Outer Hebrides Alcohol Drug Partnership EXECUTIVE GROUP MEETING 20 April 2011 at 10.00 – 3.00pm Police Station, Church Street, Stornoway Minutes of Meeting Members Present: Gordon Macleod Chief Inspector, Northern Constabulary Colin Gilmour Health Promotion Manager – NHS Western Isles Mairi Bremner Community Representative John Edwards In Attendance:
Wendy Ingledew ADP Coordinator Suzanne Macaulay ADP Substance Misuse Development Officer Alasdair Macleod ADP Administrator Fiona Macdonald ADP Substance Misuse Information Research Officer Donnie Mackenzie Management Accountant, NHS Western Isles Apologies: Emelin Collier Head of Planning and Development - NHS Western Isles Sheila Scott Director of Public Health - NHS Western Isles
Mr Gordon Macleod took the chair and welcomed his colleagues to the meeting. The
ADP Group welcomed John Edwards who was replacing Andrew Girvan as the CNES
Alasdair Macleod to send ADP Introductory Pack to Mr John Edwards. FINANCE UPDATE Finance Update 2010/11
Donnie Mackenzie updated the ADP Group that the ADP under spend for 2010 – 2011 is £65279 and that a £50000 carry forward for 2011 – 2012 had been approved.
Finance Update 2011/12
The ADP has been allocated a 1 year funding package from the Scottish Government
with £498,440 being allocated for the Alcohol Misuse budget and £119,000 being
allocated for Drugs Misuse money. £85,903 was allocated for the staff budget but with
carry forward the staff of the ADP can be retained.
It was stated that the Scottish Government priorities for 2011 – 12 are based on the
Heat Targets and the Road to Recovery document.
Colin Gilmour agreed to clarify whether the ADP would need to allocate money to the
Donnie Mackenzie updated the group on the individual ADP funded services.
It was agreed that Wendy Ingledew and Suzanne Macaulay will edit the Large Grant
Application Forms. It was agreed that the section concerning where next years
funding will come from will be left in, and It was also agreed to ensure that the LGAF
and the Funding Criteria document match exactly. It was also agreed that it would be
clearly stated that the closing date for funding applications is the end of May and that
it will be a 9 month funding period rather than a year.It is also to be specified that the
maximum amount for the funding bids is £25000
Wendy Ingledew and Suzanne Macaulay to use the long advert in the Gazette and to
The ADP agreed to approve Crossreach £71,032 continued funding for the period
2011 – 2011, subject to fulfilment of agreed terms.
The ADP agreed to approve Substance Misuse Coordinator Lewis & Harris
£11,000 continued funding for the period 2011 – 2012, subject to fulfilment of agreed
The ADP agreed to approve Drug Support Worker £37,000 continued funding for the
period 2011 – 2012, subject to fulfilment of agreed terms.
Wendy Ingledew, Suzanne Macaulay and Alasdair Macleod to request information
from the Scottish Government regarding the qualifications required for drug and
alcohol counseling. Investigate whether services that provide counseling are meeting
The ADP agreed to approve Home Detox Service £37,000 continued funding for the
period 2011 – 2012, subject to fulfilment of agreed terms.
The ADP agreed to approve Substance Misuse Coordinator Uist & Barra £42,000
continued funding for the period 2011 – 2012, subject to fulfilment of agreed terms.
The ADP agreed to approve Pathways Project £11,880 continued funding for the
period 2011 – 2012, subject to fulfilment of agreed terms.
The ADP agreed to approve Caraidean Uibhist £7,920 continued funding for the
period 2011 – 2012, subject to fulfilment of agreed terms.
The ADP agreed to approve An Caladh £32,330 continued funding for the period
2011 – 2012, subject to fulfilment of agreed terms.
The ADP agreed to approve CPC/ICAD £88,000 continued funding for the period
2011 – 2012, subject to fulfilment of agreed terms.
The ADP agreed to approve Hebrides Alpha £30,450 continued funding for the
period 2011 – 2012, subject to fulfilment of agreed terms.
The ADP agreed to approve Cothrom £7,795 continued funding for the period 2011 –
2012, subject to fulfilment of agreed terms.
The ADP agreed to approve Comhla £13,000 continued funding for the period 2011 –
2012, subject to fulfilment of agreed terms.
The ADP agreed to approve Community Education Radical Project £3,000
continued funding for the period 2011 – 2012, subject to fulfilment of agreed terms.
The ADP agreed to approve Streetwork £11,000 continued funding for the period
2011 – 2012, subject to fulfilment of agreed terms.
The ADP agreed to withhold any future funding to the CAMHS project pending
clarification of information supplied in the End of Year Monitoring Form. It was agreed
that a meeting be arranged between ADP Chair, ADP Support Team representative
and a lead officer from CAMHS to discuss the issues arising from the monitoring form
The ADP agreed to withhold future funding to the Harris Youth Cafe project pending
future discussion of your SLA outcomes and end of year monitoring report. It was
agreed that a meeting be arranged between ADP Chair, ADP Support Team
representative and a lead officer from Harris Youth Café to discuss the issues raised
at the meeting and a possible way forward.
Wendy Ingledew, Suzanne Macaulay and Alasdair Macleod to send out, when Mr.
Jamieson gives approval, the funding confirmation letters to all ADP Funded Services
except for CAMHS and Harris Youth Cafes. More detailed letters will be sent out at a
later date. Send out appropriate letters to CAMHS and Harris Youth Cafes. Letter
from Chair required to arrange evaluation meeting with CAMHS.
Alasdair Macleod Email QATS (Quality Alcohol Treatment and Support) document to
Chair of the ADP Gordon Macleod to speak to Gordon Jamieson re the decision to
roll funding 2011 – 2012 to identified currently funded services.
The Chair of the ADP Mr Gordon Macleod was called away from the meeting and Mr
The issue of ADP service funding was discussed.
Wendy Ingledew and Alasdair Macleod to send email to the services requesting
funding re upcoming application process.
Wendy Ingledew and Suzanne Macaulay to edit previous ADP Funding letter and
They are to include in the letter that 6 monthly and yearly reviews will be necessary
and stress that if the service does not meet the 6 month criteria then funding will be
stopped and any money not spent in that period will be returned to the ADP. Specific
timelines stating when the Monitoring Forms will be sent out and when they need to
be returned by will also be included. The ADP funded services are also to be informed
that a quarterly progress report will be required at the SubGroup Meeting which may
affect funding if criteria are not met. It is to be stated that Fiona Macdonald will send
to the funded services, a template to record the data.
A series of ADP funded service monitoring visits was discussed.
Wendy Ingledew and Suzanne Macaulay to edit Marking Scheme to coincide with
targets in new strategy. It was also agreed that criteria number 3 would be changed
so that it becomes criteria number 1 and that it would be stressed to the ADP Funded
services that if this criteria is not met then their funding application will not be marked.
It was also agreed to send out marking criteria with marking scale so that the funded
services can use them as a guidance document.
Wendy Ingledew and Suzanne Macaulay to edit SLA Forms and include section to Wendy Ingledew, Suzanne Macaulay and Alasdair Macleod will liaise with Executive members to visit ADP funded services. It was agreed that members will not carry out service visits to their own organizations. Wendy thanked her staff for the work that has been done over the last year.
ADP Strategy and Action Plan: The ADP Strategy and Action Plan were discussed.
Wendy Ingledew, Suzanne Macaulay and Alasdair Macleod to reformat ADP Strategy
and fully proof read. Page 6 needs amended so that it reads ‘there IS Tramadol use’
instead of ‘there ARE Tramadol use’. It was agreed not to produce a professionally
printed document and that only the front page and the diagrams would be in colour.
Wendy Ingledew and Suzanne Macaulay to change lead in the Action Plan to Lead
Wendy Ingledew and Suzanne Macaulay to compile simple ‘snappy’ work plan for
year ahead which will draw heavily from the Action Plan but will be a separate
Wendy Ingledew, Suzanne Macaulay and Alasdair Macleod to organise details, date
and venue for the update meeting which will be attended and led by Gordon Macleod,
AOCB: Agree new Logo Alasdair Macleod to Email logo around ADP & SubGroups re preference 5. Date of next meeting:
It was agreed that the next ADP Executive Meeting would be on the 8 June 2011
OPEN SOCIETY FOUNDATION FOR SOUTH AFRICA NPC 2nd floor, B2, Park Lane, Corner of Park & Alexandra Roads, Pinelands, 7405 P.O. Box 143, Howard Place, 7450, Cape Town, South Africa Announcement of resignation and appointment of new members to the OSF SA Board The Chairperson of the OSF SA Board, Mr. Isaac Shongwe , wishes to take this opportunity to bid farewell to three long servi
ASHÉ JOURNAL 59 Dharma Discourse by John Daido Loori, Roshi Master Dogen’s 300 Koan Shobogenzo,1 Case 172Dongshan was asked by a monastic,“What is Buddha?”2 Dongshan said,“Three pounds of flax.”3 Themonastic had a realization andbowed.4This is an old case that’s beenechoing in the halls of Zenmonasteries for centuries, and yetthere have been only a handful ofstudents who