Why should addiction medicine be an attractive field for young physicians?
FOR DEBATE Why should addiction medicine be an attractive field for young physicians? Michael Soyka1,2 & David A. Gorelick3
Psychiatric Hospital, University of Munich, Munich, Germany,1 Private Hospital Meiringen, Meiringen, Switzerland2 and Intramural Research Program, NationalInstitute on Drug Abuse, National Institutes of Health, Baltimore, MD, USA3
The clinical practice and science of addiction are increasingly active fields, which are attracting professionals
from diverse disciplines such as psychology and neurobiology. Our scientific knowledge of the pathophysiology of
addiction is rapidly growing, along with the variety of effective treatments available to clinicians. Yet, we believe that the
medical specialties of addiction medicine/psychiatry are not attracting the interest and enthusiasm of young physicians.
What can be done? Methods
We offer the opinions of two experience addiction psychiatrists. Results
has been a decline in the number of psychiatrists seeking training or board certification in addiction psychiatry;
about one-third of graduates with such training are not practicing in an addiction psychiatry setting. There is wide-
spread neglect of addiction medicine/psychiatry among the medical profession, academia and national health authori-
ties. This neglect is unfortunate, given the enormous societal costs of addiction (3–5% of the gross domestic product in
some developed countries), the substantial unmet need for addiction treatment, and the highly favourable benefit to cost
yield (at least 7:1) from treatment. Conclusions
We believe that addiction medicine/psychiatry can be made more
attractive for young physicians. Helpful steps include widening acceptance as a medical specialty or subspecialty,
reducing the social stigma against people with substance use disorders, expanding insurance coverage and increasing
the low rates of reimbursement for physicians. These steps would be easier to take with broader societal (and political)
recognition of substance use disorders as a major cause of premature death, morbidity and economic burden. Keywords
Addiction medicine, addiction psychiatry, profession, specialty, stigma, training, treatment. Correspondence to: David A. Gorelick, Intramural Research Program, National Institute on Drug Abuse, National Institutes of Health, 251 Bayview Blvd.,
Submitted 4 June 2007; initial review completed 31 July 2007; final version accepted 18 June 2008
encouraging exceptions. The national psychiatric societ-
ies in Australia [4] and the United States have addiction
This is not primarily a scientifically oriented paper. It is
psychiatry components (sections or councils) and addic-
rather a personal comment by two physicians with expe-
tion psychiatry is an officially recognized subspecialty in
rience of three decades of substance abuse research,
teaching and clinical practice. The term ‘addiction’ itself,
We share some concern about a certain lack of inter-
for a long time abandoned mainly by diagnostic manuals
est and enthusiasm of young physicians for this field. Vis-
and textbooks—although present in many journal titles
iting national and international meetings on addiction
such as this one—may find a renaissance in DSM-V [1],
research leaves us with the impression that the field itself
although perhaps not without controversy [2]. There
is very active. Numerous new concepts and research per-
are different, more or less comprehensive, definitions of
spectives are visible. However, in contrast to the increas-
addiction which will not be discussed here in detail.
ing number of psychologists, neurobiologists and others
Most emphasize that addiction should be managed as
interested in substance use, the number of physicians
a chronic disease and requires an interdisciplinary
involved is comparatively low. Although the situation
approach [3]. We understand that addiction medicine
may vary in different countries, our overall impression is
or addiction psychiatry are not recognized medical
that relatively few physicians, especially psychiatrists, are
subspecialties in most countries, although there are
choosing addiction as their primary medical or research
2008 The Authors. Journal compilation 2008 Society for the Study of Addiction
Addiction, 104, 169–172 Michael Soyka & David A. Gorelick
field or maintaining an interest in this area. For example,
acceptance of addiction topics in the psychiatric world is
in the United States there has been a gradual decline in
notoriously low. Too many psychiatric congresses devote
the number of psychiatrists seeking training or board cer-
little program time to substance use topics, and often
tification in addiction psychiatry [6]. Common reasons
schedule what sessions they do include at early-bird or
given by psychiatric residents for their lack of interest in
addiction psychiatry include a perceived lack of training
No one questions that treatment of child, geriatric or
and employment opportunities and poor long-term job
cognitively impaired patients requires specialized train-
security. An earlier US study found that among graduates
ing and qualifications. Most medical societies and regu-
of addiction psychiatry training programs, only 64%
latory authorities have developed defined curricula for
were practising in an addiction psychiatry setting [5].
geriatrics. There are university chairs, qualifying exami-
What are the reasons for this? Is there a cure?
nations and specialists who may call themselves ‘geri-
atricians’. The diagnosis and treatment of substance use
disorders is by no means less complex than treatment
of the elderly. It seems therefore more than justified to
ask for specialized training in the addiction field as
The potential role of physicians (especially psychiatrists)
in addiction has increased dramatically over recent
decades, parallel to an increase of medical knowledge in
this area. Addiction is now recognized as a disease in all
official diagnostic systems (e.g. ICD-10, DSM-IV) and by
major national and international health organizations
Young physicians who may consider an academic career
[e.g. World Health Organization (WHO)]. For relapse pre-
must consider: is there enough potential in this field of
vention, several pharmacological agents have been devel-
addiction medicine to warrant entering it? Research pros-
oped which improve the prognosis and long-term
pects are much brighter than many outside the addiction
outcome: full and mixed opioid agonists (methadone,
field may think. Unlike other psychiatric disorders such as
buprenorphine) and antagonists (naltrexone) for opioid
depression and schizophrenia, there are excellent animal
dependence; disulfiram, acamprosate and naltrexone for
models which allow the study of basic mechanisms of
alcoholism [7]. The search for other agents, especially for
addiction such as craving, withdrawal, tolerance and
cocaine and amphetamine use [8], is very active. There
dependence [13]. The efficacy of new pharmaceutical
is increasing hope for more therapeutic options in this
agents or abuse liability of drugs can be studied in animal
models. It is increasingly evident that certain brain
The societal costs of lost economic productivity, law
regions such as the prefrontal cortex and the limbic
enforcement, criminal behavior and disrupted families
system play a substantial role in the development of
are high. The total annual cost of addiction to both legal
substance use disorders. We know the major neuro-
and illegal drugs has been estimated at more than
transmitters that are involved in the mediation of
US$400 billion [around 5% of gross domestic product
(GDP)] in the United States [9], more than €30 billion
gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), opioid–endorphin
(2.7% of GDP) in France [10], more than €37 billion
and endocannabinoids. Thanks to modern neuroimaging
in Germany [11] and more than CDN$18 billion (2.7%
techniques, we can visualize drug effects on neurons or
neurotransmitters and study the basic mechanisms
However, there is a widespread neglect of addiction
underlying drug dependence and craving in vivo, even in
medicine—and addiction psychiatry—as an independent
humans [14]. Advances in genetic methods offer the
discipline. Some physicians, and especially psychiatrists,
potential to unravel the genetic contribution to the vul-
oppose addiction medicine as a defined medical subspe-
nerability for substance use disorders, even though such
cialty, especially in the academic field. Health authorities
disorders are undoubtedly genetically complex [15].
in some countries regulate heavily the provision of
These modern techniques enable the study of the patho-
agonist substitution treatment for addiction (with the
physiology of substance use disorders from gene to cell
common exception of nicotine replacement therapy), but
to brain to organism, offering unparalleled opportunities
do not acknowledge addiction medicine as a defined sub-
specialty. The field would benefit dramatically from addic-
Research on the pathophysiology of substance use dis-
tion medicine being accepted as a medical subspecialty.
orders will also benefit our understanding of so-called
This would hopefully prompt universities and medical
behavioral addictions, such as obesity and pathological
schools to increase their activities in the field. There are
gambling [16]. Because abnormalities in the biological
few chairs for addiction medicine world-wide and the
mechanisms of reward, learning and memory are likely
2008 The Authors. Journal compilation 2008 Society for the Study of Addiction
Addiction, 104, 169–172
to be involved, research in addictions is likely to improve
the attempt to improve cognitive, emotional or social
understanding of a wider range of behaviors and psychi-
functioning (even love and marriage) in those without a
diagnosable abnormality or disease [23–25]. This effort
Funding for research is available to those who qualify,
has been compared to the use of performance-enhancing
at least in developed countries. The US National Institute
drugs in sports or to aesthetic cosmetic surgery [26].
on Drug Abuse spent almost US$5 billion on research
Addiction medicine—and addiction psychiatry—have
grants from 1996 to 2006 (personal communication,
much to say in this area. The scientific training and
Donna Jones, Budget Office, US National Institute on
evidence-based approach of the addiction psychiatrist
Drug Abuse). The funding success rate for physician
may help to put some of these ‘innovations’ into proper
investigators has been comparable to that for non-
physician (PhD) investigators for most of this period.
From 2000 to 2006, the European Community spent
more than €50 billion on drug abuse-related research,treatment and public health projects
We believe that the concept of addiction medicine can be
attractive for many young physicians, including psychia-
trists. Support may come from the societal and political
levels when substance use disorders have been recognized
as a major cause of premature death, morbidity and eco-
nomic burden. A wider acceptance of addiction medicine
We know from many studies that most individuals with
as a medical subspecialty may also help to reduce stigma.
substance use disorders are not in treatment. Very few are
We would like to open this debate on addiction medicine
seen by an addiction medicine specialist. The level of
acceptance by general psychiatrists and psychotherapists
is low; many refuse to treat patients with addictive disor-
ders at all. The reasons offered include poor compliance,
Declarations of interest
the difficulties of treatment and lack of the special exper-
tise considered necessary. Other barriers to treatment
include social stigma, poor or absent insurance coverage
and low rates of reimbursement for physicians. The low
rates of treatment participation exacerbate the human
Dr Gorelick is supported by the Intramural Research
and societal burden of addiction. Studies in both the
Program, US National Institutes of Health, National
United States and United Kingdom show at least a 7 : 1
benefit to cost yield ratio from addiction treatment
[18,19], i.e. each dollar (or pound) spent on addiction
treatment results in at least 7 dollars-worth of reduced
costs from the consequences of addiction.
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