
High intake is not associated with increased risk of stroke.71,73
Supplementation does not prevent stroke in populations with
high folate intake;53 defi ciency could be a causal and treatable
Supplementation reduces cardiovascular events and death by
risk factor for stroke in regions of low folate intake.54
8% (95% CI 1–15),74 but in one randomised trial it did not reduce
Vitamin D
stroke risk (hazard ratio 1·04, 95% CI 0·62–1·75).75
Defi ciency is associated with hypertension, cardiovascular
disease, and stroke.55 Supplementation is not proven to prevent
High intake is associated with reduced risk of stroke.76
cardiovascular events.56 Randomised trials investigating vitamin D supplementation are in progress.57
Carbohydrates High glycaemic index and glycaemic load
High intake of food with these nutritional qualities is associated
Supplementation by 5 g per day is associated with a 23%
with increased blood glucose and bodyweight.77 High intake is
(95% CI 6–43) increased risk of stroke.58 Reduction in salt intake
associated with increased stroke mortality.78
is not proven to reduce stroke. Reduction by 2 g per day reduces
cardiovascular events by 20% (95% CI 1–36);59,60 reduction also
High intake is associated with reduced blood pressure, blood
Potassium Proteins
Supplementation by 1 g per day is associated with an 11%
High intake is not associated with risk of stroke.80
(95% CI 3–17) reduction in the risk of stroke; 66 supplementation is not proven to prevent stroke. Supplementation by 0·8 g per day reduces blood pressure by 5/3 mm Hg.67,68
risk of incident ischaemic stroke (0·90, 0·82–0·99).85
risk of all types of stroke combined, and ischaemic stroke
Heterogeneity among the studies was not evident due to large artery disease, small artery disease, and (I²=12·8%; p for heterogeneity=0·33). However, in 2011, embolism from the heart in observational studies.86–89 an updated meta-analysis of 13 randomised trials of Although homocysteine can be lowered by up to 25% vitamin E in 166 282 participants showed no signifi cant (95% CI 22–28) with folic acid and by a further 7% (4–9) benefi t in the prevention of stroke of any type (relative with vitamin B12 (median dose 0·4 mg [range 0·4–1·0] risk 1·01, 95% CI 0·96–1·07), ischaemic stroke (1·01, per day),90 randomised trials of folic acid versus control 0·94–1·09), or haemorrhagic stroke (1·12, 0·94–1·33).52
showed no eff ect of supplementation with folic acid on
Signifi cant heterogeneity among the studies was not all stroke (relative risk 0·96, 95% CI 0·87–1·06).53 The evident (p for heterogeneity=0·37).
results of genetic epidemiological studies are concordant
The reasons for the discrepancy in fi ndings for the eff ect with those from randomised trials in populations with
of vitamin E on the pathological subtypes of stroke in the established or increasing folate intake but, in populations two meta-analyses52,85 might be the inclusion of six with low folate intake (eg, Asia), the genetic studies additional trials, longer follow-up data from one shared suggest that lowering total homocysteine by 3·8 μmol/L trial, and perhaps (although not stated) recurrent as well could reduce stroke by 22% (95% CI 10–32).54 Because no as incident strokes in the updated meta-analysis.52
large, reliable randomised trials of total homocysteine reduction in regions of low folate intake have been done,
B vitamins
whether supplementing the diet or fortifying food with
Increased serum concentrations of total homocysteine folic acid in these regions could reduce stroke incidence have been associated independently with an increased is not known. Vol 11 January 2012
In individuals who are folate-replete, vitamin B12 is an
independently increased the odds of all stroke (odds ratio
important determinant of total homocysteine, and 1·5, 95% CI 1·0–2·3), but that most of the eff ect was subclinical vitamin B12 defi ciency is not uncommon.91
driven by an increase in odds of haemorrhagic stroke
Subgroup analyses from randomised trials raise the (3·5, 95% CI 1·6–7·6).98 Indeed, about 20% (95% CI hypothesis that use of high doses of vitamin B12 in 1–38) of all primary intracerebral haemorrhages were people who are folate-replete but vitamin B12 defi cient attributable to adding salt to food.98could substantially lower total homocysteine and risk of
A meta-analysis of six randomised trials showed that a
stroke.91–94 This hypothesis requires confi rmation a priori reduction in dietary salt intake by 2·0–2·3 g (half a in clinical trials.
teaspoon) per day was associated with a reduction in cardiovascular events by 20% (relative risk 0·80, 95% CI
Vitamin D
0·64–0·99).59,60 However, no randomised trials of the
Observational studies report an association between eff ect of salt reduction on risk of stroke or its pathological defi ciency of 25-hydroxyvitamin D and an increased and aetiological subtypes have been done. incidence of hypertension, carotid artery atherosclerosis,
Excess salt intake might increase cardiovascular and
and cardiovascular disease, including stroke.55,95 Although
stroke risk by increasing blood pressure and causing
randomised trials show that vitamin D supplementation fi brosis in the heart, kidneys, and arteries.99 Reducing lowers blood pressure55 and improves endothelial dietary salt intake by 6 g a day reduces systolic and function in the short term,96 two trials showed no signi-
diastolic blood pressure by 4 and 2 mm Hg, respectively,
fi cant eff ect on cardiovascular events of vitamin D in people without hypertension, 7 and 4 mm Hg, supplementation at moderate to high doses (relative risk respectively, in those with hypertension,100,101 and 23 and 0·90, 95% CI 0·77–1·05) or of vitamin D plus calcium 9 mm Hg, respectively, in people with resistant hyper-supplementation (1·04, 0·92–1·18).56
tension.61 Sodium reduction by 6 g per day also blunts the
For more on the VITAL study see
The VITamin D and OmegA-3 triaL (VITAL) is currently
age-related rise in blood pressure by about 0·5 mm Hg
randomly assigning 20 000 people to receive 2000 IU of per year.62,63 The response of blood pressure to sodium vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) per day or placebo, as well as
reduction is direct and progressive, but non-linear;
1 g of marine omega-3 fatty acids per day or placebo, for decreasing sodium intake by about 0·9 g per day causes a 5 years.57 The primary outcome of the study is total cancer
greater reduction in blood pressure when the starting
and major cardiovascular events (a composite of sodium intake is about 2·3 g per day than when it is myocardial infarction, stroke, and death due to about 3·5 g per day.64,65cardiovascular events).57
A higher potassium intake of 42 mmol/L (1·64 g) per
An observational study of 38 772 older women (mean day was associated with a 21% reduced risk of stroke age 61·6 years in 1986) reported that subsequent after 5–19 years of follow-up of 247
cantly in users of 11 observational studies (relative risk 0·79, 95% CI
multivitamins (hazard ratio 1·06, 95% CI 1·02–1·10; 0·60–0·90).102 For every increase in potassium intake by absolute risk increase 2·4%), folic acid (1·15, 1·00–1·32;
1·0 g per day, the risk of stroke decreased by 11%
5·9%), vitamin B6 (1·10, 1·01–1·21; 4·1%), iron (1·10, (relative risk 0·89, 95% CI 0·83–0·97).66 If causal, the 1·03–1·17; 3·9%), magnesium (1·08, 1·01–1·15; 3·6%), association might be mediated by lowered blood zinc (1·08, 1·01–1·15; 3·0%), and copper (1·45, pressure; increasing potassium intake by 20 mmol 1·20–1·75; 18·0%), and decreased in users of calcium (0·78 g) or more per day lowers blood pressure by an (0·91, 0·88–0·94; 3·8%).97 These results and the eff ects average of 4·9 mm Hg systolic blood pressure and on risk of stroke and its subtypes require confi rmation 2·7 mm Hg diastolic blood pressure in patients with by randomised trials.
hypertension.67,68 Randomised trials are needed to establish the independent eff ects of long-term increases
in dietary potassium intake on stroke risk, but are
Most adult populations around the world have average unlikely to be undertaken because of technical daily salt intakes of higher than 6 g, and many in eastern
culties and possible ethical constraints.
Europe and Asia of more than 12 g, mostly from processed foods.58 Observational studies show that sustained high Calcium daily salt intake of 5 g on average (86 mmol [one Many guidelines recommend adequate calcium intake as teaspoon]) is associated with a 23% greater risk of stroke
part of the prevention or treatment of osteoporosis,103
(pooled relative risk 1·23, 95% CI 1·06–1·43) and a 17% despite the fact that calcium supplements only marginally greater rate of total cardiovascular disease (relative risk reduce the risk of fracture.104 Interventional studies show 1·17, 1·02–1·34).58 No data on stroke subtypes were that calcium supplements improve some risk factors for available but a large prospective, community-based, case-
stroke such as blood pressure,105,106 bodyweight,106 and
control study reported that adding salt to food not only serum-lipid concentrations,107 and observational studies Vol 11 January 2012
suggest that high calcium intake might protect against reduce the risk of stroke (hazard ratio 1·02, 95% CI stroke.108,109 However, a recent observational study of 0·90–1·15) in 48 835 postmenopausal women.72 However, 34 670 women reported that increasing calcium intake was
trends towards greater reductions in risk of coronary
not associated with altered risk of any stroke or ischaemic heart disease were seen with low intakes of trans fat and stroke, but was associated with an increased risk of saturated fat,72 suggesting that the type of fats consumed haemorrhagic stroke (for highest vs lowest tertile; adjusted
might be more relevant for cardiometabolic health than
relative risk 2·04, 95% CI 1·24–3·35).110 Randomised trials
the proportion of calories consumed from total fat.113,114
have shown that, after a median of 3·6 years (IQR 2·7–4·3), calcium supplementation (≥500 mg per day), without co-
administered vitamin D, is associated with a signifi cant Consumption of industrially produced trans fatty acids increase in myocardial infarction (hazard ratio 1·31, from partially hydrogenated vegetable oils are the most 1·02–1·67) and a trend towards an increase in stroke (1·20,
potent fat-related risk factor for coronary heart disease.115,116
Although observational studies suggest no signifi cant
Co-administration of calcium plus vitamin D relation between trans fat consumption and risk of
supplements for an average of 6·2 years was associated stroke,71 no reliable observational data or data from with an increased risk of stroke (relative risk 1·20, 95% CI
randomised trials on the association of trans fatty acids
1·00–1·43), myocardial infarction (1·21, 1·01–1·44), and with stroke subtypes are available. the composite of myocardial infarction or stroke (1·16, 1·02–1·32) among 20 090 individuals in three placebo-
A meta-analysis of eight observational studies showed that
Some studies do not distinguish between calcium intake of saturated fat in the highest quintile was not
taken alone and calcium co-administered with vitamin D.
associated with an increased risk of stroke compared with
An analysis of such studies showed that calcium alone or
intake in the lowest quintile (relative risk 0·81, 95% CI
calcium plus vitamin D increased the risk of stroke 0·62–1·05).73 Suffi
cient statistical power in these studies
(hazard ratio 1·19, 95% CI 1·02–1·39), myocardial was not available to assess whether the observed infarction (1·26, 1·07–1·47), and the composite of stroke associations between saturated fat intake and stroke risk or myocardial infarction (1·17, 1·05–1·31) over a mean were modifi ed or confounded by the cardiometabolic follow-up of 5·9 years in 24 869 people in six randomised
eff ects of nutrients, such as refi ned carbohydrates, starches,
trials.70 These data suggest that treating 1000 people with
and sugars, which might be exchanged for saturated fatty
calcium or calcium and vitamin D for 5 years would acids.113,117 Data on the relation between saturated fat intake cause an additional six myocardial infarctions or strokes and risk of subtypes of stroke were also restricted. and prevent three fractures. However, methodological caveats exist that limit the conclusiveness of this evidence.
Furthermore, when calcium and vitamin D supplements
No reliable studies of the association between increased
are used as an adjunct to bisphosphonates in the intake of polyunsaturated fatty acids and stroke risk have treatment of osteo
porosis, no adverse eff ect on been done, but observational studies and randomised trials
cardiovascular safety and survival occurs.111,112 Randomised
suggest that consumption of these fatty acids in place of
trials of the eff ects of calcium, with or without vitamin D,
saturated fatty acids reduces incidence of coronary heart
on the risk of stroke, its pathological and aetiological disease.113,118 For each 5% of energy obtained from subtypes, and other vascular and non-vascular outcomes polyunsaturated fatty acids, instead of saturated fatty acids, are warranted.
the risk of coronary heart disease is reduced by 10% (relative risk 0·90, 95% CI 0·83–0·97).118
Fats An observational study of 43 732 men in the USA showed Marine-derived omega-3 (or n-3) polyunsaturated fatty acids
that, compared with the lowest quintile, the risk of Human beings rely on direct dietary consumption of ischaemic stroke over 14 years of follow-up was not omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, which include increased in those in the highest quintile for intake of eicosapentaenoic acid (20:5 omega-3) and decosahexaenoic total fat (adjusted relative risk 0·91, 95% CI 0·65–1·28; p acid (22:6 omega-3) from oily fi sh such as salmon, for trend 0·77), animal fat (1·20, 0·84–1·70; p for trend herring, trout, and sardines.1130·47), saturated fat (1·16, 0·81–1·65; p for trend 0·59),
A meta-analysis of 11 randomised trials including
vegetable fat (1·07, 0·77–1·47; p for trend 0·66), dietary 39 044 patients showed that random allocation to the cholesterol (1·02, 0·75–1·39; p for trend 0·99), omega-3 fatty acids eicosapentaenoic acid or monosaturated fat (0·88, 0·64–1·21; p for trend 0·25), or decosahexaenoic acid for 2·2 years (mean) signifi cantly transunsaturated fat (0·87, 0·62–1·22; p for trend 0·42).71
reduced cardiovascular deaths (odds ratio 0·87, 95% CI
These fi ndings are supported by a large randomised trial 0·79–0·95), sudden cardiac death (0·87, 0·76–0·99), all-in which a reduction of mean total fat intake by 8·2% of cause mortality (0·92, 0·85–0·99), and non-fatal energy intake over 8·1 years (mean) did not signifi cantly cardiovascular events (0·92, 0·85–0·99) compared with Vol 11 January 2012
placebo.74 The eff ect could be mediated by an anti-
Increased dietary fi bre reduces blood pressure, blood
arrhythmic eff ect or other benefi cial eff ects on blood glucose, serum triglycerides, and LDL cholesterol79 but pressure, concentration of plasma triglycerides, and no reliable data on its eff ect on risk of stroke and stroke markers of thrombosis and infl ammation.119
However, a subsequent randomised trial showed that in
2501 patients with a history of myocardial infarction, Protein unstable angina, or ischaemic stroke, random assignment
Observational studies in Japan have shown that increased
to a daily dietary supplement containing omega-3 fatty protein intake is associated with reduced risk of stroke.123 acids (600 mg of eicosapentaenoic acid and decosa-
hexaenoic acid at a ratio of 2:1) for a median of 4·7 years animal, or vegetable protein and risk of stroke was had no signifi cant eff ect on stroke (hazard ratio 1·04, reported in a cohort study of 43 960 men in the USA.80 95 CI% 0·62–1·75) or major vascular events (1·08, 0·79–1·47).75 The eff ect of treatment on stroke subtypes Which foods and beverages aff ect the risk was not reported. of stroke? Many foods and beverages aff ect the risk of stroke Plant-derived omega-3 (n-3) polyunsaturated fatty acids
(panel 3). The INTERSTROKE study45 reported that,
The plant-derived n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid within food groupings (adjusted for age, sex, and region; α-linolenic acid is an essential fatty acid found mainly in
tertile 3 vs tertile 1), increased consumption of fi sh (odds
vegetable oils such as soybean, canola, and fl axseed, and ratio 0·78, 99% CI 0·66–0·91) and fruit (0·61, 0·50–0·73) in walnuts. An observational study of 20 069 Dutch were associated with reduced risk of stroke.45 adults showed that, compared with the bottom quintile (Q1) of α-linolenic acid intake (less than 1·0 g per day), Fish participants in high quintiles (Q2–Q5) had a 35–50% Fish can be an excellent source of protein and the lower risk of incident stroke; hazard ratios were 0·65 essential omega-3 fatty acids eicosapentaenoic acid and (0·43–0·97; Q2), 0·49 (0·31–0·76; Q3), 0·53 (0·34–0·83;
decosahexaenoic acid. A meta-analysis of 15 observational
Q4), and 0·65 (0·41–1·04; Q5) after 8–13 years of follow-
studies reported that an increase in consumption of three
up.76 These results need confi rmation in randomised servings per week of fi sh was associated with a 6% trials.
(95% CI 1–11) lower risk of stroke.124 No signifi cant heterogeneity among the studies was reported
(I²=25·7%).124 Some studies suggest that consumption of
Like fat intake, carbohydrate intake in quantities that oily fi sh drives the inverse association between fi sh intake exceed energy requirements (positive energy imbalance) and stroke risk139,140 and others suggest that the con-is a major determinant of weight gain and adiposity,113
sumption of lean fi sh (cod, saithe, and fi sh fi ngers), but
and the quality of carbohydrate intake also aff ects not other fi sh types (eg, salmon, white fi sh, and char, metabolic health. Consumption of refi ned sugars in herring, or mackerel), is associated with a lower risk of liquid form promotes weight gain.113 The glycaemic index
stroke.141 The eff ect of the consumption of lean fi sh could
is a measure of how much a standard quantity of food be confounded by the fact that herring and salmon are raises blood glucose levels compared with a standard commonly eaten salted in Sweden, thus aff ecting blood quantity of glucose or white bread. The glycaemic load is
a measure of the product of the glycaemic index of a food
Studies that have examined pathological subtypes of
item and the available carbohydrate content of that item.
stroke suggest that fi sh consumption is associated with a
Foods with a high glycaemic index, such as sugar-
lower risk of ischaemic stroke but not haemorrhagic
sweetened beverages and refi ned carbohydrates and stroke.142 However, no reliable data from randomised starches, increase fasting blood glucose. Glycated trials of the eff ect of fi sh consumption on the risk of proteins, and beverages and foods with high glycaemic stroke or its subtypes are available.143–145 load, including added sugars, increase bodyweight.77 High carbohydrate intake from foods with a high Fruit and vegetables glycaemic index, added sugars, and high dietary glycaemic
Increased fruit and vegetable intake (more than fi ve
load also leads to reduced intake of essential nutrients servings per day) was associated with a lower risk of stroke and has been associated with an increased risk of stroke than was intake of fewer than three servings per day mortality and coronary heart disease in women in (relative risk 0·74, 95% CI 0·69–0·79) and three to fi ve observational studies.78,120,121 Replacement of saturated fats
servings per day (0·89, 0·83–0·97) in 257 551 individuals
with carbohydrates that have a high glycaemic index is followed up for 13 years.125 However, vegetable intake alone associated with an increased risk of myocardial infarction
was not associated with a reduced risk of stroke (odds ratio
(hazard ratio for myocardial infarction per 5% increment
0·91, 99% CI 0·75–1·10) in the INTERSTROKE study.45 If
of energy intake of carbohydrates 1·33, 95% CI the association between fruit and vegetable intake is 1·08–1·64).122
validated, the mechanism might be that consumption of Vol 11 January 2012
fi ve or more daily portions of fruit and vegetables reduces blood pressure by about 4·0 mm Hg (95% CI 2·0–6·0)
Panel 3: Eff ects of foods and beverages on the risk of
systolic and 1·5 mm Hg (0·2–2·7) diastolic.126
Increased consumption by three servings per day is associated
A meta-analysis of observational studies including
with a 6% (95% CI 1–11) lower risk of stroke.124
152 630 individuals showed that total meat consumption was associated with a 24% higher risk of ischaemic stroke
Fruit and vegetables
per daily serving (relative risk 1·24, 95% CI 1·08–1·43).127
Consumption of more than fi ve servings of fruit and
Among subtypes of meat, consumption of unprocessed
vegetables per day is associated with a 26% (95% CI 21–31)
red meats (which contain saturated fatty acids, cholesterol,
lower risk of stroke.125Consumption of more than fi ve
and haem iron113) was not associated with a signifi cant
servings per day lowers blood pressure by 4·0/1·5 mm Hg.126
increase in risk of ischaemic stroke or total stroke mortality
(relative risk per 100 g serving per day 1·17, 95% CI,
0·40–3·43) and nor was intake of processed meats (which
Each daily serving is associated with a 24% (95% CI 8–43)
contain high levels of salt and other preservatives;113 relative
risk 1·14, 95% CI, 0·94–1·39).127 However, a recent large
cohort study of 40 291 men reported that processed meat
Consumption is not a proven risk factor for stroke.127
consumption was positively associated with an increased risk of stroke (multivariate relative risk for highest vs
lowest quintiles 1·23, 95% CI 1·07 to 1·40) after a mean
Consumption was associated with an increased risk of stroke
follow-up of 10·1 years.128 Further studies of meat
in one observational study128 but not in another.127
consumption by subtype and risk of stroke by pathological
and aetiological subtypes are needed. MilkConsumption is not associated with risk of stroke.129
Dairy The dairy products milk, cheese, and butter have a high Reduced-fat milk (vs full-strength milk)
saturated fat and calcium content that could increase the
Consumption is associated with lower risk of stroke.98
risk of stroke. However, a meta-analysis of six cohort
studies showed that milk intake was not associated with
High consumption is associated with a 29% (95% CI 2–48)
risk of stroke (relative risk 0·87, 95% CI 0·72–1·05).129 A
subsequent large cohort study reported that dairy fat intake was associated with slightly increased all-cause mortality
in women (per 10 g per day; rate ratio 1·04, 95% CI
Moderate consumption (3–4 cups per day) is associated with
1·01–1·06) and fermented milk was associated with a
a 17% (95% CI 8–26) lower risk of stroke.131,132
possible protective eff ect against stroke mortality.146 Case-
control studies suggest that consumption of reduced-fat or
Moderate consumption (≥3 cups per day) is associated with a
skimmed milk, compared with full-strength milk, is
21% (95% CI 15–27) lower risk of stroke.133
associated with reduced odds of all stroke (odds ratio 0·49, 95% CI 0·31–0·76) and ischaemic stroke (0·43,
Sugar-sweetened beverages
High intake is associated with increased obesity, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, and coronary heart disease.134–136
Chocolate Whole grains
Observational studies suggest that individuals with the
High intake is associated with a 21% (95% CI 15–27) lower
highest levels of chocolate consumption have a 29%
(95% CI 2–48) lower rate of stroke and 37% (10–56) lower rate of cardiovascular disease than those with the lowest
levels of chocolate consumption.130 If valid, the mechanism
Intake is not associated with risk of stroke.138
of this association might include antihypertensive, anti-infl
ammatory, antiatherogenic, and antithrombotic coff ee consumption might have a weak non-linear inverse
association with risk of stroke (p for non-linearity=0·005).131 Compared with no coff ee consumption, the relative risks
of stroke were 0·86 (95% CI 0·78–0·94) for two cups of
A meta-analysis of 11 prospective studies of coff ee per day, 0·83 (0·74–0·92) for three to four cups per 479 689 parti cipants in which three or more categories of day, 0·87 (0·77–0·97) for six cups per day, and 0·93 coff ee consumption were correlated with the subsequent (0·79–1·08) for eight cups per day. Marginal between-occurrence of 10 003 cases of stroke reported that moderate Vol 11 January 2012
The association between coff ee consumption and
Increased whole grain intake (pooled average
pathological subtype of stroke was examined in a single 2·5 servings a day vs 0·2 servings a day) was associated cohort study of 34 670 women, which reported that, after with a trend towards a lower risk of incident stroke events a mean follow-up of 10·4 years, consumption of at least (odds ratio 0·83, 95% CI 0·68–1·02) and a signifi cantly one cup of coff ee a day was associated with a lower risk of
lower risk of cardiovascular disease events (0·79,
ischaemic stroke and subarachnoid haemorrhage but not
0·73–0·85) in seven observational studies whereas
haemorrhagic stroke compared with consumption of less
refi ned grain intake was not associated with incident
cardiovascular disease events (1·07, 0·94–1·22).137
This association, if causal, is unlikely to be mediated by
blood pressure because caff eine intake is not associated Rice with a long-term increase in blood pressure compared Rice intake was not associated with risk of stroke with a caff eine-free diet or with decaff einated coff ee, (adjusted hazard ratio per one SD increment of energy- despite the fact that caff eine intake of 200–300 mg adjusted risk intake 0·97, 95% CI 0·90–1·04) in a study produces an acute mean increase in blood pressure of that followed 83 752 Japanese adults for a median of 8·1 mm Hg (95% CI 5·7–10·6) systolic and 5·7 mm Hg 14·1 years.138 (95% CI 4·1–7·4) diastolic for 3 h or more.147 The eff ect could be due to the action of the phenolic compounds in
coff ee, which might increase resistance of LDL cholesterol
Legumes include beans, peas, chickpeas, and lentils;
their independent eff ects on risk of stroke are unknown.
Although chronic coff ee consumption is associated However, randomised trials have shown that soy-
with a lower risk of stroke,131,132 some preliminary evidence
containing foods produce a non-signifi cant reduction in
suggests an acutely increased risk of ischaemic stroke in
blood pressure by about 5·8 mm Hg systolic and
the hour after coff ee intake (relative risk 2·0, 95% CI 4·0 mm Hg diastolic,152 and isolated soy protein or 1·4 to 2·8), especially in infrequent coff ee drinkers (one isofl
avones (phytoestrogens) lower diastolic blood
cup or less a day).148 Because these results could mirror pressure by 2 mm Hg and LDL cholesterol by 3%.153recall bias, they require confi rmation. Which dietary patterns aff ect the risk of stroke?
Dietary patterns can have various eff ects on risk of stroke
A meta-analysis of nine observational studies of (panel 4). Several studies have developed and assessed 194 965 individuals reported that consumption of three or
diet scores as a risk factor for stroke, often in conjunction
more cups of tea (green or black) a day was associated with other lifestyle factors.45,154–156with a 21% (95% CI 15–27%) lower risk of stroke than in those who consumed less than one cup a day (I²=23·8%).133
Healthy versus unhealthy diets
Population-based studies do not suggest that tea lowers In the Women’s Health Study of 37 636 women aged blood pressure,149 but it might have a favourable eff ect on 45 years or older, a healthy diet was defi ned as one high endothelial function and reduce the oxidation of LDL in cereal fi bre, folate, and omega-3 fatty acids, with a cholesterol.150,151
high ratio of polyunsaturated to saturated fat, and low in trans fats and glycaemic load, but was unexpectedly
Sugar-sweetened beverages
associated with an increased risk of stroke over 10 years
High intake of sugar-sweetened beverages leads to lower of follow-up.154intake of more healthy beverages and is associated with
In the Nurses’ Health Study of 71 243 women and the
adiposity, and an increased incidence of diabetes mellitus,
Health Professionals Follow-Up Study of 43 685 men, a
metabolic syndrome, and coronary heart disease.134–136
score within the top 40% of a healthy diet score (as
However, no reliable data exist that relate intake of sugar-
defi ned by high intakes of fruits, vegetables, soy, nuts,
sweetened beverages to incidence of stroke.
and cereal fi bre; a high ratio of polyunsaturated to saturated fat and chicken plus fi sh to red meat; low intake
Whole grains
oftrans fats; and use of multivitamins for ≥5 years) was
Whole grains comprise bran, germ, and endosperm associated with a trend towards a lower risk of stroke in from natural cereal.113 Bran contains soluble and men (relative risk 0·90, 95% CI 0·80–1·00) but not in insoluble dietary fi bre, B vitamins, minerals, fl avonoids, women (1·10, 0·89–1·16).155and tocopherols; germ contains many fatty acids,
The INTERSTROKE study45 identifi ed an unhealthy
antioxidants, and phytochemicals; and endosperm diet as a signifi cant risk factor for stroke (table 3). An provides largely starch (carbohydrate polysaccharides) unhealthy diet risk score was derived from a simple and storage proteins.113 Consumption of whole grains 19-item qualitative food-group-frequency questionnaire improves glucose-insulin homoeostasis and endothelial about consumption of meat, salty snacks, fried foods, function, and possibly reduces infl ammation and fruits, green leafy vegetables, cooked vegetables, and improves weight loss.137
other raw vegetables (a high score indicating a poorer Vol 11 January 2012
[increasingly unhealthy cardiovascular] diet). Compared were at lower risk of stroke than those in the bottom with the lowest (fi rst) quartile, the odds ratio of stroke in
quintile (relative risk 0·87, 95% CI 0·73–1·02; pfor
the highest (third) tertile was 1·35 (99% CI 1·11–1·64). trend 0·03).158 The protective eff ect of the Mediterranean The adjusted population-attributable risk of stroke for diet on stroke risk has also been reported in case-control the top two tertiles compared with the bottom quartile of
the dietary risk score was 18·8% (99% CI 11·2–29·7).45
The Mediterranean diet is more eff ective than a low-fat
diet in reducing oxidised LDL concentrations and blood
Prudent versus western diets
pressure162,163 and, in obese individuals, improving weight
A prudent diet, characterised by high intakes of fruits, loss and lowering the ratio of total to high-density vegetables, legumes, fi
sh, and whole grains, was lipoprotein cholesterol.164
associated with a lower risk of stroke after 14 years of follow-up of 71 768 women (relative risk 0·78, 95% CI Vegetarian diets 0·61–1·01; comparing extreme quintiles) whereas a Compared with typical western diets, vegetarian diets western diet, characterised by high intakes of red and can reduce blood pressure165 but lactovegetarian (milk processed meats, refi ned grains, and sweets and desserts,
consumed) and vegan (no animal products consumed)
was associated with an increased risk of stroke (relative diets have not been shown to reduce blood pressure, risk 1·58, 95% CI 1·15–2·15; comparing the highest with
bodyweight, concentrations of blood lipids, or insulin
lowest quintiles of the western diet).156
Vegetarians might have improved survival compared
DASH-style diets
with non-vegetarians167 but, if so, whether it is because
The Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) the components of the diet (plant-based foods) replace diet contains a high intake of plant foods, fruits and unhealthy processed meats and other processed and fast vegetables, fi sh, poultry, whole grains, low-fat dairy foods or whether the diet is a marker of individuals products, and nuts, while minimising intake of red meat,
(vegetarians) who might be more health conscious in
sodium, sweets, and sugar-sweetened beverages.
other aspects of their lifestyle behaviours is unclear.
Adherence to the DASH-style diet was associated with
a lower risk of stroke during 24 years of follow-up of 88 517 middle-aged women (aged 34–59 years; multivariate
Panel 4: Eff ects of dietary patterns on the risk of stroke
relative risk across quintiles of the DASH score were 1·0
Healthy diet
[reference; Q1], 0·92 [95% CI 0·81–1·05; Q2], 0·91
High intake of a healthy diet was associated with an increased risk of stroke in one
[0·80–1·03; Q3], 0·89 [0·78–1·02; Q4], and 0·82
observational study154 and a reduced risk of stroke in another observational study155
[0·71–0·94; Q5]; p=0·002 for trend).157 The DASH diet lowers blood pressure and improves blood lipids
Unhealthy diet
compared with typical western diets,161 which might
High intake of an unhealthy diet is associated with an increased risk of stroke45 and a
population-attributable risk of stroke of 19% (99% CI 11–30)45
Prudent diet Mediterranean diets
In women, high intake of a prudent diet is associated with a lower risk of stroke than is
The Mediterranean diet is a collection of eating habits
traditionally followed by people in the diff erent countries bordering the Mediterranean Sea. This diet is charac-
Western diet
terised by a high consumption of fruit, vegetables,
In women, high intake of a western diet is associated with a higher risk of stroke than is
legumes, and complex carbohydrates (whole grains); a
moderate consumption of fi sh; consumption of olive oil
DASH-style diet
as the main source of fats (monounsaturated); a low-to-
In women, high intake of a DASH-style diet is associated with a lower risk of stroke than is
moderate amount of red wine during meals; and low
consumption of red meat, refi ned grains, and sweets.
A meta-analysis of 18 observational studies involving
Mediterranean diet
2 190 627 people showed that a two-point increase in
In women, high intake of a Mediterranean diet is associated with a lower risk of
adherence to the Mediterranean diet was associated
stroke,158,159 cardiovascular disease, cardiovascular mortality, and all-cause mortality160
with a signifi cant reduction of overall mortality (relative
risk 0·92, 95% CI 0·90–0·94) and cardiovascular
Vegetarian diet
incidence or mortality (0·90, 0·87–0·93) over 4–20 years
of follow-up.160 One study examined the eff ect of the Mediterranean diet on stroke in 74 886 women over the
Japanese diet
following 20 years and reported that those with the
greatest adherence to the Mediterranean diet—in the
DASH=Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension.
top quintile of the alternate Mediterranean diet score— Vol 11 January 2012
hypertensive small vessel disease from its many other
Search strategy and selection criteria
causes. Consequently, important potential eff ects of nutrients, foods, beverages, and dietary patterns on specifi c
I searched PubMed articles published from 1970 to October, 2011, using the search terms
pathophysiological mechanisms of one stroke subtype
“stroke”, “nutrition”, “undernutrition”, “overnutrition”, “nutrients”, “foods”, “diet”,
could have been diluted and missed by assessing a single
“dietary patterns”, “overweight”, “obesity”, “mortality”, “prospective cohort studies”,
outcome of stroke. The same applies to nutritional factors;
“randomized controlled trial(s)”, “systematic review”, and “meta-analysis”. Articles were
overall negative associations between total fat or total
also identifi ed through searches of reference lists and my own fi les. Studies were selected
carbohydrate intake and stroke risk could mask important
for inclusion on the basis of a judgment about the quality of the evidence according to
associations between specifi c subtypes of fat and subtypes
four key elements: study design, study quality, consistency, and directness (ie, the extent
of carbohydrate intake that infl uence health and stroke
to which the study participants, interventions, and outcome measures are similar to those
risk. These limitations have led one commentator to
of interest), as proposed by the Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development
lament: “almost every nutritional ‘fact’ is in reality an
and Evaluating (GRADE) working group. For each nutrient, food, or dietary pattern, only
opinion, often based on poor quality evidence.”174
the studies with the highest level of evidence were included. If randomised trials had not
However, the few randomised trials that have been
been undertaken and only observational data were available, studies were included if they
undertaken provide more reliable conclusions than do
were prospective, population-based, and large, with standardised diagnostic criteria for
previous epidemiological studies—that dietary sup-
stroke outcome events (and, ideally, also pathological and aetiological stroke subtypes),
plementation with antioxidant vitamins, B vitamins, and
prolonged follow-up, and statistical adjustment for the eff ect of other potential
calcium do not reduce the risk of stroke. Indeed, calcium
prognostic variables by means of multiple regression analysis. Studies were excluded if
might increase myocardial infarction, and β-carotene,
serious limitations to study quality and major uncertainty about directness existed. Only
vitamin A, and vitamin E might increase mortality. Less
articles published in English were included.
reliable observational data suggest that a lower risk of stroke could be associated with diets that are low in salt
For more on the GRADE Japanese diets
and added sugars, high in potassium, and contain the
working group see http://www.
Traditional Japanese diets, characterised by increased ingredients of a Mediterranean diet. The overall quality
intake of fi sh, plant foods (soybean products, seaweeds, of an individual’s diet (ie, dietary pattern) and balance vegetables, fruits), and sodium (soy sauce and added between energy intake and expenditure seem to be more salt), decreased intake of refi ned carbohydrates and important determinants of stroke risk than individual animal fat (meats), and appropriate energy balance have nutrients and foods. been associated in ecological studies with some of the
Further research is needed to improve the quality of
lowest rates of coronary heart disease in the world.123,168–171
evidence relating to the association of many nutrients,
In observational cohort studies, the Japanese dietary foods, and dietary patterns with stroke risk. To establish a pattern has also been associated with a reduced risk of causative role for specifi c nutrients, foods, and dietary cardiovascular mortality (hazard ratio for the highest vs
patterns in the pathogenesis of stroke, adequately
lowest quartile 0·73, 95% CI 0·59–0·90).172
powered, large randomised trials are needed in which
However, the rates of stroke in Japan remain high, the patient population and intervention are carefully
perhaps because of the greater relevance of hypertension described and the outcomes not only include all stroke to stroke than coronary heart disease, and the eff ect of the
but also distinguish fi rst-ever and recurrent stroke, and
high sodium diet and, for men, high alcohol consumption
pathological and aetiological subtypes of stroke. A large
in the Japanese population. By contrast, low saturated fat randomised trial is currently examining the eff ect of (meat) and high n3-polyunsaturated fat (fi sh) in the vitamin D and marine omega-3 fatty acid supplementation Japanese diet could contribute to the low prevalence of on incidence of stroke.57 To examine the eff ects of hypercholesterolaemia, which is more relevant to risk of interactions between diff erent genetic and environmental coronary heart disease than to stroke.173
factors, large genetic epidemiological studies that minimise bias, confounding, measurement error, and
Conclusions and future directions
Many studies have assessed the associations between
At a population level, the two main nutritional threats to
dietary exposures and stroke risk. The fi ndings are diverse,
global health and risk of stroke are over-consumption of
mainly because most studies are epidemiological and calories and salt. These behaviours are a normal response prone to substantial methodological challenges of bias, by people to an abnormal environment.5 Our living confounding, and measurement error. Furthermore, most
environments have become more conducive to
studies have classed stroke as a composite outcome, consumption of energy and less conducive to expenditure without distinguishing fi rst-ever stroke from recurrent of energy in developed and increasingly in developing stroke, ischaemic stroke from haemorrhagic stroke regions. Most of the salt in our diet is added to food before (pathological stroke subtypes), ischaemic stroke due to it is sold. If the environment is not changed to increase large artery disease from that due to small artery disease energy expenditure and to supply healthy food in and embolism from the heart (aetiological subtypes of appropriate, aff ordable, and accessible quantities, the ischaemic stroke), and haemorrhagic stroke due to obesity epidemic will not be reversed and, by 2050, 60% of Vol 11 January 2012
men and 50% of women in the UK could be clinically 5
Swinburn BA, Sacks G, Hall KD, et al. The global obesity pandemic: shaped by global drivers and local environments. Lancet 2011;
obese.175 Unlike the tobacco and cardiovascular disease
378: 804–14.
epidemic, the obesity and salt epidemics have not been 6 Wang YC, McPherson K, Marsh T, Gortmaker SL, Brown M. Health
reversed by public health interventions and policies aimed
and economic burden of the projected obesity trends in the USA and the UK. Lancet 2011; 378: 815–25.
at individuals to change personal choice and behaviour.5,175,176
Finucane MM, Stevens GA, Cowan MJ, et al, and the Global Burden
A whole-system approach, involving many sectors, is
of Metabolic Risk Factors of Chronic Diseases Collaborating Group
crucial to tackling the obesity and salt epidemics.5–7,175–180
(Body Mass Index). National, regional, and global trends in body-mass index since 1980: systematic analysis of health
Integrated action is required by national and local
examination surveys and epidemiological studies with 960 country-
governments, industry and communities, and families
years and 9·1 million participants. Lancet 2011; 377: 557–67.
and the societies in which they live. Potential policies 8 Strong K, Mathers C, Bonita R. Preventing stroke: saving lives
around the world. Lancet Neurol 2007; 6: 182–87.
include the following initiatives: to assess and understand
Cecchini M, Sassi F, Lauer JA, Lee YY, Guajardo-Barron V,
the size and nature of the problem; to establish
Chisholm D. Tackling of unhealthy diets, physical inactivity, and
communication strategies to improve public knowledge
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labelling, and market advertising; to implement multiple
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progressive inter ventions to change behaviours at all levels
12 Goldstein LB, Bushnell CD, Adams RJ, et al, and the American
(individual, local, national, and global); and to serially
Heart Association Stroke Council, and the Council on
monitor the eff ects of the above inter ventions.176–180
Cardiovascular Nursing, and the Council on Epidemiology and Prevention, and the Council for High Blood Pressure Research, and
Population-wide salt-reduction programmes that are
the Council on Peripheral Vascular Disease, and Interdisciplinary
led by governments and engage with industry to remove
Council on Quality of Care and Outcomes Research. Guidelines for
salt at its source could be highly cost eff ective. In the
the primary prevention of stroke: a guideline for healthcare professionals from the American Heart Association/American
USA, modest, population-wide reductions in dietary salt
Stroke Association. Stroke 2011; 42: 517–84.
of up to 3 g per day (1·2 g of sodium per day) are projected
13 Saunders J, Smith T. Malnutrition: causes and consequences.
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Quit Smoking for a Healthy Mouth If you’re a smoker, you’ve likely heard all the health problems that smoking can cause—emphysema, pregnancy complications, and heart disease, to name a few.2 But did you know that smoking can also harm your mouth? Not only does tobacco stain teeth and fingernails an ugly yellow,5 but it can also cause gum disease,3,4 which can lead to tooth loss,4 and
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