Es ist nicht klar, wie groß die Rolle von Antibiotika in den Wettbewerbsbeziehungen zwischen Mikroorganismen unter natürlichen Bedingungen ist. Zelman vaxman glaubte, dass diese Rolle minimal ist, Antibiotika werden nicht anders als in reinen Kulturen auf reichen Umgebungen gebildet. Anschließend wurde jedoch festgestellt, dass bei vielen Produzenten die Aktivität der antibiotikasynthese in Gegenwart anderer Arten oder spezifischer Produkte Ihres Stoffwechsels zunimmt.
Osteoporoz 2010-
Original Investigation / Orijinal Araflt›rma17 Effect of Weekly Alendronate on Knee Symptoms in Patients with Osteoporosis and Knee Osteoarthritis Coexistence Osteoporoz ve Diz Osteoartritinin Birlikte Bulundu¤u Hastalarda Diz Semptomlar› Üzerine Haftal›k Alendronat›n Etkinli¤iLevent Ediz, Özcan H›z, Murat Toprak*, ‹brahim Tekeo¤lu** Yüzüncü Y›l Üniversitesi T›p Fakültesi, Fiziksel T›p ve Rehabilitasyon Anabilim Dal›, Van, Türkiye*Sa¤l›k Bakanl›¤› Van E¤itim ve Araflt›rma Hastanesi, Fizik Tedavi ve Rehabilitasyon Bölümü, Van, Türkiye**Yüzüncü Y›l Üniversitesi T›p Fakültesi, Romatoloji Anabilim Dal›, Van, TürkiyeSummary Aim: The aim of this study was to examine the effect of alendronate 70 mg weekly on knee symptoms in elderly women with osteoporosis and knee OA coexistence. Material and Methods: Elderly women who diagnosed as osteoporosis between 60-75 years old, underwent radiography of the knee if they reported symptoms of knee OA. Radiographs were read for Kellgren and Lawrence grade and individual fea- tures of OA. Osteoporotic patients with Knee OA treated with 70 mg alendronate once weekly for one year. Knee symptoms were assessed by interview before the treatment and 6 and 12 months after the treatment, and knee pain severity was eval- uated using the Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index (WOMAC), Lequense index, VAS at rest and at movement. Results: Alendronate 70 mg once weekly use was associated with less severity of knee pain as assessed by WOMAC scores, Lequense index, VAS at rest and at movement at 6th and 12th month assessments. Conclusion: This current study has shown that Alendronate 70 mg once weekly use was associated with less severity of knee symptoms in elderly women with osteoporosis and knee OA coexistence. Additional long-term randomised, placebo controlled clinical trials are needed to confirm this effect of weekly Alendronate. (From the World of Osteoporosis 2010;16:17-21) Key words: Alendronate, osteoporosis, knee osteoarthritis Özet Amaç: Bu çal›flman›n amac›, Osteoporoz ve diz osteoartritinin birlikte bulundu¤u yafll› kad›nlarda diz semptomlar› üzerine haf- tal›k alendronat 70 mg’›n etkinli¤ini araflt›rmak idi. Gereç ve Yöntemler: Altm›fl-Yetmifl befl yafl aras› osteoporoz tan›s› alan yafll› kad›nlara, e¤er diz semptomlar› bildirmifllerse, Kellgren-Lawrence evrelemesi ve diz osteoartritinin di¤er bulgular› için diz radyografisi çektirildi. 1 y›l süre ile, diz osteoartriti ve osteoporoz birlikteli¤i olan hastalar Alendronat 70 mg haftada bir gün ile tedavi edildiler. Hastalar diz semptomlar› için tedavi bafllang›c›nda, 6. ayda ve 12. ayda WOMAC, Lequense index, istirahat ve harekette VAS skorlar› ile de¤erlendirildiler. Bulgular: Alendronat 70 mg haftal›k kullan›m›, WOMAC skoru, Lequense index ve istirahatte ve harekette VAS skorlar› ile de¤erlendirilen diz semptomlar› fliddetinde 6. ve 12. aylarda anlaml› derecede azalma sa¤lad›. Sonuç: Bu çal›flma, Alendronat 70 mg haftal›k kullan›m›n›n, osteoporoz ve diz osteoartriti birlikteli¤i olan yafll› kad›nlarda, diz semptomlar›n› hafifletti¤ini göstermektedir. Haftal›k alendronat›n bu etkisini de¤erlendirmek için, randomize, plasebo kontrol- lü çal›flmalara ihtiyaç vard›r. (Osteoporoz Dünyas›ndan 2010;16:17-21) Anahtar kelimeler: Alendronat, osteoporoz, diz osteoartriti
Address for Correspondence/Yaz›flma Adresi: Dr. Levent Ediz, Yüzüncü Y›l Üniversitesi T›p Fakültesi, Fiziksel T›p ve Rehabilitasyon Anabilim Dal›, Van, Türkiye
Phone: +90 432 226 90 07 Gsm: +90 507 995 17 32 E-mail: Received/Gelifl Tarihi: 26.01.2010 Accepted/Kabul Tarihi: 15.03.2010
Osteoporoz Dünyas›ndan Dergisi, Galenos Yay›nevi taraf›ndan bas›lm›flt›r. / World of Osteoporosis, published by Galenos Publishing.18
Alendronate in Symptoms of Knee Osteoarthritis
Introduction Materials and Methods
Knee Osteoarthritis is the most common form of joint
Of the total 47 osteoporosis female patients referred for
disease which is characterized by degradation, loss of
the first assessment, 7 did not meet the inclusion criteria
joint cartilage which results in pain and physical disabil-
and 2 subjects refused to participate; 38 female patients
ity in the elderly (1). Osteoporosis is characterized by
(age 60-75 years, ≥5 years since menopause), who admit-
reduced bone mass and alteration in bone architecture,
ted to rehab clinic and diagnosed as postmenopausal or
resulting in increased fracture risk. These fractures are a
senile osteoporosis with mean lumbar spine (L2-L4)
major cause of morbidity and mortality in the elderly (2).
BMD T-score < -2.5 and ≥-5.0 coexistence with knee OA
Osteoarthritis (OA) and osteoporosis (OP) are diseases of
according to the clinical and radiographic osteoarthritis
increasing incidence and prevalence with age. Although
criteria (all patients had Grade I, II to III knee
data from cross-sectional studies suggest that OA might
osteoarthritis confirmed radiologically according to the
be associated with less OP (3,4). Osteoarthritis does not
Kellgren-Lawrence grading system) of the American
seem to protect a patient from generalized primary
College of Rheumatology and no other inflammatory
osteoporosis. In a study the majority (74%) of the
diseases, were included the trial (Table 1).
female hip OA patients were osteopenic or osteoporot-
Exclusion criteria included significant medical disease,
ic with signs of increased bone turnover (5). Patients
hypersensitivity to bisphosphonates, contraindications
with knee osteoarthritis (OA) generally complain of
for calcium or vitamin D therapy, renal impairment (GFR
insidious throbbing arthralgias with activity. Although
<30 ml/min), history of major upper gastrointestinal dis-
initially, resting relieves the pain, the patient eventually
ease, any active disease known to influence bone
begins to suffer pain even at rest (6). A low BMD does
metabolism, or recent treatment with drugs known to
not preclude osteoarthritic change in the knee, more-
affect bone and cartilage (such as glucosamine-chon-
over Terauchi M et al found a low level of BMD was
droitin)metabolism. All participants gave written
associated with varus deformity originating at the prox-
imal tibia and a low BMD predisposes to trabecular
The objective of the study was to test the effects of
microfractures and consequently increased stress on the
antiresorptive osteoporosis drug alendronate 70 mg
articular cartilage (7). Osteoporosis is also common in
weekly on symptoms of knee osteoarthritis with the
the osteoarthritic arthroplasty population, with a preva-
prior hypothesis that biphosphonates may have disease
lence at least equal to that in the general population.
modifying effects on knee osteoarthritis consequently
The prevalence of osteoporosis in osteoarthritic patients
would decrease the symptoms from initial of treatment.
is 26%. 37% of these patients reported current treat-
The study was conducted in accordance with the princi-
ment with biphosphonates (8). At the subchondral level
ples of the Declaration of Helsinki or with the laws and
of osteoarthritis, affected joints have decreased bone
regulations of the country concerned, whichever provid-
mineral content and quality. In addition, increased bone
ed greater protection to the individual. The study pro-tocol was also approved by the ethical board of our
turnover has been observed at levels similar to those in
patients with osteoporosis (9). Bisphosphonates are
All patients received vitamin D 400 IU/day and elemen-
analogues of inorganic pyrophosphate and are
tal calcium 500 mg/day as dietary supplements through-
inhibitors of bone resorption. Bisphosphonates may
out the study, irrespective of dietary intake. BMD was
have disease-modifying effects in patients with knee
measured by a single DXA scan of the proximal femur
OA. Clear trends towards improvement were observed
and lumbar spine (mean BMD of at least two vertebrae
by Spector et al in both joint structure and symptoms
(pain, WOMAC scores) in patients with primary knee OA
This study was an open labelled, prospective study with
treated with biphosphonates (10). In a study, biphos-
a 1 year follow-up period. All patients received alen-
phonates considered an adjunctive therapy in the pain
dronate 70 mg weekly. All patients received also vitamin
D 400 IU/day and elemental calcium 500 mg/day as
Many derivatives have been developed for the treat-ment of enhanced bone resorption; several reportsreveal that treatment with bisphosphonates is able to
Table 1. Demographic properties of the patients
reduce the pain associated with different painful dis-
This study examined and compared knee symptoms
(WOMAC scores, Lequense index, VAS at rest and atmovement) of patients with osteoporosis and knee
osteoarthritis coexistence before and after six months,
and one year of the treatment with weekly alen-dronate 70 mg.
Alendronate in Symptoms of Knee Osteoarthritis
dietary supplements throughout the study, irrespective
patients showed a significant improvement in WOMAC
of dietary intake. The patients were allowed to use
scale, Lequesne index and significant reduction in the
paracetamol (to a maximum of 3 gr daily) during the
VAS score during standing and walking (Table 3, Figure 1).
study period as considered appropriate by the physician.
There was no statistically significant difference in
However, no paracetamol use was permitted for at least
WOMAC scale, Lequense index and VAS scores between
48 hours before each clinical assessment. Patients were
6. month and 12. month values (Table 3, Figure 1). There
not allowed to use of NSAID’s, opiades, slow-acting
were no serious adverse effects reported.
drugs such as glucosamine-chondroitin sulphate used totreat osteoarthritis.
Primary efficacy outcome was Western Ontario-McMaster University Osteo-Arthritis Index (WOMAC),
In this current study, we evaluated the symptom modi-
Lequesne index and secondary outcome parameters
fying effects of Alendronate in female osteoporotic
included VAS at rest and at movement, global judge-
patients with knee osteoarthritis. We found statistically
ment. The clinical assessment was made by a study physi-
significant improvements in knee symptoms of osteo-
cian using the study parameters at baseline, at month 6,
porotic female patients at 6. and 12. months assessed by
WOMAC scores, Lequense index, VAS at movement and
Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS ver 13.0
statistical package. The efficacy parameters were statis-
Knee OA has been considered a disease of the cartilage,
tically analysed using the values measured at baseline,
but literature evidence suggests that subchrondral bone
at month 6, and at month 12. After the variance analy-
is also involved in the pathogenesis, in both disease ini-
sis in repeated measures, paired t-test was performed to
tiation and progression. Increased local bone turnover,
compare differences at evaluation times of the study
decreased bone mineral content and stiffness, and
parameters. Statistical significance for comparisons was
decreased trabecular numbers have been observed in
knee OA subchondral bone structure compared withnormal bone (13). A higher rate of subchondral bone
turnover, as indicated by increased uptake of scinti-graphic tracer in subarticular bone, is associated withmore rapid progression of knee OA (14).
A total of 38 female osteoporosis patients (mean age of
We suggest symptom modifying effect of alendronate
67.3 (60-75) years) with knee osteoarthritis included the
on knee osteoarthritis in this current study due to
study. Kellgren-Lawrence distribution was 5 patientsgrade 1, 22 patients grade 2, 11 patients grade 3. The
improving periarticular bone changes of osteoarthritis.
mean L2-L4 BMD was 0.816±0.156 gm/cm2. The mean
Drugs used to prevent or treat osteoporosis, including
knee osteoarthritis duration of patients was 7.4±5.7
bisphosphonates, may influence the periarticular bone
years. 31 patients completed the study. 7 patients
Table 2. Reasons for dropping out of study of 7 patients
dropped out the study (1 patient did not use the studydrug regularly because of gastrointestinal complaints, 4
Reasons for Number of Time of drop-out
patients because of contact lacking, 1 patient died
dropping out patients
because of myocard infarctus, 1 patient because of glu-
cosamine intake. Demographic data of the patients
were given in the table 1 and reasons of dropping out
31 female patients completed the study. While study
parameters at 6th month and at the end of the study
(12th month) compared with the initial parameters,
Table 3. Study parameters values of 31 patients who completed the study at baseline, at month 6, and at month 12
Parameters Baseline (Mean±SD) 6. month (Mean±SD) 12. month (Mean±SD)
Visual Analog Scale (VAS), (pain at movement) 100 mm
Visual Analog Scale (VAS), (pain at rest) 100 mm
a p<0.05, Comparison of WOMAC values at baseline versus at 6. and 12. monthsb p>0.05, Comparison of WOMAC values at 6. month versus at 12. monthc p<0.05, Comparison of Lequesne index values at baseline versus at 6. and 12. monthsd p>0.05, Comparison of Lequesne index values at 6. month versus at 12. monthe p<0.05, Comparison of VAS values (at movement and at rest) at baseline versus at 6. and 12. monthsf p>0.05, Comparison of VAS values at (at movement and at rest) 6. month versus at 12. month
Alendronate in Symptoms of Knee Osteoarthritis
changes of OA and could, therefore, have an effect on
inhibitory effect of which on the each level of P13-Akt-
the course of the disease, including the possibility of
NFkappaB pathway (22). Because inhibition of NF-
slowing its development and progression (15-17).
kappaB nuclear signalling in dorsal root ganglia reduces
We found use of alendronate was associated with less
severity of knee pain assessed by WOMAC scores and
The biases of this study were a small number of patients,
Lequense index. Carbone et al found that use of alen-
an open labelled study and the absence of a control
dronate was associated with less severity of knee pain as
group. So long-term randomised, placebo controlled
assessed by WOMAC scores and significantly less sub-
clinical trials are needed to assess symptom modifying
chondral bone attrition and bone marrow edema-like
effects on knee osteoarthritis in osteoporotic female
abnormalities in the knee as assessed by MRI, as com-
pared with women who had not received this medica-tion (18).
Spector TD et al observed in both joint structure andsymptoms in patients with primary knee OA treated
In this current study, Alendronate 70 mg once weekly
with risedronate. Risedronate 15 mg once daily (but not
use was associated with less severity of knee pain as
5 mg once daily) significantly reduced markers of carti-
assessed by WOMAC scores, Lequense index, VAS at
lage degradation and bone resorption. Both doses of
movement and at rest in patients with osteoporosis and
risedronate were well tolerated in this study (10).
knee osteoarthritis coexistence after six months, and
We also suggest that symptom modifying effects of
one year of the treatment. Additional long-term ran-
alendronate in this study may be depend on anti-inflam-
domised, placebo controlled clinical trials are needed to
matory and analgesic properties of it. The anti-inflam-
assess this effect of weekly Alendronate.
matory and analgesic properties of different bisphos-phonates have been demonstrated in both animal and
human studies. Biphosphonates offers an effective andconvenient choice for the relief of bone pain in a wide
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