Microsoft word - mrk575-01 size and zeta potential characterisation of lipo.
Size and zeta potential characterisation of anionic and cationic liposomes on the Zetasizer Nano
predict the fate of the liposomes in
cell containing the particle dispersion.
oil soluble materials in the lipid bilayer
specific applications through control of
the lipid composition or modification of
Experimental Liposome Preparation
scattering (DLS). This technique measures the time-dependent fluctuations in the intensity of
Table 1: Weights of DPPC and DPPG used in the preparation of a series of
anionic liposomes in phosphate buffered saline (PBS)
DPPC (mg) DPPG (mg) DPPG (mole %)
motion. Analysis of these intensity fluctuations enables the determination
of the diffusion coefficients of the particles which are converted into a
overall charge that the particle acquires in a particular medium.
Zetasizer Nano application note MRK575-01
Liposome Characterisation All sizing and zeta potential Table 2: Weights of DPPC, cholesterol and DDAB used in the preparation of a
series of cationic liposomes in phosphate buffered saline (PBS).
Zetasizer Nano ZS at 25°C. Sizing measurements were made on the
DPPC (mg) Cholesterol DDAB (mg)
PBS for the zeta potential measurements. The Nano ZS
(NIBS™) optics for sizing measurements. The detection angle
of 173°enables size measurements of concentrated, turbid samples to be
Table 3: The z-average diameters in nm, polydispersity index values and zeta
potentials in mV of various anionic liposomes prepared in PBS. The standard
deviation values from the repeat measurements are shown in brackets.
laser beam needs to penetrate the sample and as a consequence, the
Mole % DPPG z-Average Polydispersity Zeta Potential Diameter in nm in mV (SD) Anionic Liposomes
The results of the particle sizing and zeta potential measurements of the
summarised in table 3. This table shows the z-average diameters (the mean diameters based upon the intensity of scattered light), the polydispersity index (an estimate of the width of the distribution) and the mean zeta potential values obtained for the various liposome samples. The z-average diameter values are the means of 3 repeat measurements (standard deviations in brackets) made on the neat liposome samples. The zeta potential values are the means of 5 repeat measurements (standard deviations in brackets) made on diluted samples (1 in 10 with PBS).
Figure 1: Zeta potential and size values obtained as a function of the mole% DPPG content for a series of anionic liposomes.
Zetasizer Nano application note MRK575-01
The sizing results obtained for these anionic liposome preparations show
Table 4: The z-average diameters in nm, polydispersity index values and zeta
potentials in mV of various cationic liposomes prepared in PBS. The standard
deviation values from the repeat measurements are shown in brackets.
z-Average Polydispersity Zeta Potential
plotted in figure 1 as a function of the
Mole % DDAB Diameter in nm in mV (SD)
the measurements are very repeatable for each liposome sample
and show the expected trend of becoming more negatively charged
addition, the results show that the size is independent of the liposome
Cationic liposomes Table 4 summarises the sizing and zeta potential results obtained for the series of cationic liposomes. Similar size distributions were obtained compared to the anionic liposome preparations. Figure 2 shows a plot of the zeta potential and size results obtained as a function of the mole% DDAB and shows a gradual increase in positive charge as the DDAB content of the liposomes increases. Conclusions The physical characterization of liposomes is of great importance in understanding their suitability for a range of applications. Knowledge of the zeta potential of a liposome
preparation can help to predict the fate of the liposomes in vivo.
Figure 2: Zeta potential and size values obtained as a function of the mole%
DDAB content for a series of cationic liposomes
monitored by measuring the zeta potential of the resulting complex.
characterization of both size and zeta potential of liposomes as detailed in
Zetasizer Nano application note MRK575-01
A Practical Approach, IRL Press, Oxford, UK.
S., Pires, S. Faneca, H. and Duzgunes, N. (2001) Adv. Drug Deliv.
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Zetasizer Nano application note MRK575-01
Minority Groups: Coersion, Discrimination, Exclusion, Deviance and the Quest for Equality Prof. Dan Soen, Dr. Mally Shechory, Prof. Sarah Ben-David (eds.) Society consists of numerous interconnected, interacting, and interdependent groups, which invariably differ in power and status. The consequences of belonging to the more powerful, higher-status majority versus a less powerful, l
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