Es ist nicht klar, wie groß die Rolle von Antibiotika in den Wettbewerbsbeziehungen zwischen Mikroorganismen unter natürlichen Bedingungen ist. Zelman vaxman glaubte, dass diese Rolle minimal ist, Antibiotika werden nicht anders als in reinen Kulturen auf reichen Umgebungen gebildet. Anschließend wurde jedoch festgestellt, dass bei vielen Produzenten die Aktivität der antibiotikasynthese in Gegenwart anderer Arten oder spezifischer Produkte Ihres Stoffwechsels zunimmt.
Odakyu electric railway co., ltd.
management'S diSCUSSion & analYSiS Years ended March 31, 2010 and 2009 results of operations
Currently, one of the Group’s immediate priorities is to realize
During the fiscal year under review, the Japanese economy as a
competitive advantages through the early completion of multiple
whole remained subdued. Although some sectors registered an
double tracks construction, and as such, capital expenditures have
upturn, as seen in a gradual increase in exports and the bottoming
exceeded depreciation in recent years.
out of private-sector capital spending, corporate earnings had not
The Group takes a comprehensive view of the market environ-
yet reached the stage of a full-fledged recovery. In addition, the
ment and interest rate movements before selectively determining
bleak situation for employment and income continued and private
fundraising methods for capital investment in its railway business.
These include the use of funding schemes from the Development
In this operating environment, the Odakyu Group undertook
Bank of Japan as well as the issuance of corporate bonds and borrowing
aggressive marketing efforts and cost-cutting measures in all business
from private-sector financial institutions. For the construction of
areas and posted consolidated revenue from operations of ¥530,405
multiple double tracks currently in progress, the Company utilizes
million. A year-on-year decrease of ¥24,355 million, or 4.4%, was
public subsidy programs, such as the Special Reserve for the Expansion
mainly due to the the economic downturn in all business areas.
of Railway Transport Facilities Infrastructure in Designated Cities and
Operating income fell ¥1,549 million (or 4.6%) from the previous
the “Private Railway Method” from the Japan Railway Construction,
consolidated fiscal year, to ¥32,188 million. Net income rose ¥1,890
million (or 18.3%) year on year to ¥12,231 million, as other income
To boost the efficiency of fundraising across the board, the
improved thanks to proceeds from sales of property and equipment,
Group has introduced a cash management system (CMS). When
namely, the sale of Odakyu’s stock in the Tokyo Opera City Building.
there is a need for funds over the short term due to cash flow fluctuations, the Group uses its internal CMS funds to the greatest
Cash Flows
extent possible and also issues commercial paper.
As the Group generates daily revenue, primarily in its railway
The Odakyu Group makes continuous capital expenditures in its
and merchandising businesses, it is possible to maintain a sufficient
railway business and each of its other businesses. These expendi-
level of liquidity. This capital is utilized effectively within the
tures are mainly aimed at providing comfortable and speedy railway
Group thanks to centralized management based on the CMS.
services and realizing respective area strategies to raise the value of areas surrounding railway lines.
A proactive approach is also taken to implement appropriate
Financial Position
safety measures to prevent accidents. In the fiscal year under review,
Total assets at March 31, 2010 stood at ¥1,299,290 million, repre-
capital expenditures for the year totaled ¥82,511 million.
senting a decrease of ¥10,449 million from a year ago. The decline
Capital expenditures in the Transportation segment amounted
was attributable primarily to a decrease in real estate developments
to ¥41,568 million, which was used primarily for railway opera-
for sale reflecting the progress made in sales of real estate develop-
tions. To maximize the effects of the augmented passenger carrying
ments. Liabilities also fell ¥20,393 million, to ¥1,086,072 million,
capacity, the construction of multiple double tracks between
Higashi-Kitazawa and Izumi-Tamagawa stations was launched, in
Net assets including minority interests increased ¥9,944 million
addition to the improvement project between Izumi-Tamagawa and
from the end of the previous consolidated fiscal year, to ¥213,218
Mukougaoka-Yuen stations. The two projects combined received
million due to an increase in retained earnings after the posting of
¥9,826 million (including ¥6,041 million for a Japan Railway
Construction, Transport and Technology Agency project).
In the Merchandising segment, the Group invested ¥7,501 million,
Critical accounting Policies and estimates
primarily for the renovation of existing stores and the launch of new
The Odakyu Group’s consolidated financial statements are prepared
locations. Key investments included ¥3,619 million for the full renova-
in conformity with accounting practices generally accepted in
tion of the Shinjuku store of Odakyu Department Store Co., Ltd. and
Japan. The preparation of these financial statements requires the use
¥875 million for the construction of new Odakyu OX supermarket
of estimates by management, which affects the reported amounts
locations at Isehara and others operated by Odakyu Shoji Co., Ltd.
of assets and liabilities as of the date of the consolidated financial
The Real Estate segment spent ¥26,160 million mainly for the
statements and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses
construction of new buildings for lease and refurbishing of existing
for the period presented. These estimates are based on rational
ones. Major projects included the acquisition by the Company of
judgments taking the historical results and circumstances into
a stake in the Shinjuku Sanei Building (¥11,378 million) and the
consideration. Because such estimates involve particular uncertain-
acquisition by Odakyu Real Estate Co., Ltd. of the Shinjuku Kifuu
ties, the actual results may differ. Critical accounting policies and
estimates are included in the following paragraphs. Forward-looking
The Other Businesses segment was allocated ¥7,347 million. Key
statements contained in this section are based on determinations
investments included ¥1,752 million for upgrades and renovations at
made by the Group at the date of this report.
the Hyatt Regency Tokyo operated by Odakyu Hotels Co., Ltd.
| OdakyU annUal RepORT 2010 | 17 (1) valuation of inventories
as well as the sources of its corporate value as well as an ability to
The Odakyu Group retains a large volume of inventory and has adopted
safeguard and enhance the corporate value and common interests
“Accounting Standard for Measurement of Inventories” (Accounting
of shareholders on a continuing and sustainable basis.
Standards Board of Japan (ASBJ) Statement No. 9 issued on July
For more details on the plan, please read the press release issued on
5, 2006). Additionally, the Company records land acquired for the
May 20, 2009 titled “Continuation of Takeover Defense Policy Regarding
construction of multiple double tracks as fixed assets. If it is determined
Mass Purchases of Company Shares (Takeover Defense Plan).”
that this land can be used for subdivided housing after completion of
(Odakyu’s URL:,
the multiple double tracks, the land is reclassified as inventory and the
valuation is determined in the same manner as explained above.
dividend Policy (2) impairment of Securities
Internal reserves will be invested in important and growing fields to
The Odakyu Group holds securities issued by various financial
raise the value of areas along the Odakyu lines. At the same time, to
institutions and business partners. The Group records an impairment
return continuously the gains to shareholders obtained by invest-
on marketable securities if their market value declines by 50% or more
ments, the Company has changed its dividend policy. The new
below their respective carrying value. For securities whose market
policy states that a maximum of 2.5% of consolidated shareholders’
value has declined by more than 30% but less than 50% below the
equity would be returned to shareholders. However, if net income
carrying value, the Group considers the possibility of recovery and
decreases from the previous year, dividends per share would remain
records the amount expected to be unrecoverable as an impairment.
unchanged. Moreover, if the Company records a large loss caused
There is a risk that market prices of these securities could fluctuate and
by natural disasters or others, dividends would be determined after
the Group could thus incur a loss on these securities.
considering the financial statements.
The Company intends to continue its policy of making two
(3) impairment of Fixed assets
dividend payments each year, at the end of the first half of the fiscal
The Odakyu Group owns numerous fixed assets. The recoverable
year and at the end of the fiscal year. The dividend from capital
value of these assets is calculated based on numerous assumptions
surplus for shareholders in a fiscal year is stipulated in the articles
such as future cash flows, the discount rate, and the residual net sale
of incorporation, according to which the Company can provide the
value. Therefore, changes to any of these assumptions could result
interim dividend by a resolution of the Board of Directors in addition
in a loss on impairment of fixed assets.
to the dividend by resolution at the general meeting of shareholders.
Based on this policy, the Company paid a year-end of ¥3.5 per
(4) deferred tax assets
share for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2010, resulting in an annual
The Odakyu Group records a valuation allowance to reduce deferred
payout of ¥6.5, of which ¥3.0 was paid as the interim dividend.
tax assets to their highly probable realizable value. Taxable income for future fiscal years is considered in determining the appropriate
Business and other risks
valuation allowance. However, in the event that the anticipated
A risk management structure for the entire Odakyu Group has
future taxable income declines or increases due to a change in
been in place based on the Odakyu Group Risk Management Policy.
future business results, it could become necessary to revise the
Risks are identified and evaluated first by each Group company
using uniform techniques, and risks with potentially material impact on corporate management are referred to the Group, which in turn
(5) retirement Benefit obligations and Costs
conducts further reviews and creates and undertakes measures to
Calculation of obligations and costs arising from retirement benefits is
circumvent such risks. The following risks have been identified by
based on actuarial assumptions. These assumptions include the discount
the Group as major risk factors that could significantly impact the
rate, retirement ratio, mortality rate, and rate of return on pension plan
assets. However, any difference between the actual results and the
Forward-looking statements contained below are based on the
assumptions or a change in those assumptions could have an impact on
information available to the Odakyu Group at the time of submis-
the stated obligations and costs arising from retirement benefits.
sion of this report. Please note that the following does not cover all the risks with potential impact on the Group.
takeover defense measure The Company has adopted a policy regarding mass purchases of (1) earthquakes and other natural disasters
the Company’s shares (a takeover defense plan), based on the belief
The Odakyu Group’s businesses are concentrated in Tokyo and
that the party that controls the Company’s financial and business
Kanagawa prefectures primarily along the Odakyu lines. In the
policy decisions must be one that has a thorough understanding of
event of a large-scale earthquake or other natural calamities causing
the Company’s financial and business conditions and undertakings
damages on the Group’s business operations, the Group’s business
18 | OdakyU annUal RepORT 2010 |
results could be adversely affected. It should be noted that a part of
(7) Significant litigation
the geographical territory where the Group operates is located in the
A civil lawsuit has been filed against the Company in relation to
zone designated as an area requiring the implementation of enhanced
noise and vibration caused by its railway operations. Outcome of
earthquake preparatory measures with respect to the Tokai region.
the lawsuit could affect business performance and operations of the railway business. (2) accidents and System Failures
In addition, administrative lawsuits are pending in connection
A large-scale accident and a system failure triggered by a human
with the Company’s multiple double tracks project. They are the
error, malfunctioning equipment, and illegal acts such as terrorism,
administrative lawsuit against the Kanto Transport Bureau Chief
among others, in any of the Group’s business segments could hinder
as defendant, in which the revocation of the acceptance of the
the Group’s business operations, tarnish its reputation and give rise
successful passing of the completion inspection and operation
to additional expenses to be shouldered in conjunction with the
plans with respect to the construction project enabling a switch to
restoration of facilities and equipment and damage compensations.
new railway facilities in the segment between Setagaya-Daita and
The Group’s operating results could suffer as a result.
Kitami stations and the revocation of all decisions allowing railway service on other elevated multiple double tracks are sought, and
(3) Population decline and accelerated aging of the
the administrative lawsuit against the Kanto Regional Development
Population with Fewer Children
Bureau Chief as defendant, in which the annulment of the approval
The Odakyu Group operates railway service and a variety of other
given to the urban planning project for the segment between
businesses that are closely tied to daily lives of people who live
Yoyogi-Uehara and Umegaoka stations is sought.
along the Odakyu lines in particular. A decline in population or a change in demographics caused by an aging population with fewer
(8) legal restrictions
children in the target market where Odakyu operates could be
The Group’s operations are subject to various laws and ordinances,
translated into fewer passengers to be carried by the Company’s
including the Railway Business Act, the Road Transportation
railway business and impact other businesses, with adverse conse-
Act, the Act on the Measures by Large-Scale Retail Stores
quences on the Group’s operating results.
for Preservation of Living Environment and the Construction Standards Act, and regulations including the Emission Standards,
(4) interest rate Fluctuations
among others. A change in these laws, ordinances and regulations in
The Group undertakes continuous capital investments centered on its
general or changes applicable to Tokyo and Kanagawa prefectures
railway business, which are largely funded by debt financing and the
in particular could affect the Group’s operating results.
issuance of corporate bonds. Interest rate fluctuations and changes in the
The Group’s railway operations are governed by fare restrictions
Company’s ratings could affect financial conditions of the Company.
A railway business operator is required by law to obtain approval
(5) management of Personal information
of the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism when
The Group operates credit card business and holds customer-
it wishes to set forth or change the upper limits of its passenger fares
related and other personal information in conjunction with the
(Article 16, Section 1 of the Railway Business Act).
credit card and other operations. Although stringent control
A railway business operator may set forth or change passenger fares
over personal information is in place, any improper disclosure of
within such approved upper limits or add-on charges for express trains
personal information for whatever reason could result in compensa-
and others, provided that advance filing is made to the said Minister
tion claims and tarnish its reputation with potential impact on the
(Article 16, Sections 3 and 4 of the Railway Business Act). (9) outbreaks of infectious diseases (6) defects and Faults of assets owned and merchandise
The Group has managed a large number of facilities for customers
of its railway, bus and commercial institutions centering on the
If defects or faults with regard to the assets held by the Group
area around the Odakyu railway line. If a massive infectious disease
are discovered and the Group is consequently held liable for
epidemic such as swine influenza should occur in the Group’s
adverse effects of such assets on the health of residents and on the
business area, it is feared that this would cause customers to refrain
surrounding environment, the Group could incur expenses for
from utilizing its facilities, or even result in its operations being
improvement and restorative works, damage compensations and
unable to continue, particularly its railway operations. Such a
others. Similarly, if the merchandise sold by the Group is found to
situation may have an impact on the Group’s results of operations.
be defective or otherwise faulty, the Group could incur expenses for improvements and damage compensations and suffer reputation damage. As a result, the Group’s operating results could be impacted.
| OdakyU annUal RepORT 2010 | 19
Shingles – Infórmese Información General: Shingles es causada por el virus “varicella zoster”, el mismo virus que causa la varicela. Después que una persona se recupera de la varicela, el virus se queda latente en el cuerpo (en un estado inactivo). Por razones que no se conocen , el virus puede reactivarse años después, causando shingles. Casi 1 de cada 3 personas en los Estad
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