HONDURAS UPDATER from the desk of Sr. Doris Regan, OPDear Friends,
bought their gift according tothe money they had saved!
28, a coup d’etat on June 28th and our HIV
Clinic was destroyed by fire on August 21st.
fire but are still in the midst of the coup d’e-
tat and the political crisis that lingers with-
Doris May Regan Kindergarten’s school year
and laughed and laughed as I enjoyed theyoungsters. I laughed some more when wewent to the department store and they
“Even Ruins are Still Inhabitable” The Casa Aurora HIV Clinic after the fire, before renova- tions and after HONDURAS UPDATER “Preach as if You Had a Thousand Voices”
Catherine of Siena’s words remind us of
od of time. But most participants find that it
our preaching mission as Dominicans. This
is also a reflective, almost retreat-like experi-
year we have given four preaching workshops:
ence at the same time. Paraphrasing Isaiah, we
one in Guatemala in June for 25 Dominican
can say, “How beautiful are those who bring
Sisters and laity; one for 52 Delegates of the
the Good News, who announce peace, happi-
Colombia for 25 Dominican Sistersof the same congregation and 14 laymen and women affiliated withthem, and one in a rural parish com-munity outside San Pedro Sula for38 Delegates of the Word (19 menand 19 women). We went to this lastworkshop very tired but returnedwith renewed energy for preaching.
ent but all have been rich in explor-ing the readings for the followingSundays and in hearing the “GoodNews” as preached from the realityof these men and women. Theworkshop requires that each partici-pant preach and does include a
Preaching workshops encourage Dominican laity and Sisters to fully embrace the preaching charism of the Order. Small Business, Politics, Honduran Style Big Satisfaction
Politics here is another world. The de facto
government that forced the elected president
through the years at Casa Aurora is a small
out of office in June represents the elite eco-
business rotating fund that helps provide
nomic class and does not speak for the com-
mon people. Months of negotiation followed
HIV positive. There are usually 8-10 fami-
lies involved in the project. They present a
project to be funded with “seed money”
signed that would restore the constitutional
order here prior to elections November 29.As
loans are for selling food or other products
in the informal economy. They can negoti-
restored to the presidency. But that has not
happened and the tension continues. The elec-
original one. Our success rate for this pro-
tions of November 29 proceeded undeterred,
President Zelaya is still a hostage in the
Brazilian Embassy, and a return to constitu-
tional order has not occurred. We now have a
president elect, a deposed president, and a
insert that includes recipes for use with the
clear that the people have awakened to the
soy product, as well as information about
importance of their assuming a role in their
our HIV Center. The first bag is free for
own future. The resistance groups, composed
our Casa Aurora members. After that, they
of mostly the working classes, the poor, and
can buy the bags at cost and then can sell
rural folk, have maintained a dignified pres-
them for a higher price in their neighbor-
ence in peaceful marches throughout these
more than five months. They have done so in
rights, intimidation, and repression on the
some 15 families who are participating.
Literaturauswertung Schwerpunkt Immaterialgüterrechte – ins- besondere Urheberrecht Dr. Michael Bohne – wissenschaftlicher Assistent am ITM – Zivilrechtliche Abteilung Die Verfügungsklägerin befaßt sich mit der Herstellung und dem Vertrieb von Tonträgern, die Verfügungsbeklagte ist ein Internet-Unternehmen, das ein Live-Konzert der „Fantastischen zung durch „Streaming